Source code for ebnf

# - EBNF -> Python-Parser compilation for DHParser
# Copyright 2016  by Eckhart Arnold (
#                 Bavarian Academy of Sciences an Humanities (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.

'''Module ``ebnf`` provides an EBNF-parser-generator. The parser-generator
compiles an EBNF-Grammar into an executable Python-class. An instance of
this class can be called to parse text-documents conforming to the grammar.
It will the concrete-syntax-tree of the document. Various flavors of EBNF-
of PEG- (Parsing-Expression-Grammar) notations are supported.

Usually, the classes and functions provided by the DHParser.ebnf will
not be called directly, because it is much simpler to use the high-level
API in module :py:mod:`DHParser.dsl`, in particular

The ebnf-module is structured just like the parser-modules that are
generated by running the "dhparser"-script on an EBNF-grammar or
by executing the test-runner script in the project-directory of
a DHParser-project. It consists of the following sections, divided
by a comment-block with a sections name:

1. The *EBNF-preprocessor* takes care of
   chaining the main file and the included files (if there are
   any) into one single document that is passed on to the parser.
   (=> :py:func:`preprocessor_factory`)

2. The *EBNF-parser* translates the EBNF-grammar into a
   concrete-syntax-tree. (=> :py:class:`ConfigurableEBNFGrammar`)

3. The *AST-transformation* molds the concrete-syntax-tree into
   abstract-syntax-tree (AST) that represents the syntactical structure
   of the grammar-source-code. (=> :py:func:`get_ebnf_transformer`)

4. Finally, the *EBNF-compiler* compiles the AST into an executable
   Python-class that is a descendant of :py:class:`~parse.Grammar`
   and is composed mostly of instances of the parser-classes
   from module :py:mod:`DHParser.parse`. (=> :py:class:`EBNFCompiler`)

   (Each symbol of the grammar
   is represented by a class variable to which a nested call of
   parser-class-instantiations is assigned. These parser-instances
   serve as a prototype from which grammar objects are derived
   via deep-copy upon the instantiation of the grammar-class.)

   This section also contains source-code-snippets and -templates
   for the Python-parser code the compiler produces.

The most notable difference to ordinary DHParser-projects is that
the DHParser.ebnf-module contains two :py:class:`~parse.Grammar`-classes, one
for parsing code that strictly follows DHParser's EBNF-syntax
(:py:class:`ConfigurableEBNFGrammar`) and another one that is able to
parse many different brands of EBNF-syntax (:py:class:`HeuristicEBNFGrammar`)
at the cost of parsing speed. When parsing or compiling an EBNF-grammar with
any of the high-level functions into Python-code, the faster "configurable"
EBNF-grammar is tried first, and, if that fails with particular errors which
suggest that the failure might be merely due to the use of a different brand
of EBNF, a second attempt is made with the slower heuristic EBNF-parser.

The EBNF-compiler is actually split into two classes, :py:class:`EBNFCompiler`,
which contains the EBNF-AST -> Python compiler proper, and
:py:class:`EBNFDirectives` which is a helper class to keep track of the
directives used to avoid overburdening the compiler-class with instance

Just as DHParser's (auto-)generated parser-scripts, the classes contained in
:py:mod:`DHParser.ebnf` should not be instantiated directly. Other than
the parser scripts, though, the ebnf-module does not provide Junctions
with factory-functions for each stage from preprocessing to compiling.
Instead it provides factory-functions that return one singleton instance
per thread of each class, namely:

* :py:func:`~ebnf.get_ebnf_parser`
* :py:func:`~ebnf.get_ebnf_transformer`
* :py:func:`~ebnf.get_ebnf_compiler`

These are supplemented by the quick-use-functions:

* :py:func:`~ebnf.preprocess_ebnf`
* :py:func:`~ebnf.parse_ebnf`
* :py:func:`~ebnf.transform_ebnf`
* :py:func:`~ebnf.compile_ebnf`

The following example shows how the classes and functions of the
ebnf-module can be connected to produce runnable Python-code from
an EBNF-grammar. It is meant as a help to understand the role of
these classes better as well as - in a simplified manner - the
basic working mechanisms of higher level functions like
:py:func:`DHParser.dsl.create_parser`. In any practical application,
the use of the high-level functions from :py:mod:`DHParser.dsl` is
to be preferred. One can think of the DHParser.dsl-module
as the public API of the ebnf-module.

This said, here is how a Python-parser can be generated
from a grammar, step by step::

    >>> arithmetic_ebnf = r"""
    ... @ whitespace  = vertical
    ... @ literalws   = right
    ... @ drop        = whitespace, strings
    ... expression = term  { (add | sub) term}
    ... term       = factor { (div | mul) factor}
    ... factor     = [minus] (NUMBER | VARIABLE | group)
    ... group      = "(" expression ")"
    ... add        = "+"
    ... sub        = "-"
    ... mul        = "*"
    ... div        = "/"
    ... minus      = `-`
    ... NUMBER     = /(?:0|(?:[1-9]\\d*))(?:\\.\\d+)?/~
    ... VARIABLE   = /[A-Za-z]/~"""

    >>> # 1. Compilation of an EBNF-grammar into Python-source-code
    >>> ebnf_parser = ConfigurableEBNFGrammar()
    >>> ebnf_transformer = EBNFTransform()
    >>> ebnf_compiler = EBNFCompiler()

    >>> CST = ebnf_parser(arithmetic_ebnf)
    >>> AST = ebnf_transformer(CST)   # CST should be considered invalid after that
    >>> ebnf_compiler.set_grammar_name("Arithmetic")
    >>> from DHParser.configuration import get_config_value, set_config_value
    >>> save = get_config_value('optimization_level')
    >>> set_config_value('optimization_level', 0)
    >>> python_src = ebnf_compiler(AST)
    >>> set_config_value('optimization_level', save)
    >>> assert not AST.errors
    >>> print(python_src)
    class ArithmeticGrammar(Grammar):
        r"""Parser for an Arithmetic source file.
        expression = Forward()
        disposable__ = re.compile('$.')
        static_analysis_pending__ = []  # type: List[bool]
        parser_initialization__ = ["upon instantiation"]
        COMMENT__ = r''
        comment_rx__ = RX_NEVER_MATCH
        WHITESPACE__ = r'\\s*'
        WSP_RE__ = mixin_comment(whitespace=WHITESPACE__, comment=COMMENT__)
        wsp__ = Whitespace(WSP_RE__)
        dwsp__ = Drop(Whitespace(WSP_RE__))
        VARIABLE = Series(RegExp('[A-Za-z]'), dwsp__)
        NUMBER = Series(RegExp('(?:0|(?:[1-9]\\\\d*))(?:\\\\.\\\\d+)?'), dwsp__)
        minus = Text("-")
        div = Series(Text("/"), dwsp__)
        mul = Series(Text("*"), dwsp__)
        sub = Series(Text("-"), dwsp__)
        add = Series(Text("+"), dwsp__)
        group = Series(Series(Drop(Text("(")), dwsp__), expression, Series(Drop(Text(")")), dwsp__))
        factor = Series(Option(minus), Alternative(NUMBER, VARIABLE, group))
        term = Series(factor, ZeroOrMore(Series(Alternative(div, mul), factor)))
        expression.set(Series(term, ZeroOrMore(Series(Alternative(add, sub), term))))
        root__ = expression
    parsing: PseudoJunction = create_parser_junction(ArithmeticGrammar)
    get_grammar = parsing.factory # for backwards compatibility, only

    >>> # 2. Execution of the Python-source and extraction of the Grammar-class
    >>> code = compile(DHPARSER_IMPORTS + python_src, '<string>', 'exec')
    >>> namespace = {}
    >>> exec(code, namespace)
    >>> ArithmeticGrammar = namespace['ArithmeticGrammar']

    >>> # 3. Instantiation of the Grammar class and parsing of an expression
    >>> arithmetic_parser = ArithmeticGrammar()
    >>> syntax_tree = arithmetic_parser("2 + 3 * 4")
    >>> print(syntax_tree.as_sxpr())
          (NUMBER "2")))
      (add "+")
          (NUMBER "3"))
        (mul "*")
          (NUMBER "4"))))

Of course, the first part, compiling of the grammar to Python-code,
could also have been achieved with::

    >>> python_src = compile_ebnf(arithmetic_ebnf, "Arithmetic").result

And for the execution of the Python-source and extraction of the Grammar-class,
one can use :py:func:`DHParser.toolkit.compile_python_object`::

    >>> from DHParser import toolkit
    >>> ArithmeticGrammar = toolkit.compile_python_object(
    ...     DHPARSER_IMPORTS + python_src, "ArithmeticGrammar")
    >>> arithmetic_parser = ArithmeticGrammar()
    >>> syntax_tree_2 = arithmetic_parser("2 + 3 * 4")
    >>> assert syntax_tree_2.equals(syntax_tree)

The recommended canonical way for the last step, however, would be::

    >>> parsing = toolkit.compile_python_object(
    ...     DHPARSER_IMPORTS + python_src, "parsing")
    >>> arithmetic_parser = parsing.factory()
    >>> syntax_tree_3 = arithmetic_parser("2 + 3 * 4")
    >>> assert syntax_tree_3.equals(syntax_tree)

By using the factory function of the parsing-junction to
get a grammar-object instead of instantiating it directly, it is avoided
to instantiate the grammar-object more than once per thread. Re-using
the same grammar-object is more efficient
than re-instantiating it for every new document to be parsed. At the same-time
grammar-objects must not be shared between threads or processes. (See also

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from functools import partial
import keyword
import os
import sys
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Set, FrozenSet, Tuple, Union, Optional

if sys.version_info >= (3, 6, 0):
    OrderedDict = dict
    from collections import OrderedDict

    import cython
except ImportError:
    import DHParser.externallibs.shadow_cython as cython

from DHParser.compile import CompilerError, Compiler, CompilationResult, compile_source
from DHParser.configuration import access_thread_locals, get_config_value, \
from DHParser.parse import Parser, Grammar, mixin_comment, mixin_nonempty, Forward, RegExp, SmartRE, \
    Drop, DropFrom, Lookahead, NegativeLookahead, Alternative, Series, Option, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, \
    Text, Capture, Retrieve, Pop, optional_last_value, GrammarError, Whitespace, Always, Never, \
    Synonym, INFINITE, matching_bracket, ParseFunc, update_scanner, CombinedParser, parser_names
from DHParser.preprocess import PreprocessorFunc, PreprocessorResult, gen_find_include_func, \
    preprocess_includes, make_preprocessor, chain_preprocessors
from DHParser.nodetree import Node, RootNode, Path, WHITESPACE_PTYPE, KEEP_COMMENTS_PTYPE, \
    TOKEN_PTYPE, ZOMBIE_TAG, flatten_sxpr
from DHParser.toolkit import load_if_file, wrap_str_literal, escape_ctrl_chars, md5, \
    sane_parser_name, re, expand_table, unrepr, compile_python_object, \
    ThreadLocalSingletonFactory, TypeAlias
from DHParser.transform import TransformerFunc, transformer, remove_brackets, change_name, \
    reduce_single_child, replace_by_single_child, is_empty, remove_children, add_error, \
    remove_tokens, remove_anonymous_tokens, flatten, forbid, assert_content, remove_children_if, \
    all_of, not_one_of, apply_if, neg, has_parent, BLOCK_LEAVES
from DHParser.versionnumber import __version__

__all__ = ('DHPARSER_IMPORTS',

# EBNF preprocessing

RE_INCLUDE = r'@[ \t]*include[ \t]*=[ \t]*"(?P<name>.*)"'

def EBNFTokenizer(original_text) -> Tuple[str, List[Error]]:
    return original_text, []

def preprocessor_factory() -> PreprocessorFunc:
    find_next_include = gen_find_include_func(RE_INCLUDE, HeuristicEBNFGrammar.comment_rx__)
    include_prep = partial(preprocess_includes, find_next_include=find_next_include)
    EBNFPreprocessor = make_preprocessor(EBNFTokenizer)
    return chain_preprocessors(include_prep, EBNFPreprocessor)

get_ebnf_preprocessor = ThreadLocalSingletonFactory(preprocessor_factory)

[docs] def preprocess_ebnf(ebnf: str, source_name="source") -> PreprocessorResult: r"""Preprocesses the @include-directives of an EBNF-source.""" return get_ebnf_preprocessor()(ebnf, source_name)
######################################################################## # # EBNF parsing # ########################################################################
[docs] class HeuristicEBNFGrammar(Grammar): r"""Parser for an EBNF source file that heuristically detects the used syntactical variant of EBNF on the fly. This grammar is tuned for flexibility, that is, it supports as many different flavors of EBNF as possible. However, this flexibility comes at the cost of some ambiguities. In particular: 1. the alternative OR-operator / could be mistaken for the start of a regular expression and vice versa, and 2. character ranges [a-z] can be mistaken for optional blocks and vice versa A strategy to avoid these ambiguities is to do all of the following: - replace the free_char-parser by a never matching parser - if this is done, it is safe to replace the char_range_heuristics- parser by an always matching parser - replace the regex_heuristics by an always matching parser Ambiguities can also be avoided by NOT using all the syntactic variants made possible by this EBNF-grammar within one and the same EBNF-document. EBNF-definition of the Grammar:: @ comment = /(?!#x[A-Fa-f0-9])#.*(?:\n|$)|\/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\(\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\)/ # comments can be either C-Style: /* ... */ # or pascal/modula/oberon-style: (* ... *) # or python-style: # ... \n, excluding, however, character markers: #x20 @ whitespace = /\s*/ # whitespace includes linefeed @ literalws = right # trailing whitespace of literals will be ignored tacitly @ hide = is_mdef, component, pure_elem, countable, no_range, FOLLOW_UP, MOD_SYM, MOD_SEP, ANY_SUFFIX, EOF @ drop = whitespace, MOD_SYM, EOF, no_range # do not include these even in the concrete syntax tree @ RNG_BRACE_filter = matching_bracket() # filter or transform content of RNG_BRACE on retrieve # re-entry-rules for resuming after parsing-error @ definition_resume = /\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)/ @ directive_resume = /\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)/ # specialized error messages for certain cases @ definition_error = /,/, 'Delimiter "," not expected in definition!\nEither this was meant to ' 'be a directive and the directive symbol @ is missing\nor the error is ' 'due to inconsistent use of the comma as a delimiter\nfor the elements ' 'of a sequence.' #: top-level syntax = ~ { definition | directive | macrodef } EOF definition = [modifier] symbol §:DEF~ [ :OR~ ] expression [ MOD_SYM~ hide ] :ENDL~ & FOLLOW_UP # [:OR~] to support v. Rossum's syntax modifier = (drop | [hide]) MOD_SEP # node LF after modifier allowed! is_def = [ MOD_SEP symbol ] :DEF | MOD_SEP is_mdef _is_def = [ MOD_SEP symbol ] _DEF | MOD_SEP is_mdef MOD_SEP = / *: */ directive = "@" §symbol "=" component { "," component } & FOLLOW_UP # component = (regexp | literals | procedure | symbol !DEF) component = regexp | literals | procedure | symbol !_DEF !_is_def | &`$` !is_mdef § placeholder !is_def | "(" expression ")" | RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS expression literals = { literal }+ # string chaining, only allowed in directives! procedure = SYM_REGEX "()" # procedure name, only allowed in directives! macrodef = [modifier] "$" name~ ["(" §placeholder { "," placeholder } ")"] :DEF~ [ OR~ ] macrobody [ MOD_SYM~ hide ] :ENDL~ & FOLLOW_UP macrobody = expression is_mdef = "$" name ["(" placeholder { "," placeholder } ")"] ~:DEF FOLLOW_UP = `@` | `$` | modifier | symbol | EOF #: components expression = sequence { :OR~ sequence } sequence = ["§"] ( interleave | lookaround ) # "§" means all following terms mandatory { !`@` !(symbol :DEF) :AND~ ["§"] ( interleave | lookaround ) } interleave = difference { "°" ["§"] difference } lookaround = flowmarker § part difference = term [!`->` "-" § part] term = (oneormore | counted | repetition | option | pure_elem) [ MOD_SYM~ drop ] part = (oneormore | pure_elem) [ MOD_SYM~ drop ] #: tree-reduction-markers aka "AST-hints" drop = "DROP" | "Drop" | "drop" | "SKIP" | "Skip" | "skip" hide = "HIDE" | "Hide" | "hide" | "DISPOSE" | "Dispose" | "dispose" #: elements countable = option | oneormore | element pure_elem = element § !ANY_SUFFIX # element strictly without a suffix element = [retrieveop] symbol !is_def # negative lookahead to be sure it's not a definition | literal | plaintext | char_ranges | regexp | char_range | character ~ | any_char | whitespace | group | macro !is_def | placeholder !is_def | parser # a user-defined parser ANY_SUFFIX = /[?*+]/ #: flow-operators flowmarker = "!" | "&" # '!' negative lookahead, '&' positive lookahead | "<-!" | "<-&" # '<-!' negative lookbehind, '<-&' positive lookbehind retrieveop = "::" | ":?" | ":" # '::' pop, ':?' optional pop, ':' retrieve #: groups group = "(" no_range §expression ")" oneormore = "{" no_range expression "}+" | element "+" repetition = "{" no_range §expression "}" | element "*" no_range option = !char_range "[" §expression "]" | element "?" counted = countable range | countable :TIMES~ multiplier | multiplier :TIMES~ §countable range = RNG_BRACE~ multiplier [ :RNG_DELIM~ multiplier ] ::RNG_BRACE~ no_range = !multiplier | &multiplier :TIMES multiplier = /[1-9]\d*/~ #: leaf-elements parser = "@" name "(" [argument] ")" # a user defined parser argument = literal | name~ symbol = SYM_REGEX ~ # e.g. expression, term, parameter_list literal = /"(?:(?<!\\)\\"|[^"])*?"/~ # e.g. "(", '+', 'while' | /'(?:(?<!\\)\\'|[^'])*?'/~ # whitespace following literals will be ignored tacitly. | /’(?:(?<!\\)\\’|[^’])*?’/~ plaintext = /`(?:(?<!\\)\\`|[^`])*?`/~ # like literal but does not eat whitespace | /´(?:(?<!\\)\\´|[^´])*?´/~ regexp = :RE_LEADIN RE_CORE :RE_LEADOUT ~ # e.g. /\w+/, ~/#.*(?:\n|$)/~ # regexp = /\/(?:(?<!\\)\\(?:\/)|[^\/])*?\//~ # e.g. /\w+/, ~/#.*(?:\n|$)/~ char_range = `[` &char_range_heuristics [`^`] { range_desc }+ "]" char_ranges = RE_LEADIN range_chain { `|` range_chain } RE_LEADOUT ~ range_chain = `[` [`^`] { range_desc }+ `]` range_desc = (character | free_char) [ [`-`] (character | free_char) ] character = :CH_LEADIN HEXCODE free_char = /[^\n\[\]\\]/ | /\\[nrtfv`´'"(){}\[\]\/\\]/ any_char = "." whitespace = /~/~ # insignificant whitespace #: macros macro = "$" name "(" no_range expression { "," no_range expression } ")" placeholder = "$" name !`(` ~ name = SYM_REGEX #: delimiters EOF = !/./ [:?ENDL] [:?DEF] [:?OR] [:?AND] # [:?DEF], [:?OR], ... clear stack by eating stored value [:?RNG_DELIM] [:?BRACE_SIGN] [:?CH_LEADIN] [:?TIMES] [:?RE_LEADIN] [:?RE_LEADOUT] DEF = _DEF _DEF = `=` | `:=` | `::=` | `<-` | /:\n/ | `: ` # with `: `, retrieve markers mustn't be followed by a blank! OR = `|` | `/` !regex_heuristics AND = `,` | `` ENDL = `;` | `` RNG_BRACE = :BRACE_SIGN BRACE_SIGN = `{` | `(` RNG_DELIM = `,` TIMES = `*` RE_LEADIN = `/` &regex_heuristics | `^/` RE_LEADOUT = `/` CH_LEADIN = `0x` | `#x` | `\x` | `\u` | `\U` MOD_SYM = `->` #: heuristics char_range_heuristics = ! ( /[\n]/ | more_than_one_blank | ~ literal_heuristics | ~ [`::`|`:?`|`:`] STRICT_SYM_REGEX /\s*\]/ ) & ({ range_desc }+ `]`) STRICT_SYM_REGEX = /(?!\d)\w+/ more_than_one_blank = /[^ \]]*[ ][^ \]]*[ ]/ literal_heuristics = /~?\s*"(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^"]*)*"/ | /~?\s*'(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^']*)*'/ | /~?\s*`(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^`]*)*`/ | /~?\s*´(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^´]*)*´/ | /~?\s*\/(?:[\\]\]|[^\]]|[^\\]\[[^\/]*)*\// regex_heuristics = ! ( / +`[^`]*` +\// | / +´[^´]*´ +\// | / +'[^']*' +\// | / +"[^"]*" +\// | / +\w+ +\// ) ( /[^\/\n*?+\\]*[*?+\\][^\/\n]*\// | /[^\w]+\// | /[^ ]/ ) #: basic-regexes RE_CORE = /(?:(?<!\\)\\(?:\/)|[^\/])*/ # core of a regular expression, i.e. the dots in /.../ SYM_REGEX = /(?!\d)\w(?:-?\w)*/ # regular expression for symbols HEXCODE = /(?:[A-Fa-f1-9]|0(?!x)){1,8}/ #: error-markers RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS = `` """ countable = Forward() element = Forward() expression = Forward() source_hash__ = "ec18718eb3b0857b7831545a28098fe0" disposable__ = re.compile( '(?:$.)|(?:FOLLOW_UP$|is_mdef$|MOD_SYM$|countable$|EOF$|pure_elem$|MOD_SEP$|component$|ANY_SUFFIX$|no_range$)') static_analysis_pending__ = [] # type: List[bool] parser_initialization__ = ["upon instantiation"] error_messages__ = {'definition': [(re.compile(r','), 'Delimiter "," not expected in definition!\\nEither this was meant to be a directive and the directive symbol @ is missing\\nor the error is due to inconsistent use of the comma as a delimiter\\nfor the elements of a sequence.')]} COMMENT__ = r'(?!#x[A-Fa-f0-9])#.*(?:\n|$)|\/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\(\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\)' comment_rx__ = re.compile(COMMENT__) WHITESPACE__ = r'\s*' WSP_RE__ = mixin_comment(whitespace=WHITESPACE__, comment=COMMENT__) wsp__ = Whitespace(WSP_RE__) dwsp__ = Drop(Whitespace(WSP_RE__)) RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS = Text("") HEXCODE = RegExp('(?:[A-Fa-f1-9]|0(?!x)){1,8}') SYM_REGEX = RegExp('(?!\\d)\\w(?:-?\\w)*') RE_CORE = RegExp('(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\(?:/)|[^/])*') regex_heuristics = Series(NegativeLookahead( Alternative(RegExp(' +`[^`]*` +/'), RegExp(' +´[^´]*´ +/'), RegExp(" +'[^']*' +/"), RegExp(' +"[^"]*" +/'), RegExp(' +\\w+ +/'))), Alternative(RegExp('[^/\\n*?+\\\\]*[*?+\\\\][^/\\n]*/'), RegExp('[^\\w]+/'), RegExp('[^ ]'))) literal_heuristics = Alternative(RegExp('~?\\s*"(?:[\\\\]\\]|[^\\]]|[^\\\\]\\[[^"]*)*"'), RegExp("~?\\s*'(?:[\\\\]\\]|[^\\]]|[^\\\\]\\[[^']*)*'"), RegExp('~?\\s*`(?:[\\\\]\\]|[^\\]]|[^\\\\]\\[[^`]*)*`'), RegExp('~?\\s*´(?:[\\\\]\\]|[^\\]]|[^\\\\]\\[[^´]*)*´'), RegExp('~?\\s*/(?:[\\\\]\\]|[^\\]]|[^\\\\]\\[[^/]*)*/')) more_than_one_blank = RegExp('[^ \\]]*[ ][^ \\]]*[ ]') STRICT_SYM_REGEX = RegExp('(?!\\d)\\w+') CH_LEADIN = Capture(Alternative(Text("0x"), Text("#x"), Text("\\x"), Text("\\u"), Text("\\U")), zero_length_warning=False) MOD_SYM = Drop(Text("->")) character = Series(Retrieve(CH_LEADIN), HEXCODE) RE_LEADOUT = Capture(Text("/"), zero_length_warning=True) RE_LEADIN = Capture(Alternative(Series(Text("/"), Lookahead(regex_heuristics)), Text("^/")), zero_length_warning=True) TIMES = Capture(Text("*"), zero_length_warning=False) RNG_DELIM = Capture(Text(","), zero_length_warning=False) BRACE_SIGN = Capture(Alternative(Text("{"), Text("(")), zero_length_warning=False) RNG_BRACE = Capture(Retrieve(BRACE_SIGN), zero_length_warning=True) ENDL = Capture(Alternative(Text(";"), Text("")), zero_length_warning=False) AND = Capture(Alternative(Text(","), Text("")), zero_length_warning=False) OR = Capture(Alternative(Text("|"), Series(Text("/"), NegativeLookahead(regex_heuristics))), zero_length_warning=True) _DEF = Alternative(Text("="), Text(":="), Text("::="), Text("<-"), RegExp(':\\n'), Text(": ")) DEF = Capture(Synonym(_DEF), zero_length_warning=False) EOF = Drop( Series(NegativeLookahead(RegExp('.')), Option(Pop(ENDL, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(DEF, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(OR, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(AND, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(RNG_DELIM, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(BRACE_SIGN, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(CH_LEADIN, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(TIMES, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(RE_LEADIN, match_func=optional_last_value)), Option(Pop(RE_LEADOUT, match_func=optional_last_value)))) name = Synonym(SYM_REGEX) placeholder = Series(Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, NegativeLookahead(Text("(")), dwsp__) multiplier = Series(RegExp('[1-9]\\d*'), dwsp__) whitespace = Series(RegExp('~'), dwsp__) any_char = Series(Text("."), dwsp__) free_char = Alternative(RegExp('[^\\n\\[\\]\\\\]'), RegExp('\\\\[nrtfv`´\'"(){}\\[\\]/\\\\]')) range_desc = Series(Alternative(character, free_char), Option(Series(Option(Text("-")), Alternative(character, free_char)))) char_range_heuristics = Series(NegativeLookahead( Alternative(RegExp('[\\n]'), more_than_one_blank, Series(dwsp__, literal_heuristics), Series(dwsp__, Option(Alternative(Text("::"), Text(":?"), Text(":"))), STRICT_SYM_REGEX, RegExp('\\s*\\]')))), Lookahead(Series(OneOrMore(range_desc), Text("]")))) range_chain = Series(Text("["), Option(Text("^")), OneOrMore(range_desc), Text("]")) char_ranges = Series(RE_LEADIN, range_chain, ZeroOrMore(Series(Text("|"), range_chain)), RE_LEADOUT, dwsp__) char_range = Series(Text("["), Lookahead(char_range_heuristics), Option(Text("^")), OneOrMore(range_desc), Series(Text("]"), dwsp__)) regexp = Series(Retrieve(RE_LEADIN), RE_CORE, Retrieve(RE_LEADOUT), dwsp__) plaintext = Alternative(Series(RegExp('`(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\`|[^`])*?`'), dwsp__), Series(RegExp('´(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\´|[^´])*?´'), dwsp__)) literal = Alternative(Series(RegExp('"(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\"|[^"])*?"'), dwsp__), Series(RegExp("'(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\'|[^'])*?'"), dwsp__), Series(RegExp('’(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\’|[^’])*?’'), dwsp__)) symbol = Series(SYM_REGEX, dwsp__) argument = Alternative(literal, Series(name, dwsp__)) parser = Series(Series(Text("@"), dwsp__), name, Series(Text("("), dwsp__), Option(argument), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__)) no_range = Drop( Alternative(NegativeLookahead(multiplier), Series(Lookahead(multiplier), Retrieve(TIMES)))) macro = Series(Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, Series(Text("("), dwsp__), no_range, expression, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), no_range, expression)), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__)) range = Series(RNG_BRACE, dwsp__, multiplier, Option(Series(Retrieve(RNG_DELIM), dwsp__, multiplier)), Pop(RNG_BRACE, match_func=matching_bracket), dwsp__) counted = Alternative(Series(countable, range), Series(countable, Retrieve(TIMES), dwsp__, multiplier), Series(multiplier, Retrieve(TIMES), dwsp__, countable, mandatory=3)) option = Alternative( Series(NegativeLookahead(char_range), Series(Text("["), dwsp__), expression, Series(Text("]"), dwsp__), mandatory=2), Series(element, Series(Text("?"), dwsp__))) repetition = Alternative( Series(Series(Text("{"), dwsp__), no_range, expression, Series(Text("}"), dwsp__), mandatory=2), Series(element, Series(Text("*"), dwsp__), no_range)) oneormore = Alternative( Series(Series(Text("{"), dwsp__), no_range, expression, Series(Text("}+"), dwsp__)), Series(element, Series(Text("+"), dwsp__))) group = Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), no_range, expression, Series(Text(")"), dwsp__), mandatory=2) retrieveop = Alternative(Series(Text("::"), dwsp__), Series(Text(":?"), dwsp__), Series(Text(":"), dwsp__)) flowmarker = Alternative(Series(Text("!"), dwsp__), Series(Text("&"), dwsp__), Series(Text("<-!"), dwsp__), Series(Text("<-&"), dwsp__)) ANY_SUFFIX = RegExp('[?*+]') is_mdef = Series(Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, Option( Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), placeholder, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), placeholder)), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__))), dwsp__, Retrieve(DEF)) pure_elem = Series(element, NegativeLookahead(ANY_SUFFIX), mandatory=1) MOD_SEP = RegExp(' *: *') hide = Alternative(Series(Text("HIDE"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Hide"), dwsp__), Series(Text("hide"), dwsp__), Series(Text("DISPOSE"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Dispose"), dwsp__), Series(Text("dispose"), dwsp__)) drop = Alternative(Series(Text("DROP"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Drop"), dwsp__), Series(Text("drop"), dwsp__), Series(Text("SKIP"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Skip"), dwsp__), Series(Text("skip"), dwsp__)) part = Series(Alternative(oneormore, pure_elem), Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, drop))) term = Series(Alternative(oneormore, counted, repetition, option, pure_elem), Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, drop))) difference = Series(term, Option( Series(NegativeLookahead(Text("->")), Series(Text("-"), dwsp__), part, mandatory=2))) lookaround = Series(flowmarker, part, mandatory=1) interleave = Series(difference, ZeroOrMore( Series(Series(Text("°"), dwsp__), Option(Series(Text("§"), dwsp__)), difference))) sequence = Series(Option(Series(Text("§"), dwsp__)), Alternative(interleave, lookaround), ZeroOrMore(Series(NegativeLookahead(Text("@")), NegativeLookahead(Series(symbol, Retrieve(DEF))), Retrieve(AND), dwsp__, Option(Series(Text("§"), dwsp__)), Alternative(interleave, lookaround)))) modifier = Series(Alternative(drop, Option(hide)), MOD_SEP) FOLLOW_UP = Alternative(Text("@"), Text("$"), modifier, symbol, EOF) is_def = Alternative(Series(Option(Series(MOD_SEP, symbol)), Retrieve(DEF)), Series(MOD_SEP, is_mdef)) macrobody = Synonym(expression) definition = Series(Option(modifier), symbol, Retrieve(DEF), dwsp__, Option(Series(Retrieve(OR), dwsp__)), expression, Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, hide)), Retrieve(ENDL), dwsp__, Lookahead(FOLLOW_UP), mandatory=2) procedure = Series(SYM_REGEX, Series(Text("()"), dwsp__)) literals = OneOrMore(literal) macrodef = Series(Option(modifier), Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, dwsp__, Option( Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), placeholder, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), placeholder)), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__), mandatory=1)), Retrieve(DEF), dwsp__, Option(Series(OR, dwsp__)), macrobody, Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, hide)), Retrieve(ENDL), dwsp__, Lookahead(FOLLOW_UP)) _is_def = Alternative(Series(Option(Series(MOD_SEP, symbol)), _DEF), Series(MOD_SEP, is_mdef)) component = Alternative(regexp, literals, procedure, Series(symbol, NegativeLookahead(_DEF), NegativeLookahead(_is_def)), Series(Lookahead(Text("$")), NegativeLookahead(is_mdef), placeholder, NegativeLookahead(is_def), mandatory=2), Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), expression, Series(Text(")"), dwsp__)), Series(RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS, expression)) directive = Series(Series(Text("@"), dwsp__), symbol, Series(Text("="), dwsp__), component, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), component)), Lookahead(FOLLOW_UP), mandatory=1) element.set(Alternative(Series(Option(retrieveop), symbol, NegativeLookahead(is_def)), literal, plaintext, char_ranges, regexp, char_range, Series(character, dwsp__), any_char, whitespace, group, Series(macro, NegativeLookahead(is_def)), Series(placeholder, NegativeLookahead(is_def)), parser)) countable.set(Alternative(option, oneormore, element)) expression.set(Series(sequence, ZeroOrMore(Series(Retrieve(OR), dwsp__, sequence)))) syntax = Series(dwsp__, ZeroOrMore(Alternative(definition, directive, macrodef)), EOF) resume_rules__ = {'definition': [re.compile(r'\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)')], 'directive': [re.compile(r'\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)')]} root__ = syntax def __init__(self, root: Optional[Parser] = None, static_analysis: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: Grammar.__init__(self, root, static_analysis) self.free_char_parsefunc__ = self.free_char._parse self.char_range_heuristics_parsefunc__ = self.char_range_heuristics._parse self.regex_heuristics_parserfunc__ = self.regex_heuristics._parse self.mode__ = 'fixed' @property def mode(self) -> str: def which(p: Parser) -> str: if p._parse_proxy.__qualname__ == 'Never._parse': return 'never' elif p._parse_proxy.__qualname__ == 'Always._parse': return 'always' else: return 'custom' signature = ( which(self.free_char), which(self.regex_heuristics), which(self.char_range_heuristics) ) if signature == ('custom', 'custom', 'custom'): return 'heuristic' elif signature == ('never', 'always', 'always'): return 'strict' # or 'classic' elif signature == ('custom', 'never', 'always'): return 'peg-like' elif signature == ('custom', 'always', 'always'): return 'regex-like' else: return "undefined" @mode.setter def mode(self, mode: str): if mode == self.mode: return def set_parsefunc(p: Parser, f: ParseFunc): method = f.__get__(p, type(p)) # bind function f to parser p p._parse_proxy = method always = Always._parse never = Never._parse if mode == 'heuristic': set_parsefunc(self.free_char, self.free_char_parsefunc__) set_parsefunc(self.regex_heuristics, self.regex_heuristics_parserfunc__) set_parsefunc(self.char_range_heuristics, self.char_range_heuristics_parsefunc__) elif mode in ('strict', 'classic'): set_parsefunc(self.free_char, never) set_parsefunc(self.regex_heuristics, always) set_parsefunc(self.char_range_heuristics, always) elif mode == 'peg-like': set_parsefunc(self.free_char, self.free_char_parsefunc__) set_parsefunc(self.regex_heuristics, never) set_parsefunc(self.char_range_heuristics, always) elif mode == 'regex-like': set_parsefunc(self.free_char, self.free_char_parsefunc__) set_parsefunc(self.regex_heuristics, always) set_parsefunc(self.char_range_heuristics, always) else: raise ValueError('Mode must be one of: ' + ', '.join( ALLOWED_PRESET_VALUES['syntax_variant']))
[docs] class ConfigurableEBNFGrammar(Grammar): r"""A parser for an EBNF grammar that can be configured to parse different syntactical variants of EBNF. Other than HeuristicEBNF this parser does not detect the used variant while parsing. Different syntactical variants can be configured either by adjusting the definitions of DEF, OR, AND, ENDL, RNG_OPEN, RNG_CLOSE, RNG_DELIM, CH_LEADIN, TIMES, RE_LEADIN, RE_LEADOUT either within this grammar definition or in the Grammar-object changing the ``text``-field of the respective parser objects. EBNF-Definition of the Grammar:: @ comment = /(?!#x[A-Fa-f0-9])#.*(?:\n|$)|\/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\(\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\)/ # comments can be either C-Style: /* ... */ # or pascal/modula/oberon-style: (* ... *) # or python-style: # ... \n, excluding, however, character markers: #x20 @ whitespace = /\s*/ # whitespace includes linefeed @ literalws = right # trailing whitespace of literals will be ignored tacitly @ hide = is_mdef, component, pure_elem, countable, no_range, FOLLOW_UP, ANY_SUFFIX, MOD_SYM, MOD_SEP, EOF @ drop = whitespace, MOD_SYM, EOF, no_range # do not include these even in the concrete syntax tree # re-entry-rules to resume parsing after a syntax-error @ definition_resume = /\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)/ @ directive_resume = /\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)/ # specialized error messages for certain cases @ definition_error = /,/, 'Delimiter "," not expected in definition!\nEither this was meant to ' 'be a directive and the directive symbol @ is missing\nor the error is ' 'due to inconsistent use of the comma as a delimiter\nfor the elements ' 'of a sequence.' #: top-level syntax = ~ { definition | directive | macrodef } EOF definition = [modifier] symbol §DEF~ [ OR~ ] expression [MOD_SYM~ hide] ENDL~ &FOLLOW_UP # [OR~] to support v. Rossum's syntax modifier = (drop | [hide]) MOD_SEP # node LF after modifier allowed! is_def = [MOD_SEP symbol] DEF | MOD_SEP is_mdef MOD_SEP = / *: */ directive = "@" §symbol "=" component { "," component } &FOLLOW_UP component = regexp | literals | procedure | symbol !is_def | &`$` !is_mdef § placeholder !is_def | "(" expression ")" | RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS expression literals = { literal }+ # string chaining, only allowed in directives! procedure = SYM_REGEX "()" # procedure name, only allowed in directives! macrodef = [modifier] "$" name~ ["(" §placeholder { "," placeholder } ")"] DEF~ [ OR~ ] macrobody [MOD_SYM~ hide] ENDL~ & FOLLOW_UP macrobody = expression is_mdef = "$" name ["(" placeholder { "," placeholder } ")"] ~DEF FOLLOW_UP = `@` | `$` | modifier | symbol | EOF #: components expression = sequence { OR~ sequence } sequence = ["§"] ( interleave | lookaround ) # "§" means all following terms mandatory { AND~ ["§"] ( interleave | lookaround ) } interleave = difference { "°" ["§"] difference } lookaround = flowmarker § part difference = term [!`->` "-" § part] term = (oneormore | counted | repetition | option | pure_elem) [MOD_SYM~ drop] part = (oneormore | pure_elem) [MOD_SYM~ drop] #: tree-reduction-markers aka "AST-hints" drop = "DROP" | "Drop" | "drop" | "SKIP" | "Skip" | "skip" hide = "HIDE" | "Hide" | "hide" | "DISPOSE" | "Dispose" | "dispose" #: elements countable = option | oneormore | element pure_elem = element § !ANY_SUFFIX # element strictly without a suffix element = [retrieveop] symbol !is_def | literal | plaintext | char_ranges | character ~ | regexp | char_range | any_char | whitespace | group | macro !is_def | placeholder !is_def | parser # a user defined parser ANY_SUFFIX = /[?*+]/ #: flow-operators flowmarker = "!" | "&" # '!' negative lookahead, '&' positive lookahead | "<-!" | "<-&" # '<-!' negative lookbehind, '<-&' positive lookbehind retrieveop = "::" | ":?" | ":" # '::' pop, ':?' optional pop, ':' retrieve #: groups group = "(" no_range §expression ")" oneormore = "{" no_range expression "}+" | element "+" repetition = "{" no_range §expression "}" | element "*" no_range option = !char_range "[" §expression "]" | element "?" counted = countable range | countable TIMES~ multiplier | multiplier TIMES~ §countable range = RNG_OPEN~ multiplier [ RNG_DELIM~ multiplier ] RNG_CLOSE~ no_range = !multiplier | &multiplier TIMES # should that be &(multiplier TIMES)?? multiplier = /[1-9]\d*/~ #: leaf-elements parser = "@" name "(" §[argument] ")" # a user defined parser argument = literal | name~ symbol = SYM_REGEX ~ # e.g. expression, term, parameter_list literal = /"(?:(?<!\\)\\"|[^"])*?"/~ # e.g. "(", '+', 'while' | /'(?:(?<!\\)\\'|[^'])*?'/~ # whitespace following literals will be ignored tacitly. | /’(?:(?<!\\)\\’|[^’])*?’/~ plaintext = /`(?:(?<!\\)\\`|[^`])*?`/~ # like literal but does not eat whitespace | /´(?:(?<!\\)\\´|[^´])*?´/~ regexp = RE_LEADIN RE_CORE RE_LEADOUT ~ # e.g. /\w+/, ~/#.*(?:\n|$)/~ char_range = `[` [`^`] { restricted_range_desc }+ "]" restricted_range_desc = character [ `-` character ] char_ranges = RE_LEADIN range_chain { `|` range_chain } RE_LEADOUT ~ range_chain = `[` [`^`] { range_desc }+ `]` range_desc = (character | free_char) [ `-` (character | free_char) ] character = (CH_LEADIN | `\x` | `\u` | `\U`) HEXCODE free_char = /[^\n\[\]\\]/ | /\\[nrtfv`´'"(){}\[\]\/\\]/ any_char = "." whitespace = /~/~ # insignificant whitespace #: macros macro = "$" name "(" no_range expression { "," no_range expression } ")" placeholder = "$" name !`(` ~ name = SYM_REGEX #: delimiters EOF = !/./ DEF = `=` OR = `|` AND = `` ENDL = `` RNG_OPEN = `{` RNG_CLOSE = `}` RNG_DELIM = `,` TIMES = `*` RE_LEADIN = `/` RE_LEADOUT = `/` CH_LEADIN = `0x` MOD_SYM = `->` # symbol for postfix modifier #: basic-regexes RE_CORE = /(?:(?<!\\)\\(?:\/)|[^\/])*/ # core of a regular expression, i.e. the dots in /.../ SYM_REGEX = /(?!\d)\w+/ # regular expression for symbols HEXCODE = /(?:[A-Fa-f1-9]|0(?!x)){1,8}/ #: error-markers RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS = `` """ countable = Forward() element = Forward() expression = Forward() source_hash__ = "dcc1a4c37c097b00a142af4be0b9a49f" disposable__ = re.compile( '(?:$.)|(?:MOD_SEP$|ANY_SUFFIX$|EOF$|countable$|component$|FOLLOW_UP$|pure_elem$|is_mdef$|MOD_SYM$|no_range$)') static_analysis_pending__ = [] # type: List[bool] parser_initialization__ = ["upon instantiation"] error_messages__ = {'definition': [(re.compile(r','), 'Delimiter "," not expected in definition!\\nEither this was meant to be a directive and the directive symbol @ is missing\\nor the error is due to inconsistent use of the comma as a delimiter\\nfor the elements of a sequence.')]} COMMENT__ = r'(?!#x[A-Fa-f0-9])#.*(?:\n|$)|\/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\/|\(\*(?:.|\n)*?\*\)' comment_rx__ = re.compile(COMMENT__) WHITESPACE__ = r'\s*' WSP_RE__ = mixin_comment(whitespace=WHITESPACE__, comment=COMMENT__) wsp__ = Whitespace(WSP_RE__) dwsp__ = Drop(Whitespace(WSP_RE__)) RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS = Text("") HEXCODE = RegExp('(?:[A-Fa-f1-9]|0(?!x)){1,8}') SYM_REGEX = RegExp('(?!\\d)\\w+') RE_CORE = RegExp('(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\(?:/)|[^/])*') MOD_SYM = Drop(Text("->")) CH_LEADIN = Text("0x") RE_LEADOUT = Text("/") RE_LEADIN = Text("/") TIMES = Text("*") RNG_DELIM = Text(",") RNG_CLOSE = Text("}") RNG_OPEN = Text("{") ENDL = Text("") AND = Text("") OR = Text("|") DEF = Text("=") EOF = Drop(NegativeLookahead(RegExp('.'))) name = Synonym(SYM_REGEX) placeholder = Series(Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, NegativeLookahead(Text("(")), dwsp__) multiplier = Series(RegExp('[1-9]\\d*'), dwsp__) whitespace = Series(RegExp('~'), dwsp__) any_char = Series(Text("."), dwsp__) free_char = Alternative(RegExp('[^\\n\\[\\]\\\\]'), RegExp('\\\\[nrtfv`´\'"(){}\\[\\]/\\\\]')) character = Series(Alternative(CH_LEADIN, Text("\\x"), Text("\\u"), Text("\\U")), HEXCODE) range_desc = Series(Alternative(character, free_char), Option(Series(Text("-"), Alternative(character, free_char)))) range_chain = Series(Text("["), Option(Text("^")), OneOrMore(range_desc), Text("]")) char_ranges = Series(RE_LEADIN, range_chain, ZeroOrMore(Series(Text("|"), range_chain)), RE_LEADOUT, dwsp__) restricted_range_desc = Series(character, Option(Series(Text("-"), character))) char_range = Series(Text("["), Option(Text("^")), OneOrMore(restricted_range_desc), Series(Text("]"), dwsp__)) regexp = Series(RE_LEADIN, RE_CORE, RE_LEADOUT, dwsp__) plaintext = Alternative(Series(RegExp('`(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\`|[^`])*?`'), dwsp__), Series(RegExp('´(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\´|[^´])*?´'), dwsp__)) literal = Alternative(Series(RegExp('"(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\"|[^"])*?"'), dwsp__), Series(RegExp("'(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\'|[^'])*?'"), dwsp__), Series(RegExp('’(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\’|[^’])*?’'), dwsp__)) symbol = Series(SYM_REGEX, dwsp__) argument = Alternative(literal, Series(name, dwsp__)) parser = Series(Series(Text("@"), dwsp__), name, Series(Text("("), dwsp__), Option(argument), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__), mandatory=3) no_range = Drop( Alternative(NegativeLookahead(multiplier), Series(Lookahead(multiplier), TIMES))) macro = Series(Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, Series(Text("("), dwsp__), no_range, expression, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), no_range, expression)), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__)) range = Series(RNG_OPEN, dwsp__, multiplier, Option(Series(RNG_DELIM, dwsp__, multiplier)), RNG_CLOSE, dwsp__) counted = Alternative(Series(countable, range), Series(countable, TIMES, dwsp__, multiplier), Series(multiplier, TIMES, dwsp__, countable, mandatory=3)) option = Alternative( Series(NegativeLookahead(char_range), Series(Text("["), dwsp__), expression, Series(Text("]"), dwsp__), mandatory=2), Series(element, Series(Text("?"), dwsp__))) repetition = Alternative( Series(Series(Text("{"), dwsp__), no_range, expression, Series(Text("}"), dwsp__), mandatory=2), Series(element, Series(Text("*"), dwsp__), no_range)) oneormore = Alternative( Series(Series(Text("{"), dwsp__), no_range, expression, Series(Text("}+"), dwsp__)), Series(element, Series(Text("+"), dwsp__))) group = Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), no_range, expression, Series(Text(")"), dwsp__), mandatory=2) retrieveop = Alternative(Series(Text("::"), dwsp__), Series(Text(":?"), dwsp__), Series(Text(":"), dwsp__)) flowmarker = Alternative(Series(Text("!"), dwsp__), Series(Text("&"), dwsp__), Series(Text("<-!"), dwsp__), Series(Text("<-&"), dwsp__)) ANY_SUFFIX = RegExp('[?*+]') is_mdef = Series(Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, Option( Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), placeholder, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), placeholder)), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__))), dwsp__, DEF) pure_elem = Series(element, NegativeLookahead(ANY_SUFFIX), mandatory=1) MOD_SEP = RegExp(' *: *') hide = Alternative(Series(Text("HIDE"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Hide"), dwsp__), Series(Text("hide"), dwsp__), Series(Text("DISPOSE"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Dispose"), dwsp__), Series(Text("dispose"), dwsp__)) drop = Alternative(Series(Text("DROP"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Drop"), dwsp__), Series(Text("drop"), dwsp__), Series(Text("SKIP"), dwsp__), Series(Text("Skip"), dwsp__), Series(Text("skip"), dwsp__)) part = Series(Alternative(oneormore, pure_elem), Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, drop))) term = Series(Alternative(oneormore, counted, repetition, option, pure_elem), Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, drop))) difference = Series(term, Option( Series(NegativeLookahead(Text("->")), Series(Text("-"), dwsp__), part, mandatory=2))) lookaround = Series(flowmarker, part, mandatory=1) interleave = Series(difference, ZeroOrMore( Series(Series(Text("°"), dwsp__), Option(Series(Text("§"), dwsp__)), difference))) sequence = Series(Option(Series(Text("§"), dwsp__)), Alternative(interleave, lookaround), ZeroOrMore(Series(AND, dwsp__, Option(Series(Text("§"), dwsp__)), Alternative(interleave, lookaround)))) modifier = Series(Alternative(drop, Option(hide)), MOD_SEP) FOLLOW_UP = Alternative(Text("@"), Text("$"), modifier, symbol, EOF) is_def = Alternative(Series(Option(Series(MOD_SEP, symbol)), DEF), Series(MOD_SEP, is_mdef)) macrobody = Synonym(expression) definition = Series(Option(modifier), symbol, DEF, dwsp__, Option(Series(OR, dwsp__)), expression, Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, hide)), ENDL, dwsp__, Lookahead(FOLLOW_UP), mandatory=2) procedure = Series(SYM_REGEX, Series(Text("()"), dwsp__)) literals = OneOrMore(literal) component = Alternative(regexp, literals, procedure, Series(symbol, NegativeLookahead(is_def)), Series(Lookahead(Text("$")), NegativeLookahead(is_mdef), placeholder, NegativeLookahead(is_def), mandatory=2), Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), expression, Series(Text(")"), dwsp__)), Series(RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS, expression)) directive = Series(Series(Text("@"), dwsp__), symbol, Series(Text("="), dwsp__), component, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), component)), Lookahead(FOLLOW_UP), mandatory=1) macrodef = Series(Option(modifier), Series(Text("$"), dwsp__), name, dwsp__, Option( Series(Series(Text("("), dwsp__), placeholder, ZeroOrMore(Series(Series(Text(","), dwsp__), placeholder)), Series(Text(")"), dwsp__), mandatory=1)), DEF, dwsp__, Option(Series(OR, dwsp__)), macrobody, Option(Series(MOD_SYM, dwsp__, hide)), ENDL, dwsp__, Lookahead(FOLLOW_UP)) element.set(Alternative(Series(Option(retrieveop), symbol, NegativeLookahead(is_def)), literal, plaintext, char_ranges, Series(character, dwsp__), regexp, char_range, any_char, whitespace, group, Series(macro, NegativeLookahead(is_def)), Series(placeholder, NegativeLookahead(is_def)), parser)) countable.set(Alternative(option, oneormore, element)) expression.set(Series(sequence, ZeroOrMore(Series(OR, dwsp__, sequence)))) syntax = Series(dwsp__, ZeroOrMore(Alternative(definition, directive, macrodef)), EOF) resume_rules__ = {'definition': [re.compile(r'\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)')], 'directive': [re.compile(r'\n\s*(?=@|\w+\w*\s*=)')]} root__ = syntax def __init__(self, root: Optional[Parser] = None, static_analysis: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: Grammar.__init__(self, root, static_analysis) self.mode__ = 'fixed'
[docs] def grammar_changed(grammar_class, grammar_source: str) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if ``grammar_class`` does not reflect the latest changes of ``grammar_source`` Parameters: grammar_class: the parser class representing the grammar or the file name of a compiler suite containing the grammar grammar_source: File name or string representation of the EBNF code of the grammar Returns (bool): True, if the source text of the grammar is different from the source from which the grammar class was generated """ grammar = load_if_file(grammar_source) chksum = md5(grammar, __version__) if isinstance(grammar_class, str): # grammar_class = load_compiler_suite(grammar_class)[1] with open(grammar_class, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: pycode = m ='class \w*\(Grammar\)', pycode) if m: m =' {4}source_hash__ *= *"([a-z0-9]*)"', pycode[m.span()[1]:]) if m is None: return False return not (m.groups() and m.groups()[-1] == chksum) else: return True else: return chksum != grammar_class.source_hash__
[docs] def get_ebnf_grammar() -> Union[HeuristicEBNFGrammar, ConfigurableEBNFGrammar]: """Returns a thread-local EBNF-Grammar-object for parsing EBNF sources.""" THREAD_LOCALS = access_thread_locals() mode = get_config_value('syntax_variant') try: grammar = THREAD_LOCALS.ebnf_grammar_singleton if mode in ('fixed', 'configurable'): if not isinstance(grammar, ConfigurableEBNFGrammar): raise AttributeError else: if not isinstance(grammar, HeuristicEBNFGrammar): raise AttributeError except AttributeError: if mode in ('fixed', 'configurable'): grammar = ConfigurableEBNFGrammar(static_analysis=False) if mode == "fixed": # configure grammar once update_scanner(grammar, get_config_value('delimiter_set')) grammar.mode__ = mode THREAD_LOCALS.ebnf_grammar_singleton = grammar else: grammar = HeuristicEBNFGrammar(static_analysis=False) grammar.mode__ = mode THREAD_LOCALS.ebnf_grammar_singleton = grammar if mode == 'configurable' or (mode == 'fixed' and grammar.mode__ != 'fixed'): # configure grammar on each request of the grammar object update_scanner(grammar, get_config_value('delimiter_set')) grammar.mode__ = mode return grammar
[docs] def parse_ebnf(ebnf: str) -> Node: """Parses and EBNF-source-text and returns the concrete syntax tree of the EBNF-code.""" return get_ebnf_grammar()(ebnf)
######################################################################## # # EBNF concrete to abstract syntax tree transformation and validation # ######################################################################## def pythonize_identifier(path: Path): r"""A mekshift solution to allow identifiers with dashes: replace minus with underscore""" assert not path[-1].children path[-1]._result = re.sub(r'(?<=\w)-(?=\w)', '_', path[-1]._result) EBNF_AST_transformation_table = { # AST Transformations for EBNF-grammar "<": [remove_children_if(all_of(not_one_of('regexp', "RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS"), is_empty))], "syntax": [], "directive": [flatten, remove_tokens('@', '=', ',', '(', ')'), remove_children("RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS")], "macrodef": [remove_anonymous_tokens], "macrobody": [], "macro": [remove_anonymous_tokens], "placeholder": [remove_anonymous_tokens, reduce_single_child], "procedure": [remove_tokens('()', '(', ')'), reduce_single_child], "literals": [replace_by_single_child], "definition": [flatten, remove_children('DEF', 'ENDL'), remove_tokens('=')], # remove_tokens('=') is only for backwards-compatibility "modifier": [], "expression": [apply_if(replace_by_single_child, neg(has_parent("directive"))), # the restriction above is required to distinguish regex-find-semantics # from regex-parser semantics in skip and resume-directives flatten, remove_children('OR'), remove_tokens('|')], # remove_tokens('|') is only for backwards-compatibility "sequence": [replace_by_single_child, flatten, remove_children('AND')], "interleave": [replace_by_single_child, flatten, remove_tokens('°')], "lookaround": [], "difference": [remove_tokens('-'), replace_by_single_child], "term, part, pure_elem, element": [replace_by_single_child], "flowmarker, retrieveop": [reduce_single_child], "group": [remove_brackets], "oneormore, repetition, option": [reduce_single_child, remove_brackets, # remove_tokens('?', '*', '+'), forbid('repetition', 'option', 'oneormore'), assert_content(r'(?!§)(?:.|\n)*')], "counted": [remove_children('TIMES')], "range": [remove_children('BRACE_SIGN', 'RNG_BRACE', 'RNG_DELIM', 'RNG_OPEN', 'RNG_CLOSE')], "symbol, literal, any_char": [reduce_single_child], "plaintext": [], "regexp": [remove_children('RE_LEADIN', 'RE_LEADOUT'), reduce_single_child], "char_ranges, range_desc": [], "restricted_range_desc": [change_name("range_desc")], "char_range, range_chain": [flatten, remove_tokens('[', ']')], "character": [remove_children('CH_LEADIN'), reduce_single_child], "free_char": [], (TOKEN_PTYPE, WHITESPACE_PTYPE, "whitespace"): [reduce_single_child], "parser": [remove_tokens('@', '(', ')')], "name, argument": [reduce_single_child], "SYM_REGEX": [pythonize_identifier], "RAISE_EXPR_WO_BRACKETS": [add_error("PEG Expressions in directives must be enclosed in barckets (...)", PEG_EXPRESSION_IN_DIRECTIVE_WO_BRACKETS)], "EOF, DEF, OR, AND, ENDL, BRACE_SIGN, RNG_BRACE, RNG_DELIM, RNG_OPEN, " "RNG_CLOSE, TIMES, RE_LEADIN, RE_CORE, RE_LEADOUT, CH_LEADIN": [], "*": [BLOCK_LEAVES, replace_by_single_child] } def EBNFTransform() -> TransformerFunc: return partial(transformer, transformation_table=EBNF_AST_transformation_table.copy(), src_stage='CST', dst_stage='AST') def get_ebnf_transformer() -> TransformerFunc: THREAD_LOCALS = access_thread_locals() try: ebnf_transformer = THREAD_LOCALS.EBNF_transformer_singleton except AttributeError: THREAD_LOCALS.EBNF_transformer_singleton = EBNFTransform() ebnf_transformer = THREAD_LOCALS.EBNF_transformer_singleton return ebnf_transformer
[docs] def transform_ebnf(cst: RootNode) -> RootNode: """Transforms the concrete-syntax-tree of an EBNF-source-code into the abstract-syntax-tree. The transformation changes the syntax tree in place. No value is returned.""" root = get_ebnf_transformer()(cst) return root
######################################################################## # # EBNF abstract syntax tree to Python-parser compilation # ######################################################################## # source-code-snippets and -templates DHPARSER_IMPORTS = ''' import collections from functools import partial import os import sys from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Any, Optional, Callable, cast try: import regex as re except ImportError: import re try: scriptdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except NameError: scriptdir = '' if scriptdir and scriptdir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(scriptdir) try: from DHParser import versionnumber except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): i = scriptdir.rfind("/DHParser/") if i >= 0: dhparserdir = scriptdir[:i + 10] # 10 = len("/DHParser/") if dhparserdir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, dhparserdir) from DHParser.compile import Compiler, compile_source, Junction, full_compile from DHParser.configuration import set_config_value, add_config_values, get_config_value, \\ access_thread_locals, access_presets, finalize_presets, set_preset_value, \\ get_preset_value, NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN from DHParser import dsl from DHParser.dsl import recompile_grammar, never_cancel from DHParser.ebnf import grammar_changed from DHParser.error import ErrorCode, Error, canonical_error_strings, has_errors, NOTICE, \\ WARNING, ERROR, FATAL from DHParser.log import start_logging, suspend_logging, resume_logging from DHParser.nodetree import Node, WHITESPACE_PTYPE, TOKEN_PTYPE, RootNode, Path, ZOMBIE_TAG from DHParser.parse import Grammar, PreprocessorToken, Whitespace, Drop, DropFrom, AnyChar, Parser, \\ Lookbehind, Lookahead, Alternative, Pop, Text, Synonym, Counted, Interleave, INFINITE, ERR, \\ Option, NegativeLookbehind, OneOrMore, RegExp, SmartRE, Retrieve, Series, Capture, TreeReduction, \\ ZeroOrMore, Forward, NegativeLookahead, Required, CombinedParser, Custom, IgnoreCase, \\ LateBindingUnary, mixin_comment, last_value, matching_bracket, optional_last_value, \\ PARSER_PLACEHOLDER, UninitializedError from DHParser.pipeline import end_points, full_pipeline, create_parser_junction, \\ create_preprocess_junction, create_junction, PseudoJunction from DHParser.preprocess import nil_preprocessor, PreprocessorFunc, PreprocessorResult, \\ gen_find_include_func, preprocess_includes, make_preprocessor, chain_preprocessors from DHParser.stringview import StringView from DHParser.toolkit import is_filename, load_if_file, cpu_count, RX_NEVER_MATCH, \\ ThreadLocalSingletonFactory, expand_table from DHParser.trace import set_tracer, resume_notices_on, trace_history from DHParser.transform import is_empty, remove_if, TransformationDict, TransformerFunc, \\ transformation_factory, remove_children_if, move_fringes, normalize_whitespace, \\ is_anonymous, name_matches, reduce_single_child, replace_by_single_child, replace_or_reduce, \\ remove_whitespace, replace_by_children, remove_empty, remove_tokens, flatten, all_of, \\ any_of, transformer, merge_adjacent, collapse, collapse_children_if, transform_result, \\ remove_children, remove_content, remove_brackets, change_name, remove_anonymous_tokens, \\ keep_children, is_one_of, not_one_of, content_matches, apply_if, peek, \\ remove_anonymous_empty, keep_nodes, traverse_locally, strip, lstrip, rstrip, \\ replace_content_with, forbid, assert_content, remove_infix_operator, add_error, error_on, \\ left_associative, lean_left, node_maker, has_descendant, neg, has_ancestor, insert, \\ positions_of, replace_child_names, add_attributes, delimit_children, merge_connected, \\ has_attr, has_parent, has_children, has_child, apply_unless, apply_ifelse, traverse from DHParser import parse as parse_namespace__ ''' PREPROCESSOR_FACTORY = ''' # To capture includes, replace the NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN # by a pattern with group "name" here, e.g. r'\\input{{(?P<name>.*)}}' RE_INCLUDE = NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN RE_COMMENT = {COMMENT__} # THIS MUST ALWAYS BE THE SAME AS {NAME}Grammar.COMMENT__ !!! def {NAME}Tokenizer(original_text) -> Tuple[str, List[Error]]: # Here, a function body can be filled in that adds preprocessor tokens # to the source code and returns the modified source. return original_text, [] preprocessing: PseudoJunction = create_preprocess_junction( {NAME}Tokenizer, RE_INCLUDE, RE_COMMENT) ''' CUSTOM_PARSER_EXAMPLE = ''' # Examples for custom parsers. Use these as role models for your own # Python-implemented parsing-functions # 1. Plain parsing function (denoted as "@pCustom(parse_word)" is the grammar) def parse_word(s: StringView) -> Optional[Node]: m = s.match(r'\\w+') if m: return Node('word', s[:m.end()]) return None # 2. Simple parser generator: like plain parser function, but looks # in the grammar, i.e. "@parse_word()" ''' GRAMMAR_FACTORY = ''' parsing: PseudoJunction = create_parser_junction({NAME}Grammar) get_grammar = parsing.factory # for backwards compatibility, only ''' TRANSFORMER_FACTORY = ''' # DEPRECATED, because it requires pickling the transformation-table, which rules out lambdas! # ASTTransformation: Junction = create_junction( # {NAME}_AST_transformation_table, "CST", "AST", "transtable") def {NAME}Transformer() -> TransformerFunc: return partial(transformer, transformation_table={NAME}_AST_transformation_table.copy(), src_stage='CST', dst_stage='AST') ASTTransformation: Junction = Junction( 'CST', ThreadLocalSingletonFactory({NAME}Transformer), 'AST') ''' COMPILER_FACTORY = ''' compiling: Junction = create_junction( {NAME}Compiler, "AST", "{NAME}") ''' WHITESPACE_TYPES = {'linefeed': r'[ \t]*(?:\n[ \t]*(?![ \t]*\n))?', # default 'linestart': r'[ \t]*(?:\n(?![ \t]*\n))?', 'horizontal': r'[\t ]*', 'vertical': r'\s*'} DROP_STRINGS = 'strings' DROP_BACKTICKED = 'backticked' DROP_WSPC = 'whitespace' DROP_NO_COMMENTS = 'no_comments' DROP_REGEXP = 'regexps' DROP_VALUES = {DROP_STRINGS, DROP_BACKTICKED, DROP_WSPC, DROP_NO_COMMENTS, DROP_REGEXP} # Representation of Python code or, rather, something that will be output as Python code ReprType: TypeAlias = Union[str, unrepr] VALID_DIRECTIVES = { 'comment': r'Regular expression for comments, e.g. /#.*(?:\n|$)/', 'whitespace': r'Regular expression for whitespace or one of: horizontal, linefeed, linestart, vertical', 'literalws': 'Controls implicit whitespace adjacent to literals: left, right, both, none', 'ignorecase': 'Controls case-sensitivity: True, False', '[preprocessor_]tokens': 'List of the names of all preprocessor tokens', 'disposable|hide': 'List of symbols that shall not be turned into tag-names', 'drop': 'List of tags to be dropped with all their content from the tree, ' 'special values: strings, backticked, whitespace, regexps', '[tree_]reduction': 'Reduction level for simplifying the tree while parsing.' 'Possible levels: none, flatten, merge_treetops, merge', '$SYMBOL_filer': 'Function that transforms captured values of the given symbol on retrieval', '$SYMBOL_error': 'Pair of regular expression an custom error message if regex matches', '$SYMBOL_skip': 'List of regexes or functions to find reentry point after an error', '$SYMBOL_resume': 'List or regexes or functions to find reentry point for parent parser' }
[docs] class EBNFDirectives: r""" A Record that keeps information about compiler directives during the compilation process. :ivar whitespace: the regular expression string for (insignificant) whitespace :ivar comment: the regular expression string for comments :ivar literalws: automatic "whitespace eating" next to literals. Can be either 'left', 'right', 'none', 'both' :ivar tokens: set of the names of preprocessor tokens :ivar filter: mapping of symbols to python match functions that will be called on any retrieve / pop - operations on these symbols :ivar error: mapping of symbols to tuples of match conditions and customized error messages. A match condition can be either a string or a regular expression. The first error message where the search condition matches will be displayed. An empty string '' as search condition always matches, so in case of multiple error messages, this condition should be placed at the end. :ivar skip: mapping of symbols to a list of search expressions. A search expressions can be either a string ot a regular expression. The closest match is the point of reentry for the series- or interleave-parser when a mandatory item failed to match the following text. :ivar resume: mapping of symbols to a list of search expressions. A search expressions can be either a string ot a regular expression. The closest match is the point of reentry for after a parsing error has error occurred. Other than the skip field, this configures resuming after the failing parser (:py:class:`parser.Series` or :py:class:`parser.Interleave`) has returned. :ivar disposable: A regular expression to identify "disposable" symbols, i.e. symbols that will not appear as tag-names. Instead, the nodes produced by the parsers associated with these symbols will yield anonymous nodes just like "inner" parsers that are not directly assigned to a symbol. :ivar drop: A set that may contain the elements ``DROP_STRINGS`` and ``DROP_WSP``, ``DROP_REGEXP`` or any name of a symbol of a disposable parser (e.g. '_linefeed') the results of which will be dropped during the parsing process, already. :ivar reduction: The reduction level (0-3) for early tree-reduction during the parsing stage. :ivar \_super\_ws: Cache for the "super whitespace" which is a regular expression that merges whitespace and comments. This property should only be accessed after the ``whitespace``- and ``comment``-field have been filled with the values parsed from the EBNF source. """ __slots__ = ['whitespace', 'comment', 'literalws', 'tokens', 'filter', 'error', 'skip', 'resume', 'disposable', 'drop', 'reduction', '_super_ws'] REPEATABLE_DIRECTIVES = {'tokens', 'preprocessor_tokens', 'disposable', 'drop'} def __init__(self): self.whitespace = WHITESPACE_TYPES['linefeed'] # type: str self.comment = '' # type: str self.literalws = {get_config_value('default_literalws')} # type: Set[str] self.tokens = set() # type: Set[str] self.filter = dict() # type: Dict[str, str] self.error = dict() # type: Dict[str, List[Tuple[ReprType, ReprType]]] self.skip = dict() # type: Dict[str, List[Union[unrepr, str]]] self.resume = dict() # type: Dict[str, List[Union[unrepr, str]]] self.disposable = get_config_value('default_disposable_regexp') # type: str self.drop = set() # type: Set[str] self.reduction = 1 # type: int self._super_ws = None # type: Optional[str] def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert hasattr(self, key) setattr(self, key, value) @property def super_ws(self): if self._super_ws is None: self._super_ws = mixin_comment(self.whitespace, self.comment) return self._super_ws def keys(self): return self.__slots__ def add_to_disposable_regexp(self, pattern: str): if self.disposable == NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN: self.disposable = pattern else: self.disposable = '(?:%s)|(?:%s)' % (self.disposable, pattern) def add_to_disposable_symbols(self, symbols: Union[str, Container[str]]): symbols = {symbols} if isinstance(symbols, str) else set(symbols) for s in frozenset(symbols): if re.match(self.disposable, s): symbols.remove(s) if symbols: pattern = '$|'.join(symbols) + '$' self.disposable = '(?:%s)|(?:%s)' % (self.disposable, pattern)
[docs] class EBNFCompilerError(CompilerError): r"""Error raised by :py:class:`EBNFCompiler` class. (Not compilation errors in the strict sense, see :py:class:`~dsl.CompilationError` in module :py:mod:`~dsl`)""" pass
[docs] class EBNFCompiler(Compiler): r""" Generates a Parser from an abstract syntax tree of a grammar specified in EBNF-Notation. Usually, this class will not be instantiated or instances of this class be called directly. Rather high-level functions like :py:func:`~dsl.create_parser` or :py:func:`~dsl.compileEBNF` will be used to generate callable :py:class:`~parse.Grammar`-objects or Python-source-code from an EBNF-grammar. Instances of this class must be called with the root-node of the abstract syntax tree from an EBNF-specification of a formal language. The returned value is the Python-source-code of a Grammar class for this language that can be used to parse texts in this language. See classes :py:class:`compile.Compiler` and :py:class:`parser.Grammar` for more information. Additionally, class EBNFCompiler provides helper methods to generate code-skeletons for a preprocessor, AST-transformation and full compilation of the formal language. These method's names start with the prefix ``gen_``. :ivar current_symbols: During compilation, a list containing the root node of the currently compiled definition as first element and then the nodes of the symbols that are referred to in the currently compiled definition. :ivar cache_literal_symbols: A cache for all symbols that are defined by literals, e.g. ``head = "<head>"``. This is used by the on_expression()-method. :ivar rules: Dictionary that maps rule names to a list of Nodes that contain symbol-references in the definition of the rule. The first item in the list is the node of the rule definition itself. Example:: alternative = a | b Now ``[node.content for node in self.rules['alternative']]`` yields ``['alternative = a | b', 'a', 'b']`` :ivar referred_symbols_cache: A dictionary that caches the results of method ``referred_symbols()``. ``referred_symbols()`` maps a to the set of symbols that are directly or indirectly referred to in the definition of the symbol. :ivar directly_referred_cache: A dictionary that caches the results of method :py:meth:`directly_referred_symbols`, which yields the set of symbols that are referred to in the definition of a particular symbol. :ivar referred_otherwise: A set of symbols which are directly referred to in a directive, macro or macro-symbol. It does not matter whether these symbals are reachable (i.e. directly oder indirectly referred to) from the root-symbol. :ivar symbols: A mapping of symbol names to their usages (not their definition!) in the EBNF source. :ivar py_symbols: A set of symbols that are referred to in the grammar, but are (or must be) defined in Python-code outside the Grammar-class resulting from the compilation of the EBNF-source, as, for example, references to user-defined custom-parsers. (See :py:class:`~parse.Custom`) :ivar variables: A set of symbols names that are used with the Pop or Retrieve operator. Because the values of these symbols need to be captured they are called variables. See ``test_parser.TestPopRetrieve`` for an example. :ivar forward: A set of symbols that require a forward operator. :ivar definitions: A dictionary of definitions. Other than ``rules`` this maps the symbols to their compiled definienda. :ivar macros: A dictionary that maps macro names to the macro-definition, or, more precisely to a tuple of the node of the macro-symbol, the string-list or macro arguments and the node of the AST that is substituted for the macro-symbol. :ivar macro_stack: A stack (i.e. list) of macro names needed to ensure that macro calls are not recursively nested. :ivar required_keywords: A list of keywords (like ``comment__`` or ``whitespace__``) that need to be defined at the beginning of the grammar class because they are referred to later. :ivar deferred_tasks: A list of callables that is filled during compilation, but that will be executed only after compilation has finished. Typically, it contains semantic checks that require information that is only available upon completion of compilation. :ivar root_symbol: The name of the root symbol. :ivar directives: A record of all directives and their default values. :ivar defined_directives: A dictionary of all directives that have already been defined, mapped onto the list of nodes where they have been (re-)defined. Except for those directives contained in EBNFDirectives.REPEATABLE_DIRECTIVES, directives must only be defined once. :ivar consumed_custom_errors: A set of symbols for which a custom error has been defined and(!) consumed during compilation. This allows to add a compiler error in those cases where (i) an error message has been defined but will never be used or (ii) an error message is accidentally used twice. For examples, see ``test_ebnf.TestErrorCustomization``. :ivar consumed_skip_rules: The same as ``consumed_custom_errors`` only for in-series-resume-rules (aka 'skip-rules') for Series-parsers. :ivar P: a dictionary that maps parser class names to qualified names in cases a parser class name has also been used as a symbol name in the grammar. (e.g. Text -> parser_namespace\_\_.Text) :ivar re_flags: A set of regular expression flags to be added to all regular expressions found in the current parsing process :ivar python_src: A string that contains the python source code that was the outcome of the last EBNF-compilation. :ivar grammar_name: The name of the grammar to be compiled :ivar grammar_source: The source code of the grammar to be compiled. :ivar optimization_level: Turns on optimizng parser by substituting SmartRE-parsers for compound parsers when possible. Any number higher than zero turns optimization on (the higher, the more; see "optimization_level" in A value of zero turns optimization off. """ COMMENT_KEYWORD = "COMMENT__" COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD = "comment__" DROP_COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD = "dcomment__" COMMENT_RX_KEYWORD = "comment_rx__" WHITESPACE_KEYWORD = "WSP_RE__" RAW_WS_KEYWORD = "WHITESPACE__" RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD = "whitespace__" DROP_RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD = "dwhitespace__" WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD = "wsp__" DROP_WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD = "dwsp__" RESUME_RULES_KEYWORD = "resume_rules__" SKIP_RULES_KEYWORD = 'skip_rules__' ERR_MSGS_KEYWORD = 'error_messages__' COMMENT_OR_WHITESPACE = {COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD, DROP_COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD, RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD, DROP_RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD, WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, DROP_WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD} RESERVED_SYMBOLS = {COMMENT_KEYWORD, COMMENT_RX_KEYWORD, COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD, WHITESPACE_KEYWORD, RAW_WS_KEYWORD, RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD, WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, DROP_WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, RESUME_RULES_KEYWORD} KEYWORD_SUBSTITUTION = {COMMENT_KEYWORD: COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD, COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD: COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD, RAW_WS_KEYWORD: RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD, RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD: RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD, WHITESPACE_KEYWORD: WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD: WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, DROP_WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD: DROP_WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD} AST_ERROR = "Badly structured syntax tree. " \ "Potentially due to erroneous AST transformation." PREFIX_TABLE = {'§': 'Required', '&': 'Lookahead', '!': 'NegativeLookahead', '<-&': 'Lookbehind', '<-!': 'NegativeLookbehind', '::': 'Pop', ':?': 'Pop', ':': 'Retrieve'} def __init__(self, grammar_name="DSL", grammar_source=""): super(EBNFCompiler, self).__init__() # calls the reset()-method self.set_grammar_name(grammar_name, grammar_source)
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.python_src = '' # type: str self.re_flags = set() # type: Set[str] self.rules = OrderedDict() # type: OrderedDict[str, List[Node]] self.referred_symbols_cache = dict() # type: Dict[str, FrozenSet[str]] self.directly_referred_cache = dict() # type: Dict[str, FrozenSet[str]] self.referred_otherwise = set() # type: Set[str] self.current_symbols = [] # type: List[Node] self.cache_literal_symbols = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] self.symbols = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Node]] self.py_symbols = set() # type: Set[str] self.variables = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Node]] self.forward = set() # type: Set[str] self.definitions = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self.macros = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[Node, List[str], Node]] self.macro_stack = [] # type: List[str] self.required_keywords = set() # type: Set[str] self.deferred_tasks = [] # type: List[Callable] self.root_symbol = "" # type: str self.directives = EBNFDirectives() # type: EBNFDirectives self.defined_directives = dict() # type: Dict[str, List[Node]] self.consumed_custom_errors = set() # type: Set[str] self.consumed_skip_rules = set() # type: Set[str] self.P = {p: p for p in parser_names} # type: Dict[str, str] self.optimization_level = get_config_value('optimization_level') # type: int
@property def result(self) -> str: return self.python_src
[docs] def set_grammar_name(self, grammar_name: str = "", grammar_source: str = ""): """ Changes the grammar name and source. The grammar name and the source text are metadata that do not affect the compilation process. It is used to name and annotate the output. Returns `self`. """ assert grammar_name == "" or re.match(r'\w+\Z', grammar_name), grammar_name if not grammar_name and re.fullmatch(r'[\w/:\\]+', grammar_source): grammar_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(grammar_source))[0] self.grammar_name = grammar_name or "NameUnknown" self.grammar_source = load_if_file(grammar_source)
# methods for generating skeleton code for preprocessor, transformer, and compiler
[docs] def gen_preprocessor_skeleton(self) -> str: """ Returns Python-skeleton-code for a preprocessor-function for the previously compiled formal language. """ comment_re = self.directives.comment rs = repr(comment_re) if comment_re else 'NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN' return PREPROCESSOR_FACTORY.format(NAME=self.grammar_name, COMMENT__=rs)
[docs] def gen_custom_parser_example(self) -> str: """ Returns Python-example-code for a custom parser. """ return CUSTOM_PARSER_EXAMPLE
[docs] def gen_transformer_skeleton(self) -> str: """ Returns Python-skeleton-code for the AST-transformation for the previously compiled formal language. """ if not self.rules and not self._dirty_flag: raise EBNFCompilerError('Compiler must be run before calling ' '"gen_transformer_Skeleton()"!') tt_name = self.grammar_name + '_AST_transformation_table' transtable = [tt_name + ' = {', ' # AST Transformations for the ' + self.grammar_name + '-grammar', ' # "<": [], # called for each node before calling its specific rules', ' # "*": [], # fallback for nodes that do not appear in this table', ' # ">": [], # called for each node after calling its specific rules'] for name in self.rules: transformations = '[]' transtable.append(' "' + name + '": %s,' % transformations) transtable += ['}', ''] transtable += [TRANSFORMER_FACTORY.format(NAME=self.grammar_name)] return '\n'.join(transtable)
[docs] def gen_compiler_skeleton(self) -> str: """ Returns Python-skeleton-code for a Compiler-class for the previously compiled formal language. """ if not self.rules and not self._dirty_flag: raise EBNFCompilerError('Compiler has not been run before calling ' '"gen_Compiler_Skeleton()"!') compiler = ['class ' + self.grammar_name + 'Compiler(Compiler):', ' """Compiler for the abstract-syntax-tree of a ', f' {self.grammar_name} source file.', ' """', '', ' def __init__(self):', f' super({self.grammar_name}Compiler, self).__init__()', ' self.forbid_returning_None = True ' '# set to False if any compilation-method is allowed to return None', '', ' def reset(self):', ' super().reset()', ' # initialize your variables here, not in the constructor!', '', ' def prepare(self, root: RootNode) -> None:', ' assert root.stage == "AST", f"Source stage `AST` expected, ' '`but `{root.stage}` found."', f' root.stage = "{self.grammar_name}"' '', ' def finalize(self, result: Any) -> Any:', ' return result', ''] c = Compiler() for name in self.rules: method_name = c.visitor_name(name) if name == self.root_symbol: compiler += [' def ' + method_name + '(self, node):', ' return self.fallback_compiler(node)', ''] else: compiler += [' # def ' + method_name + '(self, node):', ' # return node', ''] compiler += [COMPILER_FACTORY.format(NAME=self.grammar_name)] return '\n'.join(compiler)
[docs] def verify_transformation_table(self, transtable): """ Checks for symbols that occur in the transformation-table but have never been defined in the grammar. Usually, this kind of inconsistency results from an error like a typo in the transformation table. """ assert self._dirty_flag table_entries = set(expand_table(transtable).keys()) - {'*', '<', '>', '~'} symbols = set(self.rules.keys()) | set(self.macros.keys()) symbols.add('ZOMBIE__') messages = [] for entry in table_entries: if entry not in symbols and not entry[:1] == ":": messages.append(Error(('Symbol "%s" is not defined in grammar %s but appears in ' 'the transformation table!') % (entry, self.grammar_name), 0, UNDEFINED_SYMBOL_IN_TRANSTABLE_WARNING)) return messages
# def verify_compiler(self, compiler): # """ # Checks for on_XXXX()-methods that occur in the compiler, although XXXX # has never been defined in the grammar. Usually, this kind of # inconsistency results from an error like a typo in the compiler-code. # """ # pass # TODO: add verification code here
[docs] def check_rx(self, node: Node, rx: str) -> str: """ Checks whether the string `rx` represents a valid regular expression. Makes sure that multi-line regular expressions are prepended by the multi-line-flag. Returns the regular expression string. """ # TODO: Support atomic grouping: # do-python-regular-expressions-have-an-equivalent-to-rubys-atomic-grouping rx = rx.replace(r'\/', '/') flags = self.re_flags | {'x'} if rx.find('\n') >= 0 else self.re_flags if flags: rx = "(?%s)%s" % ("".join(flags), rx) try: re.compile(rx) except Exception as re_error: self.tree.new_error(node, "malformed regular expression %s: %s" % (repr(rx), str(re_error)), MALFORMED_REGULAR_EXPRESSION) return rx
[docs] def extract_regex(self, node: Node) -> str: """Extracts regular expression string from regexp-Node.""" value = node.content if in ('literal', 'plaintext'): assert value assert value[0] + value[-1] in ('""', "''", "``") value = re.escape(value[1:-1]) else: assert == "regexp""" value = self.check_rx(node, value) return value
[docs] def make_search_rule(self, node: Node, nd: Node, kind: str) -> ReprType: """Generates a search rule, which can be either a string for simple string search or a regular expression from the node's content. Returns an empty string in case the node is neither regexp nor literal. :param node: The node of the directive :param nd: The node containing the AST of the search rule :param kind: The kind of the search rule, which must be one of "resume", "skip", "error" """ assert kind in ('resume', 'skip', 'error') if == 'regexp': super_ws = self.directives.super_ws nonempty_ws = mixin_nonempty(super_ws) search_regex = self.extract_regex(nd)\ .replace(r'\~!', nonempty_ws).replace(r'\~', super_ws) return unrepr("re.compile(r'%s')" % search_regex) elif == 'literal': s = nd.content[1:-1] # remove quotation marks return unrepr(f"re.compile(r'(?={re.escape(s)})')") elif == 'procedure': proc_name = nd.content self.py_symbols.add(proc_name) return unrepr(proc_name) elif == 'symbol': referred_symbol = nd.content.strip() self.referred_otherwise.add(referred_symbol) return unrepr(referred_symbol) else: # create a parser-based search rule symbol = node.children[0].content.split('_')[0] stub = f"{symbol}_{kind}_" L = len(stub) nr = 1 for rule in self.rules.keys(): if rule[:L] == stub: i = int(rule[L:].strip('_')) if i > nr: nr = i + 1 rule = stub + str(nr) + '__' self.current_symbols = [node] self.rules[rule] = self.current_symbols defn = self.compile(nd) assert defn.find("(") >= 0 # synonyms are impossible here self.definitions[rule] = defn self.referred_otherwise.add(rule) return unrepr(rule)
[docs] def directly_referred(self, symbol: str) -> FrozenSet[str]: """Returns the set of symbols that are referred to in the definition of `symbol`.""" try: return self.directly_referred_cache[symbol] except KeyError: pass try: referred_nodes = self.rules[symbol] except KeyError: referred_nodes = [] # Missing Symbol definition error will be caught later result = frozenset({nd.content for nd in referred_nodes[1:]}) self.directly_referred_cache[symbol] = result return result
[docs] def referred_symbols(self, symbol: str) -> FrozenSet[str]: """Returns the set of all symbols that are directly or indirectly referred to in the definition of `symbol`. The symbol itself can be contained in this set, if and only if its rule is recursive. `referred_symbols()` only yields reliable results if the collection of definitions has been completed. """ try: return self.referred_symbols_cache[symbol] except KeyError: pass collected = set() # type: Set[str] def gather(sym: str): for s in self.directly_referred(sym): if s not in collected and s not in EBNFCompiler.RESERVED_SYMBOLS: collected.add(s) if s != symbol: gather(s) gather(symbol) result = frozenset(collected) self.referred_symbols_cache[symbol] = result return result
[docs] def recursive_paths(self, symbol: str) -> FrozenSet[Tuple[str, ...]]: """Returns the recursive paths from symbol to itself. If sym is not recursive, the returned tuple (of paths) will be empty. This method exists only for debugging (so far...).""" path = [] # type: List[str] recursive_paths = set() # type: Set[Tuple[str, ...]] def gather(sym: str): nonlocal path, recursive_paths path.append(sym) for s in self.directly_referred(sym): if s not in EBNFCompiler.RESERVED_SYMBOLS: if s == symbol: recursive_paths.add(tuple(path)) elif s not in path: gather(s) path.pop() gather(symbol) return frozenset(recursive_paths)
[docs] @cython.locals(,,,,, def optimize_definitions_order(self, definitions: List[Tuple[str, str]]): """Reorders the definitions so as to minimize the number of Forward declarations. Forward declarations remain inevitable only where recursion is involved. """ if not get_config_value('reorder_definitions'): return N = len(definitions) root = definitions[0][0] if N > 0 else '' recursive = {sym for sym in self.forward if sym in self.referred_symbols(sym) or sym == root} # move recursive symbols to the top of the list top = 1 # however, leave the root symbol at the top while top < N and definitions[top][0] in recursive: top += 1 for i in range(top, N): if definitions[i][0] in recursive: definitions[top], definitions[i] = definitions[i], definitions[top] top += 1 # order the other definitions pointer = top while pointer < N: topsym = definitions[pointer][0] for i in range(pointer + 1, N): if topsym in self.directly_referred(definitions[i][0]): definitions[pointer], definitions[i] = definitions[i], definitions[pointer] break else: pointer += 1 # try to place as many recursive symbols as possible among the # non-forwardly-defined-symbols i = top - len(recursive) while i < top: sym = definitions[i][0] referred = self.directly_referred(sym) if root not in referred: k = i while k < N and definitions[k][0] not in referred: k += 1 j = k while j < N and sym not in self.directly_referred(definitions[j][0]): j += 1 if j == N: definitions.insert(k, definitions[i]) del definitions[i] top -= 1 try: recursive.remove(sym) except KeyError: # due to reiterated reordering sym may happen to be # removed more than once pass i += 1 self.forward = recursive
[docs] def assemble_parser(self, definitions: List[Tuple[str, str]], root_symbol: str) -> str: """ Creates the Python code for the parser after compilation of the EBNF-Grammar """ def pp_rules(rule_name: str, ruleset: Dict[str, List]) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Pretty-print skip- and resume-rule and error-messages dictionaries to avoid excessively long lines in the generated python source.""" assert ruleset indent = ",\n" + " " * (len(rule_name) + 8) rule_repr = [] for k, v in ruleset.items(): delimiter = indent + ' ' * (len(k) + 5) val = '[' + delimiter.join(str(it) for it in v) + ']' rule_repr.append("'{key}': {value}".format(key=k, value=val)) rule_repr[0] = '{' + rule_repr[0] rule_repr[-1] = rule_repr[-1] + '}' return rule_name, indent.join(rule_repr) def verify_directive_against_symbol(directive: str, related_symbol: str): """Adds an error if the symbol that the directive relates to does not exist.""" if related_symbol not in self.rules: nd = self.defined_directives[directive][0] self.tree.new_error(nd, 'Directive "%s" relates to a symbol that is ' 'nowhere defined!' % directive, DIRECTIVE_FOR_NONEXISTANT_SYMBOL) # execute deferred tasks, for example semantic checks that cannot # be done before the symbol table is complete for task in self.deferred_tasks: task() # minimize the necessary number of forward declarations self.optimize_definitions_order(definitions) self.root_symbol = root_symbol # provide for capturing of symbols that are variables, i.e. the # value of which will be retrieved at some point during the parsing process # The following is needed for cases, where the first retrival-use of a symbol # follows its definition if self.variables: for i, (symbol, code) in enumerate(definitions): if symbol in self.variables: if set(self.symbols[symbol]) - set(self.variables[symbol]): code = f'Capture({code}, zero_length_warning=True)' else: code = f'Capture({code}, zero_length_warning=False)' definitions[i] = (symbol, code) self.definitions[symbol] = code # add special fields for Grammar class if (DROP_WSPC in self.directives.drop or DROP_NO_COMMENTS in self.directives.drop or DROP_STRINGS in self.directives.drop): if DROP_NO_COMMENTS in self.directives.drop: drop_wspc_tmpl = 'Drop(Whitespace(%s, keep_comments=True))' # TODO: turn keep-comments into a global option else: drop_wspc_tmpl = 'Drop(Whitespace(%s))' definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.DROP_WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, drop_wspc_tmpl % EBNFCompiler.WHITESPACE_KEYWORD)) definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, 'Whitespace(%s)' % EBNFCompiler.WHITESPACE_KEYWORD)) definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.WHITESPACE_KEYWORD, ("mixin_comment(whitespace=" + EBNFCompiler.RAW_WS_KEYWORD + ", comment=" + EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_KEYWORD + ")"))) if EBNFCompiler.RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD in self.required_keywords: definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.RAW_WS_PARSER_KEYWORD, "Whitespace(%s)" % EBNFCompiler.RAW_WS_KEYWORD)) definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.RAW_WS_KEYWORD, "r'{}'".format(self.directives.whitespace))) comment_rx = ("re.compile(%s)" % EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_KEYWORD) \ if self.directives.comment else "RX_NEVER_MATCH" if EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD in self.required_keywords: definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_PARSER_KEYWORD, "RegExp(%s)" % EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_RX_KEYWORD)) definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_RX_KEYWORD, comment_rx)) definitions.append((EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_KEYWORD, "r'{}'".format(self.directives.comment))) # prepare and add resume-rules if self.directives.resume: definitions.insert(0, pp_rules(self.RESUME_RULES_KEYWORD, self.directives.resume)) for symbol in self.directives.resume.keys(): verify_directive_against_symbol(symbol + '_resume', symbol) # prepare and add skip-rules if self.directives.skip: definitions.insert(0, pp_rules(self.SKIP_RULES_KEYWORD, self.directives.skip)) for symbol in self.directives.skip.keys(): verify_directive_against_symbol(symbol + '_skip', symbol) if symbol not in self.consumed_skip_rules: # check for indirectly reachable unconsumed mandatory markers for s in self.referred_symbols(symbol): if s not in self.directives.skip and s not in self.directives.resume: try: if self.definitions[s].find('mandatory=') >= 0: self.consumed_skip_rules.add(symbol) break except KeyError as ke: if len(ke.args) >= 1 and s == ke.args[0] and \ (s in self.rules or ('$' + s) in self.macros): raise ke # otherwise s is an undefined symbol and will be reported later! else: try: def_node = self.rules[symbol][0] self.tree.new_error( def_node, '"Skip-rules" for symbol "{}" will never be used, because ' 'the mandatory marker "§" does not appear in its definiendum or has ' 'already been consumed earlier.' .format(symbol), UNUSED_ERROR_HANDLING_WARNING) except KeyError: pass # error has already been notified earlier! # prepare and add customized error-messages if self.directives.error: definitions.append(pp_rules(self.ERR_MSGS_KEYWORD, self.directives.error)) for symbol in self.directives.error.keys(): verify_directive_against_symbol(symbol + '_error', symbol) if symbol in self.rules and symbol not in self.consumed_custom_errors: def_node = self.rules[symbol][0] self.tree.new_error( def_node, 'Customized error message for symbol "{}" will never be used, ' 'because the mandatory marker "§" appears nowhere in its definiendum!' .format(symbol), UNUSED_ERROR_HANDLING_WARNING) # prepare parser class header and docstring and # add EBNF grammar to the doc string of the parser class article = 'an ' if self.grammar_name[0:1] in "AaEeIiOoUu" else 'a ' # what about 'hour', 'universe' etc.? show_source = get_config_value('add_grammar_source_to_parser_docstring') declarations = ['class ' + self.grammar_name + 'Grammar(Grammar):', 'r"""Parser for ' + article + self.grammar_name + ' source file' + ('. Grammar:' if self.grammar_source and show_source else '.')] definitions.append(('parser_initialization__', '["upon instantiation"]')) definitions.append(('static_analysis_pending__', '[True]')) definitions.append(('disposable__', 're.compile(' + repr(self.directives.disposable) + ')')) if self.directives.reduction != CombinedParser.DEFAULT_OPTIMIZATION: opt = 'CombinedParser.' + ('NO_TREE_REDUCTION', 'FLATTEN', 'MERGE_TREETOPS', 'MERGE_LEAVES')[self.directives.reduction] definitions.append(('early_tree_reduction__', opt)) if self.grammar_source: definitions.append(('source_hash__', '"%s"' % md5(self.grammar_source, __version__))) declarations.append('') if show_source: declarations += [line for line in self.grammar_source.split('\n')] while declarations[-1].strip() == '': declarations = declarations[:-1] declarations.append('"""') # turn definitions into declarations in reverse order definitions.reverse() declarations += [symbol + ' = Forward()' for symbol in sorted(list(self.forward))] for symbol, statement in definitions: if symbol in self.forward: declarations += [symbol + '.set(' + statement + ')'] else: declarations += [symbol + ' = ' + statement] # check for symbols used but never defined defined_symbols = set(self.rules.keys()) symbols_and_macros = defined_symbols | self.RESERVED_SYMBOLS \ | set(['$' + k for k in self.macros]) for symbol, usages in self.symbols.items(): if symbol not in symbols_and_macros: for usage in usages: passage = self.tree.source[usage.pos:usage.pos + len(symbol) + 1] if passage == symbol + '(': i = self.tree.source.find(')', usage.pos) if i > usage.pos + len(passage): passage = self.tree.source[usage.pos:i + 1] else: passage += "...)" hint = f' If {passage} was meant as a custom parser call, ' \ f'then "@" should be added in front of it.' else: hint = '' self.tree.new_error( usage, f'Missing definition for symbol "{symbol}"!' + hint, UNDEFINED_SYMBOL) # check for unconnected rules def remove_connections(symbol): """Recursively removes all symbols which appear in the definiens of a particular symbol.""" if symbol in defined_symbols: defined_symbols.remove(symbol) for related in self.rules[symbol][1:]: remove_connections(str(related)) remove_connections(self.root_symbol) for symbol in self.referred_otherwise: if symbol in defined_symbols: remove_connections(symbol) for leftover in defined_symbols - self.py_symbols: self.tree.new_error(self.rules[leftover][0], 'Rule "%s" is not connected to parser root "%s" !' % (leftover, self.root_symbol), UNCONNECTED_SYMBOL_WARNING) # check for filters assigned to non-existing or uncaptured symbols def directive_node(tree, directive) -> Node: """Returns the node, where the given directive was stated in the EBNF-source.""" for dr in tree.select_if(lambda nd: == 'directive'): if dr.pick_if(lambda nd: == 'symbol').content == directive: return dr return tree for symbol in self.directives.filter: if symbol not in self.symbols: self.tree.new_error(directive_node(self.tree, symbol + '_filter'), 'Filter declared for non-existent symbol "%s"' % symbol, WARNING) else: if not self.definitions[symbol][:8] == 'Capture(': self.tree.new_error(directive_node(self.tree, symbol + '_filter'), 'Filter declared for uncaptured symbol "%s"' % symbol, WARNING) # assemble python grammar definition if self.root_symbol: declarations.append('root__ = ' + self.root_symbol) else: declarations.append(f'root__ = RegExp(r"{NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN}")') declarations.append('') self.python_src = '\n '.join(declarations) \ + GRAMMAR_FACTORY.format(NAME=self.grammar_name) return self.python_src
# compilation methods ### def on_ZOMBIE__(self, node: Node) -> str: result = ['Illegal node in AST generated from EBNF-Source!'] if node.children: result.append(' Fragments found: ') result.extend([str(self.compile(child)) for child in node.children]) src_dump = node.content.replace('\n', '\\n') self.tree.new_error(node, f'Structural Error in AST, skipped source "{src_dump}"', STRUCTURAL_ERROR_IN_AST) return '\n'.join(result) def on_syntax(self, node: Node) -> str: self.optimization_level = get_config_value('optimization_level') # drop the wrapping sequence node if len(node.children) == 1 and node.children[0].anonymous: node = node.children[0] # check for possible naming conflicts with Python parser names for nd in node.children: if == "definition": assert nd[0].name == "symbol" \ or (nd[0].name == "modifier" and nd[1].name == "symbol") sym = nd[0].content if nd[0].name == "symbol" else nd[1].content if sym in self.P: self.P[sym] = 'parse_namespace__.' + sym # reorder children: directives first, then macro syms and definitions, # finally symbol definitions directivedefs, macrosyms, macrodefs, symdefs = [], [], [], [] for nd in node.children: if == 'directive': if nd[0].content == "disposable": directivedefs.insert(0, nd) # make sure that @disposable is always in front of @drop else: directivedefs.append(nd) elif == 'macrodef': if nd.get('placeholder', None): macrodefs.append(nd) else: # macros without arguments must be read first, later, because of early substitution macrosyms.append(nd) else: assert == 'definition', nd.as_sxpr() symdefs.append(nd) node.result = tuple(directivedefs + macrosyms + macrodefs + symdefs) # compile definitions and directives and collect definitions root_symbol = '' for nd in node.children: if == "definition": rule, defn = self.compile(nd) self.definitions[rule] = defn if not root_symbol: root_symbol = rule else: assert in ("macrodef", "directive", ZOMBIE_TAG), nd.as_sxpr() if != ZOMBIE_TAG: self.compile(nd) # If == ZOMBIE_TAG, some error has already been reported, earlier. # So it can be ignored here. if not self.definitions: self.tree.new_error(node, "Grammar does not contain any rules!", EMPTY_GRAMMAR_ERROR) # derive Python-parser and run static analysis of the Python-parser python_src = self.assemble_parser(list(self.definitions.items()), root_symbol) if get_config_value('static_analysis') == 'early' and not \ any((e.code >= FATAL or e.code in (MALFORMED_REGULAR_EXPRESSION, SYMBOL_NAME_IS_PYTHON_KEYWORD)) for e in self.tree.errors): errors = [] # circumvent name-errors for external symbols tmpl = "def {name}(*args, **kwargs):\n return ERR('')\n" probe_src = '\n'.join([DHPARSER_IMPORTS, '\n'] + [tmpl.format(name=name) for name in self.py_symbols if name not in self.rules] + [python_src]) try: grammar_class = compile_python_object( probe_src, (self.grammar_name or "DSL") + "Grammar") errors = grammar_class().static_analysis_errors__ python_src = python_src.replace( 'static_analysis_pending__ = [True]', 'static_analysis_pending__ = [] # type: List[bool]', 1) except NameError as ne: try: if not in self.symbols: # undefined symbols in the grammar have already been caught and reported raise(ne) except AttributeError: pass # In Python3.7/3.8/3.9 NameError does not have a name attribute except GrammarError as ge: errors = ge.errors if not has_errors([e.error for e in errors], ERROR): python_src = python_src.replace( 'static_analysis_pending__ = [True]', 'static_analysis_pending__ = [] # type: List[bool]', 1) except (TypeError, AttributeError) as te_ae: if not (errors or self.tree.errors): raise te_ae # not merely a consequntial error of another reported error except SyntaxError as se: src_lines = probe_src.split('\n') se.msg += f' "{src_lines[se.lineno - 1]}" ' raise se for sym, parser, err in errors: psym = parser.symbol.pname for dic, key in [(self.rules, sym), (self.rules, psym), (self.macros, psym)]: symdef_node = dic.get(key, [None])[0] if symdef_node: break else: symdef_node = node err.pos = symdef_node.pos self.tree.add_error(symdef_node, err) self.python_src = python_src return python_src def on_definition(self, node: Node) -> Tuple[str, str]: # process modifiers drop_flag = False if node[0].name == "modifier": assert node[1].name == "symbol" rule = node[1].content body = node[2] if node[0].pick('drop'): drop_flag = True self.directives.drop.add(rule) self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(rule) else: rule = node[0].content body = node[1] if node.children[-1].name == 'hide': self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(rule) if not drop_flag: drop_flag = rule in self.directives['drop'] \ and rule not in DROP_VALUES # check for various possible errors if rule.endswith('_error') or rule.endswith('_skip') \ or rule.endswith('_resume') or rule.endswith('_filter'): self.tree.new_error(node, 'Symbol name "%s" suggests directive, ' % rule + 'but directive marker @ is missing...', WARNING) if rule in self.rules: first = self.rules[rule][0] if not id(first) in self.tree.error_nodes: self.tree.new_error(first, 'First definition of rule "%s" ' 'followed by illegal redefinitions.' % rule) self.tree.new_error(node, 'A rule "%s" has already been defined earlier.' % rule) elif rule in EBNFCompiler.RESERVED_SYMBOLS: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Symbol "%s" is a reserved symbol.' % rule) elif not sane_parser_name(rule): self.tree.new_error(node, 'Illegal symbol "%s". Symbols must not start or ' ' end with a double underscore "__".' % rule) elif rule in self.directives.tokens: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Symbol "%s" has already been defined as ' 'a preprocessor token.' % rule) elif keyword.iskeyword(rule): self.tree.new_error(node, f'Python keyword "{rule}" may not be used as a symbol. ' '(This may change in the future. In the meantime it might suffice to use ' 'capital letters as a remedy, e.g. "And" instead of "and".)', SYMBOL_NAME_IS_PYTHON_KEYWORD) # process definition try: self.current_symbols = [node] self.rules[rule] = self.current_symbols defn = self.compile(body) if isinstance(defn, str): if defn.find("(") < 0: # assume it's a synonym, like 'page = REGEX_PAGE_NR' if not drop_flag and defn in self.directives['drop'] \ and re.match(self.directives['disposable'], rule): self.tree.new_error(node, f'Content of "{rule}" will be dropped, because ' f'it is a Synonym for the dropped symbol "{defn}". If this behaviour ' f'is undesired, swap the definitions of both symbols. Otherwise, add ' f'"{rule}" to the @drop-directive to avoid this warning.', ERROR) defn = f'{self.P["Synonym"]}({defn})' if drop_flag and not defn.startswith(self.P["Drop"] + "("): defn = f'{self.P["Drop"]}({defn})' else: assert isinstance(defn, Node) self.tree.new_error(node, 'Structural Error in AST, unexpected node-type: ' + flatten_sxpr(defn.as_sxpr()), STRUCTURAL_ERROR_IN_AST) defn = "Malformed AST" except TypeError as error: from traceback import extract_tb, format_list trace = ''.join(format_list((extract_tb(error.__traceback__)))) errmsg = "%s (TypeError: %s;\n%s)\n%s" \ % (EBNFCompiler.AST_ERROR, str(error), trace, node.as_sxpr()) self.tree.new_error(node, errmsg) rule, defn = rule + ':error', '"' + errmsg + '"' return rule, defn @staticmethod def join_literals(nd): assert == "literals" parts = [nd.children[0].content[:-1]] for child in nd.children[1:-1]: parts.append(child.content[1:-1]) parts.append(nd.children[-1].content[1:]) nd.result = "".join(parts) = "literal" # def add_to_disposable_regexp(self, pattern): # if self.directives.disposable == NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN: # self.directives.disposable = pattern # else: # old_pattern = self.directives.disposable # self.directives.disposable = '(?:%s)|(?:%s)' % (old_pattern, pattern) def on_directive(self, node: Node) -> str: for child in node.children: if == "literal": child.result = escape_ctrl_chars(child.content) elif == "literals": self.join_literals(child) child.result = escape_ctrl_chars(child.content) key = node.children[0].content assert key not in self.directives.tokens if key not in EBNFDirectives.REPEATABLE_DIRECTIVES and not key.endswith('_error') \ and key in self.defined_directives: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Directive "%s" has already been defined earlier. ' % key + 'Later definition will be ignored!', code=REDEFINED_DIRECTIVE) return "" self.defined_directives.setdefault(key, []).append(node) def check_argnum(n: int = 1): if len(node.children) > n + 1: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Directive "@%s" can have at most %i values.' % (key, n)) if key in {'comment', 'whitespace'}: check_argnum() if node.children[1].name == "symbol": value = node.children[1].content if key == 'whitespace' and value in WHITESPACE_TYPES: value = WHITESPACE_TYPES[value] # replace whitespace-name by regex else: self.tree.new_error( node, f'Value "{value}" not allowed for directive "{key}". ' f'Expcted: {VALID_DIRECTIVES[key]}') else: value = self.extract_regex(node.children[1]) if key == 'whitespace': if not re.match(value, ''): self.tree.new_error(node, f"Implicit whitespace should " f"always match the empty string, /{value}/ does not.") elif not re.match(value, '\n\n'): self.tree.new_error(node, f"Implicit whitespace should always " f"match and at least return the empty string, but /{value}/ " f'does not match the empty beginning of "\\n\\n"!') self.directives[key] = value elif key in ('hide', 'disposable'): if node.children[1].name == "regexp": if len(node.children) > 2: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Directive "@disposable" can only have one argument' ' if specified as regexp and not as a list of symbols.') re_pattern = node.children[1].content if re.match(re_pattern, ''): self.tree.new_error( node, "The regular expression r'%s' matches any symbol, " "which is not allowed!" % re_pattern) else: self.directives.add_to_disposable_regexp(re_pattern) else: args = node.children[1:] symlist = [] phldr_list = [] for child in args: if == "symbol": symlist.append(child.content) elif == "placeholder": phldr_list.append(child.content) else: self.tree.new_error( child, f'Non-symbol argument: {flatten_sxpr(child.as_sxpr())}' ' cannot be mixed with symbols in @disposable-directive') for sym in symlist: self.symbols.setdefault(sym, []).append(node) for phldr in phldr_list: self.symbols.setdefault('$' + phldr, []).append(node) self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(symlist + phldr_list) # self.add_to_disposable_regexp('$|'.join(symlist + phldr_list) + '$') elif key == 'drop': if len(node.children) <= 1: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Directive "@ drop" requires as least one argument!') unmatched = [] # type: List[str] # dropped syms that are not already anonymous syms for child in node.children[1:]: content = child.content if re.match(self.directives.disposable, content): self.directives[key].add(content) elif content.lower() in DROP_VALUES: self.directives[key].add(content.lower()) else: unmatched.append(content) if == "placeholder": content = '$' + content if self.directives.disposable == NEVER_MATCH_PATTERN or \ re.fullmatch(r'(?:\w+\$\|)*\w+\$', self.directives.disposable): self.tree.new_error(node, 'Illegal value "%s" for Directive "@ drop"! ' 'Should be one of %s or a disposable parser, where ' 'the "@disposable"-directive must precede the ' '@drop-directive.' % (content, str(DROP_VALUES))) else: self.tree.new_error( node, 'Illegal value "%s" for Directive "@ drop"! Should be one of ' '%s or a string matching r"%s", preceeded by "$" in case of a macro ' 'name' % (content, str(DROP_VALUES), self.directives.disposable)) if unmatched: self.directives[key].add(content) self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(unmatched) # self.add_to_disposable_regexp('$|'.join(unmatched) + '$') elif key in ('reduction', 'tree_reduction'): check_argnum(1) arg = node.children[1].content if arg not in ('none', 'flatten', 'merge_treetops', 'merge', 'merge_leaves', '0', '1', '2', '3'): self.tree.new_error(node, 'Wrong value "%s" for Directive "%s". ' % (arg, key) + 'Choose from: 0-4 or none, flatten, merge_treetop, merge.') elif arg.isdigit(): self.directives.reduction = int(arg) else: level = {'none': 0, 'flatten': 1, 'merge_treetops': 2, 'merge': 3, 'merge_leaves': 3}[arg] self.directives.reduction = level elif key == 'ignorecase': check_argnum(1) if node.children[1].content.lower() not in {"off", "false", "no"}: self.re_flags.add('i') self.P['Text'] = 'IgnoreCase' elif key == 'literalws': values = {child.content.strip().lower() for child in node.children[1:]} if ((values - {'left', 'right', 'both', 'none'}) or ('none' in values and len(values) > 1)): self.tree.new_error(node, 'Directive "literalws" allows only `left`, `right`, ' '`both` or `none`, not `%s`' % ", ".join(values)) wsp = {'left', 'right'} if 'both' in values \ else set() if 'none' in values else values self.directives.literalws = wsp elif key in ('tokens', 'preprocessor_tokens'): tokens = {child.content.strip() for child in node.children[1:]} redeclared = self.directives.tokens & tokens if redeclared: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Tokens %s have already been declared earlier. ' % str(redeclared) + 'Later declaration will be ignored', code=REDECLARED_TOKEN_WARNING) self.directives.tokens |= tokens - redeclared elif key.endswith('_filter'): check_argnum() symbol = key[:-7] if node.children[1].name != "procedure": self.tree.new_error( node, 'Filter must be a procedure, denoted as "foo()", not not a %s: %s' % (node.children[1].name, node.children[1].content)) self.directives.filter[symbol] = node.children[1].content.strip() elif key.endswith('_error'): check_argnum(2) symbol = key[:-6] error_msgs = self.directives.error.get(symbol, []) if node.children[1 if len(node.children) == 2 else 2].name != 'literal': self.tree.new_error( node, 'Directive "%s" requires message string or a pair ' % key + '(regular expression or search string, message string) as argument!') if len(node.children) == 2: error_msgs.append(('', unrepr(node.children[1].content))) elif len(node.children) == 3: rule = self.make_search_rule(node, node.children[1], 'error') error_msgs.append((rule if rule else unrepr(node.children[1].content), unrepr(node.children[2].content))) else: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Directive "%s" allows at most two parameters' % key) self.directives.error[symbol] = error_msgs elif key.endswith('_skip'): symbol = key[:-5] # if symbol in self.rules: # self.tree.new_error(node, 'Skip list for resuming in series for symbol "{}"' # ' must be defined before the symbol!'.format(symbol)) self.directives.skip[symbol] = [self.make_search_rule(node, nd, 'skip') for nd in node.children[1:]] elif key.endswith('_resume'): symbol = key[:-7] self.directives.resume[symbol] = [self.make_search_rule(node, nd, 'resume') for nd in node.children[1:]] else: if any(key.startswith(directive) for directive in ('skip', 'error', 'resume')): kl = key.split('_') proper_usage = '_'.join(kl[1:] + kl[0:1]) self.tree.new_error(node, 'Directive "%s" must be used as postfix not prefix to ' 'the symbolname. Please, write: "%s"' % (kl[0], proper_usage)) else: if key == 'include': self.tree.new_error(node, 'Badly formatted @include-directive. Should be: ' '@include = "FILEPATH"') else: self.tree.new_error(node, 'Unknown directive %s ! (Known directives: %s.)' % (key, ', '.join(k for k in VALID_DIRECTIVES.keys()))) return "" def on_macrodef(self, node) -> str: macro_name = node['name'].content placeholders = [pl.content for pl in node.children if == 'placeholder'] body = node.pick_if(lambda nd: == 'macrobody') assert body and body.children and len(body.children) == 1 template = body.children[0] # process modifiers if node[0].name == "modifier": if node[0].pick('drop'): self.directives.drop.add(macro_name) self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(macro_name) elif node[-1].name == 'hide': self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(macro_name) elif == "term" and template[-1].name == 'drop': self.directives.drop.add(macro_name) self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(macro_name) for sym in template.select_if(lambda nd:'symbol', include_root=True): self.referred_otherwise.add(sym.content) used_placholders = set() replacement = 1 countdown = 20 while replacement and countdown > 0: replacement = None countdown -= 1 for pl in nd: == 'placeholder', include_root=True): pl_name = pl.content if pl_name in placeholders: used_placholders.add(pl_name) elif pl_name == macro_name: # this covers but one of several cases self.tree.new_error(pl, f'Recursive nesting of component "{macro_name}"!', RECURSIVE_MACRO_CALL) return "" else: try: _, args, expansion = self.macros[pl_name] if args: self.tree.new_error(node, f'Macro "${pl_name}" requires arguments', WRONG_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS) return "" replacement = Node('macroname', copy.deepcopy(expansion))\ .with_attr({'name': pl_name}).with_pos(pl.pos) pl.replace_by(replacement, merge_attr=True) except KeyError: pass if countdown <= 0: self.tree.new_error(pl, f'Component "{macro_name}" too deeply structured ' f'if not recursively nested!', RECURSIVE_MACRO_CALL) return "" leftover = set(placeholders) - used_placholders if leftover: self.tree.new_error(node, f"Unused macro arguments: {str(leftover)[1:-1]}", UNUSED_MACRO_ARGUMENTS_WARNING) self.macros[macro_name] = (node, placeholders, template) return ""
[docs] def non_terminal(self, node: Node, parser_class: str, custom_args: List[str] = []) -> str: """ Compiles any non-terminal, where `parser_class` indicates the Parser class name for the particular non-terminal. """ arguments = [self.compile(r) for r in node.children] + custom_args assert all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in arguments), str(arguments) # remove drop clause for non-dropping definitions of forms like "/\w+/~" parser_class = self.P.get(parser_class, parser_class) drop_clause = f'{self.P["Drop"]}(' drop_regexp = drop_clause + f'{self.P["RegExp"]}(' drop_text = drop_clause + f'{self.P["Text"]}(' if (parser_class == self.P["Series"] and not in self.directives.drop and len(arguments) <= 2 and DROP_REGEXP in self.directives.drop and self.path[-2].name == "definition" and all((arg.startswith(drop_regexp) or arg.startswith(drop_text) or arg in EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_OR_WHITESPACE) for arg in arguments) and any(arg in EBNFCompiler.COMMENT_OR_WHITESPACE for arg in arguments)): arguments = [arg.replace(drop_clause, '').replace('))', ')') for arg in arguments] return parser_class + '(' + ', '.join(arguments) + ')'
def on_macroname(self, node) -> str: macro_name = node.attr['name'] code = self.compile(node[0]) if macro_name in self.directives.drop and not code.startswith(self.P["Drop"]): return f'{self.P["Drop"]}({code})' elif not re.match(self.directives.disposable, macro_name): if len(self.path) >= 3 and self.path[-3].name != 'definition': if code.find('(') >= 0: return f'({code}).name("{macro_name}")' else: # code is symbol which already has a name which should not be overwritten. return f'{self.P["Synonym"]}({code}).name("{macro_name}")' return code def on_macro(self, node) -> str: macro_name = node['name'].content if node.children else node.content try: _, margs, expansion = self.macros[macro_name] except KeyError: if len(node.children) <= 1: self.tree.new_error(node, f'Unknown argument or macro-component "${macro_name}"!', UNKNOWN_MACRO_ARGUMENT) else: self.tree.new_error(node, f'Undefined macro "${macro_name}"!', UNDEFINED_MACRO) return "wsp__" self.symbols.setdefault('$' + macro_name, []).append(node) if macro_name in self.macro_stack: self.tree.new_error(node, f'Recursive nesting of macro "{macro_name}"!', RECURSIVE_MACRO_CALL) return "wsp__" values = node.children[1:] # [expr for expr in node.children[1:]] if len(values) != len(margs): self.tree.new_error(node, f'Wrong number of macro arguments: {len(margs)} expected, ' f'{len(values)} given!', WRONG_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS) return "wsp__" # use wsp__ as a placeholder args = dict(zip(margs, values)) tmpl = copy.deepcopy(expansion) for arg in tmpl.select_if(lambda nd: == 'placeholder', include_root=True): arg_name = arg.content if arg_name in args: value = args[arg_name] # replace placeholder with argument expression arg.replace_by(value, merge_attr=True) node.replace_by(tmpl, merge_attr=True) self.macro_stack.append(macro_name) code = self.compile(Node('macroname', node).with_attr({'name': macro_name})) _ = self.macro_stack.pop() assert macro_name == _ return code def on_placeholder(self, node) -> str: return self.on_macro(node) def on_expression(self, node) -> str: # The following algorithm reorders literal alternatives, so that earlier alternatives # do not pre-empt later alternatives, e.g. 'ID' | 'IDREF' will be reordered as # 'IDREF' | 'ID' def move_items(l: List, a: int, b: int): """Moves all items in the interval [a:b[ one position forward and moves the item at position b to position a.""" if a > b: a, b = b, a last = l[b] for i in range(b, a, -1): l[i] = l[i-1] l[a] = last def literal_content(nd: Node) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the literal content of either a literal-Node, a plaintext-Node or a symbol-Node, where the symbol is defined as a literal or plaintext.""" if in ('literal', 'plaintext'): return nd.content[1:-1] elif == 'symbol': if self.cache_literal_symbols is None: self.cache_literal_symbols = dict() for df in self.tree.select_children('definition'): if df.children[1].name in ('literal', 'plaintext'): self.cache_literal_symbols[df.children[0].content] = \ df.children[1].content[1:-1] return self.cache_literal_symbols.get(nd.content, None) return None literals = [] # type: List[List] for i, child in enumerate(node.children): content = literal_content(child) if content is not None: literals.append([i, content]) move = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, int]] snapshots = set() # type: Set[Tuple[int, ...]] start_over = True # type: bool while start_over: start_over = False for i in range(1, len(literals)): later = literals[i][1] for k in range(i): earlier = literals[k][1] if later.startswith(earlier): a, b = literals[k][0], literals[i][0] move.append((a, b)) literals[i][0] = a for n in range(k, i): literals[n][0] += 1 self.tree.new_error( node, 'Alternative "%s" should not precede "%s" where it occurs ' 'at the beginning! Reorder to avoid warning.' % (earlier, later), REORDERING_OF_ALTERNATIVES_REQUIRED) start_over = True break if start_over: break if start_over: move_items(literals, k, i) snapshot: Tuple[int, ...] = tuple(item[1] for item in literals) if snapshot in snapshots: self.tree.new_error( node, 'Reordering of alternatives "%s" and "%s" required but not possible!' % (earlier, later), BAD_ORDER_OF_ALTERNATIVES) move = [] start_over = False else: snapshots.add(snapshot) if move: children = list(node.children) for mv in move: move_items(children, mv[0], mv[1]) node.result = tuple(children) if len(node.children) == 1: # can only occur inside directives, because here expressions are not # necessarily replaced by their single child. (See AST-Transformation) return self.compile(node.children[0]) return self.non_terminal(node, 'Alternative') def on_term(self, node): assert len(node.children) == 2, node.as_sxpr() assert node[1].name in ('drop', 'skip') # 'skip' is left for backwards compatibility term_code = self.compile(node[0]) if node[0].name == "symbol": return f'{self.P["DropFrom"]}({term_code})' elif self.current_symbols and len(self.path) >=2 \ and self.path[-2].name in ("definition", "macrodef"): curr_sym = self.current_symbols[0][0].content self.directives.add_to_disposable_symbols(self.current_symbols[0][0].content) # return f'{self.P["Drop"]}({term_code})' if term_code[:4] != "Drop" else term_code elif all(self.path[i].name == "group" for i in range(2, len(self.path) - 1)): return f'Synonym({self.P["Drop"]}({term_code}))' \ if term_code[:4] != "Drop" else f'Synonym({term_code})' return f'{self.P["Drop"]}({term_code})' if term_code[:4] != "Drop" else term_code def on_part(self, node): return self.on_term(node) def _error_customization(self, node) -> Tuple[Tuple[Node, ...], List[str]]: """Generates the customization arguments (mandatory, error_msgs, skip) for `MandatoryNary`-parsers (Series, Interleave, ...).""" mandatory_marker = [] filtered_children = [] # type: List[Node] for nd in node.children: if == TOKEN_PTYPE and nd.content == "§": mandatory_marker.append(len(filtered_children)) if len(mandatory_marker) > 1: self.tree.new_error(nd, 'One mandatory marker (§) is sufficient to declare ' 'the rest of the elements as mandatory.', WARNING) else: filtered_children.append(nd) custom_args = ['mandatory=%i' % mandatory_marker[0]] if mandatory_marker else [] # add custom error message if it has been declared for the current definition if custom_args: try: current_symbol = next(reversed(list(self.rules.keys()))) # list() needed for Python < 3.8 except StopIteration: current_symbol = '' # add customized error messages, if defined if current_symbol in self.directives.error: if current_symbol in self.consumed_custom_errors: self.tree.new_error( node, "Cannot apply customized error messages unambiguously, because " "symbol {} contains more than one parser with a mandatory marker '§' " "in its definiens.".format(current_symbol), AMBIGUOUS_ERROR_HANDLING) else: self.consumed_custom_errors.add(current_symbol) # add skip-rules to resume parsing of a series, if rules have been declared if current_symbol in self.directives.skip: if current_symbol in self.consumed_skip_rules: self.tree.new_error( node, "Cannot apply 'skip-rules' unambiguously, because symbol " "{} contains more than one parser with a mandatory marker '§' " "in its definiens.".format(current_symbol), AMBIGUOUS_ERROR_HANDLING) else: self.consumed_skip_rules.add(current_symbol) return tuple(filtered_children), custom_args def on_sequence(self, node) -> str: filtered_result, custom_args = self._error_customization(node) mock_node = Node(, filtered_result) return self.non_terminal(mock_node, 'Series', custom_args) def on_interleave(self, node) -> str: children = [] repetitions = [] filtered_result, custom_args = self._error_customization(node) for child in filtered_result: if == "group": assert len(child.children) == 1 if child.children[0].name == 'repetition': = "option" child.children[0].name = "oneormore" elif child.children[0].name == 'option': child = child.children[0] else: repetitions.append((1, 1)) children.append(child.children[0]) continue if == "oneormore": repetitions.append((1, INFINITE)) assert len(child.children) == 1 children.append(child.children[0]) elif == "repetition": repetitions.append((0, INFINITE)) assert len(child.children) == 1 children.append(child.children[0]) elif == "option": repetitions.append((0, 1)) assert len(child.children) == 1 children.append(child.children[0]) elif == "counted": what, r = self.extract_counted(child) repetitions.append(r) children.append(what) else: repetitions.append((1, 1)) children.append(child) custom_args.append('repetitions=' + str(repetitions).replace(str(INFINITE), 'INFINITE')) mock_node = Node(, tuple(children)) return self.non_terminal(mock_node, 'Interleave', custom_args) def on_lookaround(self, node: Node) -> str: # assert node.children # assert len(node.children) == 2, self.node.as_sxpr() # assert node.children[0].name == 'flowmarker' if not node.children or len(node.children) != 2 \ or node.children[0].name != 'flowmarker': tree_dump = flatten_sxpr(node.as_sxpr()) self.tree.new_error( node, 'Structural error in AST when compiling lookaround operator: ' + tree_dump, STRUCTURAL_ERROR_IN_AST) return 'Structural Error in AST: ' + tree_dump prefix = node.children[0].content # arg_node = node.children[1] node.result = node.children[1:] assert prefix in {'&', '!', '<-&', '<-!'} parser_class = self.PREFIX_TABLE[prefix] result = self.non_terminal(node, parser_class) if prefix[:2] == '<-': def verify(node: Node): nd = node if len(nd.children) >= 1: nd = nd.children[0] while == "symbol": symlist = self.rules.get(nd.content, []) if len(symlist) == 2: nd = symlist[1] else: if len(symlist) == 1: nd = symlist[0].children[1] break # content = nd.content if not in ("regexp", "char_ranges"): self.tree.new_error(node, "Lookbehind-parser can only be used with RegExp" " or PlainText-parsers, not: " + if not result.startswith(self.P['RegExp'] + '('): self.deferred_tasks.append(lambda: verify(node)) return result def on_difference(self, node: Node) -> str: assert len(node.children) == 2, str(node.as_sxpr()) left = self.compile(node.children[0]) right = self.compile(node.children[1]) return f"{self.P['Series']}({self.P['NegativeLookahead']}({right}), {left})" def on_element(self, node: Node) -> str: assert node.children assert len(node.children) == 2 assert node.children[0].name == "retrieveop" assert node.children[1].name == "symbol" prefix = node.children[0].content # type: str usage = node.children[1] arg = usage.content # type: str node.result = node.children[1:] assert prefix in {'::', ':?', ':'} if re.match(self.directives.disposable, arg): self.tree.new_error( node, 'Retrieve operator "%s" does not work with disposable parsers like %s' % (prefix, arg)) return arg custom_args = [] # type: List[str] match_func = 'last_value' # type: str if arg in self.directives.filter: match_func = self.directives.filter[arg] if prefix.endswith('?'): match_func = 'optional_' + match_func if match_func != 'last_value': custom_args = ['match_func=%s' % match_func] self.variables.setdefault(arg, []).append(usage) parser_class = self.PREFIX_TABLE[prefix] return self.non_terminal(node, parser_class, custom_args) def on_option(self, node) -> str: return self.non_terminal(node, 'Option') def on_repetition(self, node) -> str: return self.non_terminal(node, 'ZeroOrMore') def on_oneormore(self, node) -> str: return self.non_terminal(node, 'OneOrMore') def on_group(self, node) -> str: assert len(node.children) == 1, node.as_sxpr() return self.compile(node.children[0])
[docs] def extract_range(self, node) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns the range-value of a range-node as a tuple of two integers. """ assert == "range" assert all( == 'multiplier' for child in node.children) if len(node.children) == 2: r = (int(node.children[0].content), int(node.children[1].content)) if r[0] > r[1]: self.tree.new_error( node, "Upper bound %i of range is greater than lower bound %i!" % r) return r[1], r[0] return r else: assert len(node.children) == 1 return int(node.children[0].content), int(node.children[0].content)
[docs] def extract_counted(self, node) -> Tuple[Node, Tuple[int, int]]: """Returns the content of a counted-node in a normalized form: (node, (n, m)) where node is root of the sub-parser that is counted, i.e. repeated n or n up to m times. """ assert == 'counted' if len(node.children) != 2: self.tree.new_error(node, f'Wrong number of arguments for repetition: ' f'{len(node.children)} (two expected)!') return Node(ZOMBIE_TAG, '').with_pos(node.pos), (0, 0) rng = node.get('range', None) if rng: r = self.extract_range(rng) what = node.children[0] assert != 'range' else: # multiplier specified instead of range if node.children[0].name == 'multiplier': m = int(node.children[0].content) what = node.children[1] else: assert node.children[1].name == 'multiplier' m = int(node.children[1].content) what = node.children[0] if == 'option': what = what.children[0] r = (0, m) elif == 'oneormore': what = what.children[0] r = (m, INFINITE) elif == 'repetition': self.tree.new_error( node, 'Counting zero or more repetitions of something does not make sense! ' 'Its still zero or more repetitions all the same.') what = what.children[0] r = (0, INFINITE) else: r = (m, m) return what, r
def on_counted(self, node) -> str: what, r = self.extract_counted(node) # whatstr = self.compile(what) rstr = str(r).replace(str(INFINITE), 'INFINITE') mock_node = Node(, (what,)) return self.non_terminal(mock_node, 'Counted', ['repetitions=' + rstr]) def on_symbol(self, node: Node) -> str: # called only for symbols on the right hand side! symbol = node.content # ; assert result == cast(str, node.result) if symbol in self.directives.tokens: return f'{self.P["PreprocessorToken"]}("{symbol}")' # return 'PreprocessorToken("' + symbol + '")' else: self.current_symbols.append(node) self.symbols.setdefault(symbol, []).append(node) # remember use of symbol, so that dangling references or # redundant definitions or usages of symbols can be detected later if symbol in self.rules: self.forward.add(symbol) if symbol in EBNFCompiler.KEYWORD_SUBSTITUTION: keyword = EBNFCompiler.KEYWORD_SUBSTITUTION[symbol] self.required_keywords.add(keyword) return keyword elif symbol.endswith('__'): self.tree.new_error(node, 'Illegal use of reserved symbol name "%s"!' % symbol) return symbol def drop_on(self, category): return category in self.directives.drop and self.path[-2].name != "definition" def TEXT_PARSER(self, text, drop): return f'{self.P["Drop"]}({self.P["Text"]}({text}))' if drop \ else f'{self.P["Text"]}({text})' # return 'Drop(Text(' + text + '))' if drop else 'Text(' + text + ')' def REGEXP_PARSER(self, pattern, drop): REClass = "SmartRE" if pattern.find('(?P<') >= 0 else "RegExp" if pattern.find('(?x)') >= 0: m = next(re.finditer(r'\\n[ \t]*', pattern)) indent = len( - 2 pattern = re.sub(r'\\n[ \t]*', '\\\\n\n', pattern) parts = pattern.split('\n') pattern = wrap_str_literal(parts, offset = len(REClass) + 1 + indent) else: pattern = wrap_str_literal(pattern, 80, len(REClass) + 1) return f'{self.P["Drop"]}({self.P[REClass]}({pattern}))' if drop \ else f'{self.P[REClass]}({pattern})' def WSPC_PARSER(self, force_drop=False): if ((force_drop or DROP_WSPC in self.directives.drop or DROP_NO_COMMENTS in self.directives.drop) and (self.path[-2].name != "definition" or self.path[-1].name == 'literal')): return 'dwsp__' return 'wsp__' def on_literals(self, node: Node) -> str: self.join_literals(node) return self.on_literal(node)
[docs] def prepare_literal(self, node: Node) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Returns content, left_Whitespace, right_whitspace for a literal-node.""" assert == "literal" force = DROP_STRINGS in self.directives.drop left = self.WSPC_PARSER(force) if 'left' in self.directives.literalws else '' right = self.WSPC_PARSER(force) if 'right' in self.directives.literalws else '' content = node.content # escape_ctrl_chars(node.content) if (content[:1] + content[-1:]) == '’’': content = "'" + re.sub(r"(?<!\\)'", r"\'", content[1:-1]) + "'" return content, left, right
[docs] def whitespace_rx(self, ws: str) -> str: # TODO: doctests required """Returns a ragular expression for whitespace, possibly including comments""" if ws: # ws_rx = self.directives.super_ws ws_rx = '{WSP_RE__}' if ws in (self.DROP_WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, ""): if DROP_NO_COMMENTS in self.directives.drop: return f'(?P<{KEEP_COMMENTS_PTYPE}>{ws_rx})' else: return f'(?:{ws_rx})' else: assert ws == self.WHITESPACE_PARSER_KEYWORD, str(ws) return f'(?P<{WHITESPACE_PTYPE}>{ws_rx})' return ""
[docs] def literal_rx(self, content: str, left: str, right: str) -> str: """Returns a regular expression string to parse a literal. This can be used to optimize the parsing of literals with adjacent whitespace by defining a :py:class:`~parse:SmartRe`-parser with with regular expression.""" # TODO: doctests required left_rx = self.whitespace_rx(left) right_rx = self.whitespace_rx(right) if self.drop_on(DROP_STRINGS): center_rx = f'(?:{re.escape(content)})' else: center_rx = f'(?P<{TOKEN_PTYPE}>{re.escape(content)})' return ''.join([left_rx, center_rx.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}'), right_rx])
def on_literal(self, node: Node) -> str: # TODO: Test with self.optimization_level > 1 content, left, right = self.prepare_literal(node) if self.optimization_level >= 1 and (left or right): q = content[0] # rxp = repr(self.literal_rx(content[1:-1], left, right)) rxp = ''.join(['fr', q, self.literal_rx(content[1:-1], left, right), q]) rxp = wrap_str_literal(rxp, 80, 12 if self.drop_on(DROP_STRINGS) else 7) content = escape_ctrl_chars(content) content = ''.join([q, '\\', content[:-1], '\\', content[-1], q]) return f"{self.P['SmartRE']}({rxp}, {content})" center = self.TEXT_PARSER(escape_ctrl_chars(content), self.drop_on(DROP_STRINGS)) if left or right: args = ", ".join(item for item in (left, center, right) if item) return f'{self.P["Series"]}({args})' # return 'Series(' + ", ".join(item for item in (left, center, right) if item) + ')' return center def on_plaintext(self, node: Node) -> str: tk = escape_ctrl_chars(node.content) rpl = '"' if tk.find('"') < 0 else "'" if tk.find("'") < 0 else '' if rpl: tk = rpl + tk[1:-1] + rpl else: tk = rpl + tk.replace('"', '\\"')[1:-1] + rpl return self.TEXT_PARSER(tk, self.drop_on(DROP_BACKTICKED)) def on_regexp(self, node: Node) -> str: rx = node.content try: arg = repr(self.check_rx(node, rx)) except AttributeError as error: from traceback import extract_tb, format_list trace = ''.join(format_list(extract_tb(error.__traceback__))) errmsg = "%s (AttributeError: %s;\n%s)\n%s" \ % (EBNFCompiler.AST_ERROR, str(error), trace, node.as_sxpr()) self.tree.new_error(node, errmsg) return '"' + errmsg + '"' return self.REGEXP_PARSER(arg, self.drop_on(DROP_REGEXP)) def on_char_ranges(self, node) -> str: # TODO: Add alternative char_ranges handling here node.result = "|".join('[' + child.content + ']' for child in node.children if == "range_chain") return self.on_regexp(node) def on_char_range(self, node) -> str: # TODO: Add alternative char_ranges handling here if 'range_desc' in node: node = self.fallback_compiler(node) else: # old grammar, can be removed soon node = self.on_range_desc(node) re_str = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)'", r'\'', node.content) re_str = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)]", r'\]', re_str) return f"{self.P['RegExp']}('[{re_str}]')" def on_range_chain(self, node) -> Node: raise NotImplementedError def on_range_desc(self, node) -> Node: for child in node.children: if == 'character': child.result = self.extract_character(child) elif == 'free_char': child.result = self.extract_free_char(child) return node def extract_character(self, node: Node) -> str: hexcode = node.content if len(hexcode) > 4: assert len(hexcode) <= 8 code = '\\U' + (8 - len(hexcode)) * '0' + hexcode elif len(hexcode) > 2: code = '\\u' + (4 - len(hexcode)) * '0' + hexcode else: code = '\\x' + (2 - len(hexcode)) * '0' + hexcode return code def on_character(self, node: Node) -> str: return f"{self.P['RegExp']}('[{self.extract_character(node)}]')" # return "RegExp('%s')" % self.extract_character(node) def extract_free_char(self, node: Node) -> str: assert len(node.content) == 1 or (node.content[0:1] == '\\' and len(node.content) == 2), node.content bytestr = node.content.encode('unicode-escape') return bytestr.decode() def on_any_char(self, node: Node) -> str: return f'{self.P["AnyChar"]}()' def on_whitespace(self, node: Node) -> str: return self.WSPC_PARSER() def on_parser(self, node: Node) -> str: assert 1 <= len(node.children) <= 2, node.as_sxpr() name = self.compile(node['name']) if name not in ('Custom', 'CustomParser', 'Error', 'ERR'): self.py_symbols.add(name) if name == 'Error': name = 'ERR' argument = self.compile(node['argument']) return f'{self.P["Custom"]}({name}({argument}))' elif 'argument' in node: argument = self.compile(node['argument']) if argument[0:1] in ('"', "'"): arglist = re.sub(r',\s*', ',', argument.strip('"').strip("'")) for arg in arglist.split(','): # identify potential identifiers in string args if re.fullmatch(r'(?!\d)\w+', arg): self.py_symbols.add(arg) else: self.py_symbols.add(argument) return f'{self.P["Custom"]}({name}({argument}))' else: return f'{self.P["Custom"]}({name}())' def on_name(self, node: Node) -> str: assert not node.children return node.content def on_argument(self, node: Node) -> str: assert not node.children return node.content
def get_ebnf_compiler(grammar_name="", grammar_source="") -> EBNFCompiler: THREAD_LOCALS = access_thread_locals() try: compiler = THREAD_LOCALS.ebnf_compiler_singleton compiler.set_grammar_name(grammar_name, grammar_source) return compiler except AttributeError: compiler = EBNFCompiler(grammar_name, grammar_source) THREAD_LOCALS.ebnf_compiler_singleton = compiler return compiler
[docs] def compile_ebnf_ast(ast: RootNode) -> str: """Compiles the abstract-syntax-tree of an EBNF-source-text into python code of a class derived from `parse.Grammar` that can parse text following the grammar described with the EBNF-code.""" return get_ebnf_compiler()(ast)
######################################################################## # # EBNF compiler # ########################################################################
[docs] def compile_ebnf(ebnf_source: str, branding: str = 'DSL', *, preserve_AST: bool = False) \ -> CompilationResult: # -> (result, messages, AST) """ Compiles an `ebnf_source` (file_name or EBNF-string) and returns a tuple of the python code of the compiler, a list of warnings or errors and the abstract syntax tree (if called with the keyword argument ``preserve_AST=True``) of the EBNF-source. This function is merely syntactic sugar. """ result = compile_source(ebnf_source, get_ebnf_preprocessor(), get_ebnf_grammar(), get_ebnf_transformer(), get_ebnf_compiler(branding, ebnf_source), preserve_AST=preserve_AST) return result