Source code for log

# - logging and debugging for DHParser
# Copyright 2018  by Eckhart Arnold (
#                 Bavarian Academy of Sciences an Humanities (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.

Module ``log`` contains logging and debugging support for the
parsing process.

For logging functionality, the global variable LOGGING is defined which
contains the name of a directory where log files shall be placed. By
setting its value to the empty string "" logging can be turned off.

To read the directory name function ``LOGS_DIR()`` should be called
rather than reading the variable LOGGING. ``LOGS_DIR()`` makes sure
the directory exists and raises an error if a file with the same name
already exists.

For debugging of the parsing process, the parsing history can be
logged and written to an html-File.

For ease of use module ``log`` defines a context-manager ``logging``
to which either ``False`` (turn off logging), a log directory name or
``True`` for the default logging directory is passed as argument.
The other components of DHParser check whether logging is on and
write log files in the logging directory accordingly. Usually,
this will be concrete and abstract syntax trees as well as the full
and abbreviated parsing history.


    from DHParser import compile_source, start_logging, set_config_value
    set_config_value('log_syntax_trees', {'CST', 'AST'})
    set_config_value('history_tracking', True)
    set_config_value('resume_notices', True)
    result, errors, ast = compile_source(source, preprocessor, grammar,
                                         transformer, compiler)


from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import contextlib
import html
import os
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Optional, Sequence

    import cython
except ImportError:
    import DHParser.externallibs.shadow_cython as cython

from DHParser.configuration import access_presets, finalize_presets, get_config_value, \
    set_config_value, get_preset_value, set_preset_value
from DHParser.error import Error
from DHParser.stringview import StringView
from DHParser.nodetree import Node, FrozenNode, ZOMBIE_TAG, EMPTY_PTYPE
from DHParser.toolkit import escape_ctrl_chars, abbreviate_middle, TypeAlias

__all__ = ('CallItem',

CallItem: TypeAlias = Tuple[str, int]      # call stack item: (name, location)

# basic logging functionality

[docs] def start_logging(dirname: str = "LOGS"): """Turns logging on and sets the log-directory to ``dirname``. The log-directory, if it does not already exist, will be created lazily, i.e. only when logging actually starts.""" access_presets() log_dir = os.path.abspath(dirname) if dirname else '' if log_dir != get_preset_value('log_dir'): set_preset_value('log_dir', log_dir) set_config_value('log_dir', log_dir) finalize_presets()
[docs] def suspend_logging() -> str: """Suspends logging in the current thread. Returns the log-dir for resuming logging later.""" save = get_config_value('log_dir') set_config_value('log_dir', '') return save
[docs] def resume_logging(log_dir: str = ''): """Resumes logging in the current thread with the given log-dir.""" if not 'log_dir': access_presets() log_dir = get_preset_value('log_dir') finalize_presets() set_config_value('log_dir', log_dir)
[docs] def log_dir(path: str = "") -> str: """Creates a directory for log files (if it does not exist) and returns its path. WARNING: Any files in the log dir will eventually be overwritten. Don't use a directory name that could be the name of a directory for other purposes than logging. ATTENTION: The log-dir is stored thread locally, which means the log-dir as well as the information whether logging is turned on or off will not automatically be transferred to any subprocesses. This needs to be done explicitly. (See :py:func:`testing.grammar_suite` for an example, how this can be done. Parameters: path: The directory path. If empty, the configured value will be used, i.e. ``configuration.get_config_value('log_dir')``. Returns: str - name of the logging directory or "" if logging is turned off. """ dirname = path if path else get_config_value('log_dir') if not dirname: return '' dirname = os.path.normpath(dirname) # ``try ... except`` rather than ``if os.path.exists(...)`` for thread-safety try: os.mkdir(dirname) info_file_name = os.path.join(dirname, 'info.txt') if not os.path.exists(info_file_name): with open(info_file_name, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("This directory has been created by DHParser to store log files from\n" "parsing. ANY FILE IN THIS DIRECTORY CAN BE OVERWRITTEN! Therefore,\n" "do not place any files here and do not bother editing files in this\n" "directory as any changes will get lost.\n") except FileExistsError: if not os.path.isdir(dirname): raise IOError('"' + dirname + '" cannot be used as log directory, ' 'because it is not a directory!') set_config_value('log_dir', dirname) return dirname
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def local_log_dir(path: str = './LOGS'): """Context manager for temporarily switching to a different log-directory.""" assert path, "Pathname cannot be empty" saved_log_dir = get_config_value('log_dir') log_dir(path) try: yield finally: set_config_value('log_dir', saved_log_dir)
[docs] def is_logging(thread_local_query: bool = True) -> bool: """-> True, if logging is turned on.""" if thread_local_query: return bool(get_config_value('log_dir')) else: access_presets() result = bool(get_preset_value('log_dir')) finalize_presets() return result
[docs] def create_log(log_name: str) -> str: """ Creates a new log file. If log_name is not just a file name but a path with at least one directory (which can be './') the file is not created in the configured log directory but at the given path. If a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten. :param log_name: The file name of the log file to be created :return: the file name of the log file or an empty string if the log-file has not been created (e.g. because logging is still turned off and no log-directory set). """ ldir, file_name = os.path.split(log_name) if not ldir: ldir = log_dir() if ldir: if not os.path.exists(ldir): os.makedirs(ldir) with open(os.path.join(ldir, file_name), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('LOG-FILE: ' + log_name + '\n\n') return log_name return ''
[docs] def append_log(log_name: str, *strings, echo: bool = False) -> None: """Appends one or more strings to the log-file with the name ``log_name``, if logging is turned on and log_name is not the empty string, or ``log_name`` contains path information. :param log_name: The name of the log file. The file must already exist. (See: :py:func:`create_log` above). :param strings: One or more strings that will be written to the log-file. No delimiters will be added, i.e. all delimiters like blanks or linefeeds need to be added explicitly to the list of strings, before calling :py:func:`append_log`. :param echo: If True, the log message will be echoed on the terminal. In this case the message will even be echoed if logging is turned off. """ ldir, log_name = os.path.split(log_name) if not ldir: ldir = log_dir() if ldir and log_name: log_path = os.path.join(ldir, log_name) if not os.path.exists(log_path): assert create_log(log_path), 'Could not create log file: "{}"'.format(log_path) with open(log_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: for text in strings: f.write(text) f.flush() if echo: print(''.join(strings))
[docs] def clear_logs(logfile_types=frozenset(['.cst', '.ast', '.log'])): """ Removes all logs from the log-directory and removes the log-directory if it is empty. """ log_dirname = log_dir() if log_dirname and os.path.exists(log_dirname) and os.path.isdir(log_dirname): files = os.listdir(log_dirname) only_log_files = True for file in files: path = os.path.join(log_dirname, file) if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in logfile_types or file == 'info.txt': os.remove(path) else: only_log_files = False if only_log_files: os.rmdir(log_dirname)
####################################################################### # # parsing history # ####################################################################### class NoneNode(FrozenNode): def __bool__(self): return False NONE_TAG = ":None" NONE_NODE = NoneNode(NONE_TAG, '') FlowOperatorNames = {':Lookahead': '&', ':NegativeLookahead': '!', ':Lookbehind': '<-&', ':NegativeLookbehind': '<-!'}
[docs] def callstack_as_str(callstack: Sequence[CallItem], depth=-1) -> str: """Returns a string representation of the callstack!""" # return "->".join(name for name, _ in self.call_stack) short_stack = [] for node_name, _ in reversed(callstack): if node_name in FlowOperatorNames and len(short_stack) > 0: short_stack[-1] = FlowOperatorNames[node_name] + short_stack[-1] elif node_name[0:1] != ':': short_stack.append(node_name) if depth <= 0: depth = len(short_stack) s = "->".join(reversed(short_stack[:depth])) omitted = len(short_stack) - depth return f'[{omitted}]->' + s if omitted > 0 else s
[docs] class HistoryRecord: """ Stores debugging information about one completed step in the parsing history. A parsing step is "completed" when the last one of a nested sequence of parser-calls returns. The call stack including the last parser call will be frozen in the ``HistoryRecord``- object. In addition, a reference to the generated leaf node (if any) will be stored and the result status of the last parser call, which ist either MATCH, FAIL (i.e. no match) or ERROR. """ __slots__ = ('call_stack', 'node', 'text', 'pos', 'line_col', 'errors', '_stack', '_status', '_excerpt') MATCH = "MATCH" NMATCH = "!MATCH" DROP = "DROP" NDROP = "!DROP" ERROR = "ERROR" NFAIL = "!FAIL" FAIL = "FAIL" Snapshot_Fields = ('line', 'column', 'stack', 'status', 'text') Snapshot = collections.namedtuple('Snapshot', Snapshot_Fields) COLGROUP = '<colgroup>\n<col style="width:2%"/><col style="width:2%"/><col ' \ 'style="width:65%"/><col style="width:6%"/><col style="width:25%"/>\n</colgroup>' HEADINGS = ('<tr><th>L</th><th>C</th><th>parser call sequence</th>' '<th>success</th><th>text matched or failed</th></tr>') HTML_LEAD_IN = ( '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' '<html lang="en">\n<head>\n<meta charset="utf-8"/>\n<style>\n' 'table {border-spacing: 0px; border: thin solid grey; width:100%}\n' 'td,th {font-family:monospace; ' 'border-right: thin solid grey; border-bottom: thin solid grey}\n' 'td.line, td.column {color:grey}\n' '.text {color:blue}\n' '.lookahead {color:darkgreen}\n' '.nofail {color:grey}\n' '.nomatch {color:grey}\n' '.dropped {color:dodgerblue}\n' '.failtext {font-weight:normal; color:grey}\n' '.errortext {font-weight:normal; color:darkred}\n' '.unmatched {font-weight:normal; color:lightgrey}\n' '.fail {font-weight:bold; color:darkgrey}\n' '.nfail {font-weight:bold; color:darkgrey}\n' '.error {font-weight:bold; color:red}\n' '.match {font-weight:bold; color:green}\n' '.nmatch {font-weight:bold; color:green}\n' '.emptymatch {font-weight:bold; color:darkseagreen}\n' '.emptynmatch {font-weight:bold; color:darkseagreen}\n' '.drop {font-weight:bold; color:green}\n' '.ndrop {font-weight:semibold; color:darkslategrey}\n' '.matchstack {font-weight:bold;color:darkred}\n' 'span {color:darkgrey}\n' '</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n') HTML_LEAD_OUT = '\n</body>\n</html>\n' def __init__(self, call_stack: Union[List[CallItem], Tuple[CallItem, ...]], node: Optional[Node], text: StringView, line_col: Tuple[int, int], errors: List[Error] = []) -> None: self.call_stack: Tuple[CallItem, ...] = tuple(call_stack) self.node: Node = NONE_NODE if node is None else node self.text: StringView = text self.line_col: Tuple[int, int] = line_col assert all(isinstance(err, Error) for err in errors) self.errors: List[Error] = errors self._stack: str = '' self._status: str = '' self._excerpt: str ='' def __str__(self): return '%4i, %2i: %s; %s; "%s"' % self.as_tuple() def __repr__(self): return 'HistoryRecord(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % \ (repr(self.call_stack), repr(self.node), repr(self.text), repr(self.line_col), repr(self.errors))
[docs] def as_tuple(self) -> Snapshot: """ Returns history record formatted as a snapshot tuple. """ return self.Snapshot(self.line_col[0], self.line_col[1], self.stack, self.status, self.excerpt)
[docs] def as_csv_line(self) -> str: """ Returns history record formatted as a csv table row. """ return '"{}", "{}", "{}", "{}", "{}"'.format(*self.as_tuple())
[docs] @cython.locals(,, def as_html_tr(self) -> str: """ Returns history record formatted as an html table row. """ stack = html.escape(self.stack).replace( '-&gt;', '<span>&shy;-&gt;</span>').replace('<-', '&lt;-') status = html.escape(self.status) excerpt = html.escape(self.excerpt) if excerpt[0:1] == ' ': stripped = excerpt.lstrip() excerpt = "&nbsp;" * (len(excerpt) - len(stripped)) + stripped classes = list(HistoryRecord.Snapshot_Fields) idx = {field_name: i for i, field_name in enumerate(classes)} status_class = 'error' if status[:5] == 'ERROR' else status.lower().replace('!', 'n') if status in (self.MATCH, self.NMATCH) and not self.node._result: classes[idx['status']] = 'empty' + status_class else: classes[idx['status']] = status_class if status in (self.MATCH, self.DROP, self.NMATCH, self.NDROP): if status == self.DROP: classes[idx['text']] = 'dropped' # elif status[:1] == '!': # classes[idx['text']] = 'nofail' elif self.stack.find('&') > 0: classes[idx['text']] = 'lookahead' n = max(40 - len(excerpt), 0) dots = '...' if len(self.text) > n else '' excerpt = ''.join([excerpt, '<span class="unmatched">', html.escape(str(self.text[:n])), dots, '</span>']) i = stack.rfind('-&gt;') ch = stack[i + 12:i + 13] while not ch.isidentifier() and i >= 0: i = stack.rfind('-&gt;', 0, i) ch = stack[i + 12:i + 13] if i >= 0: i += 12 k = stack.find('<', i) if k < 0: stack = ''.join([stack[:i], '<span class="matchstack">', stack[i:]]) else: stack = ''.join([stack[:i], '<span class="matchstack">', stack[i:k], '</span>', stack[k:]]) else: stack = '<span class="matchstack">{}</span>'.format(stack) elif status == self.FAIL: classes[idx['text']] = 'failtext' elif status == self.NFAIL: classes[idx['text']] = 'nofail' else: assert status[0:5] == self.ERROR, status stack += '<br/>\n"%s"' % self.err_msg().replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;') classes[idx['text']] = 'errortext' tpl = self.Snapshot(str(self.line_col[0]), str(self.line_col[1]), stack, status, excerpt) # type: Tuple[str, str, str, str, str] return ''.join(['<tr>'] + [('<td class="%s">%s</td>' % (cls, item)) for cls, item in zip(classes, tpl)] + ['</tr>\n'])
def err_msg(self) -> str: return self.ERROR + ": " + "; ".join(str(e) for e in self.errors) @property def stack(self) -> str: if not self._stack: self._stack = callstack_as_str(self.call_stack) return self._stack @property def status(self) -> str: if not self._status: if self.errors: self._status = self.ERROR + ": " + ', '.join(str(e.code) for e in self.errors) else: i = self.stack.rfind('->') neg = self.stack.count('!', 0, i) % 2 if len(self.call_stack) > 2 and \ self.call_stack[-2][0] in (":Lookbehind", ":NegativeLookbehind"): if in (NONE_TAG, ZOMBIE_TAG): self._status = self.NDROP if neg else self.DROP else: self._status = self.NFAIL if neg else self.FAIL elif in (NONE_TAG, ZOMBIE_TAG): self._status = self.NFAIL if neg else self.FAIL elif == EMPTY_PTYPE: if self.node._result: self._status = self.NDROP if neg else self.DROP else: self._status = self.NMATCH if neg else self.MATCH else: self._status = self.NMATCH if neg else self.MATCH return self._status @property def excerpt(self): if not self._excerpt: if not in (NONE_TAG, ZOMBIE_TAG) and not self.errors: excerpt = abbreviate_middle(str(self.node), 40) else: s = self.text excerpt = s[:36] + ' ...' if len(s) > 36 else s self._excerpt = escape_ctrl_chars(str(excerpt)) return self._excerpt # @property # def extent(self) -> slice: # return (slice(-self.remaining - len(self.node), -self.remaining) if self.node # else slice(-self.remaining, None)) @property def remaining(self) -> int: return len(self.text) - self.node.strlen()
[docs] @staticmethod def last_match(history: List['HistoryRecord']) -> Union['HistoryRecord', None]: """ Returns the last match from the parsing-history. Args: history: the parsing-history as a list of HistoryRecord objects Returns: the history record of the last match or none if either history is empty or no parser could match """ for record in reversed(history): if record.status == HistoryRecord.MATCH: return record return None
[docs] @staticmethod def most_advanced_match(history: List['HistoryRecord']) -> Union['HistoryRecord', None]: """ Returns the closest-to-the-end-match from the parsing-history. Args: history: the parsing-history as a list of HistoryRecord objects Returns: the history record of the closest-to-the-end-match or none if either history is empty or no parser could match """ remaining = -1 result = None for record in history: if (record.status == HistoryRecord.MATCH and (record.remaining < remaining or remaining < 0)): result = record remaining = record.remaining return result
[docs] @staticmethod def most_advanced_fail(history: List['HistoryRecord']) -> Union['HistoryRecord', None]: """ Returns the closest-to-the-end-fail from the parsing-history. Args: history: the parsing-history as a list of HistoryRecord objects Returns: the history record of the closest-to-the-end-fail or none if either history is empty or no parser failed """ remaining = -1 result = None for record in history: if (record.status == HistoryRecord.FAIL and (record.remaining < remaining or remaining < 0)): result = record remaining = record.remaining return result
####################################################################### # # context specific log functions, i.e. logging of syntax trees, # grammar history and the like # #######################################################################
[docs] def log_ST(syntax_tree, log_file_name) -> bool: """ Writes an S-expression-representation of the ``syntax_tree`` to a file, if logging is turned on. Returns True, if logging was turned on and log could be written. Returns False, if logging was turned off. Raises a FileSystem error if writing the log failed for some reason. """ if is_logging(): path = os.path.join(log_dir(), log_file_name) # if os.path.exists(path): # print('WARNING: Log-file "%s" already exists and will be overwritten!' % path) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(syntax_tree.serialize()) return True return False
[docs] def log_parsing_history(grammar, log_file_name: str = '', as_html: bool = True) -> bool: """ Writes a log of the parsing history of the most recently parsed document, if logging is turned on. Returns True, if that was the case and writing the history was successful. Parameters: grammar (Grammar): The Grammar object from which the parsing history shall be logged. log_file_name (str): The (base-)name of the log file to be written. If no name is given (default), then the class name of the grammar object will be used. as_html (bool): If true (default), the log will be output as html-Table, otherwise as plain test. (Browsers might take a few seconds or minutes to display the table for long histories.) """ def write_log(history: List[str], log_name: str) -> None: htm = '.html' if as_html else '' path = os.path.join(log_dir(), log_name + "_parser.log" + htm) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) # print('WARNING: Log-file "%s" already existed and was deleted.' % path) if history: with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: if as_html: f.write(HistoryRecord.HTML_LEAD_IN + '\n') f.writelines(history) f.write('\n</table>\n' + HistoryRecord.HTML_LEAD_OUT) else: f.write("\n".join(history)) def append_line(log: List[str], line: str) -> None: """Appends a line to a list of HTML table rows. Starts a new table every 100 rows to allow browser to speed up rendering. Does this really work...?""" log.append(line) if as_html and len(log) % 50 == 0: log.append('\n'.join(['</table>\n<table>', HistoryRecord.COLGROUP])) if not is_logging(): return False if not log_file_name: name = grammar.__class__.__name__ log_file_name = name[:-7] if name.lower().endswith('grammar') else name elif log_file_name.lower().endswith('.log'): log_file_name = log_file_name[:-4] history = ['<h1>Parsing history of "%s"</h1>' % log_file_name] # type: List[str] LOG_SIZE_THRESHOLD = get_config_value('log_size_threshold') if len(grammar.history__) > LOG_SIZE_THRESHOLD: warning = ('Sorry, man, %iK history records is just too many! ' 'Only looking at the last %iK records.' % (len(grammar.history__) // 1000, LOG_SIZE_THRESHOLD // 1000)) html_warning = '<p><strong>' + warning + '</strong></p>' history.append(html_warning) lead_in = '\n'. join(['<table>', HistoryRecord.COLGROUP, HistoryRecord.HEADINGS]) history.append(lead_in) for record in grammar.history__[-LOG_SIZE_THRESHOLD:]: line = record.as_html_tr() if as_html else (str(record) + '\n') append_line(history, line) write_log(history, log_file_name) return True