Source code for nodetree

# - node-tree classes for DHParser
# Copyright 2016  by Eckhart Arnold (
#                 Bavarian Academy of Sciences an Humanities (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.

"""Module ``nodetree`` encapsulates the functionality for creating and handling
trees of nodes, in particular, syntax-trees. This includes serialization
and deserialization of node-trees, navigating and searching node-trees as well
as annotating node-trees with attributes and error messages.

``nodetree`` can also be seen as a document-tree-library
for handling any kind of XML or S-expression-data. In contrast to
`Elementtree <>`_
and `lxml <>`_, nodetree maps mixed content to dedicated nodes,
which simplifies the programming of algorithms that run on the data stored
in the (XML-)tree.

The source code of module ``nodetree`` consists of four main sections:

1.  Node-classes, i.e. :py:class:`Node`, :py:class:`FrozenNode` and
    :py:class`RootNode` as well as a number
    of top-level functions closely related to these. The Node-classes in
    turn provide several groups of functionality:

    a. Capturing segments of documents and organizing it in trees.
       (A node is either a "leaf"-node with string-content or a
       "branch"-node with children.)

    b. Retaining its source-position in the document (important for
       error reporting, in particular when errors occur later in
       the processing-pipeline.)

    c. Storing and retrieving of (XML-)attributes. Like
       XML-attributes, attribute-names are strings, but other than
       XML-attributes, attributes attached to Node-objects can
       take any Python-type as value that is serializable with

    d. Tree-traversal, in particular node- and path-selection based
       on arbitrary criteria (passed as match-node or match-path-function)

    e. Experimental (XML-)milestone-support: :py:meth:`Node.milestone_segment`.
       See also: :py:class:`ContextMapping`

    f. A very simple method for tree-"evaluation":  (More elaborate
       scaffolding for evaluation tree are found in :py:mod:`~traverse`
       and :py:mod:`compile`.)

    g. Functions for serialization and deserialization as XML, S-Expression,
       JSON as well as conversion to and from ElemenTree/LXML-representations.

    h. Class :py:class:`RootNode` serving as both root-node of the tree and a hub
       for storing data for the tree as a whole (as, for example, the
       list of errors that have occurred during parsing or further
       processing) as well as information on the current processing-stage.

2.  Attribute-handling: Functions to handle attributes-values that
    are organized as blank separated sets of strings, like for example
    the class-attribute in HTML.

3.  Path-Navigation: Functions that help navigating with paths through
    the tree. A path is the list of nodes that connects the root-node
    of the tree with one particular node inside or at the leaf of the

4.  Context-mappings: A Class (:py:class:`ContextMapping`) for
    relating the flat string-content of a document-tree to its
    structure. This allows using the string-content for searching in the
    document and then switching to the tree-structure to manipulate it.

from __future__ import annotations

import bisect
import copy
import functools
import json
import random
import sys
from typing import Callable, cast, Iterator, Sequence, List, Set, AbstractSet, \
    Union, Tuple, Container, Optional, Dict, Any

if sys.version_info >= (3, 6, 0):
    OrderedDict = dict
    from collections import OrderedDict

from DHParser.configuration import get_config_value, ALLOWED_PRESET_VALUES
from DHParser.error import Error, ErrorCode, ERROR, PARSER_STOPPED_BEFORE_END, \
    add_source_locations, SourceMapFunc, has_errors, only_errors
from DHParser.preprocess import gen_neutral_srcmap_func
from DHParser.stringview import StringView  # , real_indices
from DHParser.toolkit import re, linebreaks, line_col, JSONnull, \
    validate_XML_attribute_value, fix_XML_attribute_value, lxml_XML_attribute_value, \
    abbreviate_middle, TypeAlias, deprecated

    import cython
except ImportError:
    import DHParser.externallibs.shadow_cython as cython

__all__ = ('WHITESPACE_PTYPE',

# Node-classes (Node, FrozenNode, RootNode) and related functions

## parser-related-definitions #########################################

WHITESPACE_PTYPE = ':Whitespace'
KEEP_COMMENTS_PTYPE = ":comment"  # Whitespace keep comments, works only with class SmartRE
# Node name for plain text in XML-elements that contain both children and plain text

HTML_EMPTY_TAGS = frozenset(
    {'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input',
     'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr',
     'AREA', 'BASE', 'BR', 'COL', 'EMBED', 'HR', 'IMG', 'INPUT',
     'LINK', 'META', 'PARAM', 'SOURCE', 'TRACK', 'WBR'})


## support functions ##################################################

# support functions for searching and navigating trees

# criteria for finding nodes:
# - node itself (equality)
# - name
# - one of several names
# - a function Node -> bool  or  Path -> bool, respectively
re_pattern: TypeAlias = Any
NodeSelector: TypeAlias = Union['Node', str, Container[str], Callable, int, re_pattern]
PathSelector: TypeAlias = Union['Node', str, Container[str], Callable, int, re_pattern]

Path: TypeAlias = List['Node']
NodeMatchFunction: TypeAlias = Callable[['Node'], bool]
PathMatchFunction: TypeAlias = Callable[[Path], bool]

def affirm(whatever) -> bool:
    return True

def deny(whatever) -> bool:
    return False

ANY_NODE = affirm
NO_NODE = deny
ANY_PATH = affirm
NO_PATH = deny

def LEAF_NODE(nd: Node) -> bool:
    return not nd._children

def BRANCH_NODE(nd: Node) -> bool:
    return nd._children

def LEAF_PATH(path: Path) -> bool:
    return not path[-1]._children

def BRANCH_PATH(path: Path) -> bool:
    return path[-1]._children

[docs] def create_match_function(criterion: NodeSelector) -> NodeMatchFunction: """ Creates a node-match-function (Node -> bool) for the given criterion that returns True, if the node passed to the function matches the criterion. ==================== =================================================== criterion type of match ==================== =================================================== id (int) object identity Node object identity FrozenNode equality of tag name, string content and attributes tag name (str) equality of tag name only multiple tag names equality of tag name with one of the given names pattern (re.Pattern) full match of content with pattern match function function returns `True` ==================== =================================================== :param criterion: Either a node, the id of a node, a frozen node, a name or a container (usually a set) of multiple tag names, a regular expression pattern or another match function. :returns: a match-function (Node -> bool) for the given criterion. """ if isinstance(criterion, int): return lambda nd: id(nd) == criterion elif isinstance(criterion, FrozenNode): return lambda nd: nd.equals(criterion, ignore_attr_order=True) elif isinstance(criterion, Node): return lambda nd: nd == criterion # return lambda nd: nd.equals(criterion) # may yield wrong results for Node.index() elif isinstance(criterion, str): return lambda nd: == criterion elif callable(criterion): annotations = criterion.__annotations__.items() if len(annotations) > 2: raise ValueError(f'Signature of callable criterion must be f(nd: Node) -> bool, ' f'not {list(annotations)}') for name, typ in annotations: if typ is not Node and typ != 'Node' and name != 'return': raise ValueError(f'First argument of callable criterion ' f'{criterion} must have type Node, not {typ}!') break # only read the first argument return cast(Callable, criterion) elif isinstance(criterion, Container): return lambda nd: in cast(Container, criterion) elif str(type(criterion)) in ("<class '_regex.Pattern'>", "<class 're.Pattern'>"): return lambda nd: criterion.fullmatch(nd.content) raise TypeError("Criterion %s of type %s does not represent a legal criteria type" % (repr(criterion), type(criterion)))
[docs] def create_path_match_function(criterion: PathSelector) -> PathMatchFunction: """ Creates a path-match-function (Path -> bool) for the given criterion that returns True, if the last node in the path passed to the function matches the criterion. See :py:func:`create_match_function()` for a description of the possible criteria and their meaning. :param criterion: Either a node, the id of a node, a frozen node, a name or a container (usually a set) of multiple tag names, a regular expression pattern or another match function. :returns: a match-function (Path -> bool) for the given criterion. """ if isinstance(criterion, int): return lambda trl: id(trl[-1]) == criterion elif isinstance(criterion, FrozenNode): return lambda trl: trl[-1].equals(criterion, ignore_attr_order=True) elif isinstance(criterion, Node): return lambda trl: trl[-1] == criterion # return lambda trl[-1]: trl[-1].equals(criterion) # may yield wrong results elif isinstance(criterion, str): return lambda trl: trl[-1].name == criterion elif callable(criterion): is_node_match_func = False for _, typ in criterion.__annotations__.items(): if typ is Node or typ == 'Node': is_node_match_func = True break if is_node_match_func: return lambda path: criterion(path[-1]) return cast(Callable, criterion) elif isinstance(criterion, Container): return lambda trl: trl[-1].name in cast(Container, criterion) elif str(type(criterion)) in ("<class '_regex.Pattern'>", "<class 're.Pattern'>"): return lambda trl: criterion.fullmatch(trl[-1].content) raise TypeError("Criterion %s of type %s does not represent a legal criteria type" % (repr(criterion), type(criterion)))
# support functions for tree-serialization RX_IS_SXPR = re.compile(r'\s*\(') RX_IS_XML = re.compile(r'\s*<') RX_ATTR_NAME = re.compile(r'[\w.:-]')
[docs] def flatten_sxpr(sxpr: str, threshold: int = -1) -> str: """ Returns S-expression ``sxpr`` as a one-liner without unnecessary whitespace. The ``threshold`` value is a maximum number of characters allowed in the flattened expression. If this number is exceeded the un-flattened S-expression is returned. A negative number means that the S-expression will always be flattened. Zero or (any positive integer <= 3) essentially means that the expression will not be flattened. Example:: >>> flatten_sxpr('(a\\n (b\\n c\\n )\\n)\\n') '(a (b c))' :param sxpr: and S-expression in string form :param threshold: maximum allowed string-length of the flattened S-exrpession. A value < 0 means that it may be arbitrarily long. :return: Either flattened S-expression or, if the threshold has been overstepped, the original S-expression without leading or trailing whitespace. """ assert RX_IS_SXPR.match(sxpr) if threshold == 0: return sxpr flat = re.sub(r'\s(?=\))', '', re.sub(r'\n\s*', ' ', sxpr)).strip() l = flat.split('"') if len(l) > 1: for i in range(0, len(l), 2): l[i] = re.sub(r' +', ' ', l[i]) flat = '"'.join(l) else: flat = re.sub(r' +', ' ', flat) if len(flat) > threshold > 0: return sxpr.strip() return flat
[docs] def flatten_xml(xml: str) -> str: """ Returns an XML-tree as a one liner without unnecessary whitespace, i.e. only whitespace within leaf-nodes is preserved. A more precise alternative to `flatten_xml` is to use Node.as_xml() and passing a set containing the top level tag to parameter `inline_tags`. :param xml: the XML-Text to be "flattened" :returns: the flattened XML-Text """ # works only with regex # return re.sub(r'\s+(?=<\w)', '', re.sub(r'(?<=</\w+>)\s+', '', xml)) assert RX_IS_XML.match(xml) def tag_only(m): """Return only the tag, drop the whitespace.""" return m.groupdict()['closing_tag'] return re.sub(r'\s+(?=<[\w:])', '', re.sub(r'(?P<closing_tag></:?\w+>)\s+', tag_only, xml))
RX_AMPERSAND = re.compile(r'&(?!\w+;)') def xml_tag_name(tag_name: str) -> str: """Cleans anonymous tag-names for serialization, so that the colon does not lead to invalid XML:: >>> xml_tag_name(':Series') 'Series__' :param tag_name: the original tag name :returns: the XML-conform name """ if tag_name[:1] == ':': return f'{tag_name[1:]}__' return tag_name def restore_tag_name(tag_name: str) -> str: """Reverts the function :py:func:`xml_tag_name`:: >>> restore_tag_name('ANONYMOUS_Series__') ':Series' >>> restore_tag_name('Series__') ':Series' """ if tag_name[-2:] == "__": if tag_name[:10] == "ANONYMOUS_": return ':' + tag_name[10:-2] else: return ':' + tag_name[:-2] return tag_name ## Node class ######################################################### ChildrenType: TypeAlias = Tuple['Node', ...] StrictResultType: TypeAlias = Union[ChildrenType, StringView, str] ResultType: TypeAlias = Union[StrictResultType, 'Node']
[docs] class Node: # ( Base class omitted for cython-compatibility """ Represents a node in a tree data structure. This can, for example, be the concrete or abstract syntax tree that is produced by a recursive descent parser. There are three different kinds of nodes: 1. Branch nodes that have children, but no string content. Other than in XML there are no mixed-content nodes that contain strings as well other tags. This constraint simplifies tree-processing considerably. The conversion to and from XML works by enclosing strings in a mixed-content tag with some, freely chosen tag name, and dropping the tag name again when serializing to XML. Since this is easily done, there is no serious restriction involved when not allowing mixed-content nodes. See `Node.as_xml()` (parameter `string_tags`) as `parse_xml`. 2. Leaf nodes that do not have children but only string content. 3. The root node which contains further properties that are global properties of the parsing tree, such as the error list (which cannot be stored locally in the nodes, because nodes might be dropped during tree-processing, but error messages should not be forgotten!). Because of that, the root node requires a different class (`RootNode`) while leaf-nodes as well as branch nodes are both instances of class Node. A node always has a tag name (which can be empty, though) and a result field, which stores the results of the parsing process and contains either a string or a tuple of child nodes. All other properties are either optional or represent different views on these two properties. Among these are the 'attr`-field that contains a dictionary of xml-attributes, the `children`-filed that contains a tuple of child-nodes or an empty tuple if the node does not have child nodes, the content-field which contains the string content of the node and the `pos`-field which contains the position of the node's content in the source code, but may also be left uninitialized. :ivar name: The name of the node, which is either its parser's name or, if that is empty, the parser's class name. By convention the parser's class name when used as tag name is prefixed with a colon ":". A node, the tag name of which starts with a colon ":" or the tag name of which is the empty string is considered as "anonymous". See `Node.anonymous()`-property :ivar result: The result of the parser which generated this node, which can be either a string or a tuple of child nodes. :ivar children: The tuple of child nodes or an empty tuple if there are no child nodes. READ ONLY! :ivar content: Yields the contents of the tree as string. The difference to ``str(node)`` is that ``node.content`` does not add the error messages to the returned string. READ ONLY! :ivar pos: the position of the node within the parsed text. The default value of ``pos`` is -1 meaning invalid by default. Setting pos to a value >= 0 will trigger the assignment of position values of all child nodes relative to this value. The pos field is WRITE ONCE, i.e. once assigned it cannot be reassigned. The assignment of the pos values happens either during the parsing process or, when later added to a tree, the pos-values of which have already been initialized. Thus, pos-values always retain their position in the source text. If in any tree-processing stage after parsing, nodes are added or deleted, the pos values will not represent the position within in the string value of the tree. Retaining the original source positions is crucial for correctly locating errors which might only be detected at later stages of the tree-transformation within the source text. :ivar attr: An optional dictionary of attributes attached to the node. This dictionary is created lazily upon first usage. """ __slots__ = '_result', '_children', '_pos', 'name', '_attributes' def __init__(self, name: str, result: Union[Tuple[Node, ...], Node, StringView, str], leafhint: bool = False) -> None: """ Initializes the ``Node``-object with a tag name and the result of a parsing operation. The result of a parsing operation can either be one or more child-nodes, in which case the Node is informally considered to be a "branch-node", or a text-string, in which case the node is informally considered to be a "leaf-node". :param name: a name for the node. If the node has been created by a parser, this is either the parser's name, e.g. "phrase", or if the parser wasn't named the parser's type, i.e. name of the parser's class, preceded by a colon, e.g. ":Series" :param result: the result of the parsing operation that generated the node or, more generally, the data that the node contains. :param leafhint: default: False. Can be set to true to indicate that `result` is a string type. This is an optimization to circumvent type-checking the `result`-parameter. """ self._pos = -1 # type: int # Assignment to self.result initializes the attr _result and children # The following if-clause is merely an optimization, i.e. a fast-path for leaf-Nodes if leafhint: self._result = result # type: Union[Tuple[Node, ...], StringView, str] self._children = tuple() # type: Tuple[Node, ...] else: self._set_result(result) = name # type: str def __deepcopy__(self, memo): if self._children: duplicate = self.__class__(, copy.deepcopy(self._children), False) else: duplicate = self.__class__(, self.result, True) duplicate._pos = self._pos if self.has_attr(): duplicate.attr.update(self._attributes) # duplicate.attr.update(copy.deepcopy(self._attributes)) # duplicate._attributes = copy.deepcopy(self._attributes) # this is not cython compatible return duplicate def __str__(self): return self.content def __repr__(self): rarg = ("'%s'" % str(self)) if not self._children else \ "(" + ", ".join(child.__repr__() for child in self._children) + ")" return "Node('%s', %s)" % (, rarg) @property def repr(self) -> str: """Return a full (re-)executable representation of `self` including attributes and position value. """ rep = [repr(self)] if self.has_attr(): rep.append('.with_attr(%s)' % repr(dict(self.attr))) if self._pos >= 0: rep.append('.with_pos(%i)' % self._pos) return ''.join(rep)
[docs] def strlen(self) -> int: """Returns the length of the string-content of this node. Mind that len(node) returns the number of children of this node!""" if self._children: return sum(child.strlen() for child in self._children) else: return len(self._result)
def __len__(self): raise AssertionError( "len() on Node-objects would be too ambiguous! Please use either " "node.strlen() to query the string-length of the contained text, " "or len(node.children) to query the number of child nodes.") def __bool__(self): """Returns the bool value of a node, which is always True. The reason for this is that a boolean test on a variable that can contain a node or None will only yield `False` in case of None. """ return True # def __hash__(self): # return hash( # very bad idea!
[docs] def equals(self, other: Node, ignore_attr_order: bool = True) -> bool: """ Equality of value: Two nodes are considered as having the same value, if their tag name is the same, if their results are equal and if their attributes and attribute values are the same and if either `ignore_attr_order` is `True` or the attributes also appear in the same order. :param other: The node to which `self` shall be compared. :param ignore_attr_order: If True (default), two sets of attributes are considered as equal if their attribute-names and attribute-values are the same, no matter in which order the attributes have been added. :returns: True, if the tree originating in node `self` is equal by value to the tree originating in node `other`. """ if == and self.has_equal_attr(other, ignore_attr_order): if self._children: return (len(self._children) == len(other._children) and all(a.equals(b, ignore_attr_order) for a, b in zip(self._children, other._children))) else: return self.result == other.result return False
@property def anonymous(self) -> bool: """Returns True, if the Node is an "anonymous" Node, i.e. a node that has not been created by a named parser. The tag name of anonymous node contains a colon followed by the class name of the parser that created the node, i.e. ":Series". It is the recommended practice to remove (or name) all anonymous nodes during the AST-transformation. """ tn = return not tn or tn[0] == ':' #':') >= 0 # node content ### def _set_result(self, result: Union[Tuple[Node, ...], Node, StringView, str]): """ Sets the result of a node without assigning the position. An assignment to the `result`-property is to be preferred, and `_set_result()` should only be used for optimization when it is really necessary! :param result: the new result of the note """ if isinstance(result, Node): self._children = (result,) self._result = self._children else: if isinstance(result, tuple): self._children = result self._result = result or '' else: # assert isinstance(result, StringView) \ # or isinstance(result, str) self._children = tuple() self._result = result @property def result(self) -> StrictResultType: """ Returns the result from the parser that created the node. """ return self._result @result.setter def result(self, result: ResultType): self._set_result(result) # fix position values for children that are added after the parsing process if self._pos >= 0: # self._init_child_pos() pos = self._pos self._pos = -1 self.with_pos(pos)
[docs] def replace_by(self, replacement: Node, merge_attr: bool=False): """Replaces the node's name, result and attributes by that of another node. This allows to effectually replace the node without needing to change the parent node's children's tuple. :param replacement: the node by which self shall be "replaced". :param merge_attr: if True, attributes are merged (by updating the attr dictionary with that of the replacement node) rather than simply be replaced. """ if self._pos < 0: self._pos = replacement._pos elif replacement._pos < 0: replacement.with_pos(self._pos) = self.result = replacement._result if replacement.has_attr(): if not merge_attr: self.attr = {} self.attr.update(replacement.attr)
@property def children(self) -> ChildrenType: """Returns the tuple of child-nodes or an empty tuple if the node does node have any child-nodes but only string content.""" return self._children def _leaf_data(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns string content as list of string fragments that are gathered from all child nodes in order. """ if self._children: fragments = [] for child in self._children: fragments.extend(child._leaf_data()) return fragments self._result = str(self._result) return [self._result] @property def content(self) -> str: """ Returns content as string. If the node has child-nodes, the string content of the child-nodes is recursively read and then concatenated. """ if self._children: fragments = [] for child in self._children: fragments.extend(child._leaf_data()) return ''.join(fragments) self._result = str(self._result) return self._result # un-optimized algorithm (strings will be copied over and over # again for each level of the tree!) # return "".join(child.content for child in self._children) if self._children \ # else str(self._result) # node position ### @property def pos(self) -> int: """Returns the position of the Node's content in the source text.""" if self._pos < 0: raise AssertionError("Position value not initialized! Use Node.with_pos()") return self._pos
[docs] def with_pos(self, pos: -> Node: """ Initializes the node's position value. Usually, the parser takes care of assigning the positions in the document to the nodes of the parse-tree. However, when Nodes are created outside the reach of the parser guard, their document-position must be assigned manually. Position values of the child nodes are assigned recursively, too. Example:: >>> node = Node('test', 'position').with_pos(10) >>> node.pos 10 >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b (c "0") (d (e "1")(f "2"))) (g "3"))') >>> _ = tree.with_pos(0) >>> [(, nd.pos) for nd in, include_root=True)] [('a', 0), ('b', 0), ('c', 0), ('d', 1), ('e', 1), ('f', 2), ('g', 3)] :param pos: The position assigned to be assigned to the node. Value must be >= 0. :returns: the node itself (for convenience). :raises: AssertionError if position has already been assigned or if parameter `pos` has a value < 0. """ # condition self.pos == pos cannot be assumed when tokens or whitespace are dropped early! if pos != self._pos >= 0: raise AssertionError(f"Position value {self._pos} of node {} cannot be " f"reassigned to a different value ({pos})!") assert pos >= 0, "Negative value %i not allowed!" if self._pos < 0: self._pos = pos for nd in self.walk_tree(include_root=False): if nd._pos < 0: if nd._children: nd._pos = pos else: nd._pos = pos pos += len(nd._result) else: pos = nd._pos + nd.strlen() # recursively adjust pos-values of all children # self._init_child_pos() return self
# (XML-)attributes ###
[docs] def has_attr(self, attr: str = '') -> bool: """ Returns `True`, if the node has the attribute `attr` or, in case `attr` is the empty string, any attributes at all; `False` otherwise. This function does not create an attribute dictionary, therefore it should be preferred to querying node.attr when testing for the existence of any attributes. """ try: return attr in self._attributes if attr else bool(self._attributes) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return False
@property def attr(self): """ Returns a dictionary of XML-attributes attached to the node. Examples:: >>> node = Node('', '') >>> print('Any attributes present?', node.has_attr()) Any attributes present? False >>> node.attr['id'] = 'identificator' >>> node.attr {'id': 'identificator'} >>> node.attr['id'] 'identificator' >>> del node.attr['id'] >>> node.attr {} NOTE: Use :py:meth:`Node.has_attr()` rather than `bool(node.attr)` to probe the presence of attributes. Attribute dictionaries are created lazily and `node.attr` would create a dictionary, even though it may never be needed, anymore. """ try: if self._attributes is None: # cython compatibility self._attributes = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Any] except AttributeError: self._attributes = OrderedDict() return self._attributes @attr.setter def attr(self, attr_dict: Dict[str, Any]): self._attributes = attr_dict
[docs] def get_attr(self, attribute: str, default: Any) -> Any: """ Returns the value of 'attribute' if attribute exists. If not, the default value is returned. This function has the same semantics as `node.attr.get(attribute, default)`, but with the advantage then other than `node.attr.get` it does not automatically create an attribute dictionary on (first) access. :param attribute: The attribute, the value of which shall be looked up :param default: A default value that is returned, in case attribute does not exist. :returns: the attribute's value or, if unassigned, the default value. """ if self.has_attr(): return self.attr.get(attribute, default) return default
[docs] def with_attr(self, *attr_dict, **attributes) -> Node: """ Adds the attributes which are passed to `with_attr()` either as an attribute dictionary or as keyword parameters to the node's attributes and returns `self`. Example:: >>> node = Node('test', '').with_attr(animal = "frog", plant= "tree") >>> dict(node.attr) {'animal': 'frog', 'plant': 'tree'} >>> node.with_attr({'building': 'skyscraper'}).repr "Node('test', '').with_attr({'animal': 'frog', 'plant': 'tree', 'building': 'skyscraper'})" :param attr_dict: a dictionary of attribute keys and values :param attributes: alternatively, a sequences of keyword parameters :return: `self` """ if attr_dict: assert not attributes, "Node.with_attr() can be called either exclusively with " \ "keyword parameters, or a single non-keyword parameter and no keyword parameters!" assert len(attr_dict) == 1, "Node.with_attr() must not be called with more than one " \ "non-keyword parameter." dictionary = attr_dict[0] # # commented out, because otherwise lxml-conversion fails # assert isinstance(dictionary, dict), "The non-keyword parameter passed to " \ # "Node.with_attr() must be of type dict, not %s." % str(type(dictionary)) # assert all(isinstance(a, str) and isinstance(v, str) for a, v in attr_dict.items()) if dictionary: # do not update with an empty dictionary self.attr.update(dictionary) if attributes: # assert all(isinstance(a, str) and isinstance(v, str) for a, v in attributes.items()) self.attr.update(attributes) return self
[docs] def has_equal_attr(self, other: Node, ignore_order: bool = True) -> bool: """ Returns True, if `self` and `other` have the same attributes with the same attribute values. If `ignore_order` is False, the attributes must also appear in the same order. """ if self.has_attr(): if other.has_attr(): if ignore_order: return set(self.attr.items()) == set(other.attr.items()) return self.attr == other.attr return len(self.attr) == 0 # self has empty dictionary and other has no attributes elif other.has_attr(): return len(other.attr) == 0 # other has empty attribute dictionary and self as no attributes return True # neither self nor other have any attributes
# tree traversal and node selection ####################################### def __getitem__(self, key: Union[NodeSelector, int, slice]) \ -> Union[Node, Tuple[Node, ...]]: """ Returns the child node with the given index if ``key`` is an integer or all child-nodes with the given tag name. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b "X") (X (c "d")) (e (X "F")) (b "Y"))') >>> tree[0] Node('b', 'X') >>> tree['X'] Node('X', (Node('c', 'd'))) >>> tree['b'] (Node('b', 'X'), Node('b', 'Y')) >>> from DHParser.toolkit import as_list, as_tuple >>> as_tuple(tree['b']) (Node('b', 'X'), Node('b', 'Y')) >>> as_tuple(tree['e']) (Node('e', (Node('X', 'F'))),) :param key(str): A tag-name (string) or an index or a slice of the child or children that shall be returned. :returns: The node with the given index (always type Node) or a list of all nodes which have a given tag name, if `key` was a tag-name and there is more than one child-node with this tag-name :raises: KeyError: if no matching child was found. IndexError: if key was an integer index that did not exist ValueError: if the __getitem__ has been called on a leaf node. """ if not self._children and self._result: raise ValueError('Item access is not possible on a leaf-node!') if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return self._children[key] else: mf = create_match_function(key) items = tuple(child for child in self._children if mf(child)) if items: return items if len(items) >= 2 else items[0] raise KeyError(str(key)) def __setitem__(self, key: Union[NodeSelector, slice, int], value: Union[Node, Sequence[Node]]): """ Changes one or more children of a branch-node. :raises: KeyError: if no matching child was found. IndexError: if key was an integer index that did not exist ValueError: if the __getitem__ has been called on a leaf node. """ if not self._children: raise ValueError('Setting items is not possible on a leaf-node!') lchildren = list(self._children) if isinstance(key, int): if not isinstance(value, Node): raise ValueError('Only nodes can be assigned to a single item!') lchildren[key] = value elif isinstance(key, slice): if not isinstance(value, Sequence): value = [value] # lchildren.__setitem__(key, value) lchildren[key] = value else: mf = create_match_function(key) indices = [i for i in range(len(lchildren)) if mf(lchildren[i])] if isinstance(value, Sequence): if len(indices) != len(value): raise ValueError(f'Cannot assign {len(value)} values to {len(indices)} items!') for k, i in enumerate(indices): lchildren[i] = value[k] else: if indices: for i in indices: lchildren[i] = value else: raise KeyError(f'No item matching "{str(key)}" found!') self.result = tuple(lchildren) def __delitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice, NodeSelector]): """ Removes children from the node. Note that integer values passed to parameter ``key`` are always interpreted as index, not as an object id as comparison criterion. :param key: An integer index of slice of child-nodes to be deleted or a tag name (string) for selecting child-nodes for deletion. :raises: KeyError: if no matching child was found. IndexError: if key was an integer index that did not exist ValueError: if the __getitem__ has been called on a leaf node. """ if not self._children and self.result: raise ValueError('Item deletion is not possible on a leaf-node!') if isinstance(key, int): L = len(self._children) k = L + key if key < 0 else key if 0 <= k < L: self.result = self._children[:k] + self._children[k + 1:] else: raise IndexError("index %s out of range [0, %i[" % (key, len(self._children))) elif isinstance(key, slice): children = list(self.children) for i in range(*key.indices(len(children))): children[i] = None self.result = tuple(child for child in children if child is not None) else: mf = create_match_function(key) before = self._result after = tuple(child for child in self._children if not mf(child)) if len(before) == len(after): raise KeyError(f'No child-node matching {str(key)} found!') self.result = after
[docs] def get(self, key: Union[int, slice, NodeSelector], surrogate: Union[Node, Sequence[Node]]) -> Union[Node, Sequence[Node]]: """Returns the child node with the given index if ``key`` is an integer or the first child node with the given tag name. If no child with the given index or name exists, the ``surrogate`` is returned instead. This mimics the behavior of Python's dictionary's ``get()``-method. The type of the return value is always the same type as that of the surrogate. If the surrogate is a Node, but there are several items matching ``key``, then only the first of these will be returned. """ try: items = self[key] if isinstance(surrogate, Sequence): return items if isinstance(items, Sequence) else (items,) else: return items[0] if isinstance(items, Sequence) else items except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError): return surrogate
def __contains__(self, selector: NodeSelector) -> bool: """ Returns true if at least one child that matches the given criterion exists. See :py:func:`create_match_function()` for a catalogue of possible criteria. :param selector: a criterion that describes the child-node :returns: True, if at least one child fulfills the criterion """ mf = create_match_function(selector) for child in self._children: if mf(child): return True return False
[docs] def remove(self, node: Node): """Removes `node` from the children of the node.""" if not self.children: raise ValueError('Node.remove(x): Called on a node without children') i = len(self._children) self.result = tuple(nd for nd in self._children if nd != node) if len(self.result) >= i: raise ValueError('Node.remove(x): x not among children')
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, node: Node): """Inserts a node at position `index`""" if not self.children and self._result: raise ValueError('Node.insert(i, node): Called on a leaf-node') result = list(self.children) result.insert(index, node) self.result = tuple(result)
[docs] def index(self, selector: NodeSelector, start: int = 0, stop: int = 2 ** 30) -> int: """ Returns the index of the first child that fulfills the criterion `what`. If the parameters start and stop are given, the search is restricted to the children with indices from the half-open interval [start:end[. If no such child exists a ValueError is raised. :param selector: the criterion by which the child is identified, the index of which shall be returned. :param start: the first index to start searching. :param stop: the last index that shall be searched :returns: the index of the first child that matches `what`. :raises: ValueError, if no child matching the criterion `what` was found. """ assert 0 <= start < stop if not self.children: raise ValueError('Node.index(x): Called on a Node without children') mf = create_match_function(selector) for i, child in enumerate(self._children[start:stop]): if mf(child): return i + start raise ValueError("Node identified by '%s' not among child-nodes." % abbreviate_middle(repr(selector), 60))
[docs] @cython.locals( def indices(self, selector: NodeSelector) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Returns the indices of all children that fulfil the criterion `what`. """ mf = create_match_function(selector) children = self._children return tuple(i for i in range(len(children)) if mf(children[i]))
[docs] def walk_tree(self, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False) -> Iterator[Node]: """Yields all nodes of the tree. (Faster than select())""" def walk_recursive(nd: Node) -> Iterator[Node]: nonlocal reverse child_iterator = reversed(nd._children) if reverse else nd._children for child in child_iterator: yield child if child._children: yield from walk_recursive(child) if include_root: yield self yield from walk_recursive(self)
[docs] def select_if(self, match_func: NodeMatchFunction, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_func: NodeMatchFunction = NO_NODE) -> Iterator[Node]: """ Generates an iterator over all nodes in the tree for which `match_function()` returns True. See the more general function :py:meth:`` for a detailed description and examples. The tree is traversed pre-order by the iterator. """ def select_if_recursive(nd: Node) -> Iterator[Node]: nonlocal match_func, reverse, skip_func child_iterator = reversed(nd._children) if reverse else nd._children for child in child_iterator: if match_func(child): yield child if child._children and not skip_func(child): yield from select_if_recursive(child) if include_root: if match_func(self): yield self if not skip_func(self): yield from select_if_recursive(self) else: yield from select_if_recursive(self)
[docs] def select(self, criteria: NodeSelector, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: NodeSelector = NO_NODE) -> Iterator[Node]: """ Generates an iterator over all nodes in the tree that fulfill the given criterion. See :py:func:`create_match_function()` for a catalogue of possible criteria. :param criteria: The criteria for selecting nodes. :param include_root: If False, only descendant nodes will be checked for a match. :param reverse: If True, the tree will be walked in reverse order, i.e. last children first. :param skip_subtree: A criterion to identify subtrees that the returned iterator shall not dive into. Note that the root-node of the subtree will still be yielded by the iterator. :returns: An iterator over all descendant nodes which fulfill the given criterion. Traversal is pre-order. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b "X") (X (c "d")) (e (X "F")))') >>> list(flatten_sxpr(item.as_sxpr()) for item in"X", False)) ['(X (c "d"))', '(X "F")'] >>> list(flatten_sxpr(item.as_sxpr()) for item in{"X", "b"}, False)) ['(b "X")', '(X (c "d"))', '(X "F")'] >>> any('a', False)) False >>> list(flatten_sxpr(item.as_sxpr()) for item in'a', True)) ['(a (b "X") (X (c "d")) (e (X "F")))'] >>> flatten_sxpr(next("X", False)).as_sxpr()) '(X (c "d"))' >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b (c "") (d (e "")(f ""))) (g ""))') >>> [ for nd in] ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] """ return self.select_if(create_match_function(criteria), include_root, reverse, create_match_function(skip_subtree))
[docs] def select_children(self, criteria: NodeSelector, reverse: bool = False) \ -> Iterator[Node]: """Returns an iterator over all direct children of a node that fulfil the given `criterion`. See :py:meth:`` for a description of the parameters. """ match_function = create_match_function(criteria) if reverse: for child in reversed(tuple(self.select_children(criteria, False))): yield child else: for child in self._children: if match_function(child): yield child
[docs] def pick_if(self, match_func: NodeMatchFunction, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: NodeSelector = NO_NODE) -> Optional[Node]: """Picks the first (or last if run in reverse mode) descendant for which the match-functions returns True. Or, returns None if no matching node exists.""" try: return next(self.select_if(match_func, include_root, reverse, skip_subtree)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def pick(self, criteria: NodeSelector, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: NodeSelector = NO_NODE) -> Optional[Node]: """ Picks the first (or last if run in reverse mode) descendant that fulfils the given criterion. See :py:func:`create_match_function()` for a catalogue of possible criteria. This function is syntactic sugar for `next(, ...))`. However, rather than raising a StopIterationError if no descendant with the given tag-name exists, it returns `None`. """ try: return next(, include_root, reverse, skip_subtree)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def pick_child(self, criteria: NodeSelector, reverse: bool = False) \ -> Optional[Node]: """ Picks the first child (or last if run in reverse mode) descendant that fulfils the given criterion. See :py:func:`create_match_function()` for a catalogue of possible criteria. This function is syntactic sugar for `next(node.select_children(criterion, False))`. However, rather than raising a StopIterationError if no descendant with the given tag-name exists, it returns None. """ try: return next(self.select_children(criteria, reverse=reverse)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] @cython.locals( def locate(self, location: -> Optional[Node]: """ Returns the leaf-Node that covers the given ``location``, where location is the actual position within ``self.content`` (not the source code position that the pos-attribute represents). If the location lies outside the node's string content, `None` is returned. See also :py:class:`ContentMapping` for a more general approach to locating string positions within the tree. """ end = 0 for nd in self.select_if(lambda nd: not nd._children, include_root=True): end += nd.strlen() if location < end: return nd return None
[docs] def find_parent(self, node) -> Optional[Node]: """ Finds and returns the parent of `node` within the tree represented by `self`. If the tree does not contain `node`, the value `None` is returned. """ for nd in self.select_if(lambda nd: bool(nd._children), include_root=True): if node in nd._children: return nd return None
# path selection ###
[docs] def walk_tree_paths(self, include_root: bool=False, reverse: bool=False): """Yields all paths of the tree. (Faster than select_paths_if())""" def recursive(trl) -> Iterator[Path]: nonlocal reverse top = trl[-1] child_iterator = reversed(top._children) if reverse else top._children for child in child_iterator: child_trl = trl + [child] yield child_trl if child._children: yield from recursive(child_trl) trl = [self] if include_root: yield trl yield from recursive(trl)
[docs] def select_path_if(self, match_func: PathMatchFunction, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_func: PathMatchFunction = NO_PATH) -> Iterator[Path]: """ Like :py:func:`Node.select_if()` but yields the entire path (i.e. list of descendants, the last one being the matching node) instead of just the matching nodes. NOTE: In contrast to `select_if()`, `match_function` receives the complete path as argument, rather than just the last node! """ def recursive(trl) -> Iterator[Path]: nonlocal match_func, reverse, skip_func top = trl[-1] child_iterator = reversed(top._children) if reverse else top._children for child in child_iterator: child_trl = trl + [child] if match_func(child_trl): yield child_trl if child._children and not skip_func(child_trl): yield from recursive(child_trl) trl = [self] if include_root: if match_func(trl): yield trl if not skip_func(trl): yield from recursive(trl) else: yield from recursive(trl)
[docs] def select_path(self, criteria: PathSelector, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: PathSelector = NO_PATH) -> Iterator[Path]: """ Like :py:meth:`` but yields the entire path (i.e. list of descendants, the last one being the matching node) instead of just the matching nodes. """ return self.select_path_if(create_path_match_function(criteria), include_root, reverse, create_path_match_function(skip_subtree))
[docs] def pick_path_if(self, match_func: PathMatchFunction, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: NodeSelector = NO_NODE) -> Path: """Picks the first (or last if run in reverse mode) descendant-path for which the match-functions returns True. Or, returns None if no matching node exists.""" try: return next(self.select_path_if(match_func, include_root, reverse, skip_subtree)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def pick_path(self, criteria: PathSelector, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: PathSelector = NO_PATH) -> Path: """ Like :py:meth:`Node.pick()`, only that the entire path (i.e. chain of descendants) relative to `self` is returned. """ try: return next(self.select_path(criteria, include_root, reverse, skip_subtree)) except StopIteration: return []
[docs] @cython.locals( def locate_path(self, location: -> Path: """ Like :py:meth:`Node.locate()`, only that the entire path (i.e. chain of descendants) relative to `self` is returned. """ end = 0 for trl in self.select_path_if(lambda trl: not trl[-1]._children, include_root=True): end += trl[-1].strlen() if location < end: return trl return []
# milestone support ### EXPERIMENTAL!!! ### def _reconstruct_path_recursive(self, node: Node) -> Path: """ Determines the chain of ancestors of a node that leads up to self. Other than the public method `reconstruct_path`, this method returns the chain of ancestors in reverse order [node, ... , self] and returns None in case `node` does not exist in the tree rooted in self instead of raising a Value Error. If `node` equals `self`, any empty path, i.e. list will be returned. """ if node in self._children: return [node, self] for nd in self._children: trl = nd._reconstruct_path_recursive(node) if trl: trl.append(self) return trl return []
[docs] def reconstruct_path(self, node: Node) -> Path: """ Determines the chain of ancestors of a node that leads up to self. Note: The use of this quite inefficient method can most of the time be avoided by traversing the tree with the path-selector-methods (e.g. :py:meth:`Node.select_path`) right from the start. :param node: the descendant node, the ancestry of which shall be determined. :return: the list of nodes starting with self and leading to `node` :raises: ValueError, in case `node` does not occur in the tree rooted in `self` """ if node == self: return [node] trl = self._reconstruct_path_recursive(node) if trl: trl.reverse() return trl else: raise ValueError('Node "%s" does not occur in the tree %s ' % (, flatten_sxpr(self.as_sxpr())))
[docs] def milestone_segment(self, begin: Union[Path, Node], end: Union[Path, Node]) -> Node: """ EXPERIMENTAL!!! Picks a segment from a tree beginning with start and ending with end. :param begin: the opening milestone (will be included in the result) :param end: the closing milestone (will be included in the result) :return: a tree(-segment) encompassing all nodes from the opening milestone up to and including the closing milestone. """ def index(parent: Node, nd: Node) -> int: children = parent._children for i in range(len(children)): if nd == children[i]: return i raise ValueError def left_cut(result: Tuple[Node, ...], index: int, subst: Node) -> Tuple[Node, ...]: return (subst,) + result[index + 1:] def right_cut(result: Tuple[Node, ...], index: int, subst: Node) -> Tuple[Node, ...]: return result[:index] + (subst,) def cut(trl: Path, cut_func: Callable) -> Node: child = trl[-1] tainted = False for i in range(len(trl) - 1, 0, -1): parent = trl[i - 1] k = index(parent, trl[i]) segment = cut_func(parent.result, k, child) if tainted or len(segment) != len(parent.result): parent_copy = Node(, segment) if parent.has_attr(): parent_copy.attr = parent.attr child = parent_copy tainted = True else: child = parent return child if begin.pos > end.pos: begin, end = end, begin common_ancestor = self # type: Node trlA = self.reconstruct_path(begin) if isinstance(begin, Node) else begin trlB = self.reconstruct_path(end) if isinstance(end, Node) else end for a, b in zip(trlA, trlB): if a != b: break common_ancestor = a left = cut(trlA[trlA.index(common_ancestor):], left_cut) # type: Node right = cut(trlB[trlB.index(common_ancestor):], right_cut) # type: Node left_children = left._children # type: Tuple[Node, ...] right_children = right._children # type: Tuple[Node, ...] if left_children == right_children: return common_ancestor i = 1 # type: int k = len(right_children) # type: int try: k = right_children.index(left_children[1]) - 1 i = 2 while left_children[i] == right_children[k + i]: i += 1 except (IndexError, ValueError): pass new_ca = Node(, left_children[:i] + right_children[k + i:]) if common_ancestor.has_attr(): new_ca.attr = common_ancestor.attr return new_ca
# evaluation ##############################################################
[docs] def evaluate(self, actions: Dict[str, Callable], path: Path = []) -> Any: """Simple tree evaluation: For each node the action associated with the node's tag-name is called with either the tuple of the evaluated children or, in case of a leaf-node, the result-string as parameter(s):: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(plus (number 3) (mul (number 5) (number 4)))') >>> from operator import add, mul >>> actions = {'plus': add, 'mul': mul, 'number': int} >>> tree.evaluate(actions) 23 ``evaluate()`` can operate in two modes. In the basic mode, shown, in the example, only the evaluated values of the children are passed to each function in the action dictionary. However, if evaluate is called with passing the beginning of the path to its ``path``-argument, each function will be called with the current path as its first argument and the evaluated values of its children as the following arguments, e.g. ``result = node.evaluate(actions, path=[node])`` This more sophisticated mode gives the action function access to the nodes of the tree as well. :param actions: A dictionary that maps node-names to action functions. :param path: If not empty, the current tree-path will be passed as first argument (before the evaluation results of the children) to each action. Start with a list of the node itself to trigger passing the path. :raises KeyError: if an action is missing in the table, use the joker '*' to void this error, e.g. ``{ ..., '*': lambda node: node.content, ...}``. :raises ValueError: in case any of the action functions cannot handle the passed arguments. :return: the result of the evaluation """ if path: args = (path, *(child.evaluate(actions, path + [child]) for child in self._children)) if self._children \ else (path, self._result,) else: args = tuple(child.evaluate(actions, path) for child in self._children) if self._children \ else (self._result,) try: action = actions[] except KeyError as ke: if == ZOMBIE_TAG: raise ValueError(f'Consequential Error: ZOMBIE__-node found in tree.') elif '*' in actions: action = actions['*'] else: raise ke try: return action(*args) except TypeError as e: raise ValueError(f'Evaluation function for tag "{}" failed with error {e}. ' f'Arguments: {args}.')
# serialization ########################################################### @cython.locals(,, def _tree_repr(self, tab, open_fn, close_fn, data_fn=lambda i: i, density=0, inline=False, inline_fn=lambda node: False, allow_omissions=False) -> List[str]: """ Generates a tree representation of this node and its children in string from. The kind ot tree-representation that is determined by several function parameters. This could be an XML-representation or a lisp-like S-expression. :param tab: The indentation string, e.g. '\t' or ' ' :param open_fn: A function (Node -> str) that returns an opening string (e.g. an XML-name) for a given node :param close_fn: A function (Node -> str) that returns a closing string (e.g. an XML-name) for a given node. :param data_fn: A function (str -> str) that filters the data string before printing, e.g. to add quotation marks :returns: A list of strings that, if concatenated, yield a serialized tree representation of the node and its children. """ head = open_fn(self) tail = close_fn(self) if not self.result: return [head + tail] inline = inline or inline_fn(self) if inline: usetab, sep = '', '' hlf, tlf = '', '' else: usetab = tab if head else '' # no indentation if tag is already omitted sep = '\n' hlf = '\n' tlf = '\n' if density == 0 or (tail[0:1] == '<') else '' if self._children: content = [head] # first_child = self._children[0] for child in self._children: subtree = child._tree_repr(tab, open_fn, close_fn, data_fn, density, inline, inline_fn, allow_omissions) if subtree: if inline: content[-1] += '\n'.join(subtree) else: if sep: for item in subtree: content.append(usetab + item) else: content[-1] += ''.join(subtree) if tlf: content.append(tail) else: content[-1] += tail return content res = self.content if not inline and not head and allow_omissions: # strip whitespace for omitted non-inline node, e.g. CharData in mixed elements res = res.strip() # WARNING: This changes the data in subtle ways if density & 1 and res.find('\n') < 0: # except for XML, add a gap between opening statement and content if not inline and head and head not in ("&", "&#x") \ and (head[-1:] != '>' and head != '<!--'): gap = ' ' else: gap = '' return [''.join((head, gap, data_fn(res), tail))] else: lines = [data_fn(s) for s in res.split('\n')] N = len(lines) i, k = 0, N - 1 if not inline and allow_omissions: # Strip preceding and succeeding whitespace. # WARNING: This changes the data in subtle ways while i < N and not lines[i]: i += 1 while k >= 0 and not lines[k]: k -= 1 content = [head, usetab] if hlf else [head + usetab] for line in lines[i:k]: content[-1] += line content.append(usetab) content[-1] += lines[k] if tlf: content.append(tail) else: content[-1] += tail return content
[docs] def as_sxpr(self, src: Optional[str] = None, indentation: int = 2, compact: bool = True, flatten_threshold: int = 92, sxml: int = 0) -> str: """ Serializes the tree as S-expression, i.e. in lisp-like form. If this method is called on a RootNode-object, error strings will be displayed as pseudo-attributes of the nodes where the error is located. :param src: The source text or `None`. In case the source text is given the position of the element in the text will be reported as position, line, column. In case the empty string is given rather than None, only the position value will be reported in case it has been initialized, i.e. pos >= 0. :param indentation: The number of whitespaces for indentation :param compact: If True, a compact representation is returned where closing brackets remain on the same line as the last element. :param flatten_threshold: Return the S-expression in flattened form if the flattened expression does not exceed the threshold length. A negative number means that it will always be flattened. :param sxml: If >= 1, attributes are rendered according to the `SXML <>`_ -conventions, e.g. `` (@ (attr "value")`` instead of `` `(attr "value") `` if 2, the attribute node (@) will always be present, even is empty. :returns: A string containing the S-expression serialization of the tree. """ left_bracket, right_bracket, density = ('(', ')', 1) if compact else ('(', ')', 0) lbreaks = linebreaks(src) if src else [] # type: List[int] root = cast(RootNode, self) if isinstance(self, RootNode) \ else None # type: Optional[RootNode] def attr(name: str, value: str): if sxml: return f' ({name} "{value}")' else: return f' `({name} "{value}")' def opening(node: Node) -> str: """Returns the opening string for the representation of `node`.""" txt = [left_bracket,] # s += " '(pos %i)" % node.add_pos # txt.append(str(id(node))) # for debugging has_attrs = node.has_attr() render_pos = node._pos >= 0 and src is not None has_errors = root and id(node) in root.error_nodes show_attrs = has_attrs or render_pos or has_errors if show_attrs or sxml >= 2: if sxml: txt.append(' (@') if has_attrs: txt.extend(attr(k, str(v)) for k, v in node.attr.items()) if render_pos: if src: line, col = line_col(lbreaks, node.pos) txt.append((' (pos "%i:%i %i")' if sxml else ' `(pos %i %i %i)') % (line, col, node.pos)) else: txt.append((' (pos "%i")' if sxml else ' `(pos %i)') % node.pos) if has_errors and not node.has_attr('err'): err_str = '; '.join(str(err) for err in root.node_errors(node)) if err_str: err_str = err_str.replace('"', r'\"') txt.append(attr('err', err_str)) if sxml: txt.append(')') return "".join(txt) def closing(node: Node) -> str: """Returns the closing string for the representation of `node`.""" return right_bracket def pretty(strg: str) -> str: """Encloses `strg` with the right kind of quotation marks.""" return '"%s"' % strg if strg.find('"') < 0 \ else "'%s'" % strg if strg.find("'") < 0 \ else '"%s"' % strg.replace('"', r'\"') assert 0 <= sxml <= 2 sxpr = '\n'.join(self._tree_repr(' ' * indentation, opening, closing, pretty, density=density)) return flatten_sxpr(sxpr, flatten_threshold)
[docs] def as_sxml(self, src: Optional[str] = None, indentation: int = 2, compact: bool = True, flatten_threshold: int = 92, normal_form: int = 1) -> str: """Serializes the tree as `SXML <>`_""" assert 1 <= normal_form <= 2, "Presently, only sxml normal forms 1 and 2 are supported" return self.as_sxpr(src, indentation, compact, flatten_threshold, sxml=normal_form)
[docs] def as_xml(self, src: Optional[str] = None, indentation: int = 2, inline_tags: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset(), string_tags: AbstractSet[str] = LEAF_PTYPES, empty_tags: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset(), strict_mode: bool = True) -> str: """Serializes the tree of nodes as XML. :param src: The source text or `None`. In case the source text is given, the position will also be reported as line and column. :param indentation: The number of whitespaces for indentation :param inline_tags: A set of tag names, the content of which will always be written on a single line, unless it contains explicit line feeds (`\\n`). In addition, all nodes that have the attribute ``xml:space="preserve"`` will be inlined. :param string_tags: A set of tags from which only the content will be printed, but neither the opening tag nor its attr nor the closing tag. This allows producing a mix of plain text and child tags in the output, which otherwise is not supported by the Node object, because it requires its content to be either a tuple of children or string content. :param empty_tags: A set of tags which shall be rendered as empty elements, e.g. "<empty/>" instead of "<empty><empty>". :param strict_mode: If True, violation of stylistic or interoperability rules raises a ValueError. :returns: The XML-string representing the tree originating in `self` """ root = cast(RootNode, self) if isinstance(self, RootNode) \ else None # type: Optional[RootNode] def attr_err_ignore(value: str) -> str: return ("'%s'" % value) if value.find('"') >= 0 else '"%s"' % value attr_err_handling = get_config_value('xml_attribute_error_handling') if attr_err_handling == 'fail': attr_filter = validate_XML_attribute_value elif attr_err_handling == 'fix': attr_filter = fix_XML_attribute_value elif attr_err_handling == 'lxml': attr_filter = lxml_XML_attribute_value else: assert attr_err_handling == 'ignore', 'Illegal value for configuration ' +\ 'variable "xml_attribute_error_handling": ' + attr_err_handling attr_filter = attr_err_ignore def opening(node: Node) -> str: """Returns the opening string for the representation of `node`.""" nonlocal attr_filter, empty_tags if in string_tags and not node.has_attr(): if == CHAR_REF_PTYPE and node.content.isalnum(): return "&#x" elif == ENTITY_REF_PTYPE: return "&" else: return '' txt = ['<', xml_tag_name(] if node.has_attr(): txt.extend(' %s=%s' % (k, attr_filter(str(v))) for k, v in node.attr.items()) if src and not (node.has_attr('line') or node.has_attr('col')): txt.append(' line="%i" col="%i"' % line_col(line_breaks, node._pos)) if src == '' and not (node.has_attr() and '_pos' in node.attr) and node._pos >= 0: txt.append(' _pos="%i"' % node._pos) if root and id(node) in root.error_nodes and not node.has_attr('err'): txt.append(' err=' + attr_filter(''.join(str(err).replace('&', '') for err in root.node_errors(node)))) if in empty_tags: if[0:1] != '?' and node.result: if strict_mode: raise ValueError( f'Empty element "{}" with content: ' f'"{abbreviate_middle(str(node.result), 40)}" !? ' f'Use Node.as_xml(..., strict_mode=False) to suppress this error!') if[0] == '?': ending = '?>' elif node.result: ending = '>' else: ending = '/>' elif == '!--': ending = "" else: ending = ">" return "".join(txt + [ending]) def closing(node: Node): """Returns the closing string for the representation of `node`.""" if ( in empty_tags and not node.result) \ or ( in string_tags and not node.has_attr()): if == CHAR_REF_PTYPE and node.content.isalnum(): return ";" elif == ENTITY_REF_PTYPE: return ";" else: return '' elif == '!--': return '-->' return '</' + xml_tag_name( + '>' def sanitizer(content: str) -> str: """Substitute "&", "<", ">" in XML-content by the respective entities.""" content = RX_AMPERSAND.sub('&amp;', content) content = content.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;') return content def inlining(node: Node): """Returns True, if `node`'s tag name is contained in `inline_tags`, thereby signalling that the children of this node shall not be printed on several lines to avoid unwanted gaps in the output. """ return in inline_tags \ or (node.has_attr() and node.attr.get('xml:space', 'default') == 'preserve') # or ( in string_tags and not node.children) line_breaks = linebreaks(src) if src else [] return '\n'.join(self._tree_repr( ' ' * indentation, opening, closing, sanitizer, density=1, inline_fn=inlining, allow_omissions=bool(string_tags)))
[docs] def as_html(self, css: str='', head: str='', lang: str='en', **kwargs) -> str: """Serialize as HTML-page. See :py:meth:`Node.as_xml` for the further keyword-arguments.""" kwargs['empty_tags'] = kwargs.get('empty_tags', set()) kwargs['empty_tags'].update(HTML_EMPTY_TAGS) xhtml = self.as_xml(**kwargs) css_snippet = '\n'.join(['<style type="text/css">', css, '</style>']) if head: head = head.strip() assert head.startswith('<head>') or head.startswith('<HEAD>') assert head.endswith('</head>') or head.endswith('</HEAD>') if css: head = '\n'.join([head[:-7], css_snippet, head[-7:]]) else: head_tags = ['<head>', '<meta charset="UTF-8" />', '</head>'] if css: head_tags.insert(2, css_snippet) head = '\n'.join(head_tags) html = '\n'.join(['<!DOCTYPE html>', f'<html lang="{lang}" xml:lang="{lang}">', head, '<body>', xhtml, '</body>', '</html>']) return html
[docs] def as_tree(self) -> str: """Serialize as a simple indented text-tree.""" sxpr = self.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=0, compact=True) lines = sxpr.split('\n') for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Admittedly, the following transformations are sloppy # and my lead to wrong output, when there are strings # that contain ") `(" and the like.... line = re.sub(r'^(\s*)\(', r'\1', line) line = re.sub(r'\)+$', r'', line) line = line.replace(') `(', ' `') line = line.replace('`(', '`') line = line.replace('") "', '" "') lines[i] = line return '\n'.join(lines)
# JSON serialization ###
[docs] def to_json_obj(self, as_dict: bool=False, include_pos: bool=True) -> Union[List, Dict]: """Converts the tree into a JSON-serializable nested list. Nodes can be serialized in list-flavor (faster) or dictionary-flavor (``asdict=True``, slower). In list-flavor, Nodes are serialized as JSON-lists with either two or three elements: 1. name (always a string), 2. content (either a string or a list of JSON-serialized Nodes) 3. optional: a dictionary that maps attribute names to attribute values, both of which are strings. In dictionary flavor, Nodes are serialized as dictionaries that map the node's name to a string (in case of a leaf node) or to a dictionary of its children (in case all the children's names are unique) or to a list of pairs (child name, child's result). Examples (list flavor):: >>> Node('root', 'content').with_attr(importance="high").to_json_obj() ['root', 'content', {'importance': 'high'}] >>> node = parse_sxpr('(letters (a "A") (b "B") (c "C"))') >>> node.to_json_obj() ['letters', [['a', 'A'], ['b', 'B'], ['c', 'C']]] Examples (dictionary flavor) >>> node.to_json_obj(as_dict=True) {'letters': {'a': 'A', 'b': 'B', 'c': 'C'}} >>> node.result = node.children + (Node('a', 'doublette'),) >>> node.to_json_obj(as_dict=True) {'letters': [['a', 'A'], ['b', 'B'], ['c', 'C'], ['a', 'doublette']]} """ def list_flavor(node): jo = [, [list_flavor(nd) for nd in node._children] if node._children else str(node._result)] pos = node._pos if include_pos and pos >= 0: jo.append(pos) if node.has_attr(): jo.append(node.attr) return jo def dict_flavor(node): names = set() for nd in node._children: if in names: # if any name appears more than once among the child node's names, # lists must be used instead of dictionaries! jo = { [[, dict_flavor(nd)[]] for nd in node._children] if node._children else str(node._result)} break else: names.add( else: # use a dictionary only after having made sure # that each child node's name is unique jo = { { dict_flavor(nd)[] for nd in node._children} if node._children else node._result} additional = {} if include_pos: pos = node._pos if pos >= 0: additional['pos__'] = str(pos) if node.has_attr(): additional['attributes__'] = node.attr if additional: if node._children: if isinstance(jo[], dict): jo[].update(additional) else: jo[].extend(additional.items()) else: d = {'content__': node._result} d.update(additional) jo[] = d return jo return dict_flavor(self) if as_dict else list_flavor(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_obj(json_obj: Union[Dict, Sequence]) -> Node: """Converts a JSON-object representing a node (or tree) back into a Node object. Raises a ValueError, if `json_obj` does not represent a node.""" if isinstance(json_obj, Sequence): # list flavor assert 2 <= len(json_obj) <= 4, str(json_obj) if isinstance(json_obj[1], str): result = json_obj[1] # type: Union[Tuple[Node, ...], StringView, str] else: result = tuple(Node.from_json_obj(item) for item in json_obj[1]) node = Node(json_obj[0], result) for extra in json_obj[2:]: if isinstance(extra, dict): node.attr.update(extra) else: assert isinstance(extra, int) node._pos = extra else: # dictionary flavor assert isinstance(json_obj, dict) name, result = list(json_obj.items())[0] if isinstance(result, str): pos = -1 attrs = {} else: if isinstance(result, dict): result_iter = result.items() else: assert isinstance(result, list) result_iter = result result = {k: v for k, v in result} pos = int(result.get('pos__', -1)) attrs = result.get('attributes__', {}) content = result.get('content__', None) if content is None: result = tuple(Node.from_json_obj({k: v}) for k, v in result_iter if k[-2:] != '__') else: result = content node = Node(name, result) if pos >= 0: node = node.with_pos(pos) if attrs: node = node.with_attr(attrs) return node
[docs] def as_json(self, indent: Optional[int] = 2, ensure_ascii=False, as_dict: bool=False, include_pos: bool=True) -> str: """Serializes the tree originating in `self` as JSON-string. Nodes are serialized as JSON-lists with either two or three elements: 1. name (always a string), 2. content (either a string or a list of JSON-serialized Nodes) 3. optional: a dictionary that maps attribute names to attribute values, both of which are strings. If as_dict is True, nodes are serialized as JSON dictionaries, which can be better human-readable when serialized. Keep in mind, though, that while this renders the json files more readable, not all json parsers honor the order of the entries of dictionaries. Thus, serializing node trees as ordered JSON-dictionaries is not strictly in accordance with the JSON-specification! Also serializing and de-serializing the dictionary-flavored JSON is slower. Example:: >>> node = Node('root', 'content').with_attr(importance="high") >>> node.as_json(indent=0) '["root","content",{"importance":"high"}]' >>> node.as_json(indent=0, as_dict=True) '{"root":{"content__":"content","attributes__":{"importance":"high"}}}' """ if not indent or indent <= 0: indent = None return json.dumps(self.to_json_obj(as_dict=as_dict, include_pos=include_pos), indent=indent, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, separators=(', ', ': ') if indent is not None else (',', ':'))
# serialization meta-method ###
[docs] @cython.locals(,, def serialize(self, how: str = 'default') -> str: """ Serializes the tree originating in the node `self` either as S-expression, XML, JSON, or in compact form. Possible values for `how` are 'S-expression', 'XML', 'JSON', 'indented' accordingly, or 'AST', 'CST', 'default', in which case the value of respective configuration variable determines the serialization format. (See module :py:mod:`DHParser.configuration`.) """ def exceeds_compact_threshold(node: Node, threshold: int) -> bool: """Returns True, if the S-expression-serialization of the tree rooted in `node` would exceed a certain number of lines and should therefore be rendered in a more compact form. """ vsize = 0 for nd in node.select_if(lambda _: True, include_root=True): vsize += 1 if vsize > threshold: return True return False switch = how.lower() if switch == 'ast': switch = get_config_value('AST_serialization').lower() elif switch == 'cst': switch = get_config_value('CST_serialization').lower() elif switch == 'default': switch = get_config_value('default_serialization').lower() # flatten_threshold = get_config_value('flatten_sxpr_threshold') compact_threshold = get_config_value('compact_sxpr_threshold') if switch in ('s-expression', 'sxpr'): return self.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=get_config_value('flatten_sxpr_threshold'), compact=exceeds_compact_threshold(self, compact_threshold)) elif switch[:4] == 'sxml': normal_form = int(switch[-1]) if len(switch) > 4 else 1 return self.as_sxml(flatten_threshold=get_config_value('flatten_sxpr_threshold'), compact=exceeds_compact_threshold(self, compact_threshold), normal_form=normal_form) elif switch == 'xml': return self.as_xml(strict_mode=False) elif switch == 'html': return self.as_html(strict_mode=False) elif switch == 'json': return self.as_json(indent=0) elif switch in ('dict.json', 'jsondict'): return self.as_json(indent=2, as_dict=True, include_pos=False) elif switch in ('indented', 'tree'): return self.as_tree() else: s = how if how == switch else (how + '/' + switch) raise ValueError('Unknown serialization "%s". Allowed values are either: %s or : %s' % (s, "ast, cst, default", ", ".join(ALLOWED_PRESET_VALUES['default_serialization'])))
# Export and import as Element-Tree ###
[docs] def as_etree(self, ET=None, string_tags: AbstractSet[str] = LEAF_PTYPES, empty_tags: AbstractSet[str] = frozenset()): """Returns the tree as standard-library- or lxml-ElementTree. :param ET: The ElementTree-library to be used. If None, the STL ElementTree will be used. :param string_tags: A set of tags the content of which will be written without tag-name into the mixed content of the parent. :param empty_tags: A set of tags that will be considered empty tags like "<br/>". No Node with any of these tags must contain any content. :returns: The tree of Nodes as an ElementTree """ if ET is None: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # import lxml.etree as ET attributes = {k: str(v) for k, v in self.attr.items()} if self.has_attr() else {} tag_name = xml_tag_name( if[:1] == ':' else if self.children: element = ET.Element(tag_name, attrib=attributes) # element.extend([child.as_etree(text_tags, empty_tags) for child in self.children]) children = self.children i = 0; L = len(children); text = [] while i < L and children[i].name in string_tags: assert not children[i].children text.append(children[i].content) i += 1 if text: element.text = ''.join(text) last_element = None while i < L: while i < L and children[i].name not in string_tags: last_element = children[i].as_etree(ET, string_tags, empty_tags) element.append(last_element) i += 1 text = [] while i < L and children[i].name in string_tags: assert not children[i].children text.append(children[i].content) i += 1 if text and last_element is not None: last_element.tail = ''.join(text) else: element = ET.Element(tag_name, attrib=attributes) if tag_name in empty_tags: assert not self.content # element.text = None else: element.text = self.content return element
[docs] @staticmethod def from_etree(et, string_tag: str = MIXED_CONTENT_TEXT_PTYPE) -> Node: """Converts a standard-library- or lxml-ElementTree to a tree of nodes. :param et: the root element-object of the ElementTree :param string_tag: A tag-name that will be used for the strings occurring in mixed content. :returns: a tree of nodes. """ sub_elements = et.findall('*') if sub_elements: children = [Node(string_tag, et.text)] if et.text else [] for el in sub_elements: children.append(Node.from_etree(el, string_tag)) if el.tail: children.append(Node(string_tag, el.tail)) node = Node(restore_tag_name(et.tag), tuple(children)) else: node = Node(restore_tag_name(et.tag), et.text or '').with_attr(et.attrib) return node
## functions for handling tuples of Node-objects ######################
[docs] def content_of(segment: Union[Node, Tuple[Node, ...], StringView, str], select: PathSelector = LEAF_PATH, ignore: PathSelector = NO_PATH) -> str: """Returns the string content from a single node or a tuple of Nodes. """ if isinstance(segment, (StringView, str)): return str(segment) if ignore is NO_PATH and (select is LEAF_PATH or select is ANY_PATH): if isinstance(segment, Node): return segment.content else: return ''.join(nd.content for nd in segment) if isinstance(segment, Node): segment = (segment,) match_func = create_path_match_function(select) skip_func = create_path_match_function(ignore) content_list = [] for root in segment: for tr in root.select_path_if(match_func, include_root=True, skip_func=skip_func): nd = tr[-1] if nd._children or skip_func(tr): continue content_list.append(nd._result) return ''.join(content_list)
def _strlen_of(segment: Union[Node, Sequence[Node, ...]], match_func: PathMatchFunction = LEAF_PATH, skip_func: PathMatchFunction = NO_PATH) -> int: if skip_func is NO_PATH and (match_func is LEAF_PATH or match_func is ANY_PATH): if isinstance(segment, Node): return segment.strlen() else: return sum(nd.strlen() for nd in segment) if isinstance(segment, Node): segment = (segment,) length = 0 for root in segment: for tr in root.select_path_if(match_func, include_root=True, skip_func=skip_func): nd = tr[-1] if nd._children or skip_func(tr): continue length += len(nd._result) return length
[docs] def strlen_of(segment: Union[Node, Sequence[Node, ...], StringView, str], select: PathSelector = LEAF_PATH, ignore: PathSelector = NO_PATH) -> int: """Returns the string size from a single node or a tuple of Nodes.""" if isinstance(segment, (StringView, str)): return len(segment) match_func = create_path_match_function(select) skip_func = create_path_match_function(ignore) return _strlen_of(segment, match_func, skip_func)
## FrozenNode - an immutable version Node ########################
[docs] class FrozenNode(Node): """ FrozenNode is an immutable kind of Node, i.e. it must not be changed after initialization. The purpose is mainly to allow certain kinds of optimizations, like not having to instantiate empty nodes (because they are always the same and will be dropped while parsing, anyway) and to be able to trigger errors if the program tries to treat such temporary nodes as a regular ones. (See :py:mod:`DHParser.parse`) Frozen nodes must only be used temporarily during parsing or tree-transformation and should not occur in the product of the transformation anymore. This can be verified with :py:func:`tree_sanity_check()`. Or, as comparison criterion for content equality when picking or selecting nodes or paths from a tree (see :py:func:`create_match_function()`). """ def __init__(self, name: str, result: ResultType, leafhint: bool = True) -> None: if isinstance(result, str) or isinstance(result, StringView): result = str(result) else: raise TypeError('FrozenNode only accepts string as result. ' '(Only leaf-nodes can be frozen nodes.)') super(FrozenNode, self).__init__(name, result, True) @property def result(self) -> Union[Tuple[Node, ...], StringView, str]: return self._result @result.setter def result(self, result: ResultType): raise TypeError('FrozenNode does not allow re-assignment of results.') @property def attr(self): try: return self._attributes except AttributeError: return OrderedDict() # assignments will be void! @attr.setter def attr(self, attr_dict: Dict[str, Any]): if self.has_attr(): raise AssertionError("Frozen nodes' attributes can only be set once") else: self._attributes = attr_dict @property def pos(self): return -1
[docs] def with_pos(self, pos: -> Node: raise NotImplementedError("Position values cannot be assigned to frozen nodes!")
[docs] def to_json_obj(self, as_dict: bool=False, include_pos: bool=True) -> List: raise NotImplementedError("Frozen nodes cannot and be serialized as JSON!")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json_obj(json_obj: Union[Dict, Sequence]) -> Node: raise NotImplementedError("Frozen nodes cannot be deserialized from JSON!")
[docs] def tree_sanity_check(tree: Node) -> bool: """ Sanity check for node-trees: One and the same node must never appear twice in the node-tree. Frozen Nodes (EMTPY_NODE, PLACEHOLDER) should only exist temporarily and must have been dropped or eliminated before any kind of tree generation (i.e. parsing) or transformation is finished. :param tree: the root of the tree to be checked :returns: `True`, if the tree is "sane", `False` otherwise. """ node_set = set() # type: Set[Node] for node in tree.select_if(lambda nd: True, include_root=True): if not isinstance(node, Node) or node in node_set or isinstance(node, FrozenNode): return False node_set.add(node) return True
## RootNode - manage global properties of trees, like error messages ## EMPTY_SET_SENTINEL = frozenset() # needed by RootNode.as_xml() def default_divisible() -> AbstractSet[str]: return LEAF_PTYPES
[docs] class RootNode(Node): """The root node for the node-tree is a special kind of node that keeps and manages global properties of the tree as a whole. These are first and foremost the list off errors that occurred during tree generation (i.e. parsing) or any transformation of the tree. Other properties concern the customization of the XML-serialization and meta-data about the processed document and processing stage. Although errors are local properties that occur on a specific point or chunk of source code, instead of attaching the errors to the nodes on which they have occurred, the list of errors in managed globally by the root-node object. Otherwise, it would be hard to keep track of the errors when during the transformation of trees node are replaced or dropped that might also contain error messages. The root node can be instantiated before the tree is fully parsed. This is necessary, because the root node is needed for managing error messages during the parsing process, already. In order to connect the root node to the tree, when parsing is finished, the swallow()-method must be called. :ivar errors: A list of all errors that have occurred so far during processing (i.e. parsing, AST-transformation, compiling) of this tree. The errors are ordered by the time of their being added to the list. :ivar errors_sorted: (read-only property) The list of errors ordered by their position. :ivar error_nodes: A mapping of node-ids to a list of errors that occurred on the node with the respective id. :ivar error_positions: A mapping of locations to a set of ids of nodes that contain an error at that particular location. :ivar error_flag: the highest warning or error level of all errors that occurred. :ivar source: The source code (after preprocessing) :ivar source_mapping: A source mapping function to map source code positions to the positions of the non-preprocessed source. See module `preprocess` :ivar lbreaks: A list of indices of all linebreaks in the source. :ivar inline_tags: see `Node.as_xml()` for an explanation. :ivar string_tags: see `Node.as_xml()` for an explanation. :ivar empty_tags: see `Node.as_xml()` for an explanation. :ivar docname: a name for the document :ivar stage: a name for the current processing stage or the empty string (default). This name if present is used for verifying the stage in :py:func:`DHParser.compile.run_pipeline`. If ``stage`` contains the empty string, stage-verification is turned off (which may result in obscure error messages in case a tree-transformation is run on the wrong stage.) Stage-names should be considered as case-insensitive, i.e. "AST" is treated as the same stage as "ast". :ivar serialization_type: The kind of serialization for the current processing stage. Can be one of 'XML', 'json', 'indented', 'S-expression' or 'default'. (The latter picks the default serialization from the configuration.) :ivar data: Compiled data. If the data still is a tree this simply contains a reference to self. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], RootNode): return args[0] # avoid creating a root-node form a root-node return Node.__new__(cls) def __init__(self, node: Optional[Node] = None, source: Union[str, StringView] = '', source_mapping: Optional[SourceMapFunc] = None): if node is self: return # happens if you initialize a RootNode with a RootNode, see __new__ above super().__init__('__not_yet_ready__', '') self.errors: List[Error] = [] self._error_set: Set[Error] = set() self.error_nodes: Dict[int, List[Error]] = dict() # id(node) -> error list self.error_positions: Dict[int, Set[int]] = dict() # pos -> set of id(node) self.error_flag: ErrorCode = ErrorCode(0) self.source: Union[str, StringView] = source self.lbreaks: List[int] = linebreaks(source) # customization for XML-Representation self.inline_tags: Set[str] = set() self.string_tags: Set[str] = set(LEAF_PTYPES) self.empty_tags: Set[str] = set() # meta-data self.docname: str = '' self.stage: str = '' self.serialization_type: str = 'default' if node is not None: self.swallow(node, source, source_mapping) else: self.source_mapping: SourceMapFunc = gen_neutral_srcmap_func(source) \ if source_mapping is None else source_mapping # Data resembling the compiled tree. Default is the tree itself. = self def __str__(self): errors = self.errors_sorted if errors: e_pos = errors[0].pos content = self.content return content[:e_pos] + ' <<< Error on "%s" | %s >>> ' % \ (content[e_pos - self.pos:], '; '.join(e.message for e in errors)) return self.content def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): old_node_ids = [id(nd) for nd in self.select_if(lambda n: True, include_root=True)] duplicate = self.__class__(None) if self._children: duplicate._children = copy.deepcopy(self._children, memodict) duplicate._result = duplicate._children else: duplicate._children = tuple() duplicate._result = self._result duplicate._pos = self._pos new_node_ids = [id(nd) for nd in duplicate.select_if(lambda n: True, include_root=True)] map_id = dict(zip(old_node_ids, new_node_ids)) if self.has_attr(): duplicate.attr.update(self._attributes) # duplicate._attributes = copy.deepcopy(self._attributes) # this is blocked by cython duplicate.errors = copy.deepcopy(self.errors, memodict) duplicate._error_set = {error for error in duplicate.errors} duplicate.error_nodes = {map_id.get(i, i): el[:] for i, el in self.error_nodes.items()} duplicate.error_positions = {pos: {map_id.get(i, i) for i in s} for pos, s in self.error_positions.items()} duplicate.source = self.source duplicate.source_mapping = self.source_mapping duplicate.lbreaks = copy.deepcopy(self.lbreaks, memodict) duplicate.error_flag = self.error_flag duplicate.inline_tags = self.inline_tags duplicate.string_tags = self.string_tags duplicate.empty_tags = self.empty_tags duplicate.docname = self.docname duplicate.stage = self.stage duplicate.serialization_type = self.serialization_type if == self: = duplicate else: = copy.deepcopy( = # copy fields attached by the user ssize = len(self.__dict__) dsize = len(duplicate.__dict__) if dsize < ssize: for k, v in reversed(self.__dict__.items()): setattr(duplicate, k, v) dsize += 1 if dsize == ssize: break return duplicate
[docs] def swallow(self, node: Optional[Node], source: Union[str, StringView] = '', source_mapping: Optional[SourceMapFunc] = None) \ -> RootNode: """ Put `self` in the place of `node` by copying all its data. Returns self. This is done by the parse.Grammar object after parsing has finished, so that the Grammar object always returns a node-tree rooted in a RootNode object. It is possible to add errors to a RootNode object, before it has actually swallowed the root of the node-tree. """ if source and source != self.source: self.source = source self.lbreaks = linebreaks(source) self.source_mapping: SourceMapFunc = gen_neutral_srcmap_func(source) \ if source_mapping is None else source_mapping if != '__not_yet_ready__': raise AssertionError('RootNode.swallow() has already been called!') if node is None: = ZOMBIE_TAG self.with_pos(0) self.new_error(self, 'Parser did not match!', PARSER_STOPPED_BEFORE_END) return self self._result = node._result self._children = node._children self._pos = node._pos = if node.has_attr(): self._attributes = node._attributes # self._content = node._content if id(node) in self.error_nodes: self.error_nodes[id(self)] = self.error_nodes[id(node)] if self.source: add_source_locations(self.errors, self.source_mapping) return self
[docs] def continue_with_data(self, data: Any): """Drops the swallowed tree in favor of the (non-tree) data resulting from the compilation of the tree. The data can then be retrieved from the field ````, which before the tree has been dropped contains a reference to the tree itself. """ if data != self: = data self.result = "TREE HAS BEEN DESTROYED!"
[docs] def add_error(self, node: Optional[Node], error: Error) -> RootNode: """ Adds an Error object to the tree, locating it at a specific node. """ assert isinstance(error, Error) if error in self._error_set: return self # prevent duplication of errors if not node: # find the first leaf-node from the left that could contain the error # judging from its position pos_list = [] node_list = [] nd = None for nd in self.select_if(lambda nd: not nd._children): assert nd.pos >= 0 if nd.pos <= error.pos < nd.pos + nd.strlen(): node = nd break pos_list.append(nd.pos) node_list.append(nd) else: if nd is None: node = self else: node_list.append(nd) i = bisect.bisect(pos_list, error.pos) node = node_list[i] else: assert isinstance(node, Node) assert isinstance(node, FrozenNode) or node.pos <= error.pos, \ "Wrong error position when processing error: %s\n" % str(error) + \ "%i <= %i <= %i ?" % (node.pos, error.pos, node.pos + max(1, node.strlen() - 1)) assert node.pos >= 0, "Errors cannot be assigned to nodes without position!" self.error_nodes.setdefault(id(node), []).append(error) if node.pos <= error.pos <= node.pos + max(node.strlen(), 1): # node.pos == error.pos: self.error_positions.setdefault(error.pos, set()).add(id(node)) if self.source: add_source_locations([error], self.source_mapping) self.errors.append(error) self._error_set.add(error) self.error_flag = max(self.error_flag, error.code) return self
[docs] def new_error(self, node: Node, message: str, code: ErrorCode = ERROR) -> RootNode: """ Adds an error to this tree, locating it at a specific node. :param node: the node where the error occurred :param message: a string with the error message :param code: an error code to identify the type of the error """ error = Error(message, node.pos, code) self.add_error(node, error) return self
[docs] def node_errors(self, node: Node) -> List[Error]: """ Returns the List of errors that occurred on the node or any child node at the position of the node that has already been removed from the tree, for example, because it was an anonymous empty child node. The position of the node is here understood to cover the range: [node.pos, node.pos + node.strlen()[ """ node_id = id(node) # type: int errors = [] # type: List[Error] start_pos = node.pos end_pos = node.pos + max(node.strlen(), 1) error_node_ids = set() for pos, ids in self.error_positions.items(): # TODO: use bisect here... if start_pos <= pos < end_pos: error_node_ids.update(ids) for nid in error_node_ids: if nid == node_id: # add the node's errors errors.extend(self.error_nodes[nid]) elif node._children: for _ in node.select_if(lambda n: id(n) == nid): break else: # node is not connected to tree anymore, but since errors # should not get lost, display its errors on its parent errors.extend(self.error_nodes[nid]) return errors
[docs] def transfer_errors(self, src: Node, dest: Node): """ Transfers errors to a different node. While errors never get lost during AST-transformation, because they are kept by the RootNode, the nodes they are connected to may be dropped in the course of the transformation. This function allows attaching errors from a node that will be dropped to a different node. """ srcId = id(src) destId = id(dest) if srcId != destId and srcId in self.error_nodes: errorList = self.error_nodes[srcId] self.error_nodes.setdefault(destId, []).extend(errorList) del self.error_nodes[srcId] for nodeSet in self.error_positions.values(): nodeSet.discard(srcId) nodeSet.add(destId)
@property def errors_sorted(self) -> List[Error]: """ Returns the list of errors, ordered bv their position. """ errors = self.errors[:] errors.sort(key=lambda e: e.pos) return errors
[docs] def error_safe(self, level: ErrorCode = ERROR) -> RootNode: """ Asserts that the given tree does not contain any errors with a code equal or higher than the given level. Returns the tree if this is the case, raises an `AssertionError` otherwise. """ if has_errors(self.errors, level): raise AssertionError('\n'.join(['Tree-sanity-check failed, because of:'] + [str(e) for e in only_errors(self.errors, level)])) return self
[docs] def did_match(self) -> bool: """ Returns True, if the parser that has generated this tree did match, False otherwise. Depending on wether the Grammar-object that that generated the node-tree was called with `complete_match=True` or not this requires either the complete document to have been matched or only the beginning. Note: If the parser did match, this does not mean that it must have matched without errors. It simply means the no PARSER_STOPPED_BEFORE_END-error has occurred. """ return != '__not_yet_ready__' \ and not any(e.code == PARSER_STOPPED_BEFORE_END for e in self.errors)
[docs] def as_xml(self, src: Optional[str] = None, indentation: int = 2, inline_tags: AbstractSet[str] = EMPTY_SET_SENTINEL, string_tags: AbstractSet[str] = EMPTY_SET_SENTINEL, empty_tags: AbstractSet[str] = EMPTY_SET_SENTINEL, strict_mode: bool=True) -> str: return super().as_xml( src, indentation, inline_tags=self.inline_tags if inline_tags is EMPTY_SET_SENTINEL else inline_tags, string_tags=self.string_tags if string_tags is EMPTY_SET_SENTINEL else string_tags, empty_tags=self.empty_tags if empty_tags is EMPTY_SET_SENTINEL else empty_tags, strict_mode=strict_mode)
[docs] def serialize(self, how: str = '') -> str: if not how: how = self.serialization_type or 'default' return super().serialize(how)
## S-expression- and XML-parsers and JSON-reader ###################### RX_SXPR_INNER_PARSER = re.compile(r'[\w:]+') RX_SXPR_NOTEXT = re.compile(r'(?:(?!\)).)*', re.DOTALL) RX_SXPR_TEXT = {qtmark: re.compile(qtmark + r'.*?' + qtmark, re.DOTALL) for qtmark in ['"""', "'''", '"', "'"]}
[docs] def parse_sxpr(sxpr: Union[str, StringView]) -> RootNode: """ Generates a tree of nodes from an S-expression. This can - among other things - be used for deserialization of trees that have been serialized with `Node.as_sxpr()` or as a convenient way to generate test data. Example: >>> parse_sxpr("(a (b c))").as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=0) '(a\\n (b "c"))' `parse_sxpr()` does not initialize the node's `pos`-values. This can be done with `Node.with_pos()`: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(A (B "x") (C "y"))').with_pos(0) >>> tree['C'].pos 1 """ remaining = sxpr # type: Union[str, StringView] @cython.locals(, def next_block(s: StringView) -> Iterator[StringView]: """Generator that yields all characters until the next closing bracket that does not match an opening bracket matched earlier within the same package. """ s = s.strip() try: while s[0] != ')': if s[0] != '(': raise ValueError('"(" expected, not ' + s[:10]) # assert s[0] == '(', s level = 1 k = 1 while level > 0: if s[k] in ("'", '"'): k = s.find(str(s[k]), k + 1) if k < 0: raise IndexError() if s[k] == '(': level += 1 elif s[k] == ')': level -= 1 k += 1 yield s[:k] s = s[k:].strip() except IndexError: errmsg = ('Malformed S-expression. Unprocessed part: "%s"' % s) if s \ else 'Malformed S-expression. Closing bracket(s) ")" missing.' raise ValueError(errmsg) nonlocal remaining remaining = s @cython.locals(,,,, def parse_attrs(sxpr: StringView, attr_start: str, attributes: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, int]: pos: int = -1 L: int = len(attr_start) while sxpr[:L] == attr_start: i = sxpr.find('"') k = sxpr.find(')') if k > i: k = sxpr.find(')', sxpr.find('"', i + 1)) if i < 0: i = k + 1 if k < 0: raise ValueError('Unbalanced parantheses in S-Expression: ' + str(sxpr)) # read very special attribute pos if sxpr[L:L + 3] == "pos" and (L == 1 or 0 < k < i): pos = int(str(sxpr[L + 3:k].strip(' \'"').split(' ')[0])) # ignore very special attribute err elif sxpr[L:L + 3] == "err" and 0 <= sxpr.find('`', L + 3) < k: m = sxpr.find('(', L + 3) while 0 <= m < k: m = sxpr.find('(', k) k = max(k, sxpr.find(')', max(m, 0))) # read attr else: attr = str(sxpr[L:i].strip()) if not RX_ATTR_NAME.match(attr): raise ValueError('Illegal attribute name: ' + attr) value = sxpr[i:k].strip()[1:-1] attributes[attr] = str(value) sxpr = sxpr[k + 1:].strip() return sxpr, pos @cython.locals(,, def inner_parser(sxpr: StringView) -> Node: if sxpr[0:1] != '(': raise ValueError('"(" expected, not ' + sxpr[:10]) # assert sxpr[0] == '(', sxpr sxpr = sxpr[1:].strip() match = sxpr.match(RX_SXPR_INNER_PARSER) if match is None: raise AssertionError('Malformed S-expression Node-tagname or identifier expected, ' 'not "%s"' % sxpr[:40].replace('\n', '')) end = sxpr.index(match.end()) tagname = sxpr[:end] name, class_name = (tagname.split(':') + [''])[:2] sxpr = sxpr[end:].strip() attributes = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Any] # parse attr if sxpr[:2] == '(@': # SXML-style sxpr, pos = parse_attrs(sxpr[2:].lstrip(), "(", attributes) assert sxpr[0] == ')' sxpr = sxpr[1:].lstrip() else: # DHParser-style sxpr, pos = parse_attrs(sxpr, "`(", attributes) if sxpr[0:1] == '(': result = tuple(inner_parser(block) for block in next_block(sxpr)) # type: Union[Tuple[Node, ...], str] else: lines = [] while sxpr and sxpr[0:1] != ')': # parse content for qtmark in ['"""', "'''", '"', "'"]: match = sxpr.match(RX_SXPR_TEXT[qtmark]) if match: end = sxpr.index(match.end()) i = len(qtmark) lines.append(str(sxpr[i:end - i])) sxpr = sxpr[end:].strip() break else: match = sxpr.match(RX_SXPR_NOTEXT) end = sxpr.index(match.end()) lines.append(str(sxpr[:end])) sxpr = sxpr[end:] result = "\n".join(lines) # # type: Union[Tuple[Node, ...], str] nonlocal remaining remaining = sxpr node = Node(str(name or ':' + class_name), result) node._pos = pos if attributes: node.attr.update(attributes) return node xpr = StringView(sxpr).strip() if isinstance(sxpr, str) else sxpr.strip() # type: StringView tree = inner_parser(xpr) if remaining != ')': raise ValueError('Malformed S-expression. Superfluous characters: ' + remaining[1:]) return RootNode(tree)
[docs] def parse_sxml(sxml: Union[str, StringView]) -> RootNode: """Generates a tree of nodes from `SXML <>`_. Example:: >>> sxml = '(employee(@ (branch "Secret Service") (id "007")) "James Bond")' >>> tree = parse_sxml(sxml) >>> print(tree.as_xml()) <employee branch="Secret Service" id="007">James Bond</employee> """ return parse_sxpr(sxml)
RX_WHITESPACE_TAIL = re.compile(r'\s*$') RX_XML_ATTRIBUTES = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<attr>[\w:_.-]+)\s*=\s*"(?P<value>.*?)"\s*') RX_XML_SPECIAL_TAG = re.compile(r'<(?![?!])') RX_XML_OPENING_TAG = re.compile(r'<\s*(?P<tagname>[\w:_.-]+)\s*') RX_XML_CLOSING_TAG = re.compile(r'</\s*(?P<tagname>[\w:_.-]+)\s*>') RX_XML_HEADER = re.compile(r'<(?![?!])') EMPTY_TAGS_SENTINEL = set()
[docs] def parse_xml(xml: Union[str, StringView], string_tag: str = TOKEN_PTYPE, ignore_pos: bool = False, out_empty_tags: Set[str] = EMPTY_TAGS_SENTINEL, strict_mode: bool = True) -> RootNode: """ Generates a tree of nodes from a (Pseudo-)XML-source. :param xml: The XML-string to be parsed into a tree of Nodes :param string_tag: A tag-name that will be used for strings inside mixed-content-tags. :param ignore_pos: if True, '_pos'-attributes will be understood as normal XML-attributes. Otherwise, '_pos' will be understood as a special attribute, the value of which will be written to `node._pos` and not transferred to the `node.attr`-dictionary. :param out_empty_tags: A set that is filled with the names of those tags that are empty tags, e.g. "<br/>" :param strict_mode: If True, errors are raised if XML contains stylistic or interoperability errors, like using one and the same tag-name for empty and non-empty tags, for example. """ xml = StringView(str(xml)) non_empty_tags: Set[str] = set() dual_use_notified: Set[str] = set() if out_empty_tags is EMPTY_TAGS_SENTINEL: out_empty_tags = set() def get_pos_str(substring: StringView) -> str: """Returns line:column indicating where substring is located within the whole xml-string.""" nonlocal xml pos = len(xml) - len(substring) l, c = line_col(linebreaks(xml), pos) return f'{l}:{c}' def parse_attributes(s: StringView) -> Tuple[StringView, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Parses a sequence of XML-Attributes. Returns the string-slice beginning after the end of the attr. """ attributes = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Any] eot = s.find('>') restart = 0 for match in s.finditer(RX_XML_ATTRIBUTES): if s.index(match.start()) >= eot: break d = match.groupdict() attributes[d['attr']] = d['value'] restart = s.index(match.end()) return s[restart:], attributes def skip_comment(s: StringView) -> StringView: assert s[:4] == "<!--" i = s.find('-->') if i < 0: if strict_mode: raise ValueError(get_pos_str(s) + " comment is never closed!") else: return s[4:] else: return s[i + 3:] def skip_special_tag(s: StringView) -> StringView: """Skip special tags, e.g. <?...>, <!...>, and return the string view at the position of the next normal tag.""" assert s[:2] in ('<!', '<?') assert s[:4] != '<!--' m = i = s.index(m.start()) if m else len(s) k = s.rfind(">", end=i) return s[k+1:] if k >= 0 else s[2:] def parse_opening_tag(s: StringView) -> Tuple[StringView, str, OrderedDict, bool]: """ Parses an opening tag. Returns the string segment following the opening tag, the tag name, a dictionary of attr and a flag indicating whether the tag is actually a solitary tag as indicated by a slash at the end, i.e. <br/>. """ match = s.match(RX_XML_OPENING_TAG) assert match tagname = match.groupdict()['tagname'] section = s[s.index(match.end()):] s, attributes = parse_attributes(section) i = s.find('>') assert i >= 0 return s[i + 1:], tagname, attributes, s[i - 1] == "/" def parse_closing_tag(s: StringView) -> Tuple[StringView, str]: """ Parses a closing tag and returns the string segment, just after the closing tag. """ match = s.match(RX_XML_CLOSING_TAG) assert match, 'XML-closing-tag expected, but found: ' + s[:20] tagname = match.groupdict()['tagname'] return s[s.index(match.end()):], tagname def parse_leaf_content(s: StringView) -> Tuple[StringView, StringView]: """ Parses a piece of the content of a tag, just until the next opening, closing or solitary tag is reached. """ i = 0 while s[i] != "<": # or s[max(0, i - 1)] == "\\": i = s.find("<", i + 1) assert i > 0 return s[i:], s[:i] def parse_full_content(s: StringView) -> Tuple[StringView, Node]: """ Parses the full content of a tag, starting right at the beginning of the opening tag and ending right after the closing tag. """ nonlocal non_empty_tags, dual_use_notified res = [] # type: List[Node] substring = s s, tagname, attrs, solitary = parse_opening_tag(s) name, class_name = (tagname.split(":") + [''])[:2] if solitary: if tagname in non_empty_tags: if strict_mode and tagname not in dual_use_notified: print(get_pos_str(substring) + f' "{tagname}" is used as empty as well as non-empty element!' f' This can cause errors when re-serializing data as XML!') dual_use_notified.add(tagname) # raise ValueError(get_pos_str(substring) + # f' "{tagname}" is used as empty as well as non-empty element!' # f' This can cause errors when re-serializing data as XML!' # f' Use parse_xml(..., strict_mode=False) to suppress this error!') non_empty_tags.remove(tagname) out_empty_tags.add(tagname) else: if tagname in out_empty_tags: if strict_mode and tagname not in dual_use_notified: print(get_pos_str(substring) + f' "{tagname}" is used as empty as well as non-empty element!' f' This can cause errors when re-serializing data as XML!') dual_use_notified.add(tagname) # raise ValueError(get_pos_str(substring) + # f' "{tagname}" is used as empty as well as non-empty element!' # f' This can cause errors when re-serializing data as XML!' # f' Use parse_xml(..., strict_mode=False) to suppress this error!') else: non_empty_tags.add(tagname) while s and not s[:2] == "</": s, leaf = parse_leaf_content(s) if leaf and (leaf.find('\n') < 0 or not leaf.match(RX_WHITESPACE_TAIL)): res.append(Node(string_tag, leaf)) if s[:1] == "<": if s[:4] == '<!--': s = skip_comment(s) elif s[:2] in ("<?", "<!"): s = skip_special_tag(s) elif s[:2] != "</": s, child = parse_full_content(s) res.append(child) s, closing_tagname = parse_closing_tag(s) if tagname != closing_tagname: if strict_mode: raise ValueError( f'{get_pos_str(substring)} - {get_pos_str(s)}' f' Tag-name mismatch: <{tagname}>...</{closing_tagname}>!' f' Use parse_xml(..., strict_mode=False) to suppress this error,' f' but do not expect sound results if you do!') else: print(f'{get_pos_str(substring)} - {get_pos_str(s)}' f' Tag-name mismatch: <{tagname}>...</{closing_tagname}>!') if len(res) == 1 and res[0].name == string_tag: result = res[0].result # type: Union[Tuple[Node, ...], StringView, str] else: result = tuple(res) if name and not class_name: name = restore_tag_name(name) if class_name: class_name = ':' + class_name node = Node(name + class_name, result) if not ignore_pos and '_pos' in attrs: node._pos = int(attrs['_pos']) del attrs['_pos'] if attrs: node.attr.update(attrs) return s, node match_header = start = xml.index(match_header.start()) if match_header else 0 _, tree = parse_full_content(xml[start:]) return RootNode(tree)
[docs] class DHParser_JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """A JSON-encoder that also encodes ``nodetree.Node`` as valid json objects. Node-objects are encoded using Node.as_json. """
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Node): return cast(Node, obj).to_json_obj() elif obj is JSONnull or isinstance(obj, JSONnull): return None elif isinstance(obj, StringView): obj = str(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs] def parse_json(json_str: str) -> RootNode: """ Parses a JSON-representation of a node-tree. Other than and parse_xml, this function does not convert any json-document into a node-tree, but only json-documents that represents a node-tree, e.g. a json-document that has been produced by `Node.as_json()`! """ json_obj = json.loads(json_str, object_pairs_hook=lambda pairs: OrderedDict(pairs)) return RootNode(Node.from_json_obj(json_obj))
[docs] def deserialize(xml_sxpr_or_json: str) -> Optional[Node]: """ Parses either XML or S-expressions or a JSON representation of a syntax-tree. Which of these is detected automatically. """ if RX_IS_XML.match(xml_sxpr_or_json): return parse_xml(xml_sxpr_or_json) elif RX_IS_SXPR.match(xml_sxpr_or_json): return parse_sxpr(xml_sxpr_or_json) elif re.fullmatch(r'\s*', xml_sxpr_or_json): return None else: try: return parse_json(xml_sxpr_or_json) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: m = re.match(r'\s*(.*)\n?', xml_sxpr_or_json) snippet = if m else '' raise ValueError('Snippet is neither S-expression nor XML: ' + snippet + ' ...')
####################################################################### # # Attribute-handling # #######################################################################
[docs] def validate_token_sequence(token_sequence: str) -> bool: """Returns True, if `token_sequence` is properly formed. Token sequences are strings or words which are separated by single blanks with no leading or trailing blank. """ return token_sequence[:1] != ' ' and token_sequence[-1:] != ' ' \ and token_sequence.find(' ') < 0
[docs] def has_token(token_sequence: str, tokens: str) -> bool: """Returns true, if `token` is contained in the blank-spearated token sequence. If `token` itself is a blank-separated sequence of tokens, True is returned if all tokens are contained in `token_sequence`:: >>> has_token('bold italic', 'italic') True >>> has_token('bold italic', 'normal') False >>> has_token('bold italic', 'italic bold') True >>> has_token('bold italic', 'bold normal') False """ # assert validate_token_sequence(token_sequence) # assert validate_token_sequence(token) return not tokens or set(tokens.split(' ')) <= set(token_sequence.split(' '))
[docs] def add_token(token_sequence: str, tokens: str) -> str: """Adds the tokens from 'tokens' that are not already contained in `token_sequence` to the end of `token_sequence`:: >>> add_token('', 'italic') 'italic' >>> add_token('bold italic', 'large') 'bold italic large' >>> add_token('bold italic', 'bold') 'bold italic' >>> add_token('red thin', 'stroked red') 'red thin stroked' """ for tk in tokens.split(' '): if tk and token_sequence.find(tk) < 0: token_sequence += ' ' + tk return token_sequence.lstrip()
[docs] def remove_token(token_sequence, tokens: str) -> str: """ Removes all `tokens` from `token_sequence`:: >>> remove_token('red thin stroked', 'thin') 'red stroked' >>> remove_token('red thin stroked', 'blue') 'red thin stroked' >>> remove_token('red thin stroked', 'blue stroked') 'red thin' """ for tk in tokens.split(' '): token_sequence = token_sequence.replace(tk, '').strip().replace(' ', ' ') return token_sequence
[docs] def eq_tokens(token_sequence1: str, token_sequence2: str) -> bool: """Returns True if bothe token sequences contain the same tokens, no matter in what order:: >>> eq_tokens('red thin stroked', 'stroked red thin') True >>> eq_tokens('red thin', 'thin blue') False """ return set(token_sequence1.split(' ')) - {''} == set(token_sequence2.split(' ')) - {''}
[docs] def has_token_on_attr(node: Node, tokens: str, attribute: str): """Returns True, if 'attribute' of 'node' contains all 'tokens'.""" return has_token(node.get_attr(attribute, ''), tokens)
[docs] def add_token_to_attr(node: Node, tokens: str, attribute: str): """Adds all `tokens` to `attribute` of `node`.""" if tokens: node.attr[attribute] = add_token(node.get_attr(attribute, ''), tokens)
[docs] def remove_token_from_attr(node: Node, tokens: str, attribute: str): """Removes all `tokens` from `attribute` of `node`.""" node.attr[attribute] = remove_token(node.get_attr(attribute, ''), tokens)
has_class = functools.partial(has_token_on_attr, attribute='class') add_class = functools.partial(add_token_to_attr, attribute='class') remove_class = functools.partial(remove_token_from_attr, attribute='class') ####################################################################### # # Path-Handling # ####################################################################### # path strings ######################################################## ### EXPERIMENTAL
[docs] def path_str(path: Path) -> str: """Returns the path as pseudo filepath of tag-names.""" tag_list = [''] for node in path: assert not'/'), 'path_str() not allowed for tag-names containing "/"!' tag_list.append( if path[-1].children: tag_list.append('') return '/'.join(tag_list)
[docs] def match_path_str(path_str: str, glob_pattern: str) -> bool: """Matches a path_str against a glob-pattern.""" from fnmatch import fnmatchcase if glob_pattern[0:1] not in ("/", "*"): glob_pattern = "*/" + glob_pattern return fnmatchcase(path_str, glob_pattern)
# access siblings #####################################################
[docs] def pred_siblings(path: Path, criteria: NodeSelector = ANY_NODE, reverse: bool = False) \ -> Iterator[Node]: """Returns an iterator over the siblings preceeding the end-node in the path. Siblings are iterated left to right, so if the end-node of path is the 5th child of its parent (path[-2]) the siblings will be iterated starting with the 1st child (not with the 4th!). This can be reversed with reverse=True. """ if len(path) <= 1: raise ValueError(f"End node of path {path} has no parent and thus no siblings.") children = path[-2].children if reverse: i = children.index(path[-1]) for k in range(i - 1, -1, -1): sibling = children[k] if criteria(sibling): yield sibling else: node = path[-1] for sibling in children: if sibling == node: break if criteria(sibling): yield sibling
[docs] def succ_siblings(path: Path, criteria: NodeSelector = ANY_NODE, reverse: bool = False) \ -> Iterator[Node]: """Returns an iterator over the siblings succeeding the end-node in the path. Siblings are iterated left to right. This can be reversed with reverse=True. """ if len(path) <= 1: raise ValueError(f"End node of path {path} has no parent and thus no siblings.") children = path[-2].children if reverse: i = children.index(path[-1]) for k in range(len(children) - 1, i, -1): sibling = children[k] if criteria(sibling): yield sibling else: i = children.index(path[-1]) for sibling in children[i + 1:]: if criteria(sibling): yield sibling
# Navigate paths #####################################################
[docs] @cython.locals(, def prev_path(path: Path) -> Optional[Path]: """Returns the path of the predecessor of the last node in the path. The predecessor is the sibling of the same parent-node preceding the node, or, if it already is the first sibling, the parent's sibling preceding the parent, or grandparent's sibling and so on. In case no predecessor is found, when the first ancestor has been reached, `None` is returned. """ assert isinstance(path, list) node = path[-1] for i in range(len(path) - 2, -1, -1): siblings = path[i]._children if node is not siblings[0]: for k in range(1, len(siblings)): if node is siblings[k]: return path[:i + 1] + [siblings[k - 1]] raise AssertionError('Structural Error: path[%i] is not the parent of path[%i]' % (i, i + 1)) node = path[i] return None
[docs] @cython.locals(, def next_path(path: Path) -> Optional[Path]: """Returns the path of the successor of the last node in the path. The successor is the sibling of the same parent Node succeeding the node, or if it already is the last sibling, the parent's sibling succeeding the parent, or grand parent's sibling and so on. In case no successor is found when the first ancestor has been reached, `None` is returned. """ assert isinstance(path, list) node = path[-1] for i in range(len(path) - 2, -1, -1): siblings = path[i]._children if node is not siblings[-1]: for k in range(len(siblings) - 2, -1, -1): if node is siblings[k]: return path[:i + 1] + [siblings[k + 1]] raise AssertionError('Structural Error: path[%i] is not the parent of path[%i]' % (i, i + 1)) node = path[i] return None
PickChildFunction: TypeAlias = Callable[[Node], Node] LAST_CHILD = lambda nd: nd.result[-1] FIRST_CHILD = lambda nd: nd.result[0]
[docs] def zoom_into_path(path: Optional[Path], pick_child: PickChildFunction, steps: int) \ -> Optional[Path]: """Returns the path of a descendant that follows `steps` generations up the tree originating in 'path[-1]`. If `steps` < 0 this will be as many generations as are needed to reach a leaf-node. The function `pick_child` determines which branch to follow during each iteration, as long as the top of the path is not yet a leaf node. A `path`-parameter value of `None` will simply be passed through. """ if path: trl = path.copy() top = trl[-1] while top.children and steps != 0: top = pick_child(top) trl.append(top) steps -= 1 return trl return None
leaf_path = functools.partial(zoom_into_path, steps=-1) next_leaf_path = lambda trl: leaf_path(next_path(trl), FIRST_CHILD) prev_leaf_path = lambda trl: leaf_path(prev_path(trl), LAST_CHILD)
[docs] def foregoing_str(path: Path, length: int = -1) -> str: """Returns `length` characters from the string content preceding the path.""" N = 0 l = [] trl = prev_path(path) while trl and (N < length or length < 0): s = trl[-1].content l.append(s) N += len(s) trl = prev_path(trl) foregoing = ''.join(reversed(l)) return foregoing if length < 0 else foregoing[-length:]
[docs] def ensuing_str(path: Path, length: int = -1) -> str: """Returns `length` characters from the string content succeeding the path.""" N = 0 l = [] trl = next_path(path) while trl and (N < length or length < 0): s = trl[-1].content l.append(s) N += len(s) trl = next_path(trl) following = ''.join(l) return following if length < 0 else following[:length]
[docs] def select_path_if(start_path: Path, match_func: PathMatchFunction, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_func: PathMatchFunction = NO_PATH) -> Iterator[Path]: """ Creates an Iterator yielding all `paths` for which the `match_function` is true, starting from `path`. """ def recursive(trl): nonlocal match_func, reverse, skip_func if match_func(trl): yield trl top = trl[-1] child_iterator = reversed(top._children) if reverse else top._children for child in child_iterator: child_trl = trl + [child] if not skip_func(child_trl): yield from recursive(child_trl) path = start_path.copy() while path: if include_root: yield from recursive(path) else: include_root = True node = path.pop() edge, delta = (0, -1) if reverse else (-1, 1) while path and node is path[-1]._children[edge]: if match_func(path): yield path node = path.pop() if path: parent = path[-1] i = parent.index(node) nearest_sibling = parent._children[i + delta] path.append(nearest_sibling)
# include_root = True
[docs] def select_path(start_path: Path, criteria: PathSelector, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: PathSelector = NO_PATH) -> Iterator[Path]: """ Like `select_path_if()` but yields the entire path (i.e. list of descendants, the last one being the matching node) instead of just the matching nodes. """ return select_path_if(start_path, create_path_match_function(criteria), include_root, reverse, create_path_match_function(skip_subtree))
[docs] def pick_path_if(start_path: Path, match_func: PathMatchFunction, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: PathSelector = NO_PATH) -> Optional[Path]: """ Returns the first path for which match_func becomes True. If no path in the given direction (forward by default or reverse, if paramter reverse is True), None is returned. """ try: return next(select_path_if( start_path, match_func, include_root=include_root, reverse=reverse, skip_subtree=skip_subtree)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def pick_path(start_path: Path, criteria: PathSelector, include_root: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, skip_subtree: PathSelector = NO_PATH) -> Optional[Path]: """ Returns the first path for which the criterion matches. If no path in the given direction (forward by default or reverse, if paramter reverse is True), None is returned. """ try: return next(select_path( start_path, criteria, include_root=include_root, reverse=reverse, skip_subtree=skip_subtree)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def select_from_path_if(path: Path, match_func: NodeMatchFunction, reverse: bool=False) -> Iterator[Node]: """Yields all nodes from path for which the match_function is true.""" if reverse: for nd in reversed(path): if match_func(nd): yield nd else: for nd in path: if match_func(nd): yield nd
[docs] def select_from_path(path: Path, criteria: NodeSelector, reverse: bool=False) \ -> Iterator[Node]: """Yields all nodes from path which fulfill the criterion.""" return select_from_path_if(path, create_match_function(criteria), reverse)
[docs] def pick_from_path_if(path: Path, match_func: NodeMatchFunction, reverse: bool=False) -> Optional[Node]: """Picks the first node from the path for which match_func is True. Returns `None` if the path does not contain any node for which this is the case.""" try: return next(select_from_path(path, match_func, reverse=reverse)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def pick_from_path(path: Path, criterion: NodeSelector, reverse: bool=False) \ -> Optional[Node]: """Picks the first node from the path that fulfils the criterion. Returns `None` if the path does not contain any node fulfilling the criterion.""" try: return next(select_from_path(path, criterion, reverse=reverse)) except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def find_common_ancestor(path_A: Path, path_B: Path) -> Tuple[Optional[Node], int]: """Returns the last common ancestor of path_A, path_B and its index in the path. If there is no common ancestor (None, undefined integer) is returned. """ common_ancestor = None i = 0 last_a = [path_A[0]] last_b = [path_B[0]] for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(path_A, path_B)): if a != b or a not in last_a or b not in last_b: break common_ancestor = a last_a = a last_b = b else: i += 1 i -= 1 return common_ancestor, i
[docs] def pp_path(path: Path, with_content: int = 0, delimiter: str = ' <- ') \ -> str: """Serializes a path as string. :param path: the path to be serialized. :param with_content: the number of nodes from the end of the path for which the content will be displayed next to the name. :param delimiter: The delimiter separating the nodes in the returned string. :returns: the string-serialization of the given path. """ if with_content == 0: steps = [ for nd in path] else: n = with_content if with_content > 0 else len(path) steps = [ for nd in path[:-n]] steps.extend(f'{} "{nd.content}"' for nd in path[-n:]) return delimiter.join(steps)
[docs] def path_sanity_check(path: Path) -> bool: """Checks whether the nodes following in the path-list are really immediate descendants of each other.""" return all(path[i] in path[i - 1]._children for i in range(1, len(path)))
####################################################################### # # Context Mappings, splitting and insertion of new nodes into a tree # #######################################################################
[docs] def insert_node(leaf_path: Path, rel_pos: int, node: Node, divisible_leaves: Container = LEAF_PTYPES) -> Node: """Inserts a node at a specific position into the last or eventually second but last node in the path. The path must be a "leaf"-path, i.e. a path that ends in a leaf. Returns the parent of the newly inserted node.""" assert leaf_path leaf = leaf_path[-1] leaf_len = leaf.strlen() assert not leaf.children assert rel_pos <= leaf_len if len(leaf_path) >= 2: parent = leaf_path[-2] i = parent.index(leaf) if rel_pos == 0: parent.insert(i, node) return parent if rel_pos == leaf_len: parent.insert(i + 1, node) return parent if in divisible_leaves: content = leaf.content parent.result = parent.result[:i] + \ (Node(, content[:rel_pos]), node, Node(, content[rel_pos:])) + \ parent.result[i + 1:] return parent if rel_pos == 0: leaf.result = (node, Node(, leaf.content)) elif rel_pos == leaf_len: leaf.result = (Node(, leaf.content), node) else: content = leaf.content leaf.result = (Node(, content[:rel_pos]), node, Node(, content[rel_pos:])) return leaf
chain_id = 4231 chain_step = 4231 chain_len = 3 chain_modulo = 23 ** chain_len chain_letters = "ABCDEFGHKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
[docs] def reset_chain_ID(chain_length: int = 3): """For testing and debugging, reset the chain_id counter to ensure deterministic results. :param chain_length: The staring length of the letter-chain used as ID value """ global chain_id, chain_step, chain_len, chain_modulo assert chain_length >= 3 multiplier = 23 ** (chain_length - 3) chain_id = 4231 * multiplier chain_step = 4231 * multiplier chain_len = chain_length chain_modulo = 23 ** chain_len
def gen_chain_ID() -> str: """Generate a unique chain-ID for marking splitted nodes or tags, for that matter. Chain-IDs in different threads or processes can be identical. It is assumed that one tree is not processed by several threads at the same time.""" global chain_id, chain_step, chain_len, chain_modulo chain_id = (chain_id + chain_step) % chain_modulo if chain_id == chain_step: chain_step = chain_step * 23 - 1 chain_id = chain_step chain_len += 1 chain_modulo *= 23 c = chain_id cid = [] while c > 0: cid.append(chain_letters[c % 23]) c = c // 23 while len(cid) < chain_len: cid.append('A') return ''.join(cid) @deprecated('Function "split()" has been renamed to "split_node()".') def split(*args, **kwargs): return split_node(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @cython.locals( def split_node(node: Node, parent: Node, i:, left_biased: bool = True, chain_attr: Optional[dict] = None) -> int: """Splits a node at the given index (in case of a branch-node) or string-position (in case of a leaf-node). Returns the index of the right part within the parent node after the split. (This means that with ``node.insert(index, nd)`` nd will be inserted (exactly at the split location.) Non-anonymous nodes that have been split will be marked by updateing their attribute-dictionary with the chain_attr-dictionary if given. :param node: the node to be split :param parent: the node's parent :param i: the index either of the child or of the character before which the node will be split. :param left_biased: if True, yields the location after the end of the previous path rather than the location at the very beginning of the next path. Default value is "False". :param chain_attr: a dictionary with a single key and value resembling an attribute and value that will be added to the attributes-dicitonary of both nodes after the split, if the node is named node. :returns: the index of the split within the children's tuple of the parent node. Examples:: >>> test_tree = parse_sxpr('(X (A "Hello, ") (B "Peter") (C " Smith"))').with_pos(0) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(test_tree) # test edge cases first >>> split_node(X['B'], X, 0) 1 >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello, ") (B "Peter") (C " Smith")) >>> split_node(X['B'], X, X['B'].strlen()) 2 >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello, ") (B "Peter") (C " Smith")) # standard case >>> split_node(X['B'], X, 2) 2 >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello, ") (B "Pe") (B "ter") (C " Smith")) >>> print(X.pick('B', reverse=True).pos) 9 # use split() as preparation for adding markup >>> X = copy.deepcopy(test_tree) >>> a = split_node(X['A'], X, 6) >>> a 1 >>> b = split_node(X['C'], X, 1) >>> b 4 >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello,") (A " ") (B "Peter") (C " ") (C "Smith")) >>> markup = Node('em', X[a:b]).with_pos(X[a].pos) >>> X.result = X[:a] + (markup,) + X[b:] >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello,") (em (A " ") (B "Peter") (C " ")) (C "Smith")) # a more complex case: add markup to a nested tree >>> X = parse_sxpr('(X (A "Hello, ") (B "Peter") (bold (C " Smith")))').with_pos(0) >>> a = split_node(X['A'], X, 6) >>> b0 = split_node(X['bold']['C'], X['bold'], 1) >>> b0 1 >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello,") (A " ") (B "Peter") (bold (C " ") (C "Smith"))) >>> b = split_node(X['bold'], X, b0) >>> b 4 >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello,") (A " ") (B "Peter") (bold (C " ")) (bold (C "Smith"))) >>> markup = Node('em', X[a:b]).with_pos(X[a].pos) >>> X.result = X[:a] + (markup,) + X[b:] >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A "Hello,") (em (A " ") (B "Peter") (bold (C " "))) (bold (C "Smith"))) # use left_bias hint for potentially ambiguous cases: >>> X = parse_sxpr('(X (A ""))') >>> split_node(X['A'], X, X['A'].strlen()) 0 >>> split_node(X['A'], X, X['A'].strlen(), left_biased=False) 1 """ assert i >= 0 k = parent.index(node) + 1 if left_biased: if i == 0: return k - 1 if i == len(node._result): return k else: if i == len(node._result): return k if i == 0: return k - 1 right = Node(, node._result[i:]) if node.has_attr(): right.with_attr(node.attr) if right._children: right._pos = right._result[0]._pos elif node._pos >= 0: right._pos = node._pos + i node.result = node._result[:i] # if chain_attr and not node.anonymous: if chain_attr and not node.anonymous: node.attr.update(chain_attr) right.attr.update(chain_attr) parent.result = parent._result[:k] + (right,) + parent.result[k:] return k
[docs] @cython.locals( def deep_split(path: Path, i:, left_biased: bool=True, greedy: bool=True, match_func: PathMatchFunction = ANY_PATH, skip_func: PathMatchFunction = NO_PATH, chain_attr_name: str = '') -> int: """Splits a tree along the path where i the is offset (or relative index) of the split in the last node of the path. Returns the index of the split-location in the first node of the path. Exapmles:: >>> from DHParser.toolkit import printw >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(X (s "") (A (u "") (C "One, ") (D "two, ")) ' ... '(B (E "three, ") (F "four!") (t "")))') >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> C = X.pick_path('C') >>> a = deep_split(C, 0) >>> a 1 >>> F = X.pick_path('F', reverse=True) >>> b = deep_split(F, F[-1].strlen(), left_biased=False) >>> b 3 >>> printw(X.as_sxpr()) (X (s) (A (u) (C "One, ") (D "two, ")) (B (E "three, ") (F "four!") (t))) >>> a = deep_split(C, 0, greedy=False) >>> a 2 >>> b = deep_split(F, F[-1].strlen(), left_biased=False, greedy=False) >>> b 4 >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (s) (A (u)) (A (C "One, ") (D "two, ")) (B (E "three, ") (F "four!")) (B (t))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree).with_pos(0) >>> C = X.pick_path('C') >>> a = deep_split(C, 4) >>> E = X.pick_path('E') >>> b = deep_split(E, 0, left_biased=False) >>> a, b (2, 3) >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (s) (A (u) (C "One,")) (A (C " ") (D "two, ")) (B (E "three, ") (F "four!") (t))) >>> X.result = X[:a] + (Node('em', X[a:b]).with_pos(X[a].pos),) + X[b:] >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (s) (A (u) (C "One,")) (em (A (C " ") (D "two, "))) (B (E "three, ") (F "four!") (t))) # edge cases >>> Y = parse_sxpr('(Y "123")') >>> deep_split([Y], 1) 1 >>> print(Y.as_sxpr()) (Y "123") """ # match_func = create_path_match_function(select) # skip_func = create_path_match_function(ignore) parent = path[-1] last_index = len(path) chain_attr = {} for idx in range(2, last_index + 1): node = parent parent = path[-idx] if chain_attr_name: chain_attr = {chain_attr_name: gen_chain_ID()} i = split_node(node, parent, i, left_biased, chain_attr) if greedy and idx < last_index: if left_biased: if i > 0 and _strlen_of(parent.children[:i], match_func, skip_func) == 0: i = 0 else: L = len(parent.children) if i < L and _strlen_of(parent.children[i:], match_func, skip_func) == 0: i = L return i
[docs] @cython.locals( # does not work!!! def can_split(t: Path, i:, left_biased: bool = True, greedy: bool = True, match_func: PathMatchFunction = ANY_PATH, skip_func: PathMatchFunction = NO_PATH, divisible: AbstractSet[str] = LEAF_PTYPES) -> int: """Returns the negative index of the first node in the path, from which on all nodes can be split or do not need to be split, because the split-index lies to the left or right of the node. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(doc (p (:Text "ABC")))') >>> can_split([tree, tree[0], tree[0][0]], 1) -1 >>> can_split([tree, tree[0], tree[0][0]], 0) -2 >>> can_split([tree, tree[0], tree[0][0]], 3) -2 >>> # anonymous nodes, like ":Text" are always divisible >>> can_split([tree, tree[0], tree[0][0]], 1, divisible=set()) -1 >>> # However, non anonymous nodes aren't ... >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(doc (p (Text "ABC")))') >>> can_split([tree, tree[0], tree[0][0]], 1, divisible=set()) 0 >>> # ... unless explicitly mentioned >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(doc (p (Text "ABC")))') >>> can_split([tree, tree[0], tree[0][0]], 1, divisible={'Text'}) -1 >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(X (Z "!?") (A (B "123") (C "456")))') >>> can_split(tree.pick_path('B'), 0) -2 # edge cases >>> can_split([parse_sxpr('(p "123")')], 1) 0 >>> can_split([parse_sxpr('(:Text "123")')], 1) 0 """ if len(t) <= 1: return 0 # make a shallow copy of the path's nodes, first. t2 = [copy.copy(nd) for nd in t] for k in range(1, len(t2)): t2[k - 1].result = tuple((t2[k] if nd == t[k] else nd) for nd in t2[k - 1].result) t = t2 k = 0 for k in range(len(t) - 1): node = t[-k - 1] if i != 0 and i != len(node._result) and not (node.anonymous or in divisible): break parent = t[-k - 2] i = split_node(node, parent, i, left_biased) if greedy: if left_biased: if i > 0 and _strlen_of(parent.children[:i], match_func, skip_func) == 0: i = 0 else: L = len(parent.children) if i < L and _strlen_of(parent.children[i:], match_func, skip_func) == 0: i = L else: # node = t[0] k += 1 return -k
def markup_leaf(node: Node, start: int, end: int, name: str, *attr_dict, **attributes): """Adds markup to a leaf node, incidentally turning the leaf node into a branch node.""" assert not node._children seg_1 = Node(TOKEN_PTYPE, node._result[:start]) seg_1._pos = node._pos seg_2 = Node(name, node._result[start:end]).with_attr(*attr_dict, **attributes) seg_2._pos = node._pos + start if node._pos >= 0 else -1 seg_3 = Node(TOKEN_PTYPE, node._result[end:]) seg_3._pos = node._pos + end if node._pos >= 0 else -1 node.result = tuple(nd for nd in (seg_1, seg_2, seg_3) if nd._result) ####################################################################### # # ContentMapping: A "string-view" on node-trees # ####################################################################### @cython.locals( def markup_right(path: Path, i:, name: str, attr_dict: Dict[str, Any], greedy: bool = True, match_func: PathMatchFunction = ANY_PATH, skip_func: PathMatchFunction = NO_PATH, divisible: AbstractSet[str] = LEAF_PTYPES, chain_attr_name: str = ''): """Markup the content from string position i within the last node of the path up to the very end of the content of the first node of the path. This is a helper function for :py:math:`ContentMapping.markup`. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(X (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def"))') >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> C_path = X.pick_path('C') >>> all_tags = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'X'} >>> markup_right(C_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "12")) (em (A (C "3") (D "456")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> C_path = X.pick_path('C') >>> markup_right(C_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "12") (em (C "3") (D "456"))) (em (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> D_path = X.pick_path('D') >>> markup_right(D_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "123") (D "45") (em (D "6"))) (em (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> D_path = X.pick_path('D') >>> markup_right(D_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'A', 'D'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "123") (D (:Text "45") (em "6"))) (em (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> E_path = X.pick_path('E') >>> markup_right(E_path, 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'E'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E (:Text "7") (em "89")) (em (F "abc"))) (em (G "def"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> E_path = X.pick_path('E') >>> markup_right(E_path, 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'B'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E "7") (em (E "89") (F "abc"))) (em (G "def"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> E_path = X.pick_path('E') >>> markup_right(E_path, 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E "7")) (em (B (E "89") (F "abc")) (G "def"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> G_path = X.pick_path('G') >>> markup_right(E_path, 3, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def")) # edge cases >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_right([X], 1, 'em', dict(), divisible={'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A (:Text "1") (em "23")) >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_right([X], 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=set()) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A (:Text "1") (em "23")) >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_right([X], 0, 'em', dict(), divisible={'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A (em "123")) >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_right([X], 3, 'em', dict(), divisible={'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A "123") """ assert path k = max(can_split(path, i, True, greedy, match_func, skip_func, divisible) - 1, -len(path)) # k is parent-index of first node to split i = deep_split(path[k:], i, True, greedy, match_func, skip_func, chain_attr_name) if chain_attr_name and chain_attr_name not in attr_dict: attr_dict[chain_attr_name] = gen_chain_ID() nd = Node(name, path[k]._result[i:]).with_attr(attr_dict) if nd._children: nd._pos = path[k]._result[i]._pos path[k].result = path[k]._result[:i] + (nd,) elif nd._result: nd._pos = path[k]._pos + i if path[k]._pos >= 0 else -1 text_node = Node(TOKEN_PTYPE, path[k]._result[:i]) text_node._pos = path[k]._pos path[k].result = (text_node, nd) if text_node._result else (nd,) k -= 1 while abs(k) <= len(path): i = path[k].index(path[k + 1]) + 1 if i < len(path[k]._result): nd = Node(name, path[k]._result[i:]).with_attr(attr_dict) nd._pos = path[k]._result[i]._pos path[k].result = path[k]._result[:i] + (nd,) k -= 1 assert not any( == ':Text' and nd.children for nd in path) @cython.locals( def markup_left(path: Path, i:, name: str, attr_dict: Dict[str, Any], greedy: bool = True, match_func: PathMatchFunction = ANY_PATH, skip_func: PathMatchFunction = NO_PATH, divisible: AbstractSet[str] = LEAF_PTYPES, chain_attr_name: str = ''): """Markup the content from string position i within the last node of the path up to the very end of the content of the first node of the path. This is a helper function for :py:math:`ContentMapping.markup`. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(X (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def"))') >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> C_path = X.pick_path('C') >>> all_tags = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'X'} >>> markup_left(C_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (em (A (C "12"))) (A (C "3") (D "456")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> C_path = X.pick_path('C') >>> markup_left(C_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (em (C "12")) (C "3") (D "456")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> C_path = X.pick_path('C') >>> markup_left(C_path, 0, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> D_path = X.pick_path('D') >>> markup_left(D_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (em (C "123") (D "45")) (D "6")) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> D_path = X.pick_path('D') >>> markup_left(D_path, 2, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'A', 'D'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (A (em (C "123")) (D (em "45") (:Text "6"))) (B (E "789") (F "abc")) (G "def")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> E_path = X.pick_path('E') >>> markup_left(E_path, 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'E'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (em (A (C "123") (D "456"))) (B (E (em "7") (:Text "89")) (F "abc")) (G "def")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> E_path = X.pick_path('E') >>> markup_left(E_path, 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags - {'B'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (em (A (C "123") (D "456"))) (B (em (E "7")) (E "89") (F "abc")) (G "def")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> E_path = X.pick_path('E') >>> markup_left(E_path, 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=all_tags) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (X (em (A (C "123") (D "456")) (B (E "7"))) (B (E "89") (F "abc")) (G "def")) # edge cases >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_left([X], 1, 'em', dict(), divisible={'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A (em "1") (:Text "23")) >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_left([X], 1, 'em', dict(), divisible=set()) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A (em "1") (:Text "23")) >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_left([X], 3, 'em', dict(), divisible={'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A (em "123")) >>> X = parse_sxpr('(A "123")') >>> markup_left([X], 0, 'em', dict(), divisible={'A'}) >>> print(X.as_sxpr()) (A "123") """ assert path k = max(can_split(path, i, False, greedy, match_func, skip_func, divisible) - 1, -len(path)) i = deep_split(path[k:], i, False, greedy, match_func, skip_func, chain_attr_name) if chain_attr_name and chain_attr_name not in attr_dict: attr_dict[chain_attr_name] = gen_chain_ID() nd = Node(name, path[k]._result[:i]).with_attr(attr_dict) nd._pos = path[k]._pos if nd._children: path[k].result = (nd,) + path[k]._result[i:] elif nd._result: text_node = Node(TOKEN_PTYPE, path[k]._result[i:]) text_node._pos = path[k]._pos + i if path[k]._pos >= 0 else -1 path[k].result = (nd, text_node) if text_node._result else (nd,) k -= 1 while abs(k) <= len(path): i = path[k].index(path[k + 1]) if i > 0: nd = Node(name, path[k]._result[:i]).with_attr(attr_dict) nd._pos = path[k]._pos path[k].result = (nd,) + path[k]._result[i:] k -= 1 assert not any( == ':Text' and nd.children for nd in path) def _breed_leaf_selector(select: PathSelector, ignore: PathSelector) -> Tuple[Callable, Callable]: select_func = create_path_match_function(select) ignore_func = create_path_match_function(ignore) def general_match_func(path: Path) -> bool: if path[-1]._children: if select_func(path): raise ValueError(f'Selector "{select}" should yield only leaf-paths! But ' f'the last element "{path[-1].name}" of path "{pp_path(path)}" has ' f'children: {", ".join( for child in path[-1].children)}! ' f'Use leaf_path({select}) to circumvent this error.') return False return select_func(path) and not ignore_func(path) if select == LEAF_PATH and ignore == NO_PATH: match_func = LEAF_PATH else: match_func = general_match_func return match_func, ignore_func
[docs] def leaf_paths(criterion: PathSelector) -> PathMatchFunction: """Creates a path-match function that matches only and all leaf paths for those paths that the criterion matches. Warning: This may be slower than a custom algorithm that matches only leaf-paths right from the start. Example:: >>> xml = '''<doc><p>In München<footnote><em>München</em> is the German ... name of the city of Munich</footnote> is a Hofbräuhaus</p></doc>''' >>> tree = parse_xml(xml) >>> for path in tree.select_path(leaf_paths('footnote')): ... pp_path(path, 1) 'doc <- p <- footnote <- em "München"' 'doc <- p <- footnote <- :Text " is the German\\nname of the city of Munich"' Compare this with the result without the leaf_paths-filter:: >>> for path in tree.select_path('footnote'): ... pp_path(path, 1) 'doc <- p <- footnote "München is the German\\nname of the city of Munich"' """ match_func = create_path_match_function(criterion) def leaf_match_func(path: Path) -> bool: if path[-1]._children: return False for i in range(len(path), 0, -1): if match_func(path[:i]): return True return False return leaf_match_func
[docs] class ContentMapping: """ ContentMapping represents a path-mapping of the string-content of all or a specific selection of the leave-nodes of a tree. A content-mapping is an ordered mapping of the first text position of every (selected) leaf-node to the path of this node. Path-mappings allow to search the flat document with regular expressions or simple text search and then changing the tree at the appropriate places, for example by adding markup (i.e. nodes) in these places. The ContentMapping class provides methods for adding markup-nodes. In cases where the new markup-nodes cut across the existing tree-hierarchy, the markup-method takes care of splitting up either the newly created or some of the existing nodes to fit in the markup. Public properties: :ivar path_list: A list of paths covering the selected leaves of the tree from left to right. :ivar pos_list: The list of positions of the paths in ``path_list`` Location-related instance variables: :ivar origin: The orogin of the tree for which a path mapping shall be generated. This can be a branch of another tree and therefore does not need to be a RootNode-object. :ivar select_func: Only leaf-paths for which this is true will be considered when generating the content-mapping. This function integrates both the select- and ignore-criteria passed to the constructor of the class. Note that the select-criterion must only accept leaf-paths. Otherwise, a ValueError will be raised. :ivar ignore_func: The ignore function derives from the ignore-parameter of the ``__init__()``-construcotr of class ContentMapping. :ivar content: The string content of the selected parts of the tree. Markup-related instance variables: :ivar greedy: If True, the algorithm for adding markup minimizes the number of required cuts by switching child and parent nodes if the markup fills up a node completely as well as including empty nodes in the markup. In any the case. the string content of the added markup remains the same, but it might cover more tags than strictly necessary. :ivar chain_attr: An attribute that will receive one and the same identifier as value for all nodes belonging to the chain of on split-up node. :ivar auto_cleanup: Update the content mapping after the markup has been finished. Should always be true, if it is intended to reuse the same content mapping for further markups in the same range or other purposes. :param divisibility: A dictionary that contains the information which tags (or nodes as identified by their name) are "harder" than other tags. Each key-tag in the dictionary is harder than (i.e. is allowed to split up) up all tags in the associated value (which is a set of node, or for that matter, tag-names). Tag or node-names associated to the wildcard key ``*`` can be split by any tag. If the markup-method reaches nodes that cannot be split, it will split the markup-node instead to cover the string to be marked up, completely. """ def __init__(self, origin: Node, select: PathSelector = LEAF_PATH, ignore: PathSelector = NO_PATH, greedy: bool = True, divisibility: Union[Dict[str, Container], Container, str] = LEAF_PTYPES, chain_attr_name: str = '', auto_cleanup: bool = True): self.origin: Node = origin select_func, ignore_func = _breed_leaf_selector(select, ignore) self.select_func: PathMatchFunction = select_func self.ignore_func: PathMatchFunction = ignore_func self.greedy: bool = greedy if isinstance(divisibility, Dict): if '*' not in divisibility: divisibility['*'] = set() self.divisability: Dict[str, Container] = divisibility elif isinstance(divisibility, str): for delimiter in (';', ',', ' '): lst = divisibility.split(delimiter) if len(lst) > 1: self.divisability = {'*': {s.strip() for s in lst}} break else: raise ValueError(f'String value "{divisibility}" of parameter "divisability" ' f'does not look like a list node-names!') else: self.divisability = {'*': divisibility} self.chain_attr_name: str = chain_attr_name self.auto_cleanup = auto_cleanup content, pos_list, path_list = self._generate_mapping(origin) self.content: str = content self._pos_list: List[int] = pos_list self._path_list: List[Path] = path_list def _generate_mapping(self, origin, stump: Path = []) \ -> Tuple[str, List[int], List[Path]]: """Generates the string content, list of positions and list of paths for the given origin taking into account ``self.select_func`` and ``self.ignore_func`` as constraints.""" pos = 0 content_list = [] path_list = [] pos_list = [] select_func = (lambda pth: self.select_func(stump + pth)) if stump else self.select_func if self.ignore_func([origin]): return '', [], [] for trl in origin.select_path_if( select_func, include_root=True, skip_func=self.ignore_func): # if self.ignore_func(trl): continue pos_list.append(pos) path_list.append(trl) content_list.append(trl[-1].content) pos += trl[-1].strlen() return ''.join(content_list), pos_list, path_list def __str__(self): """Pretty-prints the content mapping. The format is: Test-Position -> List of node-names, the last node as S-expression without outer brackets. Example:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b "123") (c (d "45") (e "67")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> print(cm) 0 -> a, b "123" 3 -> a, c, d "45" 5 -> a, c, e "67" """ assert len(self.pos_list) == len(self.path_list) lines = [] for i in range(len(self.pos_list)): position = self.pos_list[i] path = [ for nd in self.path_list[i][:-1]] last = self._path_list[i][-1] path.append(flatten_sxpr(last.as_sxpr())[1:-1]) s = ', '.join(s for s in path) lines.append(f'{position} -> {s}') return '\n'.join(lines) @property def path_list(self) -> List[Path]: return self._path_list @property def pos_list(self) -> List[int]: return self._pos_list
[docs] @cython.locals(, def get_path_index(self, pos:, left_biased: bool = False) -> int: """Yields the index for the path in given context-mapping that contains the position ``pos``. :param pos: a position in the content of the tree for which the path mapping ``cm`` was generated :param left_biased: yields the location after the end of the previous path rather than the location at the very beginning of the next path. Default value is "False". :returns: the integer index of the path in self.path_list that covers the given position ``pos`` :raises: IndexError if not 0 <= position < length of document Example:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b "123") (c (d "45") (e "67")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> i = cm.get_path_index(4) >>> path = cm.path_list[i] >>> print(pp_path(path, 1, ', ')) a, c, d "45" """ errmsg = lambda i: f'Illegal position value {i}. ' \ f'Must be 0 <= position < length of text!' if pos < 0: raise IndexError(errmsg(pos)) try: path_index = bisect.bisect_right(self._pos_list, pos) - 1 if left_biased: while path_index > 0 and pos - self._pos_list[path_index] == 0: path_index -= 1 else: last = len(self._pos_list) - 1 pivot = self._pos_list[path_index] while path_index < last and self._pos_list[path_index + 1] == pivot: path_index += 1 except IndexError: raise IndexError(errmsg(pos)) return path_index
[docs] def get_path_and_offset(self, pos: int, left_biased: bool = False) -> Tuple[Path, int]: """Returns the path and relative position for the absolute position ``pos``. See :py:meth:`ContentMappin.get_path_index` for the description of the parameters. :returns: tuple (path, offset) where the offset is the position of ``pos`` relative to the actual position of the last node in the path. :raises: IndexError if not 0 <= position < length of document """ path_index = self.get_path_index(pos, left_biased) return self._path_list[path_index], pos - self._pos_list[path_index]
[docs] def get_node_index(self, node: Node, reverse: bool=False) -> int: """Returns the index in the path_list of the first or last (if reverse is True) path that contains node or -1, if the node cannot be found. Note: If node is a leaf node, the first and last index are the same. Otherwise, it occurs (if at all) more often than once if it or any of its children has more than one child. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(A (B (x "1") (y "2")) (C (z "3")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> B = tree.pick('B') >>> cm.get_node_index(B) 0 >>> cm.get_node_index(B, reverse=True) 1 >>> cm.get_node_index(tree.pick('y')) 1 >>> cm.get_node_index(tree.pick('z')) 2 >>> cm.get_node_index(tree.pick('A', include_root=True), reverse=True) 2 """ if reverse: while node.children: node = node.children[-1] for i in range(len(self._path_list) - 1, -1, -1): if self._path_list[i][-1] == node: return i else: while node.children: node = node.children[0] for i in range(len(self._path_list)): if self._path_list[i][-1] == node: return i return -1
[docs] def get_node_position(self, node: Node, reverse: bool=False) -> int: """Returns the string-position of first or last + 1 (if reverse is True) character of the first or last occurrence of node within the mapping. If node is not contained in any path of the mapping, -1 will be returned. If node is a leaf node it occurs only once (if at all) in the mapping. Otherwise, it occurs (if at all) more often than once if it or any of its children has more than one child. Independent of whether the node is a leaf-node, the position of the first and last + 1 character is the same if and only if the string content of node is empty. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(A (B (x "1") (y "2")) (C (z "3")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> B = tree.pick('B') >>> cm.get_node_position(B) 0 >>> cm.get_node_position(B, reverse=True) 2 >>> cm.get_node_position(tree.pick('y')) 1 >>> z = tree.pick('z') >>> cm.get_node_position(z) 2 >>> cm.get_node_position(z, reverse=True) 3 >>> cm.get_node_position(tree.pick('A', include_root=True), reverse=True) 3 """ i = self.get_node_index(node, reverse) if i >= 0: if reverse: return self._pos_list[i] + self._path_list[i][-1].strlen() else: return self._pos_list[i] return -1
[docs] @cython.locals(,,, def iterate_paths(self, start_pos:, end_pos:, left_biased: bool = False) \ -> Iterator[Path]: """Yields all paths from position ``start_pos`` up to and including position ``end_pos``. Example:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b "123") (c (d "456") (e "789")) (f "ABC"))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> [[ for nd in p] for p in cm.iterate_paths(1, 12)] [['a', 'b'], ['a', 'c', 'd'], ['a', 'c', 'e'], ['a', 'f']] """ index_a = self.get_path_index(start_pos, left_biased) index_b = self.get_path_index(end_pos, left_biased) if index_b >= index_a: for i in range(index_a, index_b + 1): yield self._path_list[i] else: for i in range(index_a, index_b - 1, -1): yield self._path_list[i]
[docs] def select_if(self, match_func: NodeMatchFunction, start_from: int = DEFAULT_START_INDEX_SENTINEL, reverse: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[Node, int]]: """Yields the node and its path-index for all nodes that are matched by the match function. Searching starts from the path with the index ``start_from``. Searching within a path starts from the end of the path and only the last matching node in every path is returned. Only the path-index from the first path that contains a matching node is returned. Subseuqent pathes that contain the same node are skipped. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(A (B (x "1") (y "2")) (B "!") (C (z "3")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> mf = create_match_function("B") >>> print([(i, nd.as_sxpr()) for nd, i in cm.select_if(mf)]) [(0, '(B (x "1") (y "2"))'), (2, '(B "!")')] >>> print([(i, nd.as_sxpr()) for nd, i in cm.select_if(mf, reverse=True)]) [(2, '(B "!")'), (1, '(B (x "1") (y "2"))')] >>> i = cm.get_node_index(tree.pick("B", reverse=True)) >>> print([(i, nd.as_sxpr()) for nd, i in cm.select_if(mf, start_from=i)]) [(2, '(B "!")')] >>> i = cm.get_node_index(tree.pick("y")) >>> print([(i, nd.as_sxpr()) for nd, i in cm.select_if(mf, start_from=i, reverse=True)]) [(1, '(B (x "1") (y "2"))')] """ node = None L = len(self._path_list) if start_from <= DEFAULT_START_INDEX_SENTINEL: start_from = L - 1 if reverse else 0 assert start_from >= 0, "Cannot select from empty ContentMapping" if L == 0 \ else f"start_from value {start_from} is below zero!" path_indices = range(start_from, -1, -1) if reverse else range(start_from, L) for i in path_indices: path = self._path_list[i] try: if node and self._path_list[i][k] == node: continue except IndexError: pass # cause: k >= len(self._path_list[i]) for k in range(len(path) - 1, -1, -1): node = path[k] if match_func(node): yield node, i break else: node = None
def pick_if(self, match_func: NodeMatchFunction, start_from: int = DEFAULT_START_INDEX_SENTINEL, reverse: bool = False) -> Tuple[Node, int]: return next(self.select_if(match_func, start_from, reverse), (None, -1))
[docs] def select(self, criterion: NodeSelector, start_from: int = DEFAULT_START_INDEX_SENTINEL, reverse: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[Node, int]]: """See :py:meth:`ContentMapping.select_if` Example:. >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(A (B (x "1") (y "2")) (B "!") (C (z "3")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> print([(i, nd.as_sxpr()) for nd, i in"y")]) [(1, '(y "2")')] """ yield from self.select_if(create_match_function(criterion), start_from, reverse)
def pick(self, criterion: NodeSelector, start_from: int = DEFAULT_START_INDEX_SENTINEL, reverse: bool = False) -> Tuple[Node, int]: return next(, start_from, reverse), (None, -1))
[docs] @cython.locals(,,, def rebuild_mapping_slice(self, first_index:, last_index: """Reconstructs a particular section of the context mapping after the underlying tree has been restructured. Ohter than :py:meth:`ContentMappin.rebuild_mapping`, the section that needs repairing if here defined by the path indices and not the string positions. :param first_index: The index (not the position within the string-content!) of the first path that has been affected by restruturing of the tree. Use :py:meth:`ContentMapping.get_path_index` to determine the path-index if only the position is known. :param last_index: The index (not the position within the string-content!) of the last path that has been affected by restruturing of the tree. Use :py:meth:`ContentMapping.get_path_index` to determine the path-index if only the position is known. Examples:: >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b (c "123") (d "456")) (e (f (g "789") (h "ABC")) (i "DEF")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree) >>> print(cm) 0 -> a, b, c "123" 3 -> a, b, d "456" 6 -> a, e, f, g "789" 9 -> a, e, f, h "ABC" 12 -> a, e, i "DEF" >>> b = tree.pick('b') >>> b.result = (b[0], Node('x', 'xyz'), b[1]) >>> cm.rebuild_mapping_slice(0, 1) >>> print(cm) 0 -> a, b, c "123" 3 -> a, b, x "xyz" 6 -> a, b, d "456" 9 -> a, e, f, g "789" 12 -> a, e, f, h "ABC" 15 -> a, e, i "DEF" >>> cm.auto_cleanup = False >>> common_ancestor = cm.markup(10, 16, 'Y') >>> print(common_ancestor.as_sxpr()) (e (f (g (:Text "7") (Y "89")) (Y (h "ABC"))) (i (Y "D") (:Text "EF"))) >>> print(cm) 0 -> a, b, c "123" 3 -> a, b, x "xyz" 6 -> a, b, d "456" 9 -> a, e, f, g (:Text "7") (Y "89") 12 -> a, e, f, h "ABC" 15 -> a, e, i (Y "D") (:Text "EF") >>> a = cm.get_path_index(10) >>> b = cm.get_path_index(16, left_biased=True) >>> a, b (3, 5) >>> cm.rebuild_mapping_slice(3, 5) >>> print(cm) 0 -> a, b, c "123" 3 -> a, b, x "xyz" 6 -> a, b, d "456" 9 -> a, e, f, g, :Text "7" 10 -> a, e, f, g, Y "89" 12 -> a, e, f, Y, h "ABC" 15 -> a, e, i, Y "D" 16 -> a, e, i, :Text "EF" >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(a (b (c "123") (d "456")) (e (f (g "789") (h "ABC")) (i "DEF")))') >>> cm = ContentMapping(tree, auto_cleanup=False) >>> common_ancestor = cm.markup(0, 6, 'Y') >>> print(common_ancestor.as_sxpr()) (b (Y (c "123") (d "456"))) >>> a = cm.get_path_index(0) >>> b = cm.get_path_index(6, left_biased=True) >>> a, b (0, 1) >>> cm.rebuild_mapping_slice(a, b) >>> print(cm) 0 -> a, b, Y, c "123" 3 -> a, b, Y, d "456" 6 -> a, e, f, g "789" 9 -> a, e, f, h "ABC" 12 -> a, e, i "DEF" """ start_path = self._path_list[first_index] end_path = self._path_list[last_index] common_ancestor, i = find_common_ancestor(start_path, end_path) assert common_ancestor while first_index > 0 and self._path_list[first_index - 1][i:i + 1] == [common_ancestor]: first_index -= 1 last = len(self._path_list) - 1 while last_index < last and self._path_list[last_index + 1][i:i + 1] == [common_ancestor]: last_index += 1 stump = start_path[:i] content, offsets, paths = self._generate_mapping(common_ancestor, stump) assert offsets[0] == 0 start_pos = self._pos_list[first_index] end_pos = self._pos_list[last_index] + self._path_list[last_index][-1].strlen() offsets = [offset + start_pos for offset in offsets] if stump: paths = [stump + path for path in paths] off_head = self._pos_list[:first_index] followup_offset = offsets[-1] + paths[-1][-1].strlen() if last_index < len(self._pos_list) - 1 and followup_offset != self._pos_list[last_index + 1]: shift = followup_offset - self._pos_list[last_index + 1] off_tail = [offset + shift for offset in self._pos_list[last_index + 1:]] else: off_tail = self._pos_list[last_index + 1:] path_head = self._path_list[:first_index] path_tail = self._path_list[last_index + 1:] self.content = ''.join([self.content[:start_pos], content, self.content[end_pos:]]) self._pos_list.clear() self._pos_list.extend(off_head) self._pos_list.extend(offsets) self._pos_list.extend(off_tail) self._path_list.clear() self._path_list.extend(path_head) self._path_list.extend(paths) self._path_list.extend(path_tail)
[docs] def rebuild_mapping(self, start_pos: int, end_pos: int): """Reconstructs a particular section of the context mapping after the underlying tree has been restructured. :param start_pos: The string position of the beginning of the text-area that has been affected by earlier changes. :param end_pos: The string position of the ending of the text-area that has been affected by earlier changes.""" first_index = self.get_path_index(start_pos) last_index = self.get_path_index(end_pos) self.rebuild_mapping_slice(first_index, last_index)
[docs] def insert_node(self, pos: int, node: Node) -> Node: """Inserts a node at a specific position into the last or eventually second but last node in the path from the context mapping that covers this position. Returns the parent of the newly inserted node.""" index = self.get_path_index(pos) path = self._path_list[index] rel_pos = pos - self._pos_list[index] parent = insert_node(path, rel_pos, node) self.rebuild_mapping_slice(index, index) return parent
[docs] @cython.locals(,,,,,, def markup(self, start_pos:, end_pos:, name: str, *attr_dict, **attributes) -> Node: """ Marks the span [start_pos, end_pos[ up by adding one or more Node's with ``name``, eventually cutting through ``divisible`` nodes. Returns the nearest common ancestor of ``start_pos`` and ``end_pos``. :param cm: A context mapping of the document (or a part therof) where the markup shall be inserted. See :py:func:`generate_content_mapping` :param start_pos: The string-position of the first character to be marked up. Note that this is the position in the string-content of the tree over which the content mapping has been generated and not the position in the XML or any other serialization of the tree! :param end_pos: The string-position after the last character to be included in the markup. Similar to the slicing of Python lists or strings the beginning and ending define an half-open intervall, [start_pos, ent_pos[ . The character indexed by end_pos is not included in the markup. Also, keep in mind that ``end_pos`` is the position in the string-content of the tree over which the content mapping has been generated and not the positionvin the XML or any other serialization of the tree! :param name: The name, or "tag-name" in XML-terminology, of the element (or tag) to be added. :param attr_dict: A dictionary of attributes that will be added to the newly created tag. :param attributes: Alternatively, the attributes can also be passed as a list of named parameters. :returns: The nearest (from the top of the tree) node within which the entire markup lies. Examples:: >>> from DHParser.toolkit import printw >>> tree = parse_sxpr('(X (l ",.") (A (O "123") (P "456")) (m "!?") ' ... ' (B (Q "789") (R "abc")) (n "+-"))') >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X) >>> _ = t.markup(2, 8, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",.") (A (em (O "123") (P "456"))) (m "!?") (B (Q "789") (R "abc")) (n "+-")) >>> Y = copy.deepcopy(X) >>> t = ContentMapping(Y, divisibility={'bf': {':Text', 'em', 'A', 'P'}}) >>> _ = t.markup(0, 7, 'bf') >>> printw(Y.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (bf (l ",.") (A (em (O "123") (P "45")))) (A (em (P "6"))) (m "!?") (B (Q "789") (R "abc")) (n "+-")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X) >>> _ = t.markup(2, 10, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",.") (em (A (O "123") (P "456")) (m "!?")) (B (Q "789") (R "abc")) (n "+-")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X, divisibility={'A'}) >>> _ = t.markup(5, 10, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",.") (A (O "123")) (em (A (P "456")) (m "!?")) (B (Q "789") (R "abc")) (n "+-")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X) >>> _ = t.markup(2, 13, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",.") (em (A (O "123") (P "456")) (m "!?")) (B (em (Q "789")) (R "abc")) (n "+-")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X) >>> _ = t.markup(5, 16, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",.") (A (O "123") (em (P "456"))) (em (m "!?") (B (Q "789") (R "abc"))) (n "+-")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X) >>> _ = t.markup(5, 13, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",.") (A (O "123") (em (P "456"))) (em (m "!?")) (B (em (Q "789")) (R "abc")) (n "+-")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X) >>> _ = t.markup(6, 12, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",.") (A (O "123") (P (:Text "4") (em "56"))) (em (m "!?")) (B (Q (em "78") (:Text "9")) (R "abc")) (n "+-")) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X) >>> _ = t.markup(1, 17, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l (:Text ",") (em ".")) (em (A (O "123") (P "456")) (m "!?") (B (Q "789") (R "abc"))) (n (em "+") (:Text "-"))) >>> X = copy.deepcopy(tree) >>> t = ContentMapping(X, divisibility={'em': {'l', 'n'}}) >>> _ = t.markup(1, 17, 'em') >>> printw(X.as_sxpr(flatten_threshold=-1)) (X (l ",") (em (l ".") (A (O "123") (P "456")) (m "!?") (B (Q "789") (R "abc")) (n "+")) (n "-")) """ assert not attr_dict or (len(attr_dict) == 1 and isinstance(attr_dict[0], Dict)), \ f'{attr_dict} is not a valid attribute-dictionary!' assert end_pos >= start_pos attr_dict = attr_dict[0] if attr_dict else {} attr_dict.update(attributes) if start_pos == end_pos: milestone = Node(name, '').with_attr(attr_dict) common_ancestor = self.insert_node(start_pos, milestone) return common_ancestor path_A, pos_A = self.get_path_and_offset(start_pos) path_B, pos_B = self.get_path_and_offset(end_pos, left_biased=True) assert path_A assert path_B common_ancestor, i = find_common_ancestor(path_A, path_B) assert common_ancestor assert not common_ancestor.pick_if(lambda nd: == ':Text' and nd.children, include_root=True), common_ancestor.as_sxpr() if self.chain_attr_name and self.chain_attr_name not in attr_dict: attr_dict[self.chain_attr_name] = gen_chain_ID() divisible = self.divisability.get(name, self.divisability.get('*', frozenset())) if not common_ancestor._children: attr_dict.pop(self.chain_attr_name, None) markup_leaf(common_ancestor, pos_A, pos_B, name, attr_dict) if (not self.greedy or[0:1] == ":") and i != 0 \ and ( in divisible or common_ancestor.anonymous): for child in common_ancestor.children: if == TOKEN_PTYPE: = child.with_attr(common_ancestor.attr) else: assert == name assert not child._children child.result = Node(, child.result).with_attr(common_ancestor.attr) ur_ancestor = path_A[i - 1] t = ur_ancestor.index(common_ancestor) ur_ancestor.result = ur_ancestor[:t] + common_ancestor.children + ur_ancestor[t + 1:] common_ancestor = ur_ancestor assert not ( == ':Text' and common_ancestor.children) if self.auto_cleanup: self.rebuild_mapping_slice(self.get_path_index(start_pos), self.get_path_index(end_pos, left_biased=True)) return common_ancestor stump_A = path_A[i:] stump_B = path_B[i:] q = can_split( stump_A, pos_A, False, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, divisible) r = can_split( stump_B, pos_B, True, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, divisible) i = -1 k = -1 if q < abs(q) == len(stump_A) - 1: i = deep_split(stump_A, pos_A, False, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, self.chain_attr_name) if r < abs(r) == len(stump_B) - 1: k = deep_split(stump_B, pos_B, True, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, self.chain_attr_name) if i >= 0 and k >= 0: attr_dict.pop(self.chain_attr_name, None) nd = Node(name, common_ancestor[i:k]).with_attr(attr_dict) nd._pos = common_ancestor[i]._pos common_ancestor.result = common_ancestor[:i] + (nd,) + common_ancestor[k:] elif i >= 0: t = common_ancestor.index(stump_B[1]) nd = Node(name, common_ancestor[i:t]).with_attr(attr_dict) nd._pos = common_ancestor[i]._pos markup_left(stump_B[1:], pos_B, name, attr_dict, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, divisible, self.chain_attr_name) common_ancestor.result = common_ancestor[:i] + (nd,) + common_ancestor[t:] elif k >= 0: t = common_ancestor.index(stump_A[1]) nd = Node(name, common_ancestor[t + 1:k]).with_attr(attr_dict) nd._pos = common_ancestor[t + 1]._pos markup_right(stump_A[1:], pos_A, name, attr_dict, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, divisible, self.chain_attr_name) common_ancestor.result = common_ancestor[:t + 1] + (nd,) + common_ancestor[k:] else: t = common_ancestor.index(stump_A[1]) u = common_ancestor.index(stump_B[1]) markup_right(stump_A[1:], pos_A, name, attr_dict, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, divisible, self.chain_attr_name) markup_left(stump_B[1:], pos_B, name, attr_dict, self.greedy, self.select_func, self.ignore_func, divisible, self.chain_attr_name) if u - t > 1: nd = Node(name, common_ancestor[t + 1:u]).with_attr(attr_dict) nd._pos = common_ancestor[t + 1]._pos common_ancestor.result = common_ancestor[:t + 1] + (nd,) + common_ancestor[u:] if self.auto_cleanup: self.rebuild_mapping_slice(self.get_path_index(start_pos), self.get_path_index(end_pos, left_biased=True)) assert not common_ancestor.pick_if(lambda nd: == ':Text' and nd.children, include_root=True), common_ancestor.as_sxpr() return common_ancestor
class LocalContentMapping(ContentMapping): """A context-mapping (see :py:class:`ContentMapping`) that does not span the complete tree, but a section between two paths. EXPERIMENTAL AND UNTESTED!!! """ def __init__(self, start_path: Path, end_path: Path, select: PathSelector = LEAF_PATH, ignore: PathSelector = NO_PATH, greedy: bool = True, divisibility: Union[Dict[str, Container], Container, str] = LEAF_PTYPES, chain_attr_name: str = '', auto_cleanup: bool = True): ancestor, index = find_common_ancestor(start_path, end_path) super().__init__(self, ancestor, select, ignore, greedy, divisibility, chain_attr_name, auto_cleanup) self.stump: Path = start_path[:index] start_path_tail = start_path[index:] end_path_tail = end_path[index:] for i in range(len(self._path_list)): if self._path_list[i] == start_path_tail: self.first_index = i break else: self.first_index = 0 for k in range(i, len(self._path_list)): if self._path_list[k] == end_path_tail: self.last_index = k break else: self.last_index = len(self._path_list) - 1 self.pos_offset: int = strlen_of(tuple(path[-1] for path in self._path_list[:i])) pathL, posL = self._gen_local_path_and_pos_list(i, k) self.local_path_list: List[Path] = pathL self.local_pos_list: List[int] = posL def _gen_local_path_and_pos_list(self, i:, k: return ([(self.stump + path) for path in self._path_list[i:k + 1]], [pos - self.pos_offset for pos in self._pos_list[i:k + 1]]) @ContentMapping.path_list.getter def _(self) -> List[Path]: return self.local_path_list @ContentMapping.pos_list.getter def _(self) -> List[int]: return self.local_pos_list def get_path_index(self, pos: int, left_biased: bool = False) -> int: return super().get_path_index(self, pos + self.pos_offset, left_biased) - self.first_index def get_path_and_offset(self, pos: int, left_biased: bool = False) -> Tuple[Path, int]: pth, off = super().get_path_and_offset(pos + self.pos_offset, left_biased) return pth, off - self.pos_offset def iterate_paths(self, start_pos: int, end_pos: int, left_biased: bool = False) \ -> Iterator[Path]: yield from super().iterate_paths( self, start_pos + self.pos_offset, end_pos + self.pos_offset, left_biased) def rebuild_mapping_slice(self, first_index: int, last_index: int): super().rebuild_mapping_slice(first_index + self.first_index, last_index + self.first_index) self.local_path_list, self.local_pos_list = self._gen_local_path_and_pos_list() def rebuild_mapping(self, start_pos: int, end_pos: int): super().rebuild_mapping(start_pos + self.pos_offset, end_pos + self.pos_offset) def insert_node(self, pos: int, node: Node) -> Node: return super().insert_node(pos + self.pos_offset, node) def markup(self, start_pos: int, end_pos: int, name: str, *attr_dict, **attributes) -> Node: return super().markup(start_pos + self.pos_offset, end_pos + self.pos_offset, name, *attr_dict, **attributes) # if __name__ == "__main__": # st = parse_sxpr("(alpha (beta (gamma i\nj\nk) (delta y)) (epsilon z))") # print(st.as_sxpr()) # print(st.as_xml())