
Module compile provides the scaffolding for further tree-processing stages after the AST-transformation as well as for the compilation of syntax or document-trees to different kinds of data.

The most simple case is the one where there is only one further processing-stage after AST-Transformation and this last stage is called “compilation” no matter whether its outcome is another and now final tree-structure representing the processed source document or a different kind of data structure. For this purpose module compile provides the class Compiler as scaffolding.

Just as with the transformation-table for the AST-transformation, using the Compile-class is a suggestion, not a must. You are free to implementation your very own transformation function(s) from scratch or - as long as only tree to tree-transformations are concerned - the table-based transformation provided by transform that is recommended for the CST-to-AST-transformation-step.

Also, you are free to add as many transformation steps in-between the AST and the end-result as you like. It is even not untypical for digital humanities projects to have bifurcations in the processing pipeline, where one bifurcations leads to say, the pdf-generation for a printable document and another bifurcation yields an HTML-output to be viewed online.

Class Compiler

Class Compiler provides the scaffolding for tree-transformations based on the visitor-pattern. Typically, you’d derive a custom-compilation class from the “Compiler”-class and add “on_NAME”-methods (or “node-handlers”) for transforming nodes with a particular name. These methods are called the “compilation-methods”. It is also possible, though less common, to add “attr_ATTRIBUTENAME”-methods that will be called on all those nodes that have an attribute of that name. The Compiler-class itself is callable and the compilation-process is initiated by calling an instance of this class (or a class derived from “Compile”) with the (AST-)tree as argument.

For nodes for which no “on_NAME”-method has been defined, class compile simply calls the compilation-methods for all children (if any) and updates the node’s result-tuple with the return values of the children’s compilation-call that are not None. This fallback_compiler()-method silently assumes that the compilation methods do return a (transformed) node. Since the fallback-method fails in any case where the result of a child’s compilation is not a Node, the fallback-method must be overridden for compilers that yield other data-structures than node-trees. Or it must be made sure otherwise that the “fallback_compiler”-method will never be called, for example by providing “on_NAME”-methods for all possible node-names. This technique has been used in the JSON-compiler-example in the “Overview”-section of this manual (see Compiling the AST to data).

Using class Compiler for merely transforming data or using it for deriving different kinds data-structures or even, as with a classical compiler, a runnable piece of code, are different use cases that require slightly different design patterns. We will look at each of these use cases separately in the following.


Let’s first see how class Compiler can be used to transform node-trees. As an example we use a rudimentary XML-parser that only parses tags and text but no empty elements, attributes, comments, processing instructions, declarations and the like:

>>> mini_xml_grammar = r"""
...     @ whitespace = /\s*/
...     @ hide       = EOF
...     @ drop       = EOF, whitespace, strings
...     document = ~ element ~ §EOF
...     element  = STag §content ETag
...     STag     = '<' TagName §'>'
...     ETag     = '</' TagName §'>'
...     TagName  = /\w+/
...     content  = [CharData] { element [CharData] }
...     CharData = /(?:(?!\]\]>)[^<&])+/
...     EOF      =  !/./
... """
>>> from DHParser.dsl import create_parser
>>> xml_parser = create_parser(mini_xml_grammar)

Now, without any further processing, a pure XML-parser does not yield the tree-data encoded in an XML-source, but the syntax tree of that XML-encoded text:

>>> xml_source = "<line>Herz, mein Herz ist traurig</line>"
>>> data = xml_parser(xml_source)
>>> print(data.as_xml())
      <CharData>Herz, mein Herz ist traurig</CharData>

Where we would like to get to, is the data-tree that when serialized looks more or less like the original XML:

<line>Herz, mein Herz ist traurig</line>

In order to extract the tree-data that has been encoded in the XML-source, we need a compiler that can compile XML-syntax-trees to XML-data-trees. (We can skip the AST-transformation-step, because with the @drop-directive in the grammar, the concrete syntax tree has already sufficiently been streamlined for further processing). In order to do so, we need to write compilation-methods at least for the node-types “document”, “element” and “content”. We do not really need compilation-methods for “STag” and “ETag”, because these will be dropped, anyway. Similarly, “CharData” does not need to be compiled, because it is a leaf-node the content of which shall not be changed, anyway. And the elimination of “CharData”-nodes happens on the level below “CharData”. (Of course, this is just one way of writing a syntax-tree to data-tree converter, other approaches with different decisions on which compilation-methods are implemented are also imaginable.)

The compilation-methods typically follow one or the other of the following two patterns:

# Tree-transformation-pattern
def on_NAME(self, node: Node) -> Node:
    node = self.fallback_compiler(node)
    return node

# Generalized-compilation-pattern
def on_NAME(self, node: Node) -> Any:
    node.result = tuple(self.compile(child) for child in self.children)
    return node   # could also be anything other than a node-object

“NAME” does here stand as placeholder for any concrete node-name.

The first pattern works only for compilers that yield tree-structures, because, as said, fallback_compiler() assumes that the returned result of any compilation function is a node. compile() does not make this assumption. Therefore, the second pattern can be employed in either use-case. In any case, calling compilation-methods of child-nodes should always be channeled through one of the two methods “fallback_compiler()” or “compile()”, because these methods make sure the “self.path”- variable (which keeps the “path” of nodes from the root-node to the current node) will be updated and that any “attr_NAME()”-methods are called.

The “fallback_compiler”-method furthermore ensures that changes in the composition of ancestor-nodes a) do not mess up the tree traversal and b) do not overwrite node-objects returned by the node-handlers. The algorithm of “fallback_compiler” runs through the tuple of children in the state at the time the call is issued. If during this pass the tuple of children is exchanged by a modified tuple of children, for example because a child is dropped from the tree, this will not affect the tuple of children that “fallback_compiler” iterates over. So all children’s handlers will be called even if a child is dropped and the result of its handler will subsequently be ignored. By the same token, handlers of children added during the pass will not be called. Once, the pass is finished, the children still present in the tuple (and only those!) will be replaced by the result of their handler. This may sound complicated, but it is - as I believe - more or less the behavior that you would intuitively expect.

However that may be, in order to keep the compiler-structure clean and comprehensible, it is generally advisable manipulate only the child-composition of the node or its descendants in a handler but not that of its parent or farther ancestor(s). Still, as rules are there to be broken, it can sometimes become necessary to ignore this advice. The algorithm that “fallback_compiler” employ for tree-traversal allow you to ignore it safely. It is still dangerous and, therefore, expressly not recommended to manipulate the sibling-composition!

It is not necessary to call the handlers of the child-nodes right at the beginning of the handler as these patterns suggest, or to call them at all. Rather, the compilation-method decides if and when and, possibly, also for which children the compilation-methods will be called. Other, than the traversal implemented in transform, which is always depth-first, the order of the traversal can be determined freely and may even vary for different sub-trees.

With this in mind the following code that compiles the XML-syntax-tree into the XML-data-tree should be easy to understand:

>>> from DHParser.nodetree import Node, RootNode
>>> from DHParser.compile import Compiler

>>> class XMLTransformer(Compiler):
...     def reset(self):
...         super().reset()
...         # don't keep pure whitespace nodes in mixed content
...         self.preserve_whitespace = False
...     def on_document(self, node: Node) -> Node:
...         # compile all descendants
...         node = self.fallback_compiler(node)
...         # then reduce document node to its single element
...         assert len(node.children) == 1
... = node[0].name
...         node.result = node[0].result
...         return node
...     def on_content(self, node: Node) -> Node:
...         node = self.fallback_compiler(node)
...         if len(node.children) == 1:
...             if node[0].name == 'CharData':
...                  # eliminate solitary CharData-nodes
...                 node.result = node[0].result
...         else:
...             # remove CharData nodes that contain only whitespace
...             node.result = tuple(child for child in node.children
...                                 if != 'CharData' \
...                                 or self.preserve_whitespace \
...                                 or child.content.strip())
...         return node
...     def on_element(self, node: Node) -> Node:
...         node = self.fallback_compiler(node)
...         tag_name = node['STag']['TagName'].content
...         if node['ETag']['TagName'].content != tag_name:
...             self.tree.new_error(
...                 node['ETag'], "Mismatch of opening and closing tag!")
...         # set element-name to tag-name
... = tag_name
...         # drop opening and closing tag and reduce content-node
...         node.result = node['content'].result
...         return node

As can be seen, it is not necessary to fill in a compilation method for each and every node-type that can appear in the syntax-tree. When the Compiler-object is used for tree-transformation, it suffices to fill in compilation-methods only where necessary.

Most of the magic is contained in the “on_element”-method, which renames the “element”-nodes with the tag-name found in its starting- and ending-tag-children and then drops these children entirely. (Because they will be dropped anyway, it is not necessary to define a compilation-method for the STag and ETag-nodes!) Finally, the remaining “content”-child is reduced to the renamed element-node.

Like all tree-transformations in DHParser, Compilation-methods are free to change the tree in-place. If you want to retain the structure of the tree before compilation, the only way to do so is to make a deep copy of the node-tree, before calling the Compiler-object. Still, compilation-methods must always return the result of the compilation! In cases where the return value of a compilation-method is a Node-object, it is not necessary (i.e. nowhere silently assumed) that the returned node-object is the same as the node-object that has been passed as a parameter. It can be a newly constructed Node-object, as well.

Observe the use of a reset()-method: This method is called by the __call__-method of Compiler before the compilation starts and should be used to reset any object-variables which may still contain values from the last compilation-run to their default values.

Let’s see, how our XMLTransformer-object produces the actual data tree:

>>> syntaxtree_to_datatree = XMLTransformer()
>>> data = syntaxtree_to_datatree(data)
>>> print(data.as_xml())
<line>Herz, mein Herz ist traurig</line>

Compiling to other structures

To demonstrate the compilation of tree-data to types of data, we use a simplified JSON-grammar as starting point:

>>> json_grammar = r'''
... @literalws  = right  # eat insignificant whitespace to the right of literals
... @whitespace = /\s*/  # regular expression for insignificant whitespace
... @drop       = whitespace, strings  # silently drop bare strings and whitespace
... @hide       = /_\w+/  # regular expression to identify disposable symbols
... json        = ~ _element _EOF
... _element    = object | array | string | other_literal
... object      = "{" member { "," §member } §"}"
... member      = string §":" _element
... array       = "[" [ _element { "," _element } ] §"]"
... string      = `"` §/[^"]+/ `"` ~
... other_literal = /[\w\d.+-]+/~
... _EOF        =  !/./ '''

Let’s now test this grammar, with a small piece of JSON:

>>> json_parser = create_parser(json_grammar)
>>> st = json_parser('{"pi": 3.1415}')
>>> print(st.as_sxpr())
        (:Text '"')
        (:RegExp "pi")
        (:Text '"'))
      (other_literal "3.1415"))))

Despite the early-on simplifications that have been configured by the “@hide”- and the “@drop”-directives, the concrete-syntax-tree, is still a bit verbose. So we, furthermore define an abstract-syntax-tree-transformation:

>>> from DHParser.transform import traverse, remove_tokens, reduce_single_child
>>> json_AST_trans = {"string": [remove_tokens('"'), reduce_single_child]}
>>> st = traverse(st, json_AST_trans)
>>> print(st.as_sxpr())
(json (object (member (string "pi") (other_literal "3.1415"))))

Now, let’s write a compiler that compiles the abstract-syntax-tree of a JSON-file into a Python data-structure:

>>> from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Any
>>> JSONType = Union[Dict, List, str, int, float, None]
>>> class simplifiedJSONCompiler(Compiler):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super(simplifiedJSONCompiler, self).__init__()
...         self.forbid_returning_None = False  # None will be returned when compiling "null"
...     def finalize(self, result: Any) -> Any:
...         if isinstance(self.tree, RootNode):
...             self.tree.stage = 'json'
...         return result
...     def on_json(self, node) -> JSONType:
...         assert len(node.children) == 1
...         return self.compile(node[0])
...     def on_object(self, node) -> Dict[str, JSONType]:
...         return {k: v for k, v in (self.compile(child) for child in node)}
...     def on_member(self, node) -> Tuple[str, JSONType]:
...         assert len(node.children) == 2
...         return (self.compile(node[0]), self.compile(node[1]))
...     def on_array(self, node) -> List[JSONType]:
...         return [self.compile(child) for child in node]
...     def on_string(self, node) -> str:
...         return node.content
...     def on_other_literal(self, node) -> Union[bool, float, None]:
...         content = node.content
...         if content == "null":    return None
...         elif content == "true":  return True
...         elif content == "false": return False
...         else:                    return float(content)

The essential characteristics of this pattern (i.e. compilation of a node-tree to a data-structure that is not a node-tree, any more) are:

  1. For each possible, or rather, reachable node-type an “on_NAME”-method has been defined. So the fallback that silently assumes that the compilation-result is going to be yet another node-tree will never be invoked.

  2. Compilation-methods are themselves responsible for compiling the child-nodes of “their” node, if needed. They always do so by calling the “compile”-method of the superclass on the child-nodes.

  3. Every compilation-method returns the complete (compiled) data-structure that the tree originating in its node represents.

  4. By the same token each compilation method that calls “Compiler.compile” on any of its child-nodes is responsible for integrating the results of these calls into its own return value.

  5. Compilation-methods can and must make assumptions about the structure of the subtree that has been passed as the node-argument. (For example, “member”-nodes of the JSON-AST always have exactly two children.) These assumptions must be warranted by the grammar in combination with the AST-transformation. Their validity can be checked with “assert”-statements. As of now, DHParser does not offer any support for structural tree-validation. (If really needed, though, the tree could be serialized as XML and validated with common XML-tools against a DTD, Relax-NG-schema or XML-schema.)

Now, let’s see our JSON-compiler in action:

>>> json_compiler = simplifiedJSONCompiler()
>>> data = json_compiler(st)
>>> print(data)
{'pi': 3.1415}

A slightly more complex example will follow further below.

Initializing and Finalizing

Class compiler provides several hooks to initialize or prepare the compilation-process before it is started and to finalize it after it has been finished. For initialization, there are two methods that can be overloaded:

  1. the reset()-method which is called both by the constructor (i.e. “__init__”-method) of the class and at the very beginning of the __call__()-method. It’s purpose is to initialize or reset all variables that need to be reset anew every time the compiler is invoked by running the Compile-object.

    The reset method should contain all initializations that can be done independently of the concrete node-tree that is going to be compiled.

  2. the prepare()-method which will be called just before the first compile-method, i.e. the compile-method of the root-node is called. The prepare-method will receive the root-node of the tree to be compiled as argument and can therefore perform any kind of initializations that require knowledge about the concrete data that is going to be compiled.

For finalization, there are again two “hooks”, although of different kind:

  1. the finalize()-method, which will be called after the compilation has been finished and which receives the result of the compilations (whatever that may be) as parameter and returns the (possibly) altered result. The purpose of the finalize method is to perform wrap-up-tasks that require access to the complete compilation-result, before they can be performed. This is the preferred place for coding finalizations.

  2. a list of finalizers (“Compiler.finalizers”). This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and may be removed in the future! The list is a list of pairs (function, parameter-tuple), which will be executed in order after the compilation has been finished, but before the Compiler.finalize-method is called.

    While it would of course be possible to concentrate all wrap-up task in the finalizer-method, the mechanism of the finalizer-list can be convenient, because it allows to define a wrap-up tasks as local functions of compilation-methods and defer their execution to the end of the overall compilation-process. Or, in other words, finalizer-tasks can be defined within the context to which they are logically connected. A typical use case are structural changes to the data-tree which could hamper the compilation if not deferred till the very end.

    A disadvantage of finalizers in contrast to the finalization-method, however, is that it becomes harder to keep unexpected side effects of finalizers on other finalizers in check if the various finalizers are contextually separated from each other.

Classes and Functions-Reference

The full documentation of all classes and functions can be found in module DHParser.compile. The following table of contents lists the most important of these:

class Compile

  • Compiler: A callable base class for compilers. Derive

    from this class and fill in on_NAME(self, node) and attr_NAME(self, node, value) methods to build a compiler.

    • path: During compilation the current path to

      the node that is about to be compiled.

    • finalizers: A list of pairs of callables and

      arguments, that will be called at the end of the compilation of the entire tree.

    • prepare(): An overridable method that will be

      called with the root-note just before the compilation of the tree starts.

    • finalize(): A overridable method that will be

      called with the result and that may return a possibly modified result after the compilation has finished.

    • wildcard(): An overridable compilation-method

      that will be called when no specific compilation method, i.e. on_NAME(node) has been defined. It defaults to redirecting to fallback_compiler().

    • fallback_compiler(): A method that will be

      be called on nodes for the type or name, for that matter, of which no on_NME(node)-method has been defined. This method should ony be called for purely tree-transforming Compiler-objects.

Types and Functions

  • CompilationResult: A named tuple-type

    that stores the result of a compilation: (result: Any, messages: list[Error`], AST: Optional[RootNode])

  • compile.compile_source(): A functions that calls

    preprocessor, parser, transformer and compiler in sequence on a source text. In other words, it runs the “standard-pipeline” on the source text.

  • compile.process_tree(): Calls a compiler on a given tree

    only if the tree does not already had any fatal errors in a previous processing stage. This function is syntactic sugar to allow allow writing sequences of transformation or compilation stages as a sequence of process_tree()-calls without the need to chain them with if clauses.

Processing Pipelines

Processing pipelines (pipeline) are a software design pattern to organize the passing of data through several stages of refinement before a final output is reached. The “standard”-pipeline looks like this:

data stage        text ---> CST --------> AST ---> output data
                        |           |          |
                        |           |          |
transition           parsing  transforming  compiling

However, processing pipelines can become much longer, depending into how many steps it is suitable to organize the data-refinement. And, they can be bifurcated, if different outputs are derived from the same input, say an HTML- and a PDF-version of the input-document.

The standard-pipeline

When compiling a document in a domain specific notation or language, DHParser assumes the same standard-pipeline of four steps:

  1. preprocessing, which is a str -> str transformation. More precisely, it takes a text document as input and yields a text document as well as a source-mapping-table as output. The output document of the preprocessor is usually a modified version of the input document.

  2. parsing, which is a str -> node-tree transformation. More precisely, it yields the (potentially already somewhat simplified) concrete syntax-tree of the input-text. A list of parsing-errors may have been attached to the root-node of that syntax-tree.

  3. AST-transformation, which is a node-tree -> node-tree transformation that converts the concrete syntax-tree (in-place) into the abstract-syntax-tree. Again, errors may have been added to the error-list of the root-node.

  4. compiling: which is a node-tree -> anything transformation. More precisely, it takes the abstract-syntax-tree as input and yields the compiled data as output. What format the compiled data is, depends entirely on the compiler. It can be a another node-tree, but also anything else. The abstract-syntax-tree may be changed or even destroyed during the compilation. In any case, errors that occur during compilation will again be reported to the root-node of the tree and can later be collected by accessing root.errors

The that is autogenerated by DHParser when compiling an EBNF-grammar provides transformation-functions for each of these steps and generators that yield a thread-local-version of each of these transformation-functions or callable transformation-classes.

Module DHParser.compile provides the helper function DHParser.compile.compile_source() that calls these four stages in sequence and collects the result, i.e. the output of the last stage, the error messages, if any, and, optionally, the AST-tree. Example:

>>> from DHParser.compile import compile_source
>>> json_str = '{"test": ["This", "is", 1, "JSON", "test"]}'
>>> json_objs, errors, ast = compile_source(json_str, None,
...                              json_parser,
...                              lambda tree: traverse(tree, json_AST_trans),
...                              simplifiedJSONCompiler(),
...                              preserve_AST=True)
>>> json_objs
{'test': ['This', 'is', 1.0, 'JSON', 'test']}
>>> errors
>>> print(ast.as_sxpr())
      (string "test")
        (string "This")
        (string "is")
        (other_literal "1")
        (string "JSON")
        (string "test")))))

Subsequent stages of the processing pipeline will only be called if no fatal errors have occurred in any of the earlier stages. This means that when designing the AST-transformation, the compiler and, if the extended pipeline (see below) is used, any further processing stages, it should be provided for the case that the input is faulty stemming from earlier stages can to some degree (determined by your assignment or seriousness to different possible errors) be faulty.

Function DHParser.compile.process_tree() is a convenient helper function that calls a given processing stage only, if the tree handed over from the last stage does not contain any fatal errors. Thus, a sequence of processing stages can be written as a sequence of calls of DHParser.compile.process_tree() without the need of any if clauses to check the results for fatal errors after each call.

The extended pipeline

There are many contexts where the four above-mentioned stages are not sufficient. In the digital humanities, for example, it is typical that the data is passed through many different tree-processing stages, before it is transformed into a form that is not a tree, any more. And it is not at all uncommon that this processing pipeline is bifurcated as the following schema, taken from the Medieval Latin dictionary or the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, shows:

| source (DSL) |
       |--- Parsing
    | CST |
       |--- AST-Transformation
    | AST |
       |--- data-consolidation
  | data-XML |
       |--- output-transformation
 -------------- print-transform. ------------- TeX-compilation -----------
 | output-XML |----------------->| print-XML |---------------->| ConTeXt |
 --------------                  -------------                 -----------
       |--- HTML-Transformation
    | HTML |

In this particular example, there is no preprocessing stage. The first three remaining stages are covered by the “standard pipeline” (i.e. parsing, AST-transformation, compilation). The following stages, starting from data-XML, form the extended pipeline.

In order to support extended processing pipeline DHParser.compile uses the very simple concept of junctions, where a junctions is the connection of an earlier stage (origin) in the the pipeline to a following stage (target) via a transformation or compilation function. Pipelines are created by providing junctions from for each intermediate stage from the starting stage (usually the last stage of the standard pipeline) to one or more ending stages. Bifurcations a created simply by providing to different junctions starting from the same origin stage. (It is not allowed to have more than one junction for one and the same target stages.)

The stages are identified by the names which may be chosen arbitrarily as long as each name is used for one and the same stage, only. Technically, a junction is a triple of the name of the origin stage, a factory function that returns a transformation-callable and the name of the target stage. A (potentially bifurcated) pipeline is then simply a set of junctions that covers all routes from the starting stage(s) of the pipeline to its ending stage(s).

We will illustrate this by extending our example of simplified json-compiler to a processing pipeline. So far the standard pipeline of our json-compiler (although we did not bother to call it thus) yields the json-data in form of Python-objects. Now let’s assume, we’d like to add two further processing stages, one which yields the json-data as a human-readable pretty-printed json-string, the other which yields it as a compact byte-array, ready for transmission over some kind of connection. This is how our extension of the standard-pipeline looks like:

  -------------  pretty-print  -----------------------
  | json-data |--------------->| human readable json |
  -------------                -----------------------
        |--- compact-print
 | one-line json |
        |--- bytearray-convert
| transmission obj |

Let’s define the necessary junctions “pretty-print”, “compact-print” and “bytearray-convert”. Each junction is a 3-tuple of 1) the name of input stage, 2) a compilation functions that either transforms the input-tree produces some other kind of output and 3) the name of the output stage.

A restriction of junctions in DHParser consists in the fact that the input data for the compilation functions must always be the root-node of a tree. This restriction is due to the fact that the standard case for transformation-pipelines in the Digital Humanities is that of chains of tree-transformations. However, in some cases, as in this example, the data already has a different form than a tree at earlier stages of the pipeline. In order to cover those cases, DHParser uses the trick to attach the data to the root-node of the last tree stage and then passing the root-node with the attached data to the next junction. The RootNode thus serves as a pod for passing the non-tree data further on through the data. This trick has the benefit that the methods for error reporting that the DHParser.nodetree.RootNode-class provides can also be used for the non-tree-stages of the pipeline. In our example already the first stage of the extended data is not a node-tree, any more. So we need to attach it to the root-node of the last tree-stage, which in this case is the AST:

>>> = json_objs
>>> ast.stage = 'json'
>>> source_stages = {'json': ast}

It may appear odd that the stage of the ast-tree is named “json”. However, once the data-field is set in the root-node, the stage-field indicates the stage of the data and not the tree, any more.

It is not obligatory to set the stage-field to any value. It can also be left empty. But to do so helps when debugging processing pipelines and also allows run_pipeline() to check for errors in the setup of a pipeline. The following examples reflect this practice.

Now let’s define the “pretty-print”-compilation function and the respective junction:

>>> import json
>>> from DHParser.nodetree import RootNode
>>> def pretty_print(input: RootNode) -> str:
...     input.stage = 'pretty-json'
...     try:
...         return json.dumps(, indent=2)
...     except TypeError as e:
...         input.new_error(input, "JSON-Error: " + str(e))
...         return f'"{str(e)}"'
>>> pretty_print_junction = ('json', lambda : pretty_print, 'pretty-json')

Any errors can simply be attached to the RootNode-object that is passed to the compilation-function!

Since “pretty_print” yields a final state, it does not need to return a tree, but it may yield any data-type. This is different for the intermediary junction “compact-print”. Here, the transformed data must be attached to the RootNode, again:

>>> def compact_print(input: RootNode) -> RootNode:
...     try:
... = json.dumps(
...     except TypeError as e:
...         input.new_error(input, "JSON-Error: " + str(e))
...     input.stage = 'compact-json'
...     return input
>>> compact_print_junction = ('json', lambda : compact_print, 'compact-json')

The “byte-array”-convert-junction that takes the output from the last step, the compact-json, as input can be defined as follows:

>>> def bytearray_convert(input: RootNode) -> bytes:
...     input.stage = 'byte-stream'
...     return'utf-8')
>>> bytearray_convert_junction = ('compact-json', lambda : bytearray_convert, 'byte-stream')

Finally, all junctions must be passed to the run_pipeline()-function which automatically constructs the bifurcated pipeline from the given junctions and passes the input-data through all bifurcations of the pipeline:

>>> from DHParser.pipeline import run_pipeline
>>> target_stages={"pretty-json", "byte-stream"}
>>> results = run_pipeline({pretty_print_junction, compact_print_junction,
...                         bytearray_convert_junction},
...                         source_stages, target_stages)

Note, that source_stages is a mapping the of source-stage-names to the source-stage’s data, while target-stages is merely a set of names of all final stages.

The results are a mapping of all target AND intermediary stages to 2-tuples of the output-data of the respective stage (or None, if any fatal error has occurred) and a potentially empty error list:

>>> for target in sorted(list(target_stages)):
...    print(target, results[target][0])
byte-stream b'{"test": ["This", "is", 1.0, "JSON", "test"]}'
pretty-json {
  "test": [

A nice feature of extended pipelines is their integration with the testing-framework (see testing): All stages of an extended pipeline can be unit-tested with DHParser’s unit-testing framework for grammars as long as the results of these stages can be serialized with str().

Classes and Functions-Reference

Types and Functions

  • Junction: A type-alias for a tuple: (name of relative

    source stage, factory for a compiler, name of the relative destination stage). “relative” here means from the point of view of the compilation function returned by the factory.

  • PseudoJunction: A surrogate for Junction:

    for the preprocessing-stage in particular where the root-node-object as a handle to passe the data through the pipeline does not yet exist.

  • create_preprocess_junction(): Creates a pseudo junction for

    the preprocessing stage.

  • create_junction(): Creates a junction-tuple to describe

    a particular transition in the processing pipeline.

  • run_pipeline(): Runs an extended pipeline of

    compilation or transformation functions (or, more precisely, callables) that is defined by a set of junctions and returns the results for selected target stages.

  • compile.full_pipeline(): Like

    compile.compile_source(), but also runs any post-processing stages beyond the compilation. Or, like run_pipeline(), but also runs the pre-processing- and parsing-stages before running the pipeline.