Source code for testing

# - test support for DHParser based grammars and compilers
# Copyright 2016  by Eckhart Arnold (
#                 Bavarian Academy of Sciences an Humanities (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.

Module ``testing`` contains support for unit-testing domain specific
languages. Tests for arbitrarily small components of the Grammar can
be written into test files with ini-file syntax in order to test
whether the parser matches or fails as expected. It can also be
tested whether it produces an expected concrete or abstract syntax tree.
Usually, however, unexpected failure to match a certain string is the
main cause of trouble when constructing a context free Grammar.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import collections
from import Set
import concurrent.futures
import copy
import fnmatch
import inspect
import json
import os
import random
import sys
import threading
import traceback
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Deque, Optional, cast

if sys.version_info >= (3, 6, 0):
    OrderedDict = dict
    from collections import OrderedDict

from DHParser.configuration import get_config_value, set_config_value
from DHParser.pipeline import extract_data, run_pipeline
from DHParser.error import Error, is_error, PARSER_LOOKAHEAD_MATCH_ONLY, \
from DHParser.log import is_logging, clear_logs, local_log_dir, log_parsing_history
from DHParser.parse import Lookahead
from DHParser.nodetree import Node, RootNode, deserialize, flatten_sxpr, ZOMBIE_TAG
from DHParser.trace import set_tracer, trace_history
from DHParser.transform import traverse, remove_children
from DHParser.toolkit import load_if_file, re, re_find, instantiate_executor, TypeAlias

__all__ = ('unit_from_config',

UNIT_STAGES = frozenset({'match*', 'match', 'fail', 'AST', 'CST'})
STARTING_STAGES = frozenset({'match*', 'match', 'fail'})
RESULT_STAGES = frozenset({'__CST__', '__AST__', '__err__'})

RX_SECTION = re.compile(r'\s*\[(?P<stage>\w+(:?\.\w+)*):(?P<symbol>\w+)\]')
RX_METADATA_SECTION = re.compile(r'\s*\[(?P<metadata>\w+)\]')
RE_MULTILINE_DOUBLE_QUOTE = r'(?:""("(?:.|\n)*?")"")'
RE_MULTILINE_SINGLE_QUOTE = r"(?:''('(?:.|\n)*?')'')"
# Any data as long as it is indented after the first line.
# In practice, S-expressions, XML and nodetree-JSON will be interpreted
RE_MULTILINE_DATA = r'(.*(?:\n(?:\s*\n)*    .*)*)'
# RE_VALUE = '(?:"""((?:.|\n)*?)""")|' + "(?:'''((?:.|\n)*?)''')|" + \
#            r'(?:"(.*?)")|' + "(?:'(.*?)')|" + r'(.*(?:\n(?:\s*\n)*    .*)*)'
# the following does not work with pypy3, because pypy's re-engine does not
# support local flags, e.g. '(?s: )'
# RE_VALUE = r'(?:"""((?s:.*?))""")|' + "(?:'''((?s:.*?))''')|" + \
#            r'(?:"(.*?)")|' + "(?:'(.*?)')|" + '(.*(?:\n(?:\s*\n)*    .*)*)'
RX_ENTRY = re.compile(r'\s*([\w.]+\*?)\s*[:=]\s*(?:{value})\s*'.format(value=RE_VALUE))
RX_COMMENT = re.compile(r'\s*[#;].*(?:\n|$)')

def normalize_code(testcode: str,
                   full_normalization: bool=False,
                   never_deserialize: bool=False) \
        -> Union[str, Node]:
    """Removes leading and trailing empty lines (if full_normalization is True)
    and leading indentation (always) from multiline text. Furthermore, removes
    quotation marks from strings.

    In case the test-code was not enclosed in single or double quotation marks,
    normalize_code also attemts to deserialize the content as S-expression or XML
    and returns the resulting node-tree, if successful.

    In all other cases the normalized code is returned as string.

    :param testcode: The test-code
    :param full_normalization:  If True, leading or trailing empty lines will be
    :param never_deserialize:  Never return the test-code as deserialized node-tree.
        Thus, strings containing S-expressions or XML will be returned as such.

    :return: The normalized test-code, which can either be:
        a) a string, if the string passed to parameter ``testcode`` contains quotation
            marks (either '  or ") of the same kind in its first and last character,
            or if the string passed can neither be interpreted as an XML nor as an
        b) a node-tree, if the string passed to parameter ``testcode`` does not begin
            and end with quotation marks AND if the test-code can be interpreted
            as an S-expression or as XML-code.


        >>> code = '''first line
        ...     indented second line'''
        >>> print(normalize_code(code))
        first line
        indented second line
        >>> normalize_code('(a (b X))')
        Node('a', (Node('b', 'X')))
        >>> normalize_code('"(a (b X))"')
        '(a (b X))'

    lines = testcode.split('\n')
    if len(lines) > 1:
        indent = sys.maxsize
        for i in range(1, len(lines)):
            line = lines[i]
            if full_normalization:
                lines[i] = line.rstrip()
            if line:
                indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(line.lstrip()))
        if indent > 0 and indent != sys.maxsize:
            if lines[0].strip() and lines[0][0:1] not in ('', ' ') and indent > 4:
                indent = min(4, max(indent - 4, 4))
            for i in range(1, len(lines)):
                lines[i] = lines[i][indent:]
        if full_normalization:
            for i in range(len(lines)):
                if lines[i]:  break
            for k in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1):
                if lines[k]:  break
            lines = lines[i:k + 1]
    if lines[0][:1] in ('"', "'") and lines[-1][-1:] in ('"', "'"):
        # remove string markers
        lines[0] = lines[0][1:]
        lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1]
    elif not never_deserialize:
        code = '\n'.join(lines)
            tree = deserialize(code)
            return tree
        except ValueError:
            return code
    return '\n'.join(lines)

[docs] def unit_from_config(config_str: str, filename: str, allowed_stages=UNIT_STAGES): """ Reads grammar unit tests contained in a file in config file (.ini) syntax. :param config_str: A string containing a config-file with Grammar unit-tests :param filename: The file-name of the config-file containing ``config_str``. :param allows_stages: A set of stage names of stages in the processing pipeline for which the test-file may contain tests. Returns: A JSON-like object(i.e. dictionary) representing the unit tests. """ # TODO: issue a warning if the same match:xxx or fail:xxx block appears more than once def eat_comments(txt, pos): m = RX_COMMENT.match(txt, pos) while m: pos = m.span()[1] m = RX_COMMENT.match(txt, pos) return pos cfg = config_str.replace('\t', ' ') OD = OrderedDict unit = OD() # read meta-data pos = eat_comments(cfg, 0) metadata_match = RX_METADATA_SECTION.match(cfg, pos) while metadata_match: mdsection = metadata_match.groupdict()['metadata'] if mdsection[-2:] != '__': mdsection += '_' if mdsection[-1:] == '_' else '__' unit.setdefault(mdsection, OD()) pos = eat_comments(cfg, metadata_match.span()[1]) entry_match = RX_ENTRY.match(cfg, pos) while entry_match: key, value = [group for group in entry_match.groups() if group is not None] value = normalize_code(value, full_normalization=True) unit[mdsection][key] = value pos = eat_comments(cfg, entry_match.span()[1]) entry_match = RX_ENTRY.match(cfg, pos) metadata_match = RX_METADATA_SECTION.match(cfg, pos) # read test-data section_match = RX_SECTION.match(cfg, pos) first_section_missing = True while section_match: first_section_missing = False d = section_match.groupdict() stage = d['stage'] if stage.upper() == 'AST': stage = 'AST' if stage.upper() == 'CST': stage = 'CST' if stage not in allowed_stages: raise KeyError(f'Unknown stage "{stage}" in file "{filename}"! ' f"must be one of: {allowed_stages}") symbol = d['symbol'] unit.setdefault(symbol, OD()).setdefault(stage, OD()) # allow empty tests! pos = eat_comments(cfg, section_match.span()[1]) entry_match = RX_ENTRY.match(cfg, pos) # if entry_match is None: # SyntaxError('No entries in section [%s:%s]' % (stage, symbol)) while entry_match: testkey, testcode = [group for group in entry_match.groups() if group is not None] testcode = normalize_code(testcode, full_normalization=stage not in UNIT_STAGES, never_deserialize=stage in STARTING_STAGES) # test = unit.setdefault(symbol, OD()).setdefault(stage, OD()) test = unit[symbol][stage] if testkey.strip('*') in test or (testkey.strip('*') + '*') in test: raise KeyError('"%s": Key %s already exists in %s:%s !' % (filename, testkey, stage, symbol)) test[testkey] = testcode pos = eat_comments(cfg, entry_match.span()[1]) entry_match = RX_ENTRY.match(cfg, pos) section_match = RX_SECTION.match(cfg, pos) if pos != len(cfg) and not re.match(r'\s+$', cfg[pos:]): err_head = 'N' if first_section_missing else 'Test NAME:STRING or n' err_str = err_head + 'ew section [TEST:PARSER] expected, ' \ + 'where TEST is "match", "fail" or "AST"; in file ' \ + '"%s", line %i: "%s"' \ % (filename, cfg[:pos + 1].count('\n') + 1, cfg[pos:cfg.find('\n', pos + 1)].strip('\n')) raise SyntaxError(err_str) return unit
[docs] def unit_from_json(json_str, filename, allowed_stages=UNIT_STAGES): """ Reads grammar unit tests from a json string. """ unit = json.loads(json_str) for symbol in unit: for stage in unit[symbol]: if stage not in allowed_stages: raise ValueError('in file "%s". Test stage %s not in: %s' % (filename, stage, str(allowed_stages))) return unit
# TODO: add support for yaml, cson, toml # A dictionary associating file endings with reader functions that # transform strings containing the file's content to a nested dictionary # structure of test cases. TEST_READERS = { '.ini': unit_from_config, '.json': unit_from_json }
[docs] def unit_from_file(filename, additional_stages=UNIT_STAGES): """ Reads a grammar unit test from a file. The format of the file is determined by the ending of its name. """ allowed_stages = additional_stages | UNIT_STAGES if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise ValueError('"%s" is not a file!' % filename) try: reader = TEST_READERS[os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()] except KeyError: i = filename.rfind('.') if i < 0: i = len(filename) raise ValueError('Unknown unit test file type "%s" of file: %s' % (filename[i:], filename)) with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: data = test_unit = reader(data, filename, allowed_stages) # Check for ambiguous Test names errors = [] for parser_name, tests in test_unit.items(): # normalize case for test category names # keys = list(tests.keys()) # for key in keys: # new_key = key.lower() # if new_key != key: # tests[new_key] = tests[key] # del tests[key] m_names = set(tests.get('match', dict()).keys()) f_names = set(tests.get('fail', dict()).keys()) intersection = list(m_names & f_names) intersection.sort() if intersection: errors.append("Same names %s assigned to match and fail test " "of parser %s." % (str(intersection), parser_name) + " Please, use different names!") if errors: raise EnvironmentError("Error(s) in Testfile %s :\n" % filename + '\n'.join(errors)) return test_unit
def indent(txt): lines = txt.split('\n') lines[0] = ' ' + lines[0] return "\n ".join(lines)
[docs] def get_report(test_unit, serializations: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict()) -> str: """ Returns a text-report of the results of a grammar unit test. The report lists the source of all tests as well as the error messages, if a test failed or the abstract-syntax-tree (AST) in case of success. If an asterix has been appended to the test name then the concrete syntax tree will also be added to the report in this particular case. The purpose of the latter is to help constructing and debugging of AST-Transformations. It is better to switch the CST-output on and off with the asterix marker when needed than to output the CST for all tests which would unnecessarily bloat the test reports. """ report = [] srl = { k: v[0] for k, v in serializations.items()} save = get_config_value('xml_attribute_error_handling') set_config_value('xml_attribute_error_handling', 'fix') for parser_name, tests in test_unit.items(): if parser_name[-2:] == '__': heading = parser_name[:-2] report.append(f"{heading}\n{'=' * len(heading)}\n\n" + '\n'.join(f"{k} = {repr(v)}" for k, v in tests.items())) continue heading = 'Test of parser: "%s"' % parser_name report.append('\n\n%s\n%s' % (heading, '=' * len(heading))) for test_name, test_code in tests.get('match', dict()).items(): heading = '\nMatch-test "%s"' % test_name report.append('\n%s\n%s\n' % (heading, '-' * len(heading))) report.append('### Test-code:\n') report.append(indent(test_code)) error = tests.get('__err__', {}).get(test_name, "") if error: report.append('\n### Error:\n') report.append(error) ast = tests.get('__AST__', {}).get(test_name, None) cst = tests.get('__CST__', {}).get(test_name, None) if cst and (not ast or str(test_name).endswith('*')): report.append('\n### CST\n') report.append(indent(cst.serialize(srl.get('CST', 'CST')))) if ast: report.append('\n### AST\n') report.append(indent(ast.serialize(srl.get('AST', 'AST')))) compilation_stages = [key for key in tests if key[:2] + key[-2:] == '____' and key not in {'__AST__', '__CST__', '__err__', 'match', 'fail'}] for stage in compilation_stages: if test_name in tests[stage]: result = tests[stage][test_name] report.append(f'\n### {stage.strip("_")}\n') if isinstance(result, Node): result_str = cast(Node, result).serialize( srl.get(stage.strip('_'), srl.get('*', 'default'))) else: result_str = str(result) report.append(indent(result_str)) for test_name, test_code in tests.get('fail', dict()).items(): heading = '\nFail-test "%s"' % test_name report.append('\n%s\n%s\n' % (heading, '-' * len(heading))) report.append('### Test-code:') report.append(indent(test_code)) messages = tests.get('__msg__', {}).get(test_name, "") if messages: report.append('\n### Messages:\n') report.append(messages) error = tests.get('__err__', {}).get(test_name, "") if error: report.append('\n### Error:\n') report.append(error) set_config_value('xml_attribute_error_handling', save) return '\n'.join(report)
POSSIBLE_ARTIFACTS = frozenset(( PARSER_LOOKAHEAD_MATCH_ONLY, PARSER_LOOKAHEAD_FAILURE_ONLY, MANDATORY_CONTINUATION_AT_EOF_NON_ROOT, CAPTURE_STACK_NOT_EMPTY_NON_ROOT_ONLY, AUTOCAPTURED_SYMBOL_NOT_CLEARED_NON_ROOT )) TEST_ARTIFACT = "__TEST_ARTIFACT__" def md_codeblock(code: str) -> str: """Formats a piece of code as Markdown inline-code or code-block, depending on whether it stretches over several lines or not.""" if '\n' not in code: return '`' + code + '`' else: # linefeeds = re.match('\s*', code).group(0).count('\n') lines = code.strip().split('\n') return '\n\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(lines)
[docs] def grammar_unit(test_unit, parser_factory, transformer_factory, report='REPORT', verbose=False, junctions=set(), show=set(), serializations: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict()): """ Unit tests for a grammar-parser and ast-transformations. :param test_unit: The test-unit in a json-like dictionary format as it is returned by :py:func:`~testing.unit_from_file`. :param parser_factory: the parser-factory-object, typically an instance of :py:class:`~parse.Grammar`. :param transformer_factory: A factory-function for the AST-transformation-function. :param report: the name of the subdirectory where the test-reports will be saved. If the name is the empty string, no reports will be generated. :param verbose: If True, more information will be printed to the console during testing. :param junctions: A set of :py:class:`~compile.Junction`-objects that define further processing stages after the AST-transformation. :param show: A set of stage names that shall be shown in the report apart from the AST. (The abstract-syntax-tree will always be shown!) """ assert isinstance(report, str) assert isinstance(junctions, Set) and all(isinstance(e[0], str) and isinstance(e[2], str) and callable(e[1]) for e in junctions), \ f"Value {repr(junctions)} passed to parameter 'junctions' is not a set of compilation-junctions!" assert isinstance(show, Set) and all(isinstance(element, str) for element in show), \ f"Value {repr(show)} passed to parameter 'show' is not a set of strings!" output = [] def write(s): """Append string `s` to output. The purpose is to defer printing to stdout in order to avoid muddled output when several unit tests run at the same time.""" nonlocal output output.append(s) def clean_key(k): try: return k.replace('*', '') except AttributeError: return k def get(tests, category, key) -> Union[Node, str]: try: try: return tests[category][key] except KeyError: return tests[category][clean_key(key)] except KeyError: return "" if isinstance(test_unit, str): _, unit_name = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(test_unit)[0]) test_unit = unit_from_file(test_unit, UNIT_STAGES | {j[2] for j in junctions}) else: unit_name = 'unit_test_' + str(id(test_unit)) if verbose: write("\nGRAMMAR TEST UNIT: " + unit_name) errata = [] parser = parser_factory() transform = transformer_factory() def has_lookahead(parser_name: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the parser or any of its descendant parsers is a Lookahead parser.""" return parser[parser_name].apply(lambda p: isinstance(p, Lookahead)) def lookahead_artifact(syntax_tree: Node): """ Returns True, if the error merely occurred, because the parser stopped in front of a sequence that was captured by a lookahead operator or if a mandatory lookahead failed at the end of data. This is required for testing of parsers that put a lookahead operator at the end. See test_testing.TestLookahead. """ if not get_config_value('test_suppress_lookahead_failures'): return False raw_errors = cast(RootNode, syntax_tree).errors is_artifact = ({e.code for e in raw_errors} <= POSSIBLE_ARTIFACTS or (len(raw_errors) == 1 and (raw_errors[-1].code == PARSER_LOOKAHEAD_MATCH_ONLY # case 2: mandatory lookahead failure at end of text or raw_errors[-1].code == MANDATORY_CONTINUATION_AT_EOF))) if is_artifact: # don't remove zombie node with error message at the end # but change its name to indicate that it is an artifact! for zombie in = TEST_ARTIFACT zombie.result = 'Artifact can be ignored. Be aware, though, that also the ' \ 'tree structure may not be the same as in a non-testing ' \ 'environment, when a testing artifact has occurred!' return is_artifact def add_errors_to_errata(test_errors: List[Error], stage="?", test_name="?", parser_name="?"): nonlocal errata test_errors.sort(key=lambda e: e.pos) if is_error(max(e.code for e in test_errors) if test_errors else 0): if test_errors: if errata: errata[-1] = errata[-1].rstrip('\n') errata.append(f'Errors in test "{test_name}" of [{stage}:{parser_name}]\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(str(msg).replace('\n', '\n\t\t') for msg in test_errors)) # errata.append('\n\n') # leads to wrong error count!!! def flat_string_test(tests, stage, tree, test_name, parser_name, test_code, errata) -> Union[Node, str]: compare = get(tests, stage, test_name) if compare and isinstance(compare, str): content = tree.content if content == compare: if verbose: write(f' {stage}-test "' + test_name + '" ... OK') return "" else: try: return deserialize(compare) except ValueError as e: test_code_str = "\n\t".join(test_code.split("\n")) e_str = str(e) if e_str.find('Malformed S-expression') >= 0: errata.append(f'{stage}-test {test_name} for parser {parser_name} ' f'failed because of\n\t{e_str}\n{compare}') else: errata.append(f'{stage}-test {test_name} for parser {parser_name} ' f'failed with: {e_str}:\n' f'\tExpr.: {test_code_str}\n' f'\tExpected: {compare}\n' f'\tReceived: {content}\n') return "" return compare or "" saved_config_values = dict() for parser_name, tests in test_unit.items(): if parser_name[-2:] == '__': assert parser_name == 'config__', f'Unknown metadata-type: "{parser_name}"' for key, value in tests.items(): saved_config_values[key] = get_config_value(key) set_config_value(key, value) continue track_history = get_config_value('history_tracking') try: if has_lookahead(parser_name): set_tracer(parser[parser_name].descendants(), trace_history) track_history = True except AttributeError: pass assert parser_name, "Missing parser name in test %s!" % unit_name assert not any(test_type in RESULT_STAGES for test_type in tests), \ ("Test %s in %s already has results. Use reset_unit() before running again!" % (parser_name, unit_name)) # assert set(tests.keys()).issubset(UNIT_STAGES), \ # 'Unknown test-types: %s ! Must be one of %s' \ # % (set(tests.keys()) - UNIT_STAGES, UNIT_STAGES) if verbose: write(' Match-Tests for parser "' + parser_name + '"') match_tests = set(tests['match'].keys()) if 'match' in tests else set() match_test_keys = {clean_key(k) for k in match_tests} # normalize AST and CST-names to upper! for key in tuple(tests.keys()): KEY = key.upper() if KEY in ('AST', 'CST') and KEY != key: tests[KEY] = tests[key] del tests[key] transformation_stages = {key for key in tests if key not in {'match', 'fail'}} for stage in transformation_stages: transformation_tests = set(tests[stage].keys()) if not {clean_key(k) for k in transformation_tests} <= match_test_keys: raise AssertionError(f'{stage}-tests {transformation_tests - match_test_keys}' ' lack corresponding match-tests.') # cst and ast will be treated separately in the following and are thus not # needed any more in the list for stage in ('CST', 'AST'): try: transformation_stages.remove(stage) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass # run match tests for test_name, test_code in tests.get('match', dict()).items(): errflag = len(errata) err: Optional[Error] = None clean_test_name = str(test_name).replace('*', '') try: cst = parser(test_code, parser_name) except AttributeError as upe: cst = RootNode() cst = cst.new_error(Node(ZOMBIE_TAG, "").with_pos(0), str(upe)) except KeyboardInterrupt as ctrlC: if is_logging() and track_history: with local_log_dir('./LOGS'): log_parsing_history(parser, "interrupted_match_%s_%s.log" % (parser_name, clean_test_name)) raise ctrlC tests.setdefault('__CST__', {})[test_name] = cst # errors = [] # type: List[Error] if is_error(cst.error_flag) and not lookahead_artifact(cst): errors = [e for e in cst.errors if e.code not in POSSIBLE_ARTIFACTS] errata.append('Match test "%s" for parser "%s" failed:' '\n\tExpr.: %s\n\t%s' % (test_name, parser_name, md_codeblock(test_code), '\n'.join(str(m) for m in errors))) if 'AST' in tests or report or transformation_stages or show: ast = copy.deepcopy(cst) if 'CST' in tests or str(test_name).find('*') >= 0 \ else cst old_errors = set(ast.errors) traverse(ast, {'*': remove_children({TEST_ARTIFACT})}) try: transform(ast) except AssertionError as e: e.args = ('Test %s of parser %s failed, because:\n%s' % (test_name, parser_name, e.args[0]),) raise e tests.setdefault('__AST__', {})[test_name] = ast ast_errors = [e for e in ast.errors if e not in old_errors] add_errors_to_errata(ast_errors, 'AST', test_name, parser_name) # compilation-tests if transformation_stages or show: if parser_name not in parser: # fail hard when trying a compiliation test with a non-existing # parser (resp. node-type), because otherwise obscure subsequent # errors can occur. (Eventually develop a better solution, that ist...) raise ValueError( f'Unknown parser "{parser_name}" in test(s) ' f'{", ".join([repr(t) for t in tests.keys()])} in unit "{unit_name}"!') old_errors = set(ast.errors) try: targets = run_pipeline(junctions, {'AST': copy.deepcopy(ast)}, transformation_stages | show) except Exception as e: # at least: (ValueError, IndexError) # raise SyntaxError(f'Compilation-Test {test_name} of parser {parser_name} ' # f'failed with:\n{str(e)}\n{traceback.format_exc()}') err = Error(f'Python Error in compilation-test {test_name} of parser ' f'{parser_name} failed with: {str(e)}\n{traceback.format_exc()}\n' f'Processing of {test_name}:{parser_name} stopped at this point.', pos=0, code=PYTHON_ERROR_IN_TEST, line=1, column=0) add_errors_to_errata([err], '?', test_name, parser_name) targets = dict() t_errors: Dict[str, List[Error]] = {} for stage in list(transformation_stages) + [t for t in targets if t in show]: try: tests.setdefault(f'__{stage}__', {})[test_name] = targets[stage][0] t_errors[stage] = [e for e in targets[stage][1] if e not in old_errors] for e in t_errors[stage]: old_errors.add(e) add_errors_to_errata(t_errors[stage], stage, test_name, parser_name) except KeyError as ke: # ignore key errors in case they are only consequential errors # of earlier errors if err.code != PYTHON_ERROR_IN_TEST: raise(ke) # keep test-items, so that the order of the items is the same as # in which they are processed in the pipeline. for t in targets: if t in show: k = f'__{t}__' if k in tests: save = tests[k] del tests[k] tests[k] = save if verbose: infostr = ' match-test "' + test_name + '" ... ' write(infostr + ("OK" if len(errata) == errflag else "FAIL")) if 'CST' in tests and len(errata) == errflag: compare = flat_string_test(tests, 'CST', cst, test_name, parser_name, test_code, errata) if compare: if not compare.equals(cst): errata.append('Concrete syntax tree test "%s" for parser "%s" failed:\n%s' % (test_name, parser_name, cst.serialize('CST'))) if verbose: infostr = ' CST-test "' + test_name + '" ... ' write(infostr + ("OK" if len(errata) == errflag else "FAIL")) if 'AST' in tests and len(errata) == errflag: compare = flat_string_test(tests, 'AST', ast, test_name, parser_name, test_code, errata) if compare: traverse(compare, {'*': remove_children({TEST_ARTIFACT})}) if not compare.equals(ast): # no worry: ast is defined if 'AST' in tests ast_str = flatten_sxpr(ast.as_sxpr()) compare_str = flatten_sxpr(compare.as_sxpr()) templ = 'Abstract syntax tree test "%s" for parser "%s" failed:' \ '\n\tExpr.: %s\n\tExpected: %s\n\tReceived: %s' errata.append(templ % (test_name, parser_name, '\n\t'.join(test_code.split('\n')), compare_str, ast_str)) if verbose: infostr = ' AST-test "' + test_name + '" ... ' write(infostr + ("OK" if len(errata) == errflag else "FAIL")) if len(errata) == errflag and transformation_stages: for stage in transformation_stages: try: data = extract_data(targets[stage][0]) if isinstance(data, Node): compare = flat_string_test(tests, stage, data, test_name, parser_name, test_code, errata) if compare and not compare.equals(data): test_str = flatten_sxpr(data.as_sxpr()) compare_str = flatten_sxpr(compare.as_sxpr()) test_code_str = "\n\t".join(test_code.split("\n")) errata.append(f'{stage}-test {test_name} for parser {parser_name} failed:\n' f'\tExpr.: {test_code_str}\n' f'\tExpected: {compare_str}\n' f'\tReceived: {test_str}') else: compare = get(tests, stage, test_name).strip('\n') if compare: test_str = str(data) if stage in ('match', 'fail', 'AST', 'CST'): test_str = normalize_code(test_str, full_normalization=False) else: test_str = test_str.strip('\n') if not compare == test_str: test_code_str = "\n\t".join(test_code.split("\n")) if compare.find('\n') >= 0 and compare.strip() == compare: compare = '\n' + compare + '\n' if test_str.find('\n') >= 0 and test_str.strip() == test_str: test_str = '\n' + test_str + '\n' errata.append(f'{stage}-test {test_name} for parser {parser_name} failed:\n' f'\tExpr.: {test_code_str}\n' f'\tExpected: {compare}\n' f'\tReceived: {test_str}') except ValueError as e: raise SyntaxError(f'{stage}-test {test_name} of parser {parser_name} ' f'failed with:\n{str(e)}.') if verbose and compare: infostr = ' ' * (max(0, 9 - len(stage))) \ + f'{stage}-test "' + test_name + '" ... ' write(infostr + ("OK" if len(errata) == errflag else "FAIL")) if len(errata) > errflag: tests.setdefault('__err__', {})[test_name] = errata[-1] # write parsing-history log only in case of failure! if is_logging() and track_history: with local_log_dir('./LOGS'): log_parsing_history(parser, "match_%s_%s.log" % (parser_name, clean_test_name)) if verbose and 'fail' in tests: write(' Fail-Tests for parser "' + parser_name + '"') # run fail tests for test_name, test_code in tests.get('fail', dict()).items(): errflag = len(errata) try: cst = parser(test_code, parser_name) except AttributeError as upe: node = Node(ZOMBIE_TAG, "").with_pos(0) cst = RootNode(node).new_error(node, str(upe)) errata.append('Unknown parser "{}" in fail test "{}"!'.format( parser_name, test_name)) tests.setdefault('__err__', {})[test_name] = errata[-1] if 'AST' in tests or report: traverse(cst, {'*': remove_children({TEST_ARTIFACT})}) transform(cst) if not (is_error(cst.error_flag) and not lookahead_artifact(cst)): # if != ZOMBIE_TAG: # # not cst.pick(ZOMBIE_TAG, include_root=True): # # add syntax tree, if it is useful # try: # stage = cst.stage # except AttributeError: # stage = 'CST' # treestr = f'\n{indent(stage.upper() + ": " + cst.serialize(stage))}' # else: # treestr = "\n (AST not shown, because it is just a testing stub!)" treestr = '' errata.append(f'Fail test "{test_name}" for parser "{parser_name}" ' f'yields match instead of expected failure!' + treestr) tests.setdefault('__err__', {})[test_name] = errata[-1] # write parsing-history log only in case of test-failure if is_logging() and track_history: with local_log_dir('./LOGS'): tname = test_name.replace('*', '') log_parsing_history(parser, f"fail_{parser_name}_{tname}.log") if cst.error_flag: tests.setdefault('__msg__', {})[test_name] = \ "\n".join(str(e) for e in cst.errors) if verbose: infostr = ' fail-test "' + test_name + '" ... ' write(infostr + ("OK" if len(errata) == errflag else "FAIL")) # remove tracers, in case there are any: set_tracer(parser.root_parser__.descendants(), None) # write test-report if report: test_report = get_report(test_unit, serializations) if test_report: try: os.mkdir(report) # is a process-Lock needed, here? except FileExistsError: pass with open(os.path.join(report, unit_name + '.md'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(test_report) f.flush() # restore changed config values for key, value in saved_config_values.items(): set_config_value(key, value) print('\n'.join(output)) return errata
[docs] def reset_unit(test_unit): """ Resets the tests in ``test_unit`` by removing all results and error messages. """ for parser, tests in test_unit.items(): for key in list(tests.keys()): if key not in UNIT_STAGES: if key not in RESULT_STAGES: print('Removing unknown component %s from test %s' % (key, parser)) del tests[key]
[docs] def unique_name(file_name: str) -> str: """Turns the file or dirname into a unique name by adding a time stamp. This helps to avoid race conditions when running tests in parallel that create and delete files on the disk. """ # return concurrent_ident() + '_' + file_name resolution = 1000000 unique_nr = int(time.time() * resolution) + random.randint(0, resolution) name = 'unique_' + str(unique_nr) + '_' + file_name time.sleep(1.0 / resolution) return name
[docs] def grammar_suite(directory, parser_factory, transformer_factory, fn_patterns=('*test*',), ignore_unknown_filetypes=False, report='REPORT', verbose=True, junctions=set(), show=set(), serializations: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict()): """ Runs all grammar unit tests in a directory. A file is considered a test unit, if it has the word "test" in its name. """ assert isinstance(report, str) assert isinstance(show, set) and all(isinstance(element, str) for element in show), \ f"Value {repr(show)} passed to parameter 'show' is not a set of strings!" assert isinstance(junctions, set) and all(isinstance(e[0], str) and isinstance(e[2], str) and callable(e[1]) for e in junctions), \ f"Value {repr(junctions)} passed to parameter 'show' is not a set of compilation-junctions!" if not isinstance(fn_patterns, fn_patterns = [fn_patterns] all_errors = OrderedDict() if verbose: print("\nScanning test-directory: " + directory) save_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(directory) if is_logging(): clear_logs() tests = [fn for fn in sorted(os.listdir('.')) if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, pattern) for pattern in fn_patterns)] assert tests, f"No pattern from {fn_patterns} matched any test in directory {os.getcwd()}" with instantiate_executor(get_config_value('test_parallelization') and len(tests) > 1, concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor) as pool: results = [] for filename in tests: parameters = (filename, parser_factory, transformer_factory, report, verbose, junctions, show, serializations) results.append(pool.submit(grammar_unit, *parameters)) done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(results) assert not not_done, str(not_done) for filename, err_future in zip(tests, results): try: errata = err_future.result() if errata: all_errors[filename] = errata except ValueError as e: if not ignore_unknown_filetypes or str(e).find("Unknown") < 0: raise e except AssertionError as e: e.args = ('When processing "%s":\n%s' % (filename, e.args[0]) if e.args else '',) raise e os.chdir(save_cwd) error_report = [] err_N = 0 if all_errors: for filename in all_errors: error_report.append('\n\nErrors found by unit test "%s":\n' % filename) err_N += len(all_errors[filename]) for error in all_errors[filename]: error_report.append('\t' + '\n\t'.join(error.split('\n'))) if error_report: return ('Test suite "%s" revealed %s error%s:\n' % (directory, err_N, 's' if err_N > 1 else '') + '\n'.join(error_report)) if verbose: print("\nSUCCESS! All tests passed :-)\n") return ''
######################################################################## # # Support for unit-testing of ebnf-grammars # ######################################################################## RX_DEFINITION_OR_SECTION = re.compile(r'(?:^|\n)[ \t]*(\w(?:-?\w)*(?=[ \t]*:?:?=)|#:.*(?=\n|$|#))') SymbolsDictType: TypeAlias = Dict[str, List[str]] ALL_SYMBOLS = 'ALL_SYMBOLS'
[docs] def extract_symbols(ebnf_text_or_file: str) -> SymbolsDictType: r""" Extracts all defined symbols from an EBNF-grammar. This can be used to prepare grammar-tests. The symbols will be returned as lists of strings which are grouped by the sections to which they belong and returned as an ordered dictionary, they keys of which are the section names. In order to define a section in the ebnf-source, add a comment-line starting with "#:", followed by the section name. It is recommended to use valid file names as section names. Example: #: components expression = term { EXPR_OP~ term} term = factor { TERM_OP~ factor} factor = [SIGN] ( NUMBER | VARIABLE | group ) { VARIABLE | group } group = "(" expression ")" #: leaf_expressions EXPR_OP = /\+/ | /-/ TERM_OP = /\*/ | /\// SIGN = /-/ NUMBER = /(?:0|(?:[1-9]\d*))(?:\.\d+)?/~ VARIABLE = /[A-Za-z]/~ If no sections have been defined in the comments, there will be only one group with the empty string as a key. :param ebnf_text_or_file: Either an ebnf-grammar or the file-name of an ebnf-grammar :return: Ordered dictionary mapping the section names of the grammar to lists of symbols that appear under that section. """ def trim_section_name(name: str) -> str: return re.sub(r'[^\w-]', '_', name.replace('#:', '').strip()) ebnf = load_if_file(ebnf_text_or_file) deflist = RX_DEFINITION_OR_SECTION.findall(ebnf) deflist = [(re.sub(r'(?<=\w)-(?=\w)', '_', dfn) if dfn[:2] != '#:' else dfn) for dfn in deflist] if not deflist: if ebnf_text_or_file.find('\n') < 0 and ebnf_text_or_file.endswith('.ebnf'): deflist = ['#: ' + os.path.splitext(ebnf_text_or_file)[0]] else: deflist = ['#: ALL'] symbols = OrderedDict() # type: SymbolsDictType if deflist[0][:2] != '#:': curr_section = ALL_SYMBOLS symbols[curr_section] = [] for df in deflist: if df[:2] == '#:': curr_section = trim_section_name(df) if curr_section in symbols: raise AssertionError('Section name must not be repeated: ' + curr_section) symbols[curr_section] = [] else: symbols[curr_section].append(df) # no worry, curr_section is always defined return symbols
[docs] def create_test_templates(symbols_or_ebnf: Union[str, SymbolsDictType], path: str, fmt: str = '.ini') -> None: """ Creates template files for grammar unit-tests for the given symbols . Args: symbols_or_ebnf: Either a dictionary that matches section names to the grammar's symbols under that section or an EBNF-grammar or file name of an EBNF-grammar from which the symbols shall be extracted. path: the path to the grammar-test directory (usually 'tests_grammar'). If the last element of the path does not exist, the directory will be created. fmt: the test-file-format. At the moment only '.ini' is supported """ assert fmt == '.ini' if isinstance(symbols_or_ebnf, str): symbols = extract_symbols(cast(str, symbols_or_ebnf)) # type: SymbolsDictType else: symbols = cast(Dict, symbols_or_ebnf) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path): save = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) keys = reversed(list(symbols.keys())) existing_tests = {fname[3:]: fname for fname in os.listdir() if os.path.isfile(fname)} for i, k in enumerate(keys): filename = '{num:0>2}_test_{section}'.format(num=i + 1, section=k) + fmt if not os.path.exists(filename): if filename[3:] in existing_tests: old_name = existing_tests[filename[3:]] print(f'Renaming test file "{old_name}" to "{filename}"') os.rename(old_name, filename) existing_tests[filename[3:]] = filename elif k is not ALL_SYMBOLS or not existing_tests: print('Creating test file template "{name}".'.format(name=filename)) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for sym in symbols[k]: f.write('\n[match:{sym}]\n\n'.format(sym=sym)) f.write('[ast:{sym}]\n\n'.format(sym=sym)) f.write('[fail:{sym}]\n\n'.format(sym=sym)) os.chdir(save) else: raise ValueError(path + ' is not a directory!')
####################################################################### # # general unit testing support # ####################################################################### def run_tests_in_class(cls_name, namespace, methods=()): """ Runs tests in test-class `test` in the given namespace. """ def instantiate(cls, nspace): """Instantiates class name `cls` within name-space `nspace` and returns the instance.""" exec("instance = " + cls + "()", nspace) instance = nspace["instance"] setup = instance.setup if "setup" in dir(instance) else lambda : 0 teardown = instance.teardown if "teardown" in dir(instance) else lambda : 0 return instance, setup, teardown obj = None if methods: obj, setup, teardown = instantiate(cls_name, namespace) for name in methods: func = obj.__getattribute__(name) if callable(func): print("Running " + cls_name + "." + name) setup(); func(); teardown() else: obj, setup, teardown = instantiate(cls_name, namespace) for name in dir(obj): if name.lower().startswith("test"): func = obj.__getattribute__(name) if callable(func): print("Running " + cls_name + "." + name) setup(); func(); teardown() def run_test_function(func_name, namespace): """ Run the test-function `test` in the given namespace. """ print("Running test-function: " + func_name) exec(func_name + '()', namespace)
[docs] def runner(tests, namespace, profile=False): """ Runs all or some selected Python unit tests found in the namespace. To run all tests in a module, call ``runner("", globals())`` from within that module. Unit-Tests are either classes, the name of which starts with "Test" and methods, the name of which starts with "test" contained in such classes or functions, the name of which starts with "test". if `tests` is either the empty string or an empty sequence, runner checks sys.argv for specified tests. In case sys.argv[0] (i.e. the script's file name) starts with 'test' any argument in sys.argv[1:] (i.e. the rest of the command line) that starts with 'test' or 'Test' is considered the name of a test function or test method (of a test-class) that shall be run. Test-Methods are specified in the form: e.g. "TestServer.test_connection". :param tests: String or list of strings with the names of tests to run. If empty, runner searches by itself all objects the of which starts with 'test' and runs it (if its a function) or all of its methods that start with "test" if its a class plus the "setup" and "teardown" methods if they exist. :param namespace: The namespace for running the test, usually ``globals()`` should be used. :param profile: If True, the tests will be run with the profiler on. results will be displayed after the test-results. Profiling will also be turned on, if the parameter `--profile` has been provided on the command line. Example:: class TestSomething() def setup(self): pass def teardown(self): pass def test_something(self): pass if __name__ == "__main__": from DHParser.testing import runner runner("", globals()) """ test_classes = OrderedDict() test_functions = [] if tests: if isinstance(tests, str): tests = tests.split(' ') assert all(test.lower().startswith('test') for test in tests) else: tests = [] if sys.argv[0].lower().startswith('test'): tests = [name for name in sys.argv[1:] if name.lower().startswith('test')] if not tests: tests = [name for name in namespace.keys() if name.lower().startswith('test')] for name in tests: func_or_class, method = (name.split('.') + [''])[:2] if inspect.isclass(namespace[func_or_class]): if func_or_class not in test_classes: test_classes[func_or_class] = [] if method: test_classes[func_or_class].append(method) elif inspect.isfunction(namespace[name]): test_functions.append(name) profile = profile or '--profile' in sys.argv if profile: import cProfile, pstats pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() for cls_name, methods in test_classes.items(): run_tests_in_class(cls_name, namespace, methods) for test in test_functions: run_test_function(test, namespace) if profile: pr.disable() st = pstats.Stats(pr) st.strip_dirs() st.sort_stats('time').print_stats(50)
def run_file(fname): f_lower = fname.lower() if f_lower.startswith('test_') and f_lower.endswith('.py'): print("RUNNING " + fname) exec('import ' + fname[:-3]) runner('', eval(fname[:-3]).__dict__) def run_path(path): """Runs all unit tests in `path`""" if os.path.isdir(path): sys.path.append(path) files = os.listdir(path) results = [] with instantiate_executor(get_config_value('test_parallelization') and len(files) > 1, concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor) as pool: for f in files: f_lower = f.lower() if f_lower.startswith('test_') and f_lower.endswith('.py'): results.append(pool.submit(run_file, f)) # run_file(f) # for testing! concurrent.futures.wait(results) for r in results: try: _ = r.result() except AssertionError as failure: print(failure) else: path, fname = os.path.split(path) sys.path.append(path) run_file(fname) sys.path.pop()
[docs] def clean_report(report_dir='REPORT'): """Deletes any test-report-files in the REPORT sub-directory and removes the REPORT sub-directory, if it is empty after deleting the files.""" # TODO: make this thread/process safe, if possible!!!! if os.path.exists(report_dir): files = os.listdir(report_dir) flag = False for file in files: if re.match(r'\w*_test_\d+\.md', file): os.remove(os.path.join(report_dir, file)) else: flag = True if not flag: os.rmdir(report_dir)
####################################################################### # # server testing support # ####################################################################### async def read_full_content(reader) -> bytes: data = b'' content_length = 0 while not reader.at_eof(): data += await or -1) i = data.find(b'Content-Length:', 0, 512) m = RX_CONTENT_LENGTH.match(data, i, i + 100) if i >= 0 else None if m: content_length = int( m2 = re_find(data, RE_DATA_START) if m2: header_size = m2.end() if len(data) < header_size + content_length: content_length = header_size + content_length - len(data) else: break return data def add_header(b: bytes) -> bytes: return JSONRPC_HEADER_BYTES % len(b) + b async def stdio(limit=asyncio.streams._DEFAULT_LIMIT, loop=None): if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() reader = asyncio.StreamReader(limit=limit, loop=loop) await loop.connect_read_pipe( lambda: asyncio.StreamReaderProtocol(reader, loop=loop), sys.stdin) writer_transport, writer_protocol = await loop.connect_write_pipe( lambda: asyncio.streams.FlowControlMixin(loop=loop), os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb')) writer = asyncio.streams.StreamWriter( writer_transport, writer_protocol, None, loop) return reader, writer
[docs] class MockStream: """Simulates a stream that can be written to from one side and read from from the other side like a pipe. Usage pattern:: pipe = MockStream() reader = StreamReaderProxy(pipe) writer = StreamWriterProxy(pipe) async def main(text): writer.write((text + '\n').encode()) await writer.drain() data (await writer.close() return data'Hello World')) """ def __init__(self, name=''): = name or str(id(self)) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.data_waiting = threading.Event() self.data_waiting.clear() = collections.deque() self._closed = False # type: bool def close(self): with self.lock: self.data_waiting.set() # wake up any waiting readers self._closed = True @property def closed(self) -> bool: countdown = 50 while self._closed and and countdown > 0: self.data_waiting.set() time.sleep(0.01) countdown -= 1 return self._closed
[docs] def data_available(self) -> int: """Returns the size of the available data.""" return sum(len(chunk) for chunk in
def write(self, data: bytes): assert isinstance(data, bytes) with self.lock: if self._closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.") # self.data_waiting.set() def writelines(self, data: List[bytes]): assert all(isinstance(datum, bytes) for datum in data) with self.lock: if self._closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.") # self.data_waiting.set() def flush(self): with self.lock: self.data_waiting.set() def _read(self, n=-1) -> Union[List[bytes], Deque[bytes]]: with self.lock: if n < 0: self.data_waiting.clear() if len( == 1: return [] else: data = # use pop() to clear data, so the data-list object stays in place # which would not be the case when simply assigning an empty list. while return data elif n > 0: size = 0 data = [] while size < n and i = len([0]) if size + i <= n: data.append( size += i else: cut = size + i - n data.append([0][:cut])[0] =[0][cut:] size = n if not self.data_waiting.clear() return data else: return [b''] def _readline(self) -> Union[List[bytes], Deque[bytes]]: with self.lock: data = [] while i =[0].find(b'\n') if i < 0: data.append( elif i == len([0]) - 1: data.append( break else: data.append([0][:i + 1])[0] =[0][i + 1:] break if not self.data_waiting.clear() return data def read(self, n=-1) -> bytes: data = self._read(n) if n > 0: N = sum(len(chunk) for chunk in data) while N < n: self.data_waiting.wait() more = self._read(n) N += sum(len(chunk) for chunk in more) data.extend(more) return b''.join(data) def readline(self) -> bytes: data = self._readline() while not self._closed and (not data or data[-1][-1] != ord(b'\n')): self.data_waiting.wait() data.extend(self._readline()) return b''.join(data)