
Module transform provides means for quasi-declarative transformation of trees, with a focus of transforming concrete syntax trees to abstract syntax trees or, more generally, simplifying and streamlining syntax trees in a much for fine-grained manner than is possible at the parsing stage (see Simplifying Syntax-Trees while Parsing).

A “concrete syntax tree” (CST) is a data tree the structure of which represents the grammatical structure of a text according to a given grammar. If unabridged, the concatenated content of all leaf-nodes of the concrete syntax tree yields the text original document. Thus, the shape and the content of the concrete syntax tree is precisely determined by the grammar and the text-document which must be written in a language adhering to this grammar.

The structure of the “abstract syntax tree” (AST) is a tree structure that represents the data of the parsed document in a form that is suitable for a given purpose. In the context of a programming language the AST often represents a structure that can be executed by an interpreter or compiled into a machine language, or more generally, a lower level language by a compiler. Because the shape of the AST depends on its purpose, the abstract syntax tree cannot logically be derived from the concrete syntax tree, but the transformation of the CST to the AST must be specified (or programmed) separately from the grammar.

In pure data-processing contexts, the concept of the the abstract syntax tree is of much less import than in the field of compiler building. Typically, the data passes through several stages of tree-transformation after being parsed. This can be stages like “data tree” and “output tree”, after which the transformation pipeline may even be split up to yield a “print-output tree” and “screen-output-tree” both of which are directly derived from the “output tree”. Here, the abstract syntax tree, if that notion is used at all, merely signifies the a further streamlined version of the concrete syntax tree.

DHParser offers two different kinds of scaffolding for for tree-transformation, one contained in the module DHParser.transform which follows a functional and declarative style, and one contained in module DHParser.compile which follows a classical object-oriented style. Both are different installments of the well known visitor pattern. However, the former is only suitable for in place tree transformations which yield another tree structure as its result, while the latter can also be used to transform the tree into a different kind of object, like for example program-code. (Thus, the name “compile” for this module.)

The assumption behind this is that for the transformation of concrete syntax trees into abstract syntax trees or, more generally, the streamlining of syntax trees, the leaner functional style is preferable, while for more complex tree-transformations or the transformation of a syntax tree into something else the more powerful object-oriented version of the visitor pattern is to be preferred, because it allows to exchange data between the visiting methods via the Compiler-object to which they are attached. There is of course not “must” to use the transform and the compile-module for their envisioned purposes, but you can choose freely which transformation-scaffolding to use for which of your tree-transformations.

In the following the functional and declarative scaffolding for tree transformations provided by the module DHParser.transform will be described.

Declarative Tree-Transformation

Declarative tree-transformations are realized via functions that take a path as argument and which are organized in a dictionary that maps tag-names to sequences of such transformation functions which are called on every node with that tag-name. The tree as a whole is traversed depth-first. Module DHParser.transform provides a large number of predefined transformation functions that can be combined to transform the tree in the desired manner.

To demonstrate how declarative tree-transformations via the functional-style visitor pattern work, we’ll take a parser for simple arithmetic formulas as an example:

>>> arithmetic_ebnf = '''
... @ whitespace  = vertical             # implicit whitespace, includes any number of line feeds
... @ literalws   = right                # literals have implicit whitespace on the right hand side
... @ comment     = /#.*/                # comments range from a '#'-character to the end of the line
... @ ignorecase  = False                # literals and regular expressions are case-sensitive
... @ drop        = whitespace, strings  # drop insignificant whitespace and unnamed string literals
... expression = term  { (PLUS | MINUS) term}
... term       = factor { (DIV | MUL) factor}
... factor     = [sign] (NUMBER | VARIABLE | group)
... sign       = POSITIVE | NEGATIVE
... group      = "(" expression ")"
... PLUS       = "+"
... MINUS      = "-"
... MUL        = "*"
... DIV        = "/"
... POSITIVE   = /[+]/      # no implicit whitespace after signs
... NEGATIVE   = /[-]/
... NUMBER     = /(?:0|(?:[1-9]\\d*))(?:\\.\\d+)?/~
... VARIABLE   = /[A-Za-z]/~ '''
>>> from DHParser.dsl import create_parser
>>> arithmetic_parser = create_parser(arithmetic_ebnf)
>>> formula_cst = arithmetic_parser("3 * (4 + 5)")
>>> print(formula_cst.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=0))
      (NUMBER "3"))
    (MUL "*")
              (NUMBER "4")))
          (PLUS "+")
              (NUMBER "5"))))))))

This syntax tree is already devoid of superfluous characters such as the brackets to delimit groups or the insignificant whitespace between the numbers and operators. (The whitespace has been removed by the @drop = whitespace directive, while any string that has not directly been assigned to a symbol has been removed by the @drop = strings-directive. See Simplifying Syntax-Trees while Parsing) Still, the syntax tree is unnecessarily tedious and would therefore also be overly complicated to evaluate. A concise syntax tree for arithmetic formulae should resemble the formula in prefix-notation and look like * 3 + 45. In order to arrive at a simpler representation, we begin by replacing those nodes that contain merely a single child by its child. Now, any of the following elements may (though doesn’t have to) consist of a single child: sign, group, factor, term, expression. A suitable transformation for this purpose is the replace_by_single_child() which replaces a node by its single child in case the node has exactly one child, no more, no less. To apply this transformation to every node that has one of the above mentioned five tag-names, we assign this function to these tag-names in the transformation dictionary or, as we shall call it henceforth, “transformation table”:

>>> from DHParser.transform import replace_by_single_child
>>> transformation_table = { "sign, group, factor, term, expression":
...                             [replace_by_single_child] }

Note, that the transformation table is an ordinary Python-dictionary, only that a string-key that contains a comma-separated list of node-names will be interpreted as so many different keys that are mapped onto the same sequence of transformations.

Next, we traverse the tree and call each of the transformations in the list (which in this case is only one, namely, replace_by_single_child) on every node that has one of the tag-names in the key:

>>> from DHParser.transform import traverse
>>> from copy import deepcopy
>>> save_cst = deepcopy(formula_cst)
>>> formula_cst = traverse(formula_cst, transformation_table)
>>> print(formula_cst.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=0))
  (NUMBER "3")
  (MUL "*")
    (NUMBER "4")
    (PLUS "+")
    (NUMBER "5")))

Three things are important to know about traverse():

  1. Trees are transformed depth first. So, when a transformation is called on a particular node, or rather path (see :ref:_paths), all children of that node have already been transformed.

  2. As any other tree transformation method in DHParser, function traverse() transforms trees in place. So, if for some reason you need to preserve earlier states of the tree, you’ll have to make a deep copy first.

  3. Although trees are transformed in place, it may happen that certain nodes are replaced by other existing or even completely new nodes during the transformation. In particular, if the node passed to traverse() as the first argument is not of type RootNode, it will be replaced by a node of type RootNode. There, it is good practice to always assign the return value of traverse() to the variable passed as its first argument, e.g. formula_cst = traverse(formula_cst, transformation_table).

The resulting tree looks much closer to the syntax tree of an arithmetic formula we had in mind. Every one-term “expression”, “term”, “factor” etc. has essentially been replaced by what it is. Now, we’d still like to do this for the two-term expressions. Since this is an operation which is specific to our arithmetic example, we would not expect module DHParser.transform to already contain such an operation (although in this particular case, in fact, it does). But we can write a suitable transformation on our own, easily:

>>> from DHParser.nodetree import Node, Path
>>> def left_associative(path: Path):
...     "Re-arranges a flat node with infix operators into a left associative tree."
...     node = path[-1]
...     if len(node._children) >= 3:
...         assert (len(node._children) + 1) % 2 == 0
...         rest = list(node._children)
...         left, rest = rest[0], rest[1:]
...         while rest:
...             infix, right, rest = rest[0], rest[1], rest[2:]
...             assert not infix._children
...             assert[0:1] != ":"
...             left = Node(, (left, right))
...         node.result = (left,)

A transformation function is a function with the tree-path as single argument and no return value. The tree-path is the list of all nodes on the path from the root node of the tree up to and including the node that shall be transformed. It is good practice that transformations only change the last node in the path and its children (which have already been transformed by the time this node has been reached by traverse()), but not any parents or siblings in the path. The path, rather than the node alone, is passed to transformation function only in order to enable it to query the parents or siblings in order to allow the transformation to make choices depending on the path. This said, it sometimes makes sense to deviate from this rule, none the less.

The just defined function does nothing if the last node in the path (which is the node that is just being visited during the tree-traversal and which the transformation-function should operate on) has three or more children. If so, it is assumed that the children form a sequence of value interspersed with dyadic operators, e.g. “3 + 4 - 5 + 2”. These will then be rearranged as (binary) tree assuming that the operators are left-associative. The nodes containing the operators will then be eliminated, but their tag-names will be kept as tag-names of the nodes of the generated tree, so that the tag-name of each node indicates the kind of operator while the children are the argument of the operation. For example, (expression (NUMBER "4") (PLUS "+") (NUMBER "5")) will become (PLUS (NUMBER "4") (NUMBER "5")). Thus, in the resultant abstract syntax tree, the structure of the formula is expressed by the structure of the tree.

The function left_associative() can only be meaningfully applied to “term” and “expression”-nodes. So, we have to split our transformation table up in order to apply it only to nodes with these tag names:

>>> transformation_table = { "term, expression":
...                              [left_associative, replace_by_single_child],
...                          "sign, group, factor":
...                              [replace_by_single_child] }

We still keep the transformation replace_by_single_child() in the list of transformations for “term” and “expression”-node for those cases where these nodes have only one child. Now, let’s see what difference this makes:

>>> formula_cst = deepcopy(save_cst)  # restore concrete syntax tree
>>> formula_cst = traverse(formula_cst, transformation_table)
>>> print(formula_cst.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=0))
  (NUMBER "3")
    (NUMBER "4")
    (NUMBER "5")))

Now that our syntax tree has been properly transformed, using this tree to calculate the result of the formula becomes a breeze:

>>> from operator import add, sub, mul, truediv
>>> actions = {'PLUS': add,
...            'MINUS': sub,
...            'MUL': mul,
...            'DIV': truediv,
...            'NUMBER': float,
...            'VARIABLE': eval }
>>> formula_cst.evaluate(actions)

See evaluate() in case you wonder what the last statement does. (The evaluate()-method of the Node-class is actually a third and most trivial installment of the visitor-pattern in DHParser.)

A Walk Through the Transformation Table

As shown by the examples earlier, the transformation table is a “smart” dictionary that maps tag-names to sequences of transformation functions. It is called “smart”, because it allows to list several tag names within one and the same dictionary keys, thus assigning each one of them to one and the same sequences of transformation functions. (You could think of the transformation table as a simple “embedded” or internal DSL (Domain Specific Language) realized within Python, if you liked.) This is quite useful, because it allows to cover similar idioms used at different places of a grammar (and with different tag-names) with the same sequence of transformation functions, without having to type the same list of functions over and over again.

The transformation table has three special keys: <, >, *. The asterisk * is a joker, which means that the sequence of transformations assigned to the asterisk will be called for every node, the tag-name of which does not occur in the table. The <-key marks a sequence of functions that will be executed before any of the individual sequences assigned to particular tag-names (including the joker *) will be executed. The >-key takes a transformation-sequence that will be executed after every tag-specific transformation-sequence has been processed. Because of the time-penalty incurred, the <- and >-keys should only be used when really needed. Most of the time the desired result can be achieved more effectively with the @hide- and @drop-directives at the parsing-stage, already (see Simplifying Syntax-Trees while Parsing)).

To give a better impression of how tree-transformation works and what primitives the transformation-module provides, here is an excerpt from the transformation-table of the LaTeX-Parser example:

LaTeX_AST_transformation_table = {
    "hide_from_toc, no_numbering": replace_content_with(''),
    "_known_environment": replace_by_single_child,
    "inline_math": reduce_single_child,
    "paragraph": strip(is_one_of({'S'})),
    "text, urlstring": collapse,
    "ESCAPED": [apply_ifelse(transform_result(lambda result: result[1:]),
                             lambda path: '~' not in path[-1].content)],
    "UMLAUT": replace_Umlaut,
    "QUOTEMARK": replace_quotationmark,
    ":Whitespace, _WSPC, S": streamline_whitespace,
    "WARN_Komma": add_error('No komma allowed at the end of a list', WARNING),
    # ...

The first entry of the dictionary turns nodes with the either of the names “hide_from_toc” or “no_numbering” into empty nodes, which is reasonable, because these markers which in the LaTeX-source consist of a simple asterisk (*) that is appended to a section-command or a command for an equation array shall not be printed as part of the text. At the same time, it is reasonable to keep the empty nodes as flags to indicate to latter processing stages that a certain section or chapter shall not appear in the table of contents or the numbering of an equation array shall be suppressed.

The second entry replaces any node with the name “_known_environment” by its single child in case it has only one child. (See DHParser.transform.replace_by_single_child().) This is a very useful transformation rule for symbols that are defined as alternatives in the grammar. In the file LaTeX.ebnf the “_known_environment”-symbols is defined as _known_environment = itemize | enumerate | description | figure | tabular | quotation | verbatim | math_block. For any such known environment, the concrete syntax tree consists of a node of with the name “_known_environment” that contains the actual environment as a single child, say:

    (item ...)
    (item ...)

(This can easily be checked by marking one or more of the environment-tests in the “test_grammar”-subfolder of the LaTeX-example with an asterisk so as to show the concrete syntax tree in the test report.) Now, since we are only interested in the actual environment, it is only reasonable to replace any “_known_environment”-node in the concrete syntax tree by the actual environment it contains as its single child node.

The same effect can also be achieved by early tree-reduction during the parsing stage (see Simplifying Trees in the documentation of the EBNF-Grammars-module.) by listing the symbol “_known_environment” in the @hide-directive at the beginning of the grammar. In cases as simple as this one, it is preferable way to eliminate superfluous nodes as early as possible by using the @hide-directive.

The opposite case where you want to retain the parent node but eliminate a single child is demonstrated by the following entry. The symbol “inline_math” is meant to mark mathematical notation that occurs within the text of a paragraph. LaTeX has two different sets of symbols, \( ... \) and $ ... $ to mark the beginning and end of a stretch of inline maths, which are captured by “_im_bracket” and “_im_dollar”-symbol, respectively. Thus, “inline_math” is defined in the grammar as inline_math = _im_bracket | _im_dollar. However, this time we are only interested in the fact that some piece of text is a piece of inline math and not what set of delimiters has been used to mark it as such. Therefore we use the DHParser.transform.reduce_single_child()-primitive to eliminate the child node while transferring it data to the parent.

Again, the same can more efficiently be achieved by adding the symbols “_im_bracket” and “_im_dollar” to the list of disposable symbols at the top of the grammar. However, when still developing the grammar, it can, for debugging purposes, still be helpful to eliminate them during the tree-transformation stage and not already while parsing. Once it has been superseded by the disposable directive, the reduce_single_child-primitive should be removed from the table, because - other than the replace_by_single_child-primitive it can produce undesired side effect if the child to be reduced to its parent has already been eliminated earlier.

In the grammar of the LaTeX-example, the symbol “S” captures significant whitespace. However, at the beginning and the end of a paragraph, explicit whitespace is really unnecessary, because beginning or ending a paragraph already implies that there is a linefeed (and thus whitespace). The entry for the “paragraph” symbol therefore eliminates whitespace that has been captured by the “paragraph”-parser at the beginning or the end. This is achieved with the DHParser.transform.strip()-primitive. Like the DHParser.transform.replace_content_with()-primitive it takes an argument, only this time, the argument is another primitive (applied to the current path of the node under inspection), namely DHParser.transform.is_one_of(), which returns true if the path passed to it ends with a node the name of which is one of a set of names. In this case this is the set with the single element “S”: strip(is_one_of({'S'})).

The following entry uses a rather trivial primitive, DHParser.transform.collapse() which simply replaces the the result of the node to which it is applied by the concatenated string content of all of its children (if any). Here it serves to yield the string content for sub-trees the structure of which is not relevant for further processing. “urlstring”, to pick this one out, is defined as urlstring = [protocol] { path } [target]. Each of the components of “urlstring” has a syntax of its own, which results in an intricate tree-structure when parsed.

Given that this structure is not relevant in the further processing of the parsed document one might ask the question why not a very much simplified URL-parser might have been sufficient. A possible reason for specifying a detailed parser in cases where the structure does not matter is to capture syntax errors early on. Otherwise a misspelled URL that hasn’t been rejected by a simplified parser might cause trouble later on. In cases where this is not to be feared simplified parsers are often a good choice, not in the least, because they usually increase parsing speed. The parser of the LaTeX-example uses simplified parsers for the mathematical notation, because this can be passed through to Javascript rendering libraries like MathJax or KaTeX as is.

The transformation rule for the “ESCAPED” symbol is more complex. Usually, escaping in LaTeX works simply by writing a backslash followed by the symbol that shall be escaped (i.e. not be interpreted as a control character but simply written out), e.g. “#” writes a “#”-character instead of starting a comment which would be the usual meaning of the “#” in LaTeX. However, the case of the tilde “~” is more complicated, because if LaTeX encounters an escaped tilde character, it will try to write the tilde above the following character. In order to really get a single tilde character one has to write “~{ }” in LaTeX. The definition of the ESCAPED-symbol: ESCAPED = /\\(?:(?:[#%$&_\/{} \n])|(?:~\{\s*\}))/ knows about this special case. But this means that while usually just dropping the leading backslash “" when un-escaping a character during AST-transformation, we need to eliminate the following characters, too, in the case of the tilde.

This case differentiation is effected by the DHParser.transform.apply_ifelse()-function which applies one (list of) primitive(s) or an alternative (list of) primitive(s) depending on boolean condition. Note that the the boolean condition is stated as the last term in the list of parameters of the apply_if_else-operator! In this case the boolean-primitive is defined inline as a lambda function:

lambda path: '~' not in path[-1].content

Just like the transformation-functions proper, boolean-primitives (or “probing functions”) take the whole path (i.e. a list of all nodes starting with the root and ending with the node under inspection) as argument, but - different from the transformation-functions - they return a boolean value. The DHParser.transform.transform_result()-primitive takes a function as an argument to which the result of a Node (i.e. a string or a tuple of child-Nodes) is passed and that returns the transformed result. The DHParser.transform.replace_content_with()-primitive replaces the result of the last node in the path with the given string content. Observe the subtle difference between the two primitives: replace_content_with always yields a leaf node with string content but no children.

The following three entries apply custom functions, specifically written for the LaTeX example case. replace_Umlaut replaces LaTeX-Umlaute like \"a by their unicode-counterpart, in this case “ä”. replace_quotationmark does the same for quotation marks. And streamline_whitespace compresses any whitespace either to a single blank or single linefeed.

Finally, the entry for WARN_Komma adds a syntax warning to all nodes with the name “WARN_Komma”. This follows a pattern for fail tolerant parsing described in the documentation of the DHParser.ebnf as generic fail tolerant parsing.

Transformation Functions

A transformation function is a function that takes the path of a node (i.e. the list of nodes that connects the node with the root of the tree, starting with the root and ending with the node) as single argument and has no return value.

By convention transformation functions should only make changes to the node and descending nodes, but not to its siblings or any nodes further down the tree. The path, rather than the node, is passed as argument in order to allow the inspection of the environment of the node. And, well, in rare cases it makes sense to deviate from the just mentioned rule.

However, it should be kept in mind that the tree is traversed depth-first and that changes to the ancestry of a node will not affect the tree traversal which still operates on the children-tuples of the ancestors before the change by a transformation-function takes effect. To avoid confusion, it is best, not to change the ancestry.

Generally speaking, transformation function will see the effects of any other transformation further up the tree (i.e. those affecting the last node in the path and its descendants) or earlier in the list of transformations assigned to an entry in the transformation-table.

See the section on debugging, below, for an example of what can happen when this is not taken into consideration.

There is a special kind of transformation functions, called “probing functions”, that take the path as an argument but return a boolean value. Probing functions should not make any changes to the tree. Also, it does not make sense to add probing functions directly to a list of transformation-function in the transformation table. Rather, probing functions are passed as arguments to conditional transformation functions.

While transformation functions are functions with a single argument, it would often be helpful to pass further parameters, like the just mentioned boolean conditions, to a transformation. Such transformation functions with further parameters can be called “parameterized transformation function” where we consider the second argument of the parameterized transformation function as its first parameter.

One obvious way to turn a parameterized transformation function into a transformation function proper with a single argument is by deriving partial functions as described in Python documentation. Example:

>>> from functools import partial
>>> from DHParser.transform import remove_children_if, is_empty
>>> trans_table = {"*": partial(remove_children_if, condition=is_empty)}

However, since this makes the transformation-table less readable, DHParser.transform provides the DHParser.transform.transformation_factory()-decorator that must be added to the definition of transformation functions that have further arguments after the path-argument. Example:

>>> from import Callable
>>> from DHParser.transform import transformation_factory
>>> @transformation_factory
... def remove_children_if(path: Path, condition: Callable):
...     node = path[-1]
...     if node.children:
...         node.result = tuple(c for c in node.children if not condition(path + [c]))

The decorator must be parameterized with the type of the second argument, unless this argument has already been annotated with the type. Now, it is possible to rewrite the transformation table above as:

>>> trans_table = {"*": remove_children_if(is_empty)}

While the transformations with parameters in transformation table look like functions calls where the first argument is missing, they are actually calls to the transformation_factory decorator that returns a partial function where all arguments are fixed except the “paths”-argument at the beginning of the argument sequence. However, transformation functions with parameters can still be called like regular functions, if the first parameter is given. In this case the transformation_factory-decorator simply passes the the call through to the original function. The transformation_factory-decorator:

>>> from DHParser import parse_sxpr, content_matches
>>> tree = parse_sxpr('(WORT "hallo")')
>>> content_matches([tree], r'\w+')
>>> type(content_matches(r'\w+'))
<class 'functools.partial'>

The distinction between function call and partial function generation is made on the basis of the type of the first argument. If the first argument is of type Path (defined as List[Node]) the call is passed through, otherwise a partial function is generated. This places some subtle restrictions on the type of the first parameter (i.e. second argument) of a parameterized transformation function in so far as this must not be a type that could be mistaken for the type Path of a subtype of Path. As a rule of thumb it is advisable to avoid lists as types of the first parameter (or second argument, respectively) and use tuples or sets instead if a container type is needed.

While this technical background may sound complicated, there is in fact little need to worry. For, parameterized transformation functions have turned out to be easy and intuitive to handle in practice.

Probing functions can be parameterized in exactly the same fashion as regular transformation functions with the same decorator transformation_factory:

>>> from typing import AbstractSet
>>> from import Set
>>> @transformation_factory(Set)
... def is_one_of(path: Path, name_set: AbstractSet[str]) -> bool:
...     return path[-1].name in name_set

This example also shows that the type parameter of the transformation_factory-argument overrides the type annotation, which is useful in cases where this annotation does not work for technical reasons.


Transformation functions usually either assume that the path on which they are called ends with e leaf-node or with a branch-node but do not make much sense in the other case. It is therefore good practice to check this as a pre-condition with an if-clause (see function remove_children_if above) or an assert-statement:

>>> def normalize_whitespace(path):
...     node = path[-1]
...     assert not node.children
...     node.result = re.sub(r'\\s+', ' ', node.content)

Debugging the transformation-table

Complex transformations can become hard to follow and to debug. The transformation-module provides a simple “printf-style” debugging facility in form of the peek-function to help spotting mistakes. Additionally, the DHParser.testing-module provides unit-testing-facilities that also cover the AST-transformation-step.

Here is an example that demonstrates potentially unexpected results of badly ordered transformation-rules:

>>> import copy
>>> from DHParser.transform import collapse
>>> from DHParser.nodetree import parse_sxpr
>>> def duplicate_children(path: Path):
...     node = path[-1]
...     if node.children:
...         node.result = node.children + node.children
>>> trans_table = { 'bag': [collapse, duplicate_children] }  # <-- bad mistake
>>> testdata = parse_sxpr('(bag (item "apple") (item "orange"))')
>>> traverse(copy.deepcopy(testdata), trans_table).as_sxpr()
'(bag "appleorange")'

If we had expected that the contents of “bag” would be doubled, we might find the result disappointing. Now, the mistake is easy to spot and to understand. But let’s for the sake of the example assume that we are just surprised and have no clue where the error lies. Then using the DHParser.transform.peek()-function can help us debugging the transformation-list. The peek-function, while technically a transformation function, does not change the tree, but simply prints the tree as S-expression:

>>> from DHParser.transform import peek
>>> trans_table = { 'bag': [collapse, peek, duplicate_children] }
>>> _ = traverse(copy.deepcopy(testdata), trans_table)
(bag "appleorange")

Thus, we can see the tree that the collapse-function leaves behind and which the the duplicate_children-functions receives as input. Since the collapse functions “collapses” the last node of the path into a leaf-node. Therefore, the function duplicate_children does not receive a node with children that could be duplicated. We could remedy the situation by changing the the order of the transformations functions:

>>> trans_table = { 'bag': [duplicate_children, collapse] }
>>> traverse(copy.deepcopy(testdata), trans_table).as_sxpr()
'(bag "appleorangeappleorange")'


The full documentation of all functions can be found in module DHParser.transform. The following table lists only the most important of these:

  • transformation_factory(): A decorator that turns parameterized transformation of probing functions into simple transformation or probing functions with a singe argument.

  • traverse(): Traverses a tree or sub-tree depth-first and calls zero or more transformation functions on each node picked from the transformation table by the name of the node.

  • transformer(): This is a variant of traverse() that only works on full trees, i.e. tree originating in a RootNode-object and offers support for checking and setting the stage of the tree before and after the transformation. This is useful if the here described kind of tree-transformation is to be used in the context of Processing Pipelines and should in this case be preferred to traverse().

Basic Re-Arranging Transformations

These transformations change und usually simplify the structure of the tree but do not touch the string-content of the node-tree. When speaking of the “node” a transformation function operates on in the following, we always mean the last node in the path that is passed to the transformation function as argument.

  • replace_by_single_child(): Replaces a node with its single child, in case it has exactly one chile. Thus, (a (b "x")) becomes (b "x"), if the function is called on node “a”, e.g. the path ending with “a”.

  • replace_by_children(): Replaces a node by all of its children, if possible, e.g. (root (a (b "x") (c "y"))) -> (root (b "x") (c "y"))

  • reduce_single_child(): “Reduces” a single child to its parent. (a (b "x")) -> (a "x")

  • change_name(): Changes the name of the node.

  • flatten(): “Flattens” a node by replacing all of its children that are not leave nodes and which fulfill a given criterion by that child’s children. The default criterion is is_anonymous(). Example: (expr (term "5") (:OneOrMore (PLUS "+") (term "4") (MINUS "-") (term "3"))) -> (expr (term "5") (PLUS "+") (term "4") (MINUS "-") (term "3"))

  • collapse(): Replaces the children of the node by their concatenated string content, e.g. (number (digits "3") (dot ".") (decimal "14159")) -> (number “3.15159”). The function “collapse” is mostly useful in cases when grammatical constructs have been added merely to validate an input string and the deep structure is not of interest in the further processing stages any more.

  • collapse_children_if(). Merges adjacent children that fulfill a given condition, e.g. (place (abbreviation "p.") (page "26") (superscript "b") (mark ",") (page "18")) -> (place (text "p.26") (superscript "b") (text ",18")) (In this example the condition was “not_one_of({‘superscript’, ‘subscript’})” and the target name for merged children was “test”. See the docstring of collapse_children_if().)

  • merge_adjacent(). Like the previous function, only that the children to be merged will not be collapsed and the target-name (here called ‘preferred_name’) will only be used if it already occurs as node-name among the nodes to be merged. See the doc-string of this function for more details.

  • move_fringes(). Moves children from the left and right fringes to the parent node as long as the children on the fringes fulfill a given condition. This functions can help to patch up badly formulated grammars.

Content-Changing Transformations

  • lstrip(), rstrip(), strip(). Recursively removes all leading, trailing or both child-nodes that fulfill a given condition like ‘is_whitespace’.

  • remove_children_if(). Removes all children that fulfil a given condition.

  • remove_children(). A more specialized form of ‘remove_children_if’ that removes children based on their names.

  • remove_content(): Removes all children, the string content of which matches a given regular expression.

  • remove_brackets(): Removes any leading or trailing sequence of (insignificant) whitespaces, anonymous text or anonymous regular expression nodes, e.g. (formula (:Text "(") (number "5") (operator "+") (number "3") (:Text ")") (:Whitespace " ")) -> (formula (number "5") (operator "+") (number "3"))

  • remove_tokens(): Removes and tokens, i.e. anonymous Text-nodes, e.g. (plus (number "5") (:Text "+") (number 3)) -> (plus (number "5") (number 3))

  • remove_if(): Removes the last node of the path from its parent’s children. (Note: This transformation breaks the rule not to touch a node’s parent’s children-tuple! But, depending on the use case, the meaning of the transformation might become clearer when using “remove_if” on the node to be removed rather than “remove_children_if” on its parent node.)

Conditional Transformations

Conditional Transformations apply a transformation or a sequences of transformations depending on the result of a probing function or boolean combination of probing functions.

  • apply_if(): Applies a transformation or sequence of transformations if the given probing function returns True. Note, that the transformation is the first parameter while the probing-function (or if-condition) comes second, e.g. apply_if([replace_content_with(' '), change_name('blank')], content_matches(r'\s+')) (normalizes nodes that contain only whitespace to nodes with single blanks and the name to ‘blank’).

  • apply_unless(): Applies a transformation or sequence of transformations if the given probing function does not return True. (Again, the probing function is listed last in the parameter-list.)

  • apply_ifelse(): Applies either of two transformation-functions depending on the truth-value the given probing function (last parameter!) returns.

Probing Functions

  • is_anonymous(): Returns True, if the node either does not have name at all, or a name that starts with a colon “:” as do those nodes that have been generated by an unnamed parse.

  • is_empty(): Returns True, if the node has neither children nor any string content (i.e. not even blanks).

  • is_token(): Returns True, if the node’s name is “:Text” (which means that it is an anonymous node produces by the String-Text-Parser) or any other of the given Token-names.

  • is_one_of(): Returns True, if the node has one of the given names.

  • not_one_of(): The opposite of the above. Returns True, if the node has none of the given names.

  • name_matches(): Returns True, if the node’s name matches the given regular expression completely.

  • content_matches(): Returns True, if the node’s content matches the given regular expression completely.

  • has_content(): Returns True, if the node’s content is the same as the given string. (This is a faster special case of the the above.)

  • has_attr(): Checks whether the node has a particular attribute and if a value is given, also whether the attributes value is the given value.

  • has_ancestor(): Checks whether the node has an has an has an ancestor with one of the given names.

  • has_descendant(): Checks whether the node has a descendant with one of the given names. There are further functions like has_parent(), has_child(), has_sibling() to check for immediate ancestors, descendants or for neighbors on the same level.

Boolean Combinators

  • any_of(): Returns True, if any one of the zero or more given probing functions returns True. Note that like Python’s “any()” this is False if the set of given functions is empty.

  • all_of(): Returns True, if all of the zero or more given probing functions return True. Note that like Python’s “all()” this is True if the set of given functions if empty, e.g. remove_if(all_of([is_empty, is_anonymous])) (remove a node if it is both empty and anonymous).

  • neg(): Inverts the boolean return value of the given probing function.