Source code for compile

# - Syntax driven compilation support for DHParser
# Copyright 2016  by Eckhart Arnold (
#                 Bavarian Academy of Sciences an Humanities (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.

Module ``compile`` contains a skeleton class for syntax
driven compilation support. Class ``Compiler`` can serve as base
class for a compiler. Compiler objects
are callable and receive the Abstract syntax tree (AST)
as argument and yield whatever output the compiler produces. In
most Digital Humanities applications this will be
XML-code. However, it can also be anything else, like binary
code or, as in the case of DHParser's EBNF-compiler, Python
source code.

Function ``compile_source`` invokes all stages of the compilation
process, i.e. pre-processing, parsing, CST to AST-transformation
and compilation.

See module ``ebnf`` for a sample of the implementation of a
compiler object.

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import namedtuple
import copy
import functools
import os
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, List, Set, Dict, Union, Callable

from DHParser.configuration import get_config_value
from DHParser.preprocess import PreprocessorFunc
from DHParser.nodetree import Node, RootNode, EMPTY_PTYPE, Path
from DHParser.transform import TransformerFunc
from DHParser.parse import ParserFunc
from DHParser.preprocess import gen_neutral_srcmap_func
from DHParser.error import is_error, is_fatal, Error, FATAL, \
from DHParser.log import log_parsing_history, log_ST, is_logging
from DHParser.toolkit import load_if_file, is_filename, re, TypeAlias, \

__all__ = ('CompilerError',

[docs] class CompilerError(Exception): """ Exception raised when an error of the compiler itself is detected. Compiler errors are not to be confused with errors in the source code to be compiled, which do not raise Exceptions but are merely reported as an error. """ pass
ROOTNODE_PLACEHOLDER = RootNode() CompileMethod: TypeAlias = Callable[[Node], Any]
[docs] class Compiler: """ Class Compiler is the abstract base class for compilers. Compiler objects are callable and take the root node of the abstract syntax tree (AST) as argument and return the compiled code in a format chosen by the compiler itself. Subclasses implementing a compiler must define ``on_XXX()``-methods for each node name that can occur in the AST where 'XXX' is the node's name(for unnamed nodes it is the node's ptype without the leading colon ':'). These compiler methods take the node on which they are run as argument. Other than in the AST transformation, which runs depth-first, compiler methods are called forward moving starting with the root node, and they are responsible for compiling the child nodes themselves. This should be done by invoking the ``compile(node)``- method which will pick the right ``on_XXX()``-method or, more commonly, by calling ``fallback_compiler()``-methods which compiles of child-nodes and updates the tuple of children according to the results. It is not recommended to call the ``on_XXX()``-methods directly! Variables that are (re-)set only in the constructor and retain their value if changed during subesquent calls: :ivar forbid_returning_None: Default value: True. Most of the time, if a compiler-method (i.e. on_XXX()) returns None, this is a mistake due to a forgotten return statement. The method compile() checks for this mistake and raises an error if a compiler-method returns None. However, some compilers require the possibility to return None-values. In this case ``forbis_returing_None`` should be set to False in the constructor of the derived class. (Another Alternativ would be to return a sentinel object instead of None.) Object-Variables that are reset after each call of the Compiler-object: :ivar path: A list of parent nodes that ends with the currently compiled node. :ivar tree: The root of the abstract syntax tree. :ivar finalizers: A stack of tuples (function, parameters) that will be called in reverse order after compilation. :ivar has_attribute_visitors: A flag indicating that the class has attribute-visitor-methods which are named 'attr_ATTRIBUTENAME' and will be called if the currently processed node has one or more attributes for which such visitors exist. :ivar _dirty_flag: A flag indicating that the compiler has already been called at least once and that therefore all compilation variables must be reset when it is called again. :ivar _debug: A flag indicating that debugging is turned on. The value for this flag is read before each call of the configuration (see debugging section in :py:mod:`DHParser.configuration`). If debugging is turned on the compiler class raises en error if there is an attempt to be compiled one and the same node a second time. :ivar _debug_already_compiled: A set of nodes that have already been compiled. """ def __init__(self): self.has_attribute_visitors: bool = any(field[0:5] == 'attr_' and callable(getattr(self, field)) for field in dir(self)) self.forbid_returning_None: bool = True self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets alls variables to their default values before the next call of the object. """ self.tree = ROOTNODE_PLACEHOLDER # type: RootNode self.path = [] # type: Path self._dirty_flag = False self._debug = get_config_value('debug_compiler') # type: bool self._debug_already_compiled = set() # type: Set[Node] self.finalizers = [] # type: List[Tuple[Callable, Tuple]] self.method_dict = {} # type: Dict[str, CompileMethod]
[docs] def visitor_name(self, node_name: str) -> str: """ Returns the visitor_method name for `name`, e.g.:: >>> c = Compiler() >>> c.visitor_name('expression') 'on_expression' >>> c.visitor_name('!--') 'on_212d2d' """ if re.match(r'\w+$', node_name): return 'on_' + node_name if node_name[:1] == ':': vname = 'on_' + node_name[1:] + '__' if re.match(r'\w+$', vname): return vname letters = [] for ch in node_name: if not re.match(r'\w', ch): ch = hex(ord(ch))[2:] letters.append(ch) return 'on_' + ''.join(letters)
[docs] def attr_visitor_name(self, attr_name: str) -> str: """ Returns the visitor_method name for `attr_name`, e.g.:: >>> c = Compiler() >>> c.attr_visitor_name('class') 'attr_class' """ return 'attr_' + attr_name.replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_').replace(':', '_')
[docs] def prepare(self, root: RootNode) -> None: """ A preparation method that will be called after everything else has been initialized and immediately before compilation starts. This method can be overwritten in order to implement preparation tasks. """ pass
[docs] def finalize(self, result: Any) -> Any: """ A finalization method that is called after compilation has finished and after all tasks from the finalizers-stack have been executed """ if isinstance(self.tree, RootNode): self.tree.stage = '' # turn of stage-verification as default to keep matters simple return result
[docs] def wildcard(self, node: Node) -> Any: """ The wildcard method is called on nodes for which no other compilation- method has been specified. This allows to check, whether illegal nodes occur in the tree (although, a static structural validation is to be preferred.) or whether a compilation node has been forgotten. Per default, wildcard() just redirects to self.fallback_compiler() """ return self.fallback_compiler(node)
def __call__(self, root: Node) -> Any: """ Compiles the abstract syntax tree with the root node `node` and returns the compiled code. It is up to subclasses implementing the compiler to determine the format of the returned data. (This very much depends on the kind and purpose of the implemented compiler.) The ``__call__``-method is also responsible for initializations required before the compilation and the finalization the compilation has been finished by taking the following steps:: 1. reset all variables and initialize ``self.tree`` with ``root`` 2. call the :py:meth:`Compiler.prepare()`-method. 3. compile the syntax-tree originating in ``root`` by calling :py:meth:`Compiler.compile()` on the root-node. 4. call all finalizers in the ``self.finalizers``-list. 5. call the :py:meth:`Compiler.finalize()`-method. :param root: The root-node of the syntax tree to be compiled. ``root`` does not need to be of type :py:class:`~nodetree.RootNode` in order to allow compiling parts of a syntax tree. :returns: The resulting object of the compilation. """ if self._dirty_flag: self.reset() self._dirty_flag = True self.tree = root if isinstance(root, RootNode) else RootNode(root) self.prepare(self.tree) result = self.compile(self.tree) while self.finalizers: task, parameters = self.finalizers.pop() task(*parameters) result = self.finalize(result) return result def visit_attributes(self, node): if node.has_attr(): self.path.append(node) for attribute, value in tuple(node.attr.items()): try: attribute_visitor = self.__getattribute__(self.attr_visitor_name(attribute)) attribute_visitor(node, value) except AttributeError: pass self.path.pop()
[docs] def fallback_compiler(self, node: Node) -> Any: """This is a generic compiler function which will be called on all those node types for which no compiler method `on_XXX` has been defined.""" replacements = {} # type: Dict[int, Node] if node.children: for child in node.children: nd = self.compile(child) if id(nd) != id(child): replacements[id(child)] = nd if nd is not None and not isinstance(nd, Node): tn = raise TypeError( f'Fallback compiler for Node "{tn}" received a value of type ' f'`{type(nd)}` from child "{}" instead of the required ' f'return type `Node`. Override method `fallback_compiler()` or ' f'add method `{self.visitor_name(tn)}(self, node)` in class ' f'`{self.__class__.__name__}` to avoid this error!') if replacements: # replace Nodes the identity of which has been changed during transformation # and drop any returned None-results result = [] for child in node.children: nd = replacements.get(id(child), child) if nd is not None and != EMPTY_PTYPE: result.append(nd) node.result = tuple(result) if self.has_attribute_visitors: self.visit_attributes(node) return node
def find_compilation_method(self, node_name: str) -> CompileMethod: def wildcard_or_fallback(): if self.wildcard != Compiler.wildcard: return self.wildcard else: return self.fallback_compiler try: method = self.method_dict[node_name] # check cache, first except KeyError: method_name = self.visitor_name(node_name) try: method = self.__getattribute__(method_name) except AttributeError: if node_name.startswith(':'): try: method = self.__getattribute__('on_3a' + node_name[1:]) except AttributeError: method = wildcard_or_fallback() else: method = wildcard_or_fallback() self.method_dict[node_name] = method return method
[docs] def compile(self, node: Node) -> Any: """ Calls the compilation method for the given node and returns the result of the compilation. The method's name is derived from either the node's parser name or, if the parser is disposable, the node's parser's class name by adding the prefix ``on_``. Note that ``compile`` does not call any compilation functions for the parsers of the sub nodes by itself. Rather, this should be done within the compilation methods. """ if self._debug: assert node not in self._debug_already_compiled self._debug_already_compiled.add(node) compiler = self.find_compilation_method( self.path.append(node) result = compiler(node) self.path.pop() if self.has_attribute_visitors: self.visit_attributes(node) if result is None and self.forbid_returning_None: raise CompilerError( ('Method on_%s returned `None` instead of a valid compilation ' 'result! It is recommended to use `nodetree.EMPTY_NODE` as a ' 'void value. This Error can be turned off by adding ' '`self.forbid_returning_None = False` to the reset()-Method of your' 'compiler class, in case on_%s actually SHOULD be allowed to ' 'return None.') % (':', '3a'), self.visitor_name( return result
def logfile_basename(filename_or_text, function_or_class_or_instance) -> str: """Generates a reasonable logfile-name (without extension) based on the given information. """ if is_filename(filename_or_text): return os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename_or_text)[0]) else: try: name = function_or_class_or_instance.__qualname__ except AttributeError: name = function_or_class_or_instance.__class__.__name__ i = name.find('.') return name[:i] + '_out' if i >= 0 else name # processing pipeline support ######################################### CompilerFunc: TypeAlias = Union[Compiler, Callable[[RootNode], Any], functools.partial] CompilerFactory: TypeAlias = Union[Callable[[], CompilerFunc], functools.partial] CompilationResult = namedtuple('CompilationResult', ['result', ## type: Optional[Any] 'messages', ## type: List[Error] 'AST'], ## type: Optional[RootNode] module=__name__)
[docs] def NoTransformation(root: RootNode) -> RootNode: """Simply passes through the unaltered node-tree.""" return root
[docs] def compile_source(source: str, preprocessor: Optional[PreprocessorFunc], parser: ParserFunc, transformer: TransformerFunc = NoTransformation, compiler: CompilerFunc = NoTransformation, *, preserve_AST: bool = False) -> CompilationResult: """Compiles a source in four stages: 1. Pre-Processing (if needed) 2. Parsing 3. AST-transformation 4. Compiling. The later stages AST-transformation, compilation will only be invoked if no fatal errors occurred in any of the earlier stages of the processing pipeline. Function "compile_source" does not invoke any postprocessing after compiling. See functions: :py:func:`run_pipeline` and :py:func:`full_compile` for postprocessing and compiling plus postprocessing. :param source: The input text for compilation or a the name of a file containing the input text. :param preprocessor: text -> text. A preprocessor function or None, if no preprocessor is needed. :param parser: A parsing function or grammar class :param transformer: A transformation function that takes the root-node of the concrete syntax tree as an argument and transforms it (in place) into an abstract syntax tree. :param compiler: A compiler function or compiler class instance :param preserve_AST: Preserves the AST-tree. :returns: The result of the compilation as a 3-tuple (result, errors, abstract syntax tree). In detail: 1. The result as returned by the compiler or ``None`` in case of failure 2. A list of error or warning messages 3. The root-node of the abstract syntax tree if `preserve_ast` is True or `None` otherwise. """ ast = None # type: Optional[Node] try: original_text = load_if_file(source) # type: str except (FileNotFoundError, IOError) as e: return CompilationResult(None, [Error(str(e), 0, COMPILER_CRASH)], None) source_name = source if is_filename(source) else '' log_file_name = logfile_basename(source, compiler) if is_logging() else '' # type: str if not hasattr(parser, 'free_char_parsefunc__') or parser.history_tracking__: # log only for custom parser/transformer/compilers log_syntax_trees = get_config_value('log_syntax_trees') else: log_syntax_trees = set() # preprocessing errors = [] if preprocessor is None: source_text = original_text # type: str source_mapping = gen_neutral_srcmap_func(source_text, source_name) # lambda i: SourceLocation(source_name, 0, i) # type: SourceMapFunc else: _, source_text, source_mapping, errors = preprocessor(original_text, source_name) if has_errors(errors, FATAL): return CompilationResult(None, errors, None) # parsing syntax_tree: RootNode = parser(source_text, source_mapping=source_mapping) syntax_tree.docname = source_name if source_name else "DHParser_Document" for e in errors: syntax_tree.add_error(None, e) syntax_tree.source = original_text syntax_tree.source_mapping = source_mapping if 'CST' in log_syntax_trees: log_ST(syntax_tree, log_file_name + '.cst') if parser.history_tracking__: log_parsing_history(parser, log_file_name) # assert is_error(syntax_tree.error_flag) or str(syntax_tree) == strip_tokens(source_text), \ # str(syntax_tree) # Ony valid if neither tokens or whitespace are dropped early result = None if not is_fatal(syntax_tree.error_flag): # AST-transformation if is_error(syntax_tree.error_flag): # catch Python exception, because if an error has occurred # earlier, the syntax tree might not look like expected, # which could (fatally) break AST transformations. try: syntax_tree = transformer(syntax_tree) except Exception as e: syntax_tree.new_error(syntax_tree, "AST-Transformation failed due to earlier parser errors. " "Crash Message: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), AST_TRANSFORM_CRASH) else: syntax_tree = transformer(syntax_tree) assert isinstance(syntax_tree, RootNode) # syntax_tree.stage = 'AST' if 'AST' in log_syntax_trees: log_ST(syntax_tree, log_file_name + '.ast') if not is_fatal(syntax_tree.error_flag): if preserve_AST: ast = copy.deepcopy(syntax_tree) ast.stage = '' # turn stage-verification off on copied ast as default # Compilation result = process_tree(compiler, syntax_tree) messages = syntax_tree.errors_sorted # type: List[Error] # Obsolete, because RootNode adjusts error locations whenever an error is added: # adjust_error_locations(messages, original_text, source_mapping) return CompilationResult(result, messages, ast)
def filter_stacktrace(stacktrace: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Removes those frames from a formatted stacktrace that are located within the DHParser-code.""" n = 0 for n, frame in enumerate(stacktrace): i = frame.find('"') k = frame.find('"', i + 1) if frame.find("DHParser", i, k) < 0: break return stacktrace[n:]
[docs] def process_tree(tp: CompilerFunc, tree: RootNode) -> Any: """Process a tree with the tree-processor `tp` only if no fatal error has occurred so far. Catch any Python-exceptions in case any normal errors have occurred earlier in the processing pipeline. Don't catch Python-exceptions if no errors have occurred earlier. This behavior is based on the assumption that given any non-fatal errors have occurred earlier, the tree passed through the pipeline might not be in a state that is expected by the later stages, thus if an exception occurs it is not really to be considered a programming error. Processing stages should be written with possible errors occurring in earlier stages in mind, though. However, because it could be difficult to provide for all possible kinds of badly structured trees resulting from errors, exceptions occurring when processing potentially faulty trees will be dealt with gracefully. Tree processing should generally be assumed to change the tree in place. If the input tree shall be preserved, it is necessary to make a deep copy of the input tree, before calling process_tree. """ assert isinstance(tree, RootNode) result = None if not is_fatal(tree.error_flag): if is_error(tree.error_flag): # assume Python crashes are merely a consequence of earlier # errors, so let's catch them try: result = tp(tree) except Exception as e: node = (getattr(tp, 'path', [tree]) or [tree])[-1] # st = traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_tb(e.__traceback__)) # trace = ''.join(st) # filter_stacktrace(st) tree.new_error( node, "Tree-processing failed, most likely, due to errors earlier in " "the processing pipeline.", TREE_PROCESSING_CRASH) # "Crash Message: %s: %s\n%s" % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e), trace), # TREE_PROCESSING_CRASH) else: # assume Python crashes are programming mistakes, so let # the exceptions through result = tp(tree) return result
# TODO: Verify compiler against grammar, # i.e. make sure that for all on_X()-methods, `X` is the name of a parser # Does that make sense? Tag names could change during AST-Transformation! # TODO: AST validation against an ASDL-Specification or other structural validation # of trees Junction = namedtuple('Junction', ['src', 'factory', 'dst'], module=__name__) # DEPRECATED, use: pipeline.Junction FullCompilationResult = Dict[str, Tuple[Any, List[Error]]] # DEPRECATED, use pipeline.PipelineResult @deprecated('extract_data() has movee to the pipeline-module! Use "from DHParser.pipeline import extract_data"') def extract_data(tree_or_data): from DHParser import pipeline return extract_data(tree_or_data) @deprecated('end_points() has moved to the pipeline-module! Use "from DHParser.pipeline import end_points"') def end_points(junctions): from DHParser import pipeline return pipeline.end_points(junctions) @deprecated('full_pipeline() has been renamed and moved to the pipeline-module! Use "from DHParser.pipeline import full_pipeline"') def full_compile(source: str, preprocessor_factory, parser_factory, junctions, target_stages): from DHParser import pipeline return pipeline.full_pipeline(source, preprocessor_factory, parser_factory, junctions, target_stages)